Healthy Eating Strategy - Dietary Guidance Transformation - Focus Groups to inform approach for communicating healthy eating information - Executive Summary

Prepared for Health Canada

Supplier name: Earnscliffe Strategy Group
Contract number: HT372-182894/001/CY
Contract value: $234,102.10
Award date: July 26, 2018
Delivery date: January 11, 2019

Registration number: POR 23 - 18

For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at:

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Healthy Eating Strategy - Dietary Guidance Transformation - Focus Groups on to inform approach for communicating healthy eating information

Prepared for Health Canada
Supplier name: Earnscliffe Strategy Group
July 2018

This public opinion research report presents the results of focus groups conducted by Earnscliffe Strategy Group on behalf of Health Canada. The research was conducted in August and December, 2018.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Stratégie en matière de saine alimentation - Modification des recommandations alimentaires - Groupes de discussion visant à guider la façon de communiquer des renseignements sur une saine alimentation

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Health Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at: or at:

Health Canada, CPAB
200 Eglantine Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
Jeanne Mance Building, Floor 15, Room 1572C
Ottawa Ontario K1A 0K9

Catalogue Number:

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Related publications (registration number: POR 23-18:
Catalogue Number H14-320/2019F-PDF (Final Report, French)
ISBN 978-0-660-30800-5

©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2018


Earnscliffe Strategy Group (Earnscliffe) is pleased to present this report to Health Canada summarizing the results of the two phases of qualitative research to inform the approach for communicating healthy eating information.

Health Canada is revising Canada's Food Guide (CFG) to reflect the latest scientific evidence, and to be more modern and relevant to users. This includes a release of a suite of products using new communication tools to meet the needs of a variety of users - policy makers, health professionals, educators, and the general public. The focus of this wave of research was to inform the approach to communicating healthy eating information including general healthy eating messages and amounts and types of food. The total cost to conduct this research was $234,102.10, including HST.

The objectives of the research were twofold:

  1. To assess pubic and stakeholder views and acceptance of the draft Canada Food Guide visual and brand concepts to ensure understanding and usefulness.
  2. To test messaging provided at different levels of detail and for different targets (consumers and health professionals) to assess for comprehension and their usefulness for application into practice.

To meet these objectives, Earnscliffe conducted two waves of qualitative research.

Phase 1

This phase included a series of six focus groups with the general population and two mini-groups with health professionals and educators.

As part of this phase we tested three at-a-glance tools that communicate healthy eating information as an entry point to Canada's dietary guidance. The at-a-glance tools were tested in both digital and print formats. We also tested social media graphics for each of the three executions.

The focus groups with the general public were conducted in August 2018 in three cities: Saskatoon; Ottawa; and, Kitchener. In each city, the first group was conducted with those at risk of marginal health literacy [as screened by the Newest Vital Sign (NVS) and scoring <4/6)]; while the second group was conducted with those with adequate health literacy (score 4+). The two mini-groups with health professionals and educators were conducted in Saskatoon and Ottawa.

All of the groups were approximately ninety minutes in length. The sessions in Ottawa were conducted in French.

Phase 2

This phase included a series of sixteen (16) focus groups and nine (9) one-on-one interviews with three key audiences. The focus groups were conducted with members of the general public and health professionals, while the interviews were conducted with policy makers.

As part of this phase we tested a number of different approaches to communicate specific healthy eating information. The variations explored in the groups focused on different approaches to communicate on the amounts (including frequency, proportionality and portion) and types of food to consume and limit.

Members of the general population reviewed Dietary Shift Messaging; Directive Messaging (including messaging variations); and, Portion and Proportionality Images. Health professionals and policy makers reviewed Dietary Shift Messaging; Directive Messaging; and Detailed Information for Health Professionals and Policy Makers.

Eight (8) focus groups were conducted with members of the general public in December 2018 in four Canadian cities: Toronto; Halifax; Edmonton; and, Montreal. In each city, the first group was conducted with those at risk of marginal health literacy [as screened by the Newest Vital Sign (NVS) and scoring <4/6)]; while the second group was conducted with those with adequate health literacy (score 4+).

Eight (8) focus groups were conducted with health professionals in December 2018 in four Canadian cities: Toronto; Halifax; Edmonton; and, Montreal. Health professionals included registered dietitians, registered nurses working in public health, food service managers, and professionals who work in health, wellness or education. In each city, one group was conducted with a mix of health professionals responsible for nutrition assessment, screening and intervention; while the second group was conducted with a mix of health professionals responsible for nutrition education.

All of the focus groups were approximately 2 hours in duration. The groups in Montreal were conducted in French.

Finally, nine (9) interviews were conducted with policy makers across Canada in December 2018. The interviews were approximately 30-40 minutes in length.

Please refer to the Recruitment Screeners in the Appendix of this report for all relevant screening and qualifications criteria.

It is important to note that qualitative research is a form of scientific, social, policy and public opinion research. Focus group research is not designed to help a group reach a consensus or to make decisions, but rather to elicit the full range of ideas, attitudes, experiences and opinions of a selected sample of participants on a defined topic. Because of the small numbers involved the participants cannot be expected to be thoroughly representative in a statistical sense of the larger population from which they are drawn and findings cannot reliably be generalized beyond their number.

