Text Descriptions

Figure 1: Role of respondents
Owner/operator 55%
Operations (e.g. supervisor, manager) 13%
Director (e.g. supervisor, manager) 7%
Vice President 5%
President 4%
Other 4%

Return to Figure 1

Figure 2: Familiarity with Company’s International Business Activities
I am aware of my company's international business activities, but I am not directly involved 21%
I am directly involved in my company's international business strategy 28%
I am responsible for my company's international business strategy 51%

Return to Figure 2

Figure 3: Length of Time Exporting
Less than 2 years 10%
Between 2 and 5 years 19%
Between 6 and 10 years 20%
More than 10 years 50%

Return to Figure 3

Figure 4: Company Revenues
Under $250,000 41%
$250,000 to less than $1 million 26%
$1 million to less than $10 million 24%
$10 million to less than $50 million 6%
$50 million or more 3%

Return to Figure 4

Figure 5: Industry/sector
Professional, scientific and technical services 27%
Information and cultural industries 23%
Retail trade 17%
Manufacturing 12%
Transportation and warehousing 8%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing 5%
Mining, oil and gas extraction 4%
Accommodation and food services 3%
Energy 1%
Other 1%

Return to Figure 5

Figure 6: Headquarter Location
North 1%
West 44%
Ontario 35%
Quebec 15%
Atlantic 4%

Return to Figure 6

Figure 7: Number of employees
Under 5 46%
5-19 33%
20-49 8%
50-99 7%
100-199 1%
200-499 2%
500 and over 2%

Return to Figure 7

Figure 8: Company Trade Activities
Exporting services to foreign market(s) 48%
Exporting goods to foreign market(s) 48%
Importing goods or services from outside Canada 43%
Engaged in a partnership or joint venture with a foreign company 19%
Seeking R&D or technology partnership opportunities 18%
Seeking international sources of project financing or venture capital 16%
Licensing a product, brand or technology to a foreign organization 8%
Licensing a product, brand or technology from a foreign company 8%

Return to Figure 8

Figure 9: Export Markets
Only to the U.S. 29%
U.S. and other foreign markets 59%
Foreign markets excluding the U.S. 12%

Return to Figure 9

Figure 10: Current Export Markets
North America 71%
Europe 67%
Asia and Pacific 55%
Central and South America 27%
Middle East and Africa 22%
Other 4%

Return to Figure 10

Figure 11: Current Export Markets: North America
United States 97%
Mexico 24%

Return to Figure 11

Figure 12: Current Export Markets: Top European Destinations
United Kingdom 55%
France 41%
Germany 38%
Italy 23%
Belgium 19%
Ireland 18%
Netherlands 18%
Switzerland 18%
Spain 18%
Sweden 16%
Austria 15%
Greece 14%
Portugal 13%
Finland 13%
Denmark 12%
Russia 11%

Return to Figure 12

Figure 13: Current Export Markets: Top Asia and Pacific Destinations
Australia 49%
China 36%
Japan 32%
New Zealand 26%
Hong Kong, SAR 20%
India 20%
Taiwan 17%
Korea, Republic 13%
Singapore 13%
Philippines 12%
Thailand 11%

Return to Figure 13

Figure 14: Current Export Markets: Top Central and South American Destinations
Brazil 42%
Chile 26%
Argentina 22%
Colombia 22%
Trinidad and Tobago 16%
Costa Rica 16%
Jamaica 16%
Panama 14%
Dominican Republic 13%
Barbados 13%
Peru 12%
Cuba 12%
Venezuela 11%

Return to Figure 14

Figure 15: Current Export Markets: Top Middle Eastern and African Destinations
United Arab Emirates 35%
Israel 35%
South Africa 32%
Saudi Arabia 25%
Egypt 18%
Tanzania 15%
Morocco 14%
Qatar 14%
Nigeria 13%
Mali 12%
Kuwait 10%
Jordan 10%
Ethiopia 10%

