Text Descriptions - Awareness and Confidence in Canada's Pesticide Regulatory System

Figure 1: Top-of-Mind Thoughts About Pesticides and Pesticide Use
Top-of-Mind Thoughts About Pesticides and Pesticide Use All Respondents (n=2,015)
Negative mentions (NET) 49%
Bad for people/ unhealthy/ health issues 12%
Toxic 9%
Bad/ harmful/ dangerous for the environment 9%
Harmful/dangerous (unspecified) 7%
Pollution/ contamination (water, air, soil, ecosystems) 4%
Bad for animals/ insects/ living organisms 4%
Bad/ not good/ don't like them 4%
Killing/ extinction of bees 3%
Cancer 3%
Neutral mentions (NET) 27%
Health/ environment (Subnet) 21%
Pesticide/ Chemical Product (Subnet) 7%
For agricultural products/ farm (unspecified) 6%
Chemicals 5%
For lawn/ garden care/ golf courses 3%
They should be regulated/ controlled 3%
Positive mentions (NET) 21%
Pest/ weed control 14%
Protect crops/ plants/ agricultural products 4%
Necessary/ need to use 4%
None/ Nothing 5%
Don't know 5%

Return to Figure 1

Figure 2: Seen, Read, or Heard About Pesticides Over Last Three Months
Seen, Read, or Heard About Pesticides Over Last Three Months All Respondents (n=2,015)
A lot 4%
Something 14%
Not too much 34%
Nothing at all 44%
Don’t Know 4%

Return to Figure 2

Figure 3: Agreement That Pesticides Are Necessary and Serve a Purpose
Pesticides are necessary and serve a purpose All Respondents (n=2,015)
7-Completely Agree 15%
6 14%
5 22%
4 20%
3 11%
2 6%
1-Not at all 6%
Don’t Know 6%

Return to Figure 3

Figure 4: Acceptability of Pesticides / Pest Control Product Use
Acceptability of Pesticides / Pest Control Product Use Very acceptable Somewhat acceptable Not very acceptable Not at all acceptable Don't know
Residential private property, by homeowners 19% 45% 19% 11% 6%
On building materials such as plywood and hardwood flooring 16% 45% 20% 10% 10%
In the commercial forestry sector 13% 41% 23% 12% 11%
In and around barns where agricultural animals are housed, such as poultry houses and cattle barns 11% 36% 26% 17% 10%
Public green spaces 9% 32% 31% 20% 8%
Food to be imported into Canada 9% 29% 29% 24% 9%
Fruits and vegetables, and their products to be sold in Canada or exported 8% 31% 29% 23% 8%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 4

Figure 5: Agree/Disagree
Agree/Disagree 7 - Completely agree 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Not at all Don't know
I would prefer to use a homemade/ natural/ organic pest control option than a registered pesticide 33% 18% 14% 13% 6% 3% 4% 8%
There are natural alternatives to pesticides that are as effective as conventional pesticides 22% 17% 19% 15% 8% 4% 3% 12%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 5

Figure 6: Agree/Disagree
Agree/Disagree 7 - Completely agree 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Not at all Don't know
I think pesticides currently used in agriculture in Canada are safe when used as directed 11% 15% 19% 20% 10% 6% 8% 12%
I am concerned that pesticides and pest control products, even when used as directed, are not safe 22% 17% 18% 16% 9% 7% 4% 7%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 6

Figure 7: Agreement That Pesticides and Pest Control Products Can Be Used Safely
Agreement That Pesticides and Pest Control Products Can Be Used Safely Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Insect- and rodent-controlling devices, such as mosquito zappers and mouse traps 37% 41% 9% 4% 8%
Animal and insect repellents 16% 48% 18% 8% 10%
Algicides, which can be used to control algae in pools and spas 18% 45% 15% 6% 16%
Material and wood preservatives 15% 45% 18% 7% 15%
Fungicides and antimicrobial agents, which are used against fungus and other micro organisms 14% 43% 19% 7% 17%
Insecticides, which are used against bugs 16% 41% 22% 11% 10%
Rodenticides, which are used against mice and rats 18% 38% 20% 10% 14%
Herbicides, which are used against weeds 15% 38% 22% 14% 10%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 7

Figure 8: Frequency of Use of Pesticides or Pest Control Products in Past 12 Months
Frequency of Use of Pesticides or Pest Control Products in Past 12 Months All Respondents (n=2,015)
Often 5%
Sometimes 22%
Rarely 32%
Never 40%
Don't know 2%

Return to Figure 8

Figure 9: Agree/Disagree
Agree/Disagree 7 - Completely agree 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Not at all Don't know
When I use a pesticide product, I always read the label 49% 15% 10% 8% 4% 1% 2% 10%
I can use pesticides safely if required 19% 15% 18% 17% 8% 6% 6% 10%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 9

