
Submitted to
Health Canada

Prepared by

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Contract number: HT372-203161/001/CY
POR #037-20
Awarded 2020-09-17
Contract Value: $238,615.89
Delivery Date: 2022-02-01

507 Place d'Armes, Suite 700
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For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at:


Methodological Report

Prepared for Health Canada
Supplier Name: Leger Marketing Inc.
March 2020

This public opinion research report presents the technical aspects of a tracking survey online conducted by Leger Marketing Inc. on behalf of Health Canada. The research was conducted with Canadians 18 and over.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Enquête de suivi concernant le point de vue des canadiens sur la COVID-19.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Health Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at or at:

Health Canada, CPAB
200 Eglantine Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
Jeanne Mance Building, AL 1915C
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9

Catalogue Number:

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Related publications (registration number: POR 037-20):
Catalogue Number: H14-389/2021F-PDF (Final Report, French)
ISBN 978-0-660-41699-1

©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2020.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Leger is pleased to present the Government of Canada, Health Canada (HC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) with this report on the methodology used for this study on health-related public opinion during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This report was prepared by Leger who was contracted by Health Canada (contract number HT372-203161/001/CY awarded September 17, 2020).

1.1 Background and Objectives

To adequately respond to COVID-19, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada have developed a set of measures to protect the public and minimize the health, social and economic impacts of the pandemic. This study was developed in response to the lack of targeted health-related public opinion information about the COVID-19 pandemic.

To that end, HC and PHAC implemented a study with multiple survey phases. This project made it possible to survey the opinions of the Canadian population and measure the evolution of behaviours several times over the course of a few months.

The study provided ongoing first-hand data that allowed HC and PHAC to develop effective communications and initiatives.

The objectives were to provide Health Canada and other governments with research-based information on Canadians' perceptions, knowledge and behaviours relating to COVID-19. This type of information was particularly useful to HC and PHAC in refining its communications campaigns and tools.

General objectives were established for all eight waves of the study. In addition, specific objectives for each wave were also established. The specific objectives of each wave are mentioned in the methodology section.

The general objectives were as follows:

1.2 Data Collection

This study was conducted through a web-based survey of the Canadian population aged 18 and over who can speak English or French. The respondents were randomly selected through the Leo panel, Leger's panel.

Eight waves of studies were conducted for this research project as follow. Details on methodology for each wave are provided in the full methodological report.

Wage Target Audience Fieldwork
Wave 1 1,000 Canadians 18+ September 25-28, 2020
Wave 2 2,000 Canadians 18+ November 6-19, 2020
Wave 3 1,000 Canadians 18+;
and an oversample of 300 respondents with low income and 300 respondents from visible minority groups
November 11-18, 2020
Wave 4 2,000 Canadians 18+;
and an oversample of 100 Indigenous respondents
December 22, 2020 to January 3, 2021
Wave 5 2,000 Canadians 18+ February 25 to March 6, 2021
Wave 6 2,000 Canadians 18+;
and an oversample of 700 Indigenous respondents or respondents from visible minority groups
April 21 to May 1st, 2021
Wave 7 2,250 Canadians 18+;
and an oversample of 400 South Asian, 350 Black respondents and 200 Indigenous respondents
June 10th to June 30th, 2021
Wave 8 2,250 Canadians 18+;
and an oversample of 350 South Asian, 400 Black respondents and 200 Indigenous respondents
August 31st to September 14th, 2021

The results of this survey are not statistically projectable to the target population because the sampling method used does not ensure that the sample represents the target population with a known margin of sampling error. Reported percentages are not generalizable to any group other than the sample studied, and therefore no formal statistical inferences can be drawn between the sample results and the broader target population it may be intended to reflect. Survey data are weighted to ensure that they replicate what the latest census would indicate in the composition of the adult population of Canada. Details regarding the weighting procedures and participation rate can be found in Appendix A.

1.3 Notes on the Interpretation of the Findings

The opinions and observations expressed in this document do not reflect those of the Government of Canada, Health Canada (HC) or the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). This report was compiled by Leger based on research conducted specifically for this project.

1.4 Declaration of Political Neutrality and Contact Information

I hereby certify, as chief agent of Leger, that the deliverables are in full compliance with the neutrality requirements of the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications-Appendix C (Appendix C: Mandatory Procedures for Public Opinion Research).

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, party positions, or the assessment of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed by:

Christian Bourque
Executive Vice President and Associate
507 Place d'Armes, Suite 700
Montréal, Quebec
H2Y 2W8

2. Methodology

This study was conducted through a web-based survey of the Canadian population aged 18 and over who can speak English or French. The respondents were randomly selected through the Leo panel, Leger's panel of Canadian Internet users comprising nearly half a million Internet users.

