Executive Summary
Internal Communications Benchmark Survey 2008

POR 458-07
Contract Date: March 3rd, 2008

Contract#: 08170-070684/001/CY

Prepared for
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Lester B. Pearson Building
125 Sussex Drive
2nd floor, "C" Tower
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0G2

Executive Summary

This report presents the results of research conducted by telephone and online with 700 DFAIT employees between March 29 and April 29, 2008. The objectives of this research were to set benchmarks for the internal communications function within the department, to identify different communications vehicles employees most use to obtain information, to understand their preferred methods of communication, and to evaluate new communications initiatives recently introduced (or potentially introduced) by the internal communications group. Outlined below are the major findings from this research.

Overall, this data suggests that the internal communications function is working quite well. Looking specifically at potential areas for improvement, we suggest DFAIT focus on areas where employees feel they are not receiving adequate information. This includes information specifically pertaining to executive committee decisions, government-wide policies and decisions, human resources updates, and staff accomplishments. It is these areas where a plurality of employees believes they are not receiving adequate communications. As for the delivery mechanism, we would recommend that this type of information be sent to employees directly rather than be available, as a majority of staff identified this vehicle of communication for these kinds of information.