Smoking Lived Experience Study

Executive Summary

Prepared for Health Canada

Supplier name: Earnscliffe Strategy Group

Contract number: HT372-204272/001/CY

Contract value: $227,293.62 (including HST)

Award date: January 19, 2021

Delivery date: April 19, 2021

Registration number: POR 103-20

For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at:

Ce résumé du rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Smoking Lived Experience Study

Executive Summary

Prepared for Health Canada

Supplier name: Earnscliffe Strategy Group

April 2021

This public opinion research executive summary presents the results of ethnographic diaries and in-depth interviews conducted by Earnscliffe Strategy Group on behalf of the Department of Health Canada. The research was conducted from February to March of 2021.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Étude sur l'expérience vécue en matière de tabagisme

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Department of Health Canada. For more information on this executive summary, please contact Health Canada at:

Catalogue Number: H14-368/2021E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-39313-1

Related publications (registration number: POR 103-20)

Étude sur l'expérience vécue en matière de tabagisme Rapport final (Final Report, French)

ISBN 978-0-660-39314-8

©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2021


Earnscliffe Strategy Group (Earnscliffe) is pleased to present this report to Health Canada summarizing the results of the ethnographic and qualitative research exploring the lived experience of someone who smokes.

Health Canada sought to conduct this research as it continues to work towards the ambitious goal set out by Canada's Tobacco Strategy of lowering tobacco use among Canadians to 5% by the year 2035. Past research indicates that half of current smokers have made an attempt to quit in the past 12 months however this number decreases with age. There is significantly less research that has been conducted on real-time smoking behaviours. Therefore, in order to prevent the initiation of tobacco use, as well as support users in their cessation efforts to quit tobacco long-term, Health Canada contracted Earnscliffe to utilize a 'lived experience' approach. The specific objectives of the research were to gather information about smoking behaviours and feelings in real-time, with the overall goal of learning more about situations smokers typically find themselves in when smoking. Findings from the research will be used to help Health Canada develop new lines of messaging that focus on the experience of smoking. In addition, findings will also be used to provide program strategy and communications with a more fulsome understanding of smokers' patterns of behaviour to better meet their needs when they are ready to quit. The contract value for this project was $227,293.62 including HST.

To meet these objectives, Earnscliffe conducted a comprehensive two-phased research project. Phase 1 involved an ethnographic approach in order to understand participants' daily activities/lives. Participants were asked to journal about their daily lives on a daily basis for three weeks. While they were not provided with specific guidance to journal about their tobacco use, participants were aware of the focus of the study on smoking. Over the course of the engagement, participants were also asked to complete an initial introductory 'Getting to know you' activity and a 'Final thoughts' activity in addition to individual facilitator probing and discussion topics. This phase was comprised of a three-week diary exercise involving 110 participants across Canada. The diary exercise was conducted between February 19th and March 12th, 2021. Of the 110 participants, 21 participated in French and 89 participated in English. Participants were those who smoke daily with good representation across key demographics.

Following the initial diary exercise, we conducted a second wave of qualitative research, involving in-depth interviews with a select group of fifty (50) participants from the initial diary exercise. Participants were selected based on the thought and effort devoted to their diary reflections. Special attention was paid to ensure good representation of key demographics. The interviews were conducted by telephone between March 10th and March 23rd, 2021. Ten interviews were conducted in French, while the rest were conducted in English. The interviews were on average 30 minutes in length.

It is important to note that qualitative research is a form of scientific, social, policy, and public opinion research. Focus group research is not designed to help a group reach a consensus or to make decisions, but rather to elicit the full range of ideas, attitudes, experiences, and opinions of a selected sample of participants on a defined topic. Because of the small numbers involved, the participants cannot be expected to be thoroughly representative in a statistical sense of the larger population from which they are drawn and findings cannot reliably be generalized beyond their number.

The key takeaways can be summarized as follows:

Research Firm:

Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. (Earnscliffe)

Contract Number: HT372-203701/001/CY

Contract award date: November 17, 2020

I hereby certify as a Representative of Earnscliffe Strategy Group that the final deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed: Date: April 19, 2021

Stephanie Constable

Principal, Earnscliffe