Survey and One-on-One Qualitative Research of
Client Exporters and Export-Ready Companies
Registered with the Virtual Trade Commissioner

Executive Summary

Submitted to:
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
MARCH 2007

POR #: 393-06
Contract Award Date: 2007-02-22POR #: 393-06

Table of Contents

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The Good News

Many of the findings in this research demonstrate that clients of the VTC and TCS consider these services to provide value and utility in helping them do business abroad. This conclusion is supported by the following key findings:

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The Challenges Ahead

There are also findings in this research that point to challenges that must be addressed to improve perceptions of services offered by the Government of Canada to companies doing business abroad.

In particular, those services that clients identify as the most important are also services where perceived performance lags. Those key issues include:

The need for more and better information, particularly with respect to qualified, reliable business contacts, arises again and again.

Service issues are also important, particularly with respect to faster response times.

Another area that business look to government to address relate to business financing and managing the costs and financial hazards of doing business abroad.

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