DFAIT Creative Concept Testing for the Travel.gc.ca Website

Submitted to: Department of Foreign Affair and International Trade
October 31, 2012 by TNS
Contract Number: 08170-120093-001-CY
Contract Award Date: 08-09-2012
Fieldwork Dates: 10-10-2012 – 10-11-2012

Ce rapport est également disponible en français

Certificate of Political Neutrality

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of TNS Canadian Facts that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Norman Baillie-David, CMRP
Vice President
Director of Public Opinion Research
TNS Canadian Facts


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Sommaire de Gestion
  3. Objectives, Approach & Methodology
  4. Detailed Findings
  5. Recommendations

Executive Summary

Research Objectives


Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of TNS Canadian Facts that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Norman Baillie-David, CMRP
Vice President, Director of Public Opinion Research

Total Study Cost

The total cost of this study, excluding HST, amounted to $44,137.95.


Suitcase would be the recommended concept to proceed with if DFAIT is required to select one for advertising for the new Travel.gc.ca website.

DFAIT will use the results to improve the creative concepts so that the Travel.gc.ca website resonates with the target audience in the intended manner.

Sommaire de gestion

Objectifs de la recherche


Certificat de neutralité politique

À titre de cadre supérieur chez TNS Canadian Facts, je certifie par la présente que les livrables respectent entièrement les exigences de neutralité politique du gouvernement du Canada élaborées dans la Politique de communication du gouvernement du Canada et de la Procédure de planification et d’attribution de marchés de services de recherche sur l’opinion publique. Plus spécifiquement, les livrables ne contiennent aucune information sur les intentions de vote électoral, les préférences quant aux partis politiques, les positions des partis ou les évaluations de rendement d’un parti politique ou de ses chefs.

Norman Baillie-David, CMRP
Vice-président, Directeur de la recherche sur l’opinion publique

Valeur du contrat

Le coût total de cette étude, incluant le TVH, s’élevait à 44 137,95 $.


Le MAECI utilisera les résultats pour améliorer les concepts créatifs de manière à ce que le site Voyage.gc.ca rejoigne le public cible de la manière prévue.

Objectives, Approach, Methodology
Research Objectives



Group Date Participants
General Population, 25-54 yrs (English) October 10, 4:30 pm 1 Male, 4 Females
General Population, 25-54 yrs (French) October 10, 4:30 pm 2 Males, 4 Females
Multicultural (English) October 10, 6:30 pm 4 Males, 1 Female
Multicultural (French) October 10, 6:30 pm 1 Male, 2 Females
Snowbirds (English) October 11, 4:30 pm 4 Females
Snowbirds (French) October 11, 4:30 pm 2 Males, 6 Females
Youth (English) October 11, 6:30 pm 1 Male, 6 Females
Youth (French) October 11, 6:30 pm 4 Females

*Please note that the target of six to eight participants was not achieved in five of the eight groups as the fieldwork dates were moved up by over one week resulting in the recruitment period being shortened by eight days.

Interpretive Note: Although qualitative research (e.g. in depth interviews, focus groups) is highly valuable for providing insight into the needs, attitudes and opinions of an organization’s target audience, customers and prospects, the results cannot be deemed to accurately reflect the views of any wider group of individuals than those who participated.

Travelling Tendencies


hotel reservation, flights, car rentals, where to go, what to see” – Multicultural, English

How safe the destination is, Price, What there is to do down there.” – 25-54 yrs, English

I make most of my travel decisions based on price, ease of getting to the destination, and it must be a place I haven't been before” – 25-54 yrs, English

Travel Information


The internet is pretty good - sites like DFAIT help a lot with foreign locations and discount sites help with finding deals.” – 25-54 yrs, English

I didn't travel to any destination that raised my concern, therefore I didn't check with Gov of Canada web site.” – Multicultural, English

On the internet, I usually find all the info I need. For accommodations, we can rely on Hotels.com, Expedia and others.” – Snowbird, English

The Concepts
Creative Materials

  1. Checkmark
  2. Icon
  3. Suitcase

First Impressions of the Creative Concepts


“I like the first (Checkmark) image it's very different and creative” – Youth, English

“The first image (Checkmark) is very confusing. It took awhile to determine it was a Maple Leaf - the colors are also pretty bad. The second (Icon) is better but boring and unattractive. What object is the plane flying around?” – 25-54 yrs, English

“The suitcase immediately catches my eye because it says ‘Canada’ and ‘travel’…” – Multicultural, English

