Text Descriptions - Survey for the Development of the Childhood Vaccination Campaign

Graph 1: Trust in Recommended Childhood Vaccinations
How much do you trust recommended childhood vaccinations?
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 1029
Low (1-2) 5%
Moderately (3) 10%
High (4-5) 84%

Return to Graph 1

Graph 2: Incidence of Vaccine Hesitancy
If you have to place yourself in only one category, which of the following statements most accurately reflects your views on vaccines for your child(ren)?
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 1029
I refuse all recommended vaccines 2%
I refuse or delay getting some vaccines 10%
I accept all recommended vaccines but…
Have many doubts and concerns about vaccinating my child 6%
Have minor doubts and concerns about vaccinating my child 34%
Have no doubts or concerns about vaccinating my child 48%
DK/NR 1%

Return to Graph 2

Graph 3: Belief in Effectiveness and Safety of Vaccines
How much or how little would you say that routine childhood vaccines are…?
Low (1-2) Moderately (3) High (4-5)
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 1029 1029 1029
Effective in preventing potentially deadly diseases 2% 6% 90%
Safe (unlikely to cause more than minimal side effects) 7% 14% 78%

Return to Graph 3

Graph 4: Vaccination Decision Making
How easy or difficult have you found making decisions about vaccinating your child?
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 828
Easy (1-2) 74%
Neither easy nor difficult (3) 13%
Difficult (4-5) 11%
Have not really thought much about it 2%

Return to Graph 4

Graph 5: Change in Concern
Thinking about the last year or two, would you say you are more concerned, less concerned, or feel about the same about vaccines now as you did then?
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 1020
Less concerned (1-2) 13%
About the same as before (3) 71%
More concerned (4-5) 14%
Do not recall / DK/NR 2%

Return to Graph 5

Graph 6: Trust in Remedies for Preventing or Treating an Illness in Children
How much do you trust each of the following remedies for preventing or treating an illness in children?
Low Trust (1-2) Moderate Trust (3) High Trust (4-5)
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 1029 1029 1029
Healthy lifestyle 2% 12% 86%
Antibiotics 6% 20% 74%
Over the counter medications 10% 36% 53%
Vitamins and supplements 27 34% 38%
Holistic medicine 43% 29% 26%
Homeopathic products 51% 27% 21%

Return to Graph 6

Graph 7: Influencing Statement
If you were to decide today on vaccines for your child, which of the following statements would influence your decision?
Less likely to vaccinate Would make no difference More likely to vaccinate
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 441 441 441
Vaccines give best protection from 14 serious diseases 2% 27% 69%
No cure for most vaccine preventable diseases 4% 28% 65%
Immunization schedule is designed to protect infants/children 3% 30% 63%
Getting my baby vaccinated protects other children 5% 32% 61%
Doctor saying "I did it for my own family and kids" 4% 37% 57%
Vaccines are very safe 5% 40% 52%
Every pediatric hospital in Canada recommends routine vaccination 4% 45% 48%
Serious reactions from vaccines are rare 10% 46% 43%
Public Health Agency of Canada recommends routine vaccination 6% 51% 42%
Scientific studies show no relationship between vaccines and autism 9% 46% 41%
97% of parents in Canada vaccinate their children 3% 60% 35%
Getting vaccines is the right thing to do 9% 62% 26%

Return to Graph 7

Graph 8: Trust in Various Sources of Health Information
How much trust do you put in each of the following to give you credible health information?
Low trust (1-2) Moderate trust (3) Trust (4-5)
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 1024 1024 1024
Healthcare professionals 1% 7% 91%
Health Canada and/or the Public Health Agency of Canada 5% 17% 76%
Friends and family 18% 49% 32%
The media 50% 38% 10%

Return to Graph 8

Graph 9: Sources Information on Childhood Vaccines
Where did you look for information or who did you talk to about childhood vaccines?
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 667
Health care providers 84%
Internet 65%
Family member/friend 31%
Books 24%
Pharmacist 17%
School, caregiver or someone else in community 8%
Other 1%

Return to Graph 9

Graph 10: Adequacy of Available Information on Vaccines
Do you feel you have enough information or resources available to make informed decisions about vaccines for your child?
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 1029
Yes 79%
No 16%
DK/NR 5%

Return to Graph 10

Graph 11: Specific Resources Wanted
What information or resources would you like to have available?
DK/NR No Yes
Childhood Vaccination Campaign, 2017
n= 1029 1029 1029
Risk of vaccine side effects 93% 5% 2%
Vaccination schedule: What to get and when 90% 8% 2%
Severity of vaccine-preventable diseases and their symptoms 87% 10% 3%
Risks of contracting the actual diseases that childhood vaccines are meant to protect against 86% 11% 2%
How vaccines are tested 81% 17% 3%
What ingredients are in vaccines 72% 24% 4%

Return to Graph 11