Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Reports = Rapports de recherche sur l'opinion publique publiés par le gouvernement du Canada

Health Canada = Santé Canada - 2008

POR 135-07 - Assessing the combined healthy eating and physical activity guide and exploring possible adaptations for future use, final report

POR 176-07 - Women's views on cosmetic claims and labelling, final report

POR 189-07 - National youth drug prevention strategy : youth focus groups

POR 201-07 - The health effects of tobacco and health warning messages on cigarette packages : survey of adults and adult smokers, final report

POR 201-07 - Les effets du tabac sur la santé et les mises en garde figurant sur les paquets de cigarettes : sondage mené auprès des adultes et des adultes fumeurs, rapport final

POR 201-07 - The health effects of tobacco and health warning messages on cigarette packages : survey of youth, final report

POR 201-07 - Les effets du tabac sur la santé et les messages de mise en garde sur les paquets de cigarettes : sondage mené auprès des jeunes, ébauche du rapport

POR 232-07 - First Nations people living on-reserve health and safety

POR 245-07 - Consumer research on the size of health warning messages : quantitative study of Canadian adult smokers, final report

POR 245-07 - Étude de consommation sur la taille des messages de mise en garde sur la santé : Recherche quantitative auprès des adultes fumeurs au Canada, rapport final

POR 245-07 - Consumer research on the size of health warning messages : quantitative study of Canadian youth, final report

POR 245-07 - Étude de consommation sur la taille des messages de mise en garde sur la santé : Recherche quantitative auprès des jeunes Canadiens et Canadiennes, rapport final

POR 254-07 - Quantitative study of Canadian youth smokers and vulnerable non-smokers : effects of modified packaging through increasing the size of warnings on cigarette packages

POR 254-07 - Étude quantitative auprès des jeunes canadiens fumeurs et non-fumeurs vulnérables : effets d'un emballage modifié en agrandissant la taille des avertissements sur les paquets de cigarettes

POR 254-07 - Quantitative study of Canadian adult smokers : effects of modified packaging through increasing the size of warnings on cigarette packages

POR 254-07 - Étude quantitative auprès des fumeurs adultes canadiens : effets d'un emballage modifié en agrandissant la taille des avertissements sur les paquets de cigarettes

POR 259-07 - Air quality health index - brand name testing, final report

POR 270-07 - 2007 Baseline study : mercury in fish

POR 279-07 - Final testing of the 2007 Healthy Eating ad campaign, final report

POR 280-07 - National youth drug prevention strategy: exploratory focus groups and website testing with parents, final report

POR 288-07 - Examining spillover and recall of tobacco industry advertising among Canadian youth, final report

POR 292-07 - Usability testing for HPFB learning module series, final report

POR 299-07 - Focus group research: ad testing regarding the Food and Consumer Action Plan, final report

POR 314-07 - Assessing perceived health risks of climate change : Canadian public opinion 2008, final report

POR 329-07 - Testing creatives for the Aboriginal Wellness Campagin : healthy pregnancy and diabetes, final report

POR 366-07 - Testing television advertisement creative concepts for the parent component of the National Anti-Drug Strategy, final report

POR 400-07 - Parents website usability testing : national anti-drug strategy, final report

POR 408-06 - Health directors' perceptions of current tobacco control activities in First Nations communities, final report

POR 408-06 - Perceptions des directeurs et directrices de la santé des activités de lutte contre le tabagisme en cours dans les communautés des Premières nations, rapport final

POR 413-07 - Stakeholder input on indoor air quality issues in support of development of new guidelines, final report

POR 417-05 - 2006 general public opinion survey on key issues pertaining to post-market surveillance of marketed health products in Canada, final report

POR 417-05 - Sondage d'opinion publique sur les principaux enjeux relatifs à la surveillance des produits de santé commercialisés au Canada (2006), rapport final

POR 421-07 - Focus testing of radio and print creatives for the parent component of the national anti drug strategy, final report

POR 422-07 - NADS baseline survey with parents of children aged 13 to 15, final report

POR 456-07 - Post-campaign evaluation - Healthy Eating, final report

POR 461-07 - Survey of travellers on key issues relating to travel health, final report

POR 463-07 - Tagline testing and final check of tv advertisement for parent component of the National Anti-Drug Strategy, final report

POR 469-07 - NADS radio and print ads ACET survey, final report

POR 471-07 - Testing creatives for the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative, final report

POR 474-07 - Action plan on public safety - ACET, final report

POR 017-08 - Focus testing of foreign anti-drug television advertisements with Canadian youth, final report