Figure 10: Agree/Disagree
Agree/Disagree 7 - Completely agree 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Not at all Don't know
When I need information about pesticides, I am able to get it 25% 20% 19% 15% 5% 3% 1% 11%
I feel I am adequately informed about pesticides and pest control products 8% 12% 17% 22% 13% 9% 12% 7%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 10

Figure 11: Sources Likely to Reference for Information About Pesticides
Sources Likely to Reference for Information About Pesticides Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely Don't know
Health Canada website 23% 42% 18% 9% 8%
Home improvement store/garden centre 17% 47% 19% 10% 8%
Government of Canada websites 18% 41% 21% 11% 10%
Pesticide product websites 19% 39% 20% 14% 9%
A pesticide service provider 10% 35% 27% 17% 10%
Environmental groups 14% 29% 25% 22% 10%
Blogs 5% 17% 25% 42% 11%
Other 5% 6% 18% 14% 57%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 11

Figure 12: Ever Looked for Information on Pesticides from Any of the Following Sources
Ever Looked for Information on Pesticides from Any of the Following Sources All Respondents (n=2,015)
On the internet 36%
Garden centre 29%
Hardware store 19%
Pest control company /Pest control operator 10%
A friend 8%
A doctor 4%
Other 1%
None of the above 46%

Return to Figure 12

Figure 13: Where Looked for Information about Pesticides on the Internet
Where Looked for Information about Pesticides on the Internet All who looked for information about pesticides on the internet (n=707)
Google 65%
Pesticide product website 38%
Health Canada website 24%
Environmental groups website 24%
Government of Canada website 20%
Municipal government website 12%
Youtube 7%
Blogs 6%
Facebook 5%
Other 1%
Don't know 1%

Return to Figure 13

Figure 14: What Would Be Most Likely to Search for on the Internet About Pesticides
What Would Be Most Likely to Search for on the Internet About Pesticides All who looked for information about pesticides on the internet (n=707)
Safe-use information 65%
Health related information 60%
How to get rid of pests 56%
Environmental impact information 48%
Chemical content 38%
Product selection information 37%
How to identify pests 28%
Other 3%
None of the above 1%

Return to Figure 14

Figure 15: Believability of Sources
Believability of Sources 7 - Believe most of what they say 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Believe none of what they say Don't know
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 21% 21% 24% 17% 7% 1% 2% 8%
Canadian Cancer Society 20% 18% 27% 17% 6% 2% 2% 7%
A Health Canada Scientist 14% 23% 27% 19% 7% 3% 2% 6%
David Suzuki Foundation 16% 15% 18% 16% 10% 7% 8% 12%
A medical doctor 12% 17% 28% 24% 9% 3% 2% 6%
A Health Canada Spokesperson 9% 18% 27% 24% 9% 4% 4% 5%
Canadian Environmental Law Association 7% 14% 24% 22% 11% 6% 5% 11%
The Health Minister 8% 12% 22% 24% 13% 7% 8% 6%
A university professor 5% 11% 25% 27% 14% 7% 3% 9%
A Pesticide Manufacturer Spokesperson 2% 3% 7% 14% 20% 22% 25% 6%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 15

Figure 16: How knowledgable About Pesticides Regulatory Process in Canada
How knowledgable About Pesticides Regulatory Process in Canada All Respondents (n=2,015)
Very knowledgable 1%
Somewhat knowledgeable 13%
Not very knowledgeable 45%
Not at all knowledgable 41%

Return to Figure 16

Figure 17: Agree/Disagree: ‘Health Canada assesses the safety of pesticides before deciding whether they can be registered for sale and use in Canada.’
Agree/Disagree: ‘Health Canada assesses the safety of pesticides before deciding whether they can be registered for sale and use in Canada.’ All Respondents (n=2,015)
7 - Completely aware 5%
6 8%
5 18%
4 18%
3 12%
2 8%
1 - Not at all aware 24%
Don't know 7%

Return to Figure 17

Figure 18: Level of Government Responsible for Regulating Pesticides in Canada
Level of Government Responsible for Regulating Pesticides in Canada All Respondents (n=2,015)
Federal government 62%
Provincial government 34%
Municipal government 20%
Don't know 18%
Federal Government Base: All who think the Federal government is responsible for regulating pesticides in Canada (n=1,257)
Agriculture and Agri-food Canada 73%
Health Canada 55%
Environment and Climate Change Canada 34%
Don’t Know 9%
Provincial Government All who think the Provincial government is responsible for regulating pesticides in Canada (n=696)
Minister of Agriculture 67%
Minster of the Environment 64%
Minister of Health 46%
Don’t know 8%

Return to Figure 18

Figure 19: Level of Understanding About How Pesticide Regulatory Decisions Are Made
Level of Understanding About How Pesticide Regulatory Decisions Are Made All Respondents (n=2,015)
7 - High level of understanding 1%
6 2%
5 8%
4 15%
3 20%
2 20%
1 - Do not understand at all 33%