Eight waves of studies were conducted for this research project. Details for each wave are provided in the following sections.

2.1 Wave 1

For the first wave, a sample of 1,000 respondents representative of the Canadian population completed the survey. Fieldwork for this survey took place from September 25, 2020 to September 28, 2020.

The objectives of the first wave were to test different concepts and messages on COVID-19 and security measures with Canadians. Respondents were exposed to four storyboards and a message from Dr. Theresa Tam (English) and Dr. Howard Njoo (French). They were then asked for their opinion of the sketches as well as their preferred concept. The storyboards showed to the respondents can be found in Appendix B and the questionnaire can be found in Appendix C.

2.1.1 Quotas

For the first wave, the objective was to have a representative sample of the Canadian population. To do so, the following regional distribution was established:

# of Respondents 20 40 10 30 200 300 75 70 100 150 1 2 2

As for any general population sample derived from a national survey, the final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language and education levels.

2.1.2 Pretest

To validate the programming of the questionnaire, a pretest in both official language was conducted before the data collection. The following table shows the details of the pretest.

Table 1: Pretest details for wave 1
Wave 1
Date of the pretest September 24th2020
Number of complete surveys 30 (20 in English and 10 in French)
Average length during pretest 15.50 min

As no problems were detected during the pretests, data collection went forward.

2.1.3 Data Collection

Data collection for the first wave of this project began on September 25, 2020 and was carried out until September 28, 2020. A target of 1,000 respondents was established. The following table details the collection dates and the number of respondents and recontacts for each wave.

Table 2. Data collection details for wave 1
Wave 1
Start of data collection September 25th, 2020
End of data collection September 28th, 2020
Invitations sent 6,591
Number of reminders sent 2
Number of completed interviews 1,003
Survey Length (Average) 18.23 min

2.1.4 Participation Rate

Below is the calculation of the participation rate to the first wave. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate / response rate = R ÷ (U + IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation.

Table 3. Participation rate for wave 1
Invalid cases 0
Invitations mistakenly sent to people who did not qualify for the study 0
Incomplete or missing email addresses 0
Unresolved (U) 5,402
Email invitations bounce back 22
Email invitations unanswered 5,380
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 156
Non-response from eligible respondents 0
Respondent refusals 0
Language problem 0
Selected respondent not available (illness; leave of absence; vacation; other) 0
Early break-offs 156
Responding units (R) 1,005
Completed surveys disqualified - quota filled 0
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 2
Completed interviews 1,003
Participation rate 15,31%

2.2 Wave 2

For the second wave, a sample of 2,000 respondents representative of the Canadian population completed the survey. Fieldwork for this survey took place from November 6, 2020 to November 19, 2020.

The objectives of the second wave were to assess the sources of information used by Canadians to keep up to date with Covid-19, and measure Canadians' views on Covid-19 vaccination and seasonal flu vaccination. The questionnaire for this wave can be found in Appendix D.

2.2.1 Quotas

For the second wave, the objective was to have a representative sample of the Canadian population. To do so, the following regional distribution was established:

# of Respondents 40 80 20 60 400 600 150 140 200 300 2 4 4

For the second wave, final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, presence of children in the household and immigration status.

2.2.2 Pretest

To validate the programming of the questionnaire, a pretest in both official languages was conducted before the data collection. The following table shows the details of the pretest.

Table 4. Pretest details for wave 2
Wave 2
Date of the pretest November 6th, 2020
Number of complete surveys 56 (35 in English and 21 in French)
Average length during pretest 6.54 min

As no problems were detected during the pretests, data collection went forward.

2.2.3 Data Collection

Data collection for the second wave of this project began on November 6, 2020 and was carried out until November 19, 2020. A target of 2,000 respondents was established. The following table details the collection dates and the number of respondents and recontacts for each wave.

Table 5. Data collection details for wave 2
Wave 2
Start of data collection November 6th, 2020
End of data collection November 19th,2020
Invitations sent 10,418
Number of reminders sent 3
Number of completed interviews 2,000
Survey Length (Average) 7.33 min

2.2.4 Participation Rate

Below is the calculation of the participation rate to the second wave. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate / response rate = R ÷ (U + IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation.