The key findings from the research are presented below.

Phase 1

The objective of Phase 1 was to gather views on three at-a-glance tools that communicate healthy eating information as an entry point to Canada's dietary guidance. The at-a-glance tools were tested in both digital and print formats. We also tested social media graphics for each of the three executions.

Specific Reactions to the Concepts

Exhibit A1: Concept 1 - Eat well. Live well. Together.
Exhibit A1: Concept 1 - Eat well. Live well. Together.
Exhibit A1 - Text Description

The first concept has three distinct sections. The first section shows a place setting on a split background. The left side of the background is beige and shows a fancy white plate with gold flecks and a blue design with two different sized forks to the left. The right side of the background is a dark blue with designs throughout and a plain whitish-grey plate. There is a set of chopsticks to the right of the plate. The words "Canada's food guide" show on the top left hand side with a green background and the words "Eat well. Live well. Together." are in dark blue to the left of the forks. Underneath all this is a white section with the words "Healthy eating is more than the foods you eat" in dark blue.

The second section is a set of four squares. The first square in the upper left is a light turquoise blue with the words "Be mindful of your eating habits" in orangey-red. There is a container of food below the words with three sections: a sandwich, a bunch of baby carrots and blueberries. The next square in the top left hand corner is a light green with the words "Eat meals with others" in a darker green. There are two plates below with a salad on a bed of lettuce. The third square on the bottom left is a brownish-green and has the words "Cook more often" in darker green. There is a lime green cutting board and knife with asparagus and Brussels sprouts below. The fourth square is a light pink with the words "Enjoy your food" in red. There is a row of apples below.

The third section has a beige background. The top of the section shows the words "Eat a variety of healthy foods each day: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; Consume protein foods; Choose whole grain foods; Make water your drink of choice. There is a white plate with gold specs on it. There are two different sized fancy forks to the left and one fancy knife to the right. The plate has food on it with half the plate vegetables and fruit (left); one quarter grain (top right); and one quarter protein (bottom right).

Underneath this beige part of the section, there is another section split in three parts from left to right. The first section has a purple background and has the words "Limit foods high in sodium, sugars or saturated fat" with an image of a cookie below. To the right of that section is a second section that has a grey background with the words "use food labels" and an image of a jar showing the label. The third section has a red background with the words "Be aware of food marketing" and an image of a chocolate bar.

Exhibit A2: Concept 2 - For the love of eating well.
Exhibit A2: Concept 2 - For the love of eating well.
Exhibit A2 - Text Description

The second concept has two distinct sections. The first section is in three parts. The first part shows an image of a culturally diverse group of people sharing a meal at a table. To the right of the image are the words "Canada's food guide" within a blue circle. Underneath the circle are the words "For the love of eating well". The second part has a purple-pink background with the words "Healthy eating is more than the foods you eat." The third part has four circles. The top circle shows an image of a woman cooking with the words "cook more often". The second circle shows the same people from the picture above with the words "eat meals with others". The third circle shows three happy people eating together with the words "Enjoy your food". The fourth circle shows a mother and daughter looking at a food label with the words "Be mindful of your eating habits".

The second section has three parts. The first part has a purple-pink background with the words "Eat a variety of healthy foods each day." The second part shows a picture below shows a birds-eye view of a dark wooden table. On the table is a pitcher of water with the words "Make water your drink of choice." There is also someone holding a bowl of salad with the words "eat plenty of fruits and vegetables." On the table is a plate of protein foods with the words "Consume protein foods." There is also a bowl of rice pilaf with the words "Choose whole grain foods." The third part shows three circles. The first shows a saltshaker with the words "Limit foods high in sodium, sugars or saturated fat". The second circle shows a food label with the words "Use food labels." The third circle shows an image of someone looking at his or her phone with the words "Be aware of food marketing."

Exhibit A3: Concept 3 - Bringing healthy eating to life.
Exhibit A3: Concept 3 - Bringing healthy eating to life.
Exhibit A3 - Text Description

The third concept has two distinct sections and is cartoon-like. The first section is broken up in two parts. The first part has a blue background with cartoon images of a cutting board and a person holding a knife and a pot with a person holding a spoon. To the left of the images are the words "Canada's Food Guide" in a yellow square with the words "Bringing healthy eating to life" underneath. The second part has a white background. At the top are the words "Healthy eating is more than the foods you eat". Underneath the words are four birds-eye images: 1. a place setting with a plate and drink and two hands, one hand holding a spoon - the words "Be mindful of your eating habits" underneath; 2. a pot with two hands, one holding a spoon with the words "Cook more often" underneath; 3. A set of hands making a heart shape and a rolling pin in the background; 4. a place setting with two different people's hands with the words "Eat meals with others".