Return to Figure 15

Figure 16: Future Export Markets
Europe 43%
Asia and Pacific 42%
Central and South America 25%
Middle East and Africa 22%
North America 16%
Other 3%
We're not interested in other markets 33%

Return to Figure 16

Figure 17: Future Export Markets: Countries
Australia 20%
New Zealand 15%
United Kingdom 14%
Brazil 13%
China 12%
Sweden 12%
Germany 12%
France 11%
Japan 11%
Mexico 11%
South Africa 10%
Belgium 10%
Denmark 10%

Return to Figure 17

Figure 18: Obstacles to Activities in International Markets
  No obstacle at all Minor obstacle Moderate obstacle Major obstacle
Value of the Canadian dollar 31% 22% 26% 21%
Uncertainty of regulatory requirements 33% 28% 26% 13%
Lack of market contacts 35% 29% 24% 11%
Foreign tariffs/trade barriers 36% 25% 27% 11%
Lack of info on biz opportunities 38% 26% 24% 12%
Linguistic/cultural obstacles 43% 30% 20% 7%
Lack of access to financing/funding 47% 21% 18% 14%
Canadian export taxes or permits 48% 24% 17% 12%
Labour availability/skills 50% 24% 17% 9%
Discriminatory treatment of Canadian investors 51% 21% 20% 6%
Patent/IP concerns 52% 17% 21% 10%
Corruption 52% 19% 18% 11%

Return to Figure 18

Figure 19: Assistance Required to Develop Foreign Markets
  No assistance at all Very little assistance Some assistance A great deal
Understanding business practices in foreign markets 33% 21% 31% 14%
Market intelligence and information 33% 19% 30% 18%
Information about companies in foreign markets 34% 23% 29% 14%
Referrals to international sales leads 35% 17% 31% 16%
Referrals to legal, HR, translators, other professionals 39% 25% 25% 12%
Referrals to other commercial programs/services 40% 19% 27% 14%
Recommendations on trade fairs/trade missions 41% 22% 27% 11%
Support for IPR protection, govt. procurement, regulatory matters 42% 17% 25% 16%
Practical advice on organizing business trip 44% 24% 23% 9%
Information/advice on financial assistance 45% 17% 22% 16%
Referrals to R&D partnership opportunities 47% 18% 24% 11%

Return to Figure 19

Figure 20: Awareness of Free Trade Agreements
  Never heard about it Heard about it/do not know details Heard about it/know some details Heard about it/aware of details
CUFTA 64% 25% 8% 7%
CIFTA 57% 30% 10% 3%
CCFTA 54% 32% 12% 3%
CKFTA 52% 33% 11% 3%
CPTPP 28% 37% 28% 7%
CETA 27% 41% 26% 7%

Return to Figure 20

Figure 21: Use of Free Trade Agreements
  Currently use Plan to use Don’t know/not sure
CETA (n= 397) 9% 17% 73%
CKFTA (n= 272) 7% 14% 79%
CUFTA (n= 226) 5% 16% 79%
CCFTA (n= 261) 5% 14% 81%
CIFTA (n= 252) 5% 16% 80%

Return to Figure 21

Figure 22: Likelihood of Trading with CPTPP Countries
Very likely 9%
Somewhat likely 21%
Not very likely 21%
Not at all likely 23%
Already trade with CPTPP countries 7%
Don't know/not sure 21%

Return to Figure 22

Figure 23: Outlook for Import Volumes from the Asia-Pacific Region
Increase significantly 5%
Increase somewhat 27%
Stay about the same 30%
Decrease somewhat 6%
We do not import from the Asia-Pacific region 21%
Don't know/not sure 8%

Return to Figure 23

Figure 24: Use of other free trade agreements
  Currently use Plan to use Do not plan to use Don’t know/not sure
North American Free Trade Agreement 33% 22% 20% 25%
Canada-European Free Trade Association Free Trade Agreement 7% 20% 39% 34%
Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement 3% 8% 56% 33%
Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement 2% 7% 63% 28%
Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement 2% 8% 60% 30%
Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement 1% 5% 65% 29%
Canada-Jordan Free Trade Agreement 1% 4% 65% 29%
Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement 1% 7% 60% 31%

