Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Reports = Rapports de recherche sur l'opinion publique publiés par le gouvernement du Canada

Health Canada = Santé Canada - 2007

POR 122-06 - Manitoba follow-up survey on the tobacco retail environment, 2006, report

POR 208-06 - Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating : Health Canada usability research, final report

POR 256-06 - Focus testing of the Food Guide adaptation for First Nations, Inuit and Métis, final report

POR 256-06 - Groupes de discussion sur le guide alimentaire adapté aux Premières nations, aux Métis et aux Inuits, rapport final

POR 259-06 - Testing of mock-ups of health warning messages and warning notices on tobacco product advertisements for smokeless tobacco, final report

POR 272-06 - Canadians' recall of tobacco industry advertising and purchase patterns of cigarettes

POR 274-06 - Qualitative testing of drinking water advisories public service announcements in First Nations communities, final report

POR 274-06 - Évaluation qualitative de messages d'intérêt public au sujet d'avis sur la qualité de l'eau potable dans les collectivités des Premières nations, rapport final

POR 277-06 - Qualitative research with intermediaries working with Aboriginal clients and communities in the area of suicide prevention, final report

POR 277-06 - Étude qualitative auprès des intermédiaires oeuvrant auprès des clients et des collectivités autochtones dans le contexte de la prévention du suicide, rapport final

POR 278-06 - Views of physicians regarding the use of marihuana for medical purposes, final report

POR 282-06 - Health Canada IT client satisfaction survey 2007

POR 283-06 - The 2006/07 second-hand smoke advertising campaign: ACET recall survey, final report

POR 283-06 - Pre and post evaluation of the 2006/07 second-hand smoke advertising campaign among smoking parents, final report

POR 293-06 - Views on trans fats: findings from focus group research, final report

POR 294-06 - Domestic substances list, web site testing, final report

POR 301-06 - Canadians' views and needs relative to consumer product safety survey, final report

POR 310-06 - Qualitative research on risk communication approaches to animal biotechnology, final report

POR 314-06 - Qualitative review of youth "Drugs A-Z", Phase 1

POR 316-06 - Aboriginal healthy pregnancy advertising and social marketing campaign focus testing, final report

POR 316-06 - Évaluation de la campagne de publicité et de marketing social sur la grossesse en santé chez les Autochtones, rapport final

POR 328-06 - Qualitative exploration of Canadian youth and tobacco retailer's views regarding the prohibition of tobacco sales to youth, final report

POR 336-06 - Qualitative assessment of healthy eating and physical activity/tax credit concepts, final report

POR 357-06 - Results of a review of the Canadian Health Network (CHN), final report

POR 357-06 - Résultats d'un examen du Réseau canadien de la santé (RCS), rapport final

POR 364-06 - Discount smokers in Ontario and Quebec : exploratory analysis, final report

POR 365-06 - Occasional smokers in Canada: a qualitative and quantitative study, final report

POR 372-06 - Health Canada performance survey, final report

POR 372-06 - Sondage sur le rendement de Santé Canada, rapport définitif

POR 373-06 - The persistent smoker in Canada, final report

POR 382-06 - Quantitative research on oral health 2007, final report

POR 385-06 - Underutilization of the adverse reaction reporting system, final report

POR 392-06 - Second hand smoke in multiple unit residential buildings

POR 394-06 - Health Canada green procurement awareness survey

POR 410-06 - Dosimetry services and dental hygienists

POR 425-06 - Focus testing of pesticide messages and labels, final report

POR 432-06 - Adverse reaction reporting : survey with health professionals, final report

POR 443-06 - 2007 National radon and indoor air quality survey, final report

POR 443-06 - Sondage national de 2007 sur le radon et la qualité de l'air intérieur, rapport final

POR 446-06 - Sustainable development, health and the social dimension: qualitative research with a panel of experts, final report

POR 487-06 - Canadians and indoor air quality, final report

POR 487-06 - Les canadiens et la qualité de l'air à l'intérieur des maisons, rapport final

POR 503-06 - Quantitative research on indoor air quality and mould in First Nations households, final report

POR 508-06 - 2007 healthy eating qualitative concept testing, final report

POR 522-06 - Electronic health information and privacy survey: what Canadians think - 2007

POR 522-06 - Sondage sur les renseignements de santé électroniques et la protection de la vie privée: le point de vue des Canadiens - 2007

POR 531-06 - Post-campaign healthy eating/physical activity evaluation, final report

POR 533-06 - Aboriginal healthy pregnancy recall of ad campaign, final report

POR 030-07 - Focus testing of air quality health index brand names, taglines and graphics, final report

POR 031-07 - Drinking water on-reserve: part of the First Nations People On-Reserve Study

POR 031-07 - L'eau potable dans les réserves: dans le cadre de l'Étude auprès des Premières Nations dans les réserves

POR 038-07 - Health Canada survey of priorities for children and youth, final report

POR 060-07 - Public Affairs, Consultation and Regions Branch (PACRB) survey of new employees, final report

POR 083-07 - FNIHB injury prevention material testing: Journey to the Teachings, final report

POR 104-07 - Canada Homescan panel track survey results

POR 117-07 - Focus group research with intermediaries who promote healthy eating among specific ethno-cultural communities, final report

POR 124-07 - Health and wellness priorities findings from qualitative research, final report

POR 154-07 - Testing of bilingual health warning notices for tobacco industry print advertising, final report

POR 185-07 - Qualitative testing of toxic emissions statements, final report

POR 185-07 - Étude qualitative sur les messages relatifs aux émissions toxiques, rapport final

POR 195-07 - Qualitative study on the use and understanding on nutrition labelling