Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Reports = Rapports de recherche sur l'opinion publique publiés par le gouvernement du Canada

Health Canada = Santé Canada - 2011

POR 135-09 - Natural health product tracking survey : 2010, final report

POR 012-10 - Children's health and safety : creative testing integrated, final report

POR 013-10 - National anti-drug strategy youth campaign: TV concepts, web applications and supportive creative materials focus testing, final report

POR 020-10 - Children's health and safety campaign : baseline survey, final report

POR 021-10 - Children's health and safety website usability testing, final report

POR 022-10 - Nutrition Facts Education Campaign web site usability testing, final report

POR 031-10 - Canadians' understanding and use of the nutrition facts table: baseline national survey results, final report

POR 087-10 - Perceptions of drinking water quality in First Nations communities and general population, final report

POR 047-10 - Canadians' awareness of health and safety issues related to consumer products, final report

POR 056-10 - Knowledge, perceptions, awareness and behaviours relating to immunization among First Nations and Inuit, final report

POR 091-10 - Evaluating the Children's Health and Safety Marketing Campaign - ACET Survey

POR 091-10 - Évaluation de la campagne de marketing visant la s.curité et la santé des enfants - enquête téléphonique ACET

POR 099-10 - National Anti-Drug Strategy (NADS) Ad Recall and Tracking Survey of Youth

POR 117-10 - Focus testing on sodium reduction key messages, final report