Qualitative/Quantitative Research on E-cigarette Flavours and Risk Perception - Final Report - Text Descriptions

Figure1: Smoking Status (Traditional Cigarettes)
Smoking Status (Traditional Cigarettes) All Respondents
Current Smoker 40%
Former Smoker 13%
Non-Smoker 47%

Return to Figure 1

Figure 2: Length of Time Smoking
Length of Time Smoking Current Smokers
5 years or less 82%
More than 5 years 16%

Return to Figure 2

Figure 3: Use of E-Cigarettes
Use of E-Cigarettes All Respondents
Did not use E-cigarettes 53%
Used E-cigarettes 47%

Return to Figure 3

Figure 4: E-Cigarette User Profile Frequency of Use
E-Cigarette User Profile: Frequency of Use All Respondents
Daily 6%
Occasional User 15%
Infrequent User 14%
1-Time User 13%
Non-User 53%

Return to Figure 4

Figure 5: E-Cigarette User Profile Age of First Use
E-Cigarette User Profile: Age of First Use All E-Cigarette Users
12 to 15 20%
16 to 18 32%
19 to 21 31%
21 to 24 18%

Return to Figure 5

Figure 6: Path of Use
Path of Use E-Cigarette Users, and Current and Former Smokers
1st Tried Traditional Cigarettes 83%
1st Tried E-Cigarettes 16%

Return to Figure 6

Figure 7: Sources of E-Cigarette Awareness
Sources of E-Cigarette Awareness All Respondents
Friend 62%
Social Media 31%
News - TV, radio, newspaper 22%
Family member 19%
Store sign/advertisement 16%
YouTube 10%
Co-worker 7%
Other 3%

Return to Figure 7

Figure 8: E-Cigarette Users in Personal Life
E-Cigarette Users in Personal Life All Respondents
Friend 53%
Classmate 29%
Family members 20%
Co-worker 15%
Parent or guardian 6%
Other 3%

Return to Figure 8

Figure 9: Knowledge of Nicotine Content
Knowledge of Nicotine Content All E-Cigarette Users
Always contain nicotine 14%
Sometimes contain nicotine 64%
Never contain nicotine 8%

Return to Figure 9

Figure 10: First-Time Users' Reasons for Trying E-Cigarettes
First-Time Users' Reasons for Trying E-Cigarettes One-Time Users
Friends were vaping 43%
Like the flavours and smell 40%
Offered to them 39%
Looked fun and exciting 23%
To quit smoking 4%
To try it 3%
Other 1%

Return to Figure 10

Figure 11: Likelihood of Trying E-Cigarettes Again
Likelihood of Trying E-Cigarettes Again First-Time and Infrequent Smokers
Will Try Again 38%
Will Not Try Again 32%
Not Sure 31%

Return to Figure 11

Figure 12: Reasons for Not Using E-Cigarettes Again
Reasons for Not Using E-Cigarettes Again Won't or Don't Know If Will Try Again
Know it's not healthy 40%
Unappealing 37%
Don't want to get addicted 17%
Sensation not satisfying 17%
Negative perception from others 11%
Hurt throat 11%
Not convenient 11%
Didn't like the smell 6%
Got sick after 3%
Cost 2%
Don't Smoke 1%
Other 1%

Return to Figure 12

Figure 13: Frequency of E-Cigarette Use Over Time
Frequency of E-Cigarette Use Over Time Daily and Occasional E-Cigarette Users
Use has increased 28%
No Change 40%
Use has decreased 28%

Return to Figure 13

Figure 14: Location of E-Cigarette Use
Location of E-Cigarette Use Daily and Occasional E-Cigarette Users
At home 59%
At parties 43%
On the sidewalk 29%
At school 26%
While driving 24%
At work 23%
At bars 14%
At movie theatre, pool halls, etc. 10%
Other 2%

Return to Figure 14

Figure 15: Length of Time After Waking Before Using an E-Cigarette
Length of Time After Waking Before Using an E-Cigarette Daily E-Cigarette Users
Under 5 minutes 24%
More than 5 minutes but less than 15 minutes 22%
15 minutes to <1 hour 30%
1 to 2 hours 13%
More than 2 hours 4%