Return to Figure 24

Figure 25: Awareness of free trade discussions or negotiations
  Never heard about it Heard about it/do not know details Heard about it/know some details Heard about it/aware of details
Canada-MERCOSUR free trade agreement negotiations 75% 16% 7% 2%
Canada-ASEAN exploratory discussions 60% 28% 9% 3%
Canada-Pacific Alliance free trade negotiations 44% 37% 15% 4%

Return to Figure 25

Figure 26: Reasons for Not Using Free Trade Agreements
Don't see any benefit 34%
Difficult to take advantage of FTA 30%
Lack of information on FTA 26%
Not interested in the markets accessible through FTAs 19%
Did not know FTAs exist 13%
Complex eligibility requirements 12%
FTAs do not apply to our product/service 10%
Reduction in tariffs is not worth the administrative costs 8%
Lack of financing to facilitate cross border trade 7%
Barriers resulting from linguistic/cultural differences 6%
Barriers resulting from differences in legal systems 5%
Use another trade agreement 3%
Could not meet the rules of origin 2%
Use alternative duty relief measures 2%
Other 9%

Return to Figure 26

Figure 27: Benefits of Using Free Trade Agreements
Tariff reduction/elimination on goods 58%
Better conditions for exporting your services 23%
Easier access to government procurement opportunities 20%
Greater business certainty/stability due to investment clauses 17%
Labour mobility clauses/temporary entry 16%
Other 6%

Return to Figure 27

Figure 28: Customs Duties
Reduced customs duties under free trade agreements is claimed by … %
… my company 80%
… by the importer of goods 76%
… my manufacturer 68%

Return to Figure 28

Figure 29: Reasons for Not Claiming Reduced Customs Duties
  No impact at all A small impact A moderate impact A big impact
Good not covered by FTA 58% 17% 15% 10%
Use tariff preferences available under WTO 50% 28% 8% 15%
Did not know they needed to apply 45% 26% 7% 22%
Long delays associated with obtaining Origin Declarations 40% 30% 14% 16%
Do not understand FTAs/eligibility requirements/rules of origin 38% 41% 7% 14%
High administrative costs of obtaining Origin Declarations 37% 26% 16% 21%
Did not see a significant tariff reduction 31% 31% 12% 26%

Return to Figure 29

Figure 30: Impact of free trade agreements on labour mobility
As a result of free trade agreements … Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Our company has sent staff to free trade agreement markets 24% 31% 42% 3% 1%
Our company has increased the number of business trips taken to FTA markets 22% 22% 42% 14%  
Our company's management and personnel have more capacity to work in FTA markets 22% 44% 35%    
Our company's management and personnel have more capacity to access opportunities as contractors in FTA markets 20% 37% 39% 1% 2%

Return to Figure 30

Figure 31: Impact of free trade agreements on business practices
As a result of free trade agreements … Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Our company has improved supply chain arrangements or integration 6% 33% 39% 12% 10%
Our company has improved contractual arrangements with buyers 10% 25% 44% 9% 11%
Our company has changed administrative practices to build in FTA-related processes 6% 27% 38% 17% 12%

Return to Figure 31

Figure 32: Influence of free trade agreements on export strategy
Free trade agreements influenced my company’s export strategy … %
… a great deal 14%
… a moderate amount 27%
… a small amount 33%
Not at all 26%

Return to Figure 32

Figure 33: Areas in which free trade agreements influenced export strategy
Free trade agreements influenced my company’s decision to … A great deal A moderate amount A small amount Not at all
… sell a wider range of goods or services 29% 26% 23% 22%
… conduct a broader range of business activities 29% 30% 25% 16%
… engage in offshoring or outsourcing 21% 25% 26% 28%
… invest in a country covered by a free trade agreement 20% 24% 26% 31%
… establish abroad 20% 24% 16% 40%
… bid for government procurement contracts in FTA markets 18% 19% 23% 41%