The second section has three parts. The first part has a purple-pink background with the words "Eat a variety of healthy foods each day." The second part shows a cartoon-like plate of foods with half the plate showing vegetables and fruit (left hand side), quarter whole grains (top right) and quarter protein foods (bottom right). There is a fork and knife to the left of the plate and a glass of water on the top right of plate. The third part has a white background with three images. The first image is a bag of chips with the words "Limit foods high in sodium, sugars or saturated fat." The second image shows a hand holding a canned good with the words "Use food labels". The third image shows an image of a person looking at their phone with the words "Be aware of food marketing".

Phase 2

The objective of Phase 2 was to gather views on a number of different approaches to communicate specific healthy eating information. The variations explored in the groups focused on different approaches to communicate on the amounts (including frequency, proportionality and portion) and types of food to consume and limit.


The dietary shift messaging was tested with all three audiences. For members of the general public, the objective was to test comprehension and understanding; while for health professionals and policy makers, the objective was to understand how they would use the messaging in their work.

Exhibit A4: SAMPLE - Dietary Shift Messaging

To follow Canada's Healthy Eating Patterns:


The directive messaging was tested with all three audiences. For members of the general public, the objective was to test comprehension and understanding; while for health professionals and policy makers, the objective was to understand how they would use the messaging in their work.

Exhibit A5: SAMPLE - Directive Messaging

How much to eat

To follow Canada's food guide healthy eating patterns:

Exhibit A6: SAMPLE - Specific Message Variations

How much to eat - message options


The portion and proportionality images depicting different meals were tested among members of the general public.

Exhibit A7: SAMPLE - Portion and Proportionality Images
Exhibit A7: SAMPLE - Portion and Proportionality Images
Exhibit A7 - Text Description

This image has four different photos. The photo in the top left quadrant shows a plate of food with wild rice, salmon and broccoli and carrots with a glass of water. The photo in the top right quadrant shows a plate of food with rice and a Moroccan stew (Harira) and a glass of milk. The third photo in the bottom left quadrant shows a stir-fry and a glass of water. The fourth photo shows an omelette for two pieces of whole grain toast. There is a side bowl of strawberries.


The level of detail and format of detailed information on amounts and types of foods were tested in two different table formats with health professionals and policy makers. This was to ensure the information is communicated to health professionals and policy makers in a way that supports their understanding and implementation of more specific healthy eating information. Participants were made aware that the focus is on the level of detail and the organization of information and that the values in the tables were only placeholders and would be replaced with guidance.

Exhibit A8: SAMPLE - Format Table 1
High-Level Food Categories (grey)
Sub level food categories (white)
2-3 YRS 4 - 8 YRS 9 - 13 YRS 14 -18 YRS 19 - 50 YRS 51 -70 YRS 71 + YRS
Vegetables and Fruit
Dark green vegetables 1/day 2/day
Deep yellow or orange vegetables 3/week
Starchy vegetables 5/week
Other vegetables 1/day 1-2/day
Fruit 1-2/day
Whole grain and whole wheat 1/day 1-2/day 2/day 2-3/day 1-2/day
Refined grain 3-4/week 1/day
Protein Foods
Milks, Fortified soy beverages and Yogurts 2-3/day
Cheeses 1/week 5/week 4/day 1/week 5/week
Legumes 3/week 4/week 5/week 1/day 1-2/day 1/day
Nuts and seeds 5/week
Red, Organ, & Game Meats, Poultry and Eggs 2/week 4/week 5/week 1/day 4/week
Fish and shellfish 2/week 3/week 2/week
Oils, Fats, Condiments, Sauces & Dressings
Unsaturated fats and oils 2/day 1-2/day
Condiments, sauces and lower fat dressings 2/week 3/week
Exhibit A9: SAMPLE - Format Table 2

High-Level Food Categories (grey)
Sub-Level Food Categories (white)
2 - 3 YRS 4 - 8 YRS 9 - 13 YRS 14 - 18 YRS 19 - 50 YRS 51 - 70 YRS 71 + YRS
Vegetables and Fruit
Dark green vegetables #/day #/day #/day #/day #/day #/day #/day
Orange vegetables #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week
Starchy vegetables #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week
Other vegetables #/day #.5/day #.5/day #/day #.5/day #/day #/day
Fruit #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day
Whole grain and whole wheat #/day #.5/day #/day #/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day
Refined grain #.5/day #.5/day #/day #/day #/day #/day #/day
Protein Foods
Milks, Fortified soy beverages and Yogurts #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day
Cheeses #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week
Legumes #/week #/week #/week #/day #.5/day #/day #/day
Nuts and seeds #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week
Red, Organ, & Game Meats, Poultry and Eggs #/week #/week #/week #/day #/day #/day #/week
Fish and shellfish #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week
Oils, Fats, Condiments, Sauces & Dressings
Unsaturated fats and oils #/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day #.5/day
Condiments, sauces and lower fat dressings #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week #/week

Research Firm:

Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. (Earnscliffe)
Contract Number: HT372-182894/001/CY
Contract award date: July 26, 2018

I hereby certify as a Representative of Earnscliffe Strategy Group that the final deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Date: January 11, 2019
Stephanie Constable
Principal, Earnscliffe