Three Executions of the Checkmark Concept

  1. Animated banner in “Flash”
  2. Horizontal and Vertical Print & Online Image
  3. Web takeover

Strengths of the Checkmark Concept


“The colors, Love the eye catching color and symbols” – Youth, English

“I really like that one. I would go without hesitation to this site” – Snowbird, English

« Les couleurs, la continuité des crochets c'est beau» – Youth, French

“Like it - tells you in simple terms that this is a ‘one stop shop’ for all the info you'll need for trip prep” – Multicultural, English

“I actually think it's more fun than what I would expect from the Government of Canada” – Youth, English

Weaknesses of the Checkmark Concept


“Not in this format (to look at it in the airport), the checked logos distract from the message” – Multicultural, English

« Je mettrais la feuille d'érable officielle plus grosse et je laisserais tomber la feuille stylisée de plusieurs couleurs» – Snowbird, English

"I think it is too visually overwhelming personally. I like the checkmarks but its a bit hard to concentrate on the writing when the leaf is so bright and so much going on in it" – Youth, English

“I rarely take action on ads, and as just mentioned get peeved that my tax dollars are being wasted. If this is an online resource, spend the money on making sure the website pops up on the first 1/3 of the search results” – 25-54 yrs, English

Three Executions of the Icon Concept

  1. Animated banner in “Flash”
  2. Horizontal and Vertical Print & Online Image
  3. Web takeover

Strengths of the Icon Concept


«j'aime l'information mais le design est simpliste» – 25-54 years, French

"A bit boring but much cleaner and easier to follow" – 25-54 yrs, English

"No it looks more like Expedia or some other travel site. I think it's the cartoonyness as I've mentioned before" – Youth, English

“Everything you need to know for travelling is on one website. and yes that message comes through clearly to me”– Multicultural, English

«le gouvernement est clairement identifié, les informations sont offertes sur des sujets variés, l'information disponible pour les frontières peut aider des personnes» – Snowbirds, French

Weaknesses of the Icon Concept


“Much clearer than the last (Checkmark). Boring colors though. The grey backdrop is pretty dull” – 25-54 yrs, English

“I felt like this ad was all business and no pleasure. The gravel colored banner is not very interesting“ – Youth, English

«plusieurs autres application aussi on un logo semblable on peut se tromper» – 25-54 years, French

“The colouring is the one thing I do not like. It is too drab” – Multicultural, English

Three Executions of the Suitcase Concept

  1. Animated banner in “Flash”
  2. Horizontal and Vertical Print & Online Image
  3. Web takeover

Strengths of the Suitcase Concept


“I like the moving suitcase and the sound of an airport. It makes you think about travelling. The only negative is as said before - appears to be only for safety.“ – 25-54 yrs, English

“I like this one the best, fun and easy to understand and to the point“ – Youth, English

«Plus visuel, plus animé, meilleur contraste de couleurs, pas trop d'informations écrites» – Snowbird, French

“The ad design draws you in so I would stop to look and, out of curiosity, would probably check out the site” – Multicultural, English

Weaknesses of the Suitcase Concept


“The tag line only focuses on ‘safe’, and doesn’t include many of the other important factors that the ‘icon’ one alluded to.“ – 25-54 yrs, English

“I REALLY don't think this website takeover does the ad concept justice“ – Youth, English

“I think design wise it is very nicely done, but it needs more information on what exactly I can find on this site“ – Multicultural, English

Comparative Analysis Of The Concepts
The Best Liked Concept


“Suitcase because only of its colour. As far as clarity of information goes, the checkmark one was best“ – Multicultural, English

“Mine was suitcase because it was fun looking and drove the point of traveling which this website is all about“ – Youth, English

« le 3eme il est plus explicite sans qu'on ait à visiter on peut s'imaginer ce dont il est question» – Snowbird, French

“Third one (Suitcase) stands out better because of the Maple Leaf“ – 25-54 years, English

The Concepts on Mobile

  1. Checkmark
  2. Icon
  3. Suitcase

The Mobile App is Popular


“The second one (Icon) doesn’t look like it relates to Canada“ – 25-54 yrs, English

“Love the (checkmark) maple leaf one best for that, suitcase just behind that“ – Youth, English

“I would not download the app because I use my phone for phone calls only“ – Snowbirds, English

«le plus clair est le 2e...mais mon oeil est plus attiré vers le 3e symbole» – Youth, French

“I would hope to be able to get country specific information as well as specifics on safety/security and country information/guidelines“ – 25-54 yrs, English

Moving Forward…