Return to Figure 33

Figure 34: Other benefits of free trade agreements
Increase in sales/revenue 40%
Company has been able to sell to new customers in FTA markets 31%
Company has increased sales to existing customers 30%
Our company has not experienced any benefits 28%
Products are more price competitive in our export market(s) 26%
Access to specialized goods and materials outside of Canada 24%
Access to specialized expertise/services outside of Canada 13%
Other 1%

Return to Figure 34

Figure 35: Awareness of GoC resources and information
I am aware of Government of Canada information and resources to help companies expand abroad 82%
Not aware of Government of Canada information and resources 18%

Return to Figure 35

Figure 36: Awareness of TCS
Aware of TCS 50%
Not aware of TCS 50%

Return to Figure 36

Figure 37: Source of Awareness of TCS
Internet 41%
Referral from EDC 13%
Referral from BDC 11%
Third party event 10%
Referral from a federal government body 6%
Referral from another organization 5%
Referral from a provincial government body 7%
Referral from CCC 3%
Other 3%

Return to Figure 37

Figure 38: Information Sources for Doing Business Abroad
Industry/business associations 32%
Business associate/colleague/partner 32%
Websites/tools of trade promotion organizations 29%
Professional services 22%
Business trade publications 22%
Customs broker/freight forwarder 21%
Shipping companies 18%
Financial institutions 16%
Professional advisors 16%
Brokers 12%
Private training courses 8%
Retailer 4%
Other 3%

Return to Figure 38

Figure 39: Information Sources Used to Stay on Top of Industry Trends
To stay on top of industry trends and general business information I use … %
Online 77%
Social Media 46%
Print publications 18%
Facebook 10%
Specialized publications 9%
Television 7%
Twitter 6%
Radio 4%
Word of mouth 4%
Other 3%

Return to Figure 39

Figure 40: Preferred Methods to Consume information
When learning or researching something new, my preferred method to consume is to … %
… read articles 59%
… get answers from an expert 46%
… have step-by-step guides 32%
… attend in-person training 31%
… read whitepapers 29%
… watch short videos 26%
… attend webinars 19%
… read blogs 14%
Other 3%

Return to Figure 40

Figure 41: Preferred Methods to Read information
When learning or researching something new, my preferred method to read the information is to … %
… have the information summarized in an executive summary 36%
… read everything 33%
… look at charts/tables/infographics to understand the main points 17%
… skim the information to get the main points 15%

Return to Figure 41

Figure 42: Preferred Device for Various Activities
  Laptop/Notebook Desktop Smartphone Tablet Would not do this activity digitally
Visit a website 67% 63% 48% 34% 1%
Read emails 63% 61% 53% 28%  
Answer emails 62% 61% 49% 23%  
Read an article 56% 55% 35% 29% 3%
Look at an infographic 56% 55% 24% 22% 4%
Attend a webinar 56% 50% 14% 10% 5%
Keep up to date with social media 55% 53% 45% 28% 2%
Participate in a chat session 53% 49% 37% 18% 3%
Manage your calendar 52% 45% 41% 18% 12%
Apply for financial support 45% 41% 13% 10% 24%

Return to Figure 42

Figure 43: Approach to Researching Something New
When researching something new I would … %
… start searching online, then make a decision about next steps 83%
… call someone to figure out where to look, then search online 12%
… would only look at information through my inbox first 3%
… ask someone to reseach the information and present the findings 2%

Return to Figure 43

Figure 44: Companies or regions where companies are active
Central and South America Europe Asia and the Pacific Middle East and Africa North America
Argentina Czech Republic Australia Saudi Arabia Mexico
Caribbean Germany China South Africa  
Chile Poland Hong Kong West Africa  
Colombia Russia India    
Jamaica Sweden Japan    
  United Kingdom New Zealand    

Return to Figure 44