Return to Figure 15

Figure 16: Strong Cravings to Use an E-Cigarette
Strong Cravings to Use an E-Cigarette Daily E-Cigarette Users
Experience Cravings 57%
No Cravings 33%
Don't Know 10%

Return to Figure 16

Figure 17: Parents' Awareness of E-Cigarette Use
Parents' Awareness of E-Cigarette Use All E-Cigarette Users
Parents are Aware 51%
Parents are NOT Aware 40%
Don't Know 9%

Return to Figure 17

Figure 18: Parents' Perceptions of E-Cigarettes
Parents' Perceptions of E-Cigarettes E-Cigarette Users with Aware Parents
Don't really care because they believe it's less harmful 26%
Worried about the health risks 26%
Don't really care 25%
Worried about the safety risks 23%
Don't know much about e-cigarettes 19%
Pressure to stop using all the time 16%
Don't care at all 7%
Don't know anything about e-cigarettes 6%

Return to Figure 18

Figure 19: Quitting E-Cigarettes Tried to Stop Using
Quitting E-Cigarettes: Tried to Stop Using Daily and Occasional E-Cigarette Users
Tried to stop 32%
Have NOT tried to stop 64%
Don't Know 4%

Return to Figure 19

Figure 20: Quitting E-Cigarettes Likelihood of Ever Quitting
Quitting E-Cigarettes: Likelihood of Ever Quitting Daily and Occasional E-Cigarette Users
Yes, will stop 43%
No, will NOT stop 23%
Don't Know 34%

Return to Figure 20

Figure 21: Use of E-Cigarettes to Quit Smoking
Use of E-Cigarettes to Quit Smoking Smokers Who Also Use E-Cigarettes
Yes, have used as smoking cessation aid 58%
No, have NOT uses as smoking cessation aid 38%
Don't Know 4%

Return to Figure 21

Figure 22: Likelihood of Using E-Cigarette to Quit Smoking
Likelihood of Using E-Cigarette to Quit Smoking Those Who Have NOT Used E-Cigarettes to Quit
Very likely 14%
Somewhat likely 48%
Not very likely 14%
Not at all likely 5%
I'm not planning to quit 7%

Return to Figure 22

Figure 23: Devices Ownership
Devices: Ownership Daily and Occasional E-Cigarette Users
Have own device 77%
Do not have own device 23%

Return to Figure 23

Figure 24: Devices Use of Refillable Devices
Devices: Use of Refillable Devices Those Who Own a Device
Never 5%
Sometimes 35%
Always 58%

Return to Figure 24

Figure 25: Nicotine Use in E-Cigarettes Frequency of Use
Nicotine Use in E-Cigarettes: Frequency of Use Those Who Own a Device
Never 19%
Sometimes 54%
Always 23%

Return to Figure 25

Figure 26: Nicotine Use in E-Cigarettes Nicotine Concentration
Nicotine Use in E-Cigarettes: Nicotine Concentration Those Who use Nicotine
1mg/ml or 0.1% 3%
2mg/ml or 0.2% 3%
3mg/ml or 0.3% 13%
6 mg/ml or 0.6% 6%
12 mg/ml or 1.2% 4%
Other 19%
I have no idea 51%

Return to Figure 26

Figure 27: E-Cigarette Flavour Preferences Last Flavour Used
E-Cigarette Flavour Preferences: Last Flavour Used All E-Cigarette Users
Fruit 37%
Bubble Gum 11%
Coffee/cappuccino 7%
Tobacco 6%
Dessert 6%
Candy/Confectionary 5%
Candy floss 4%
Marijuana 4%
Soft drinks/energy drinks 3%
Cookies 2%
Other 4%

Return to Figure 27

Figure 29: E-Cigarette Flavour Preferences Preferred Flavour
E-Cigarette Flavour Preferences: Preferred Flavour All E-Cigarette Users
Fruit 32%
Bubble Gum 9%
Coffee/cappuccino 7%
Dessert 6%
Marijuana 6%
Candy/Confectionary 5%
Candy floss 5%
Tobacco 4%
Soft drinks/energy drinks 4%
Cookies 2%
Other 4%

