Evaluation of the 2007-2008 International Youth Program's Advertising Campaign

Advertising Evaluation
Executive Summary
March 2008

Prepared for:
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Lester B. Pearson Building
125 Sussex Drive
2nd floor
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0G2

Contract #:08170-070470/001/CY

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Executive Summary


Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada oversees agreements that permit Canadian students to work or travel abroad, and for foreign students to come to Canada. The IYP advertising campaign took place from January 2008 to February, 2008. The campaign's primary objectives were to:

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Research Objectives

The objectives of this research were to establish:

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In order to achieve the research objectives, Ipsos-Reid conducted three phases of research.

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Questionnaire Development

The study required the development of three different questionnaires, one for each of the phases. The third phase questionnaire included the mandatory Government's Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool (ACET) and attempted to gauge:

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Notes on Reading This Report

Reporting on the Results of Scaled Questions

Several questions in this report asked respondents to answer based on a scale. For example, we asked respondents to evaluate the performance of the Government of Canada on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means terrible, 7 means excellent and 4 means neither good nor bad. When reporting on these data we collapse ratings on the scale to indicate overall responses. For example, on the question of performance of the Government of Canada, ratings of 5, 6 or 7 are reported as "positive" responses.

A note on small base sizes

In cases where base sizes are exceptionally small, rather than displaying percentages which could be misleading, responses are presented in frequencies.

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Key Findings

Overview of Wave One Findings

Overview of Wave Two and Three Findings

Comparison of Pre and Post Campaign Findings, Among Youth

Performance of the Government of Canada - General Public

Attributes of Government of Canada service - General Public

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