Return to Figure 19

Figure 20: Information Considered when a Pesticide Regulatory Decision is Made
Information Considered when a Pesticide Regulatory Decision is Made All Respondents (n=2,015)
Academic/Peer-reviewed studies 45%
Industry-sponsored studies 35%
Industry sector priorities 27%
Public opinion 20%
None of the above 8%
Don't know 33%

Return to Figure 20

Figure 21: Products Regulated as Pesticides in Canada
Products Regulated as Pesticides in Canada All Respondents (n=2,015)
Weed Killer (Herbicides) 51%
Insect repellants/ bug spray 41%
Ant traps (Insecticides) 33%
Swimming pool chemicals 31%
Treated wood 30%
Pet flea collars 25%
Bug zapper 16%
None of the above 4%
Don't know 36%

Return to Figure 21

Figure 22: Agree/Disagree
Agree/Disagree 7 - Completely agree 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Do not agree at all Don't know
When pesticides pose unacceptable risks they are removed from the Canadian market 13% 20% 21% 19% 7% 4% 3% 14%
I am confident that Health Canada's PMRA has adequate processes in place to keep my food and drinking water safe from pesticide residues 9% 19% 25% 20% 7% 4% 4% 11%
Health Canada's PMRA keep pace with modern science in its pesticide decisions 9% 18% 21% 19% 8% 4% 3% 17%
Health Canada's PMRA acts quickly enough to remove unsafe pesticides from the market 7% 14% 19% 22% 9% 6% 4% 18%

All Respondents (n=2,015)

Return to Figure 22

Figure 23: Tasks Health Canada's PMRA is Responsible for with Regards to Pesticides
Tasks Health Canada's PMRA is Responsible for with Regards to Pesticides All Respondents (n=2,015)
Making sure a product meets health standards 67%
Requiring specific warning statements on product labels 64%
Making sure a product meets environmental standards 64%
Pulling unsafe products from the shelves 61%
Setting safety standards for companies to follow 59%
Reviewing products on the market on an ongoing basis to make sure they continue to meet safety standards 58%
Making sure products contain the ingredients they say they do 57%
Ensuring products are not contaminated 43%
Making sure a product is effective for controlling pests 42%
Reviewing product advertising 29%
None of the above 1%
Don't know 19%

Return to Figure 23

Figure 24: Aware that Health Canada’s PMRA Consults with the public on decisions related to pesticides?
Aware that Health Canada’s PMRA Consults with the public on decisions related to pesticides? All Respondents (n=2,015)
Yes 13%
No 87%

Return to Figure 24

Figure 25: Know how to participate in the pesticides decision making process carried out by Health Canada's PMRA?
Know how to participate in the pesticides decision making process carried out by Health Canada's PMRA? All Respondents (n=2,015)
Yes 4%
No 96%

Return to Figure 25

Figure 26: Confidence in Health Canada's PMRA
Confidence in Health Canada's PMRA All Respondents (n=2,015)

Very confident


Somewhat confident


Not very confident


Not at all confident


Don't know


Return to Figure 26

Figure 27: How Canada's Pesticide Regulatory System Compares to the European Union
How Canada's Pesticide Regulatory System Compares to the European Union
Compared to the European Union, Canada’s pesticide regulatory system is…
All Respondents (n=2,015)
Better than 17%
Same as 57%
Worse than 26%
Better than : Why do you say that ? All who think that the pesticides regulatory system in Canada is BETTER THAN the European Union (n=341)
Canada has a better regulatory system/ enforcement 15%
(European Union) Poor/ worse/ lack of regulatory systems 4%
In Canada, more based on research/ scientific data/ better experience 4%
Worse than : Why do you say that ? All who think that the pesticides regulatory system in Canada is WORSE THAN the European Union (n=533)
Europe has a better regulatory system/ enforcement 30%
(Canada) Poor/ worse/ lack of regulatory systems 10%
Europe is more environmentally friendly 9%
Europe is more focused on people/ health/ safety standards 5%
Europe is more progressive/ advanced 4%

Return to Figure 27

Figure 28: How Canada's Pesticide Regulatory System Compares to the United States
Compared to the United States, Canada’s pesticide regulatory system is… All Respondents (n=2,015)
Better than 39%
Same as 50%
Worse than 11%
Better than: Why do you say that? All who think that the pesticides regulatory system in Canada is BETTER THAN the United States (n=789)
Canada has a better regulatory system/ enforcement 30%
US is less regulated/poor regulatory systems 21%
US has strong/ influential lobbyists/ government lobbying system 7%
US has more pesticides/ herbicides available in stores 7%
Worse than : Why do you say that? All who think that the pesticides regulatory system in Canada is WORSE THAN the United States (n=215)
US has better regulatory system/ enforcement 7%
US has less environmental concerns/ not eco-friendly 4%
Strong/ influential lobbyists/ government lobbying system 4%

Return to Figure 28