Return to Figure 29

Figure 31: Purchasing Habits
Purchasing Habits Daily and Occasional E-Cigarette Users
I buy them myself at a store 47%
I buy them myself online 20%
A friend gives/lends them to me 17%
I ask someone to buy them for me 14%
I buy them a friend 12%
Someone else gives/lends them to me 8%
I buy them from someone else 8%
A family member gives/lends them to me 7%
Other 1%

Return to Figure 31

Figure 32: Reasons for E-Cigarette Use
Reasons for E-Cigarette Use All E-Cigarette Users
I like the flavours and smell 45%
My friends use e-cigarettes 31%
It's safer than smoking traditional cigarettes 30%
I like doing tricks with the vapour 22%
It's fun and exciting 21%
To help me try to quit cigarettes 20%
I can use e-cigarettes anywhere 16%
It's less expensive than smoking cigarettes 16%
It's easy to purchase/access them 9%
It's easier to hide from my parents or guardian 7%
Other 5%

Return to Figure 32

Figure 33: Perceived Disadvantages of E-Cigarettes
Perceived Disadvantages of E-Cigarettes All E-Cigarette Users
The associated health risks 55%
The cost to maintain the habit 55%
The potential to become addicted 43%
Social stigma associate with using e-cigarettes 37%
Having to smoke outdoors 20%
The smell 16%
Other 2%

Return to Figure 33

Figure 34: Perceived Risks
Perceived Risks All Respondents
No Risk Slight Risk Moderate Risk Great Risk
Use cigarettes regularly 2% 5% 14% 76%
Use an e-cigarette containing nicotine regularly 2% 11% 36% 46%
Use cigarettes once in a while 4% 19% 46% 28%
Use and e-cigarette containing nicotine once in a while 5% 28% 44% 19%
Use a nicotine-free e-cigarette regularly 13% 30% 36% 16%
Use a nicotine-free e-cigarette once in a while 20% 39% 26% 9%

Return to Figure 34

Figure 36: Attitudes Towards E-Cigarettes and Nicotine
Attitudes Towards E-Cigarettes and Nicotine All Respondents
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree
You can become addicted to e-cigarettes with nicotine 37% 42% 10% 4% 2%
Nicotine is a toxic chemical 44% 33% 13% 4% 2%
E-cigarettes are no better than regular cigarettes 17% 30% 19% 22% 7%
E-cigarettes don't have same chemicals as regular cigarettes 9% 29% 21% 21% 8%
Using e-cigarettes is uncool 15% 23% 30% 20% 7%
Nicotine-free e-cigarettes pose little health risks 8% 28% 22% 24% 7%
Using e-cigarettes leads to smoking regular cigarettes 9% 21% 28% 24% 8%
Using e-cigarettes is not a big deal 5% 20% 28% 31% 11%

Return to Figure 36

Figure 38: E-Cigarette Information Sought
E-Cigarette Information Sought All E-Cigarette Users
Information on the health effects 42%
Ingredients in e-cigarette liquids 33%
The chemicals in e-cigarette liquids 32%
General product safety 27%
Explosions and device defects 27%
A comparison of e-cigarette versus cigarette smoking 24%
Information on choosing nicotine levels 24%
The cost of using e-cigarettes 23%
Recommendations and product reviews 21%
Laws and regulations on where can you use e-cigarettes 17%
Pros and cons of using e-cigarettes to quit smoking cigarettes 14%
Laws and regulations on how old you need to be to buy e-cigarettes 11%
Other <1%
I have never looked for information on e-cigarettes 21%

Return to Figure 38

Figure 39: Sources of E-Cigarette Information
Sources of E-Cigarette Information All E-Cigarette Users
Google 37%
Friends/ Colleagues 28%
Vape shops 17%
Facebook 17%
Online forums 16%
Online news outlets 15%
YouTube 14%
Research institutes/universities 11%
Physicians/medical professionals 11%
Government sources 9%
Reddit 8%
Testimonials 7%
Instagram 6%
Pubmed/Google Scholar 4%
Other 1%
I have never looked for information on the risks or benefits 15%

Return to Figure 39