Table 6. Participation rate for wave 2
Invalid cases 0
Invitations mistakenly sent to people who did not qualify for the study 0
Incomplete or missing email addresses 0
Unresolved (U) 8,352
Email invitations bounce back 89
Email invitations unanswered 8,263
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 60
Non-response from eligible respondents 0
Respondent refusals 0
Language problem 0
Selected respondent not available (illness; leave of absence; vacation; other) 0
Early break-offs 60
Responding units (R) 2,029
Completed surveys disqualified - quota filled 0
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 29
Completed interviews 2,000
Participation rate 19,43%

2.3 Wave 3

For the third wave, a sample of 1,600 respondents (1,000 from the general population, 300 visible minorities and 300 Canadians with low-income) completed the survey. Fieldwork for this survey took place from November 11, 2020 to November 18, 2020.

The objectives of the third survey wave were to test different concepts for the COVID Alert mobile application marketing campaign. Respondents were exposed to three different storyboards and were asked for their opinion of the sketches and their preferred campaign concept. The storyboards showed to the respondents can be found in Appendix E and the questionnaire can be found in Appendix F.

2.3.1 Quotas

For the third wave, the objective was to have a representative sample of the Canadian population, but also to have a better understanding of low-income Canadians and visible minorities. To do so, the following regional distribution and the following over samples was established:

Region NL NS PE NB QC ON MB SK AB BC NU NT YT Visible minorities
Low incomes
# of Respondents 20 40 10 30 200 300 75 70 100 150 1 2 2 300 300

For the third wave, final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, visible minorities and low income.

2.3.2 Pretest

To validate the programming of the questionnaire, a pretest in both official languages was conducted before the data collection. The following table shows the details of the pretest.

Table 7. Pretest details for wave 3
Wave 3
Date of the pretest November 11th, 2020
Number of complete surveys 31 (20 in English and 11 in French)
Average length during pretest 11.30 min

As no problems were detected during the pretests, data collection went forward.

2.3.3 Data Collection

Data collection for the third wave of this project began on November 11, 2020 and was carried out until November 18, 2020. A target of 1,600 respondents was established. The following table details the collection dates and the number of respondents and recontacts for each wave.

Table 8. Data collection details for wave 3
Wave 3
Start of data collection November 11th, 2020
End of data collection November 18th, 2020
Invitations sent 13,646
Number of reminders sent 2
Number of completed interviews 1,625
Survey Length (Average) 12.46 min

2.3.4 Participation Rate

Below is the calculation of the participation rate to the thirdwave. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate / response rate = R ÷ (U + IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation.

Table 9. Participation rate for wave 3
Invalid cases 0
Invitations mistakenly sent to people who did not qualify for the study 0
Incomplete or missing email addresses 0
Unresolved (U) 11,520
Email invitations bounce back 37
Email invitations unanswered 11,483
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 219
Non-response from eligible respondents 0
Respondent refusals 0
Language problem 0
Selected respondent not available (illness; leave of absence; vacation; other) 0
Early break-offs 219
Responding units (R) 1,676
Completed surveys disqualified - quota filled 0
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 51
Completed interviews 1,625
Participation rate 12,49%

2.4 Wave 4

For the fourth wave, a sample of 2,100 respondents (2,000 from the general population, 100 Indigenous Canadians) completed the survey. Fieldwork for this survey took place from December 22, 2020 to January 3, 2021.

The objectives of the fourth survey wave were to assess Canadians' behaviour during the pandemic and evaluate their opinions on different topics related to Covid-19. Also during this wave, different messages related to vaccination were tested with different groups of Canadians:

The questionnaire for the fourth wave, as well as the different messages, can be found in respectively in Appendix G and Appendix H.

2.4.1 Quotas

For the fourth wave, the objective was to have a representative sample of the Canadian population, but also to have a better understanding of Indigenous Canadians. To do so, the following regional distribution and the following over samples were established:

Region NL NS PE NB QC ON MB SK AB BC NU NT YT Indigenous
# of Respondents 40 80 20 60 400 600 150 140 200 300 2 4 4 100

For the fourth wave, final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, income and wether or not respondents were Indigenous or part of a visible minority group.

2.4.2 Pretest

To validate the programming of the questionnaire, a pretest in both official languages was conducted before the data collection. The following table shows the details of the pretest.

Table 10. Pretest details for wave 4
Wave 4
Date of the pretest December 22nd, 2020
Number of complete surveys 31 (21 in English and 10 in French)
Average length during pretest 9.52 min

As no problems were detected during the pretests, data collection went forward.

2.4.3 Data Collection

Data collection for the fourth wave of this project began on December 22, 2020 and was carried out until January 3rd, 2021. A target of 2,100 respondents was established. The following table details the collection dates and the number of respondents and recontacts for each wave.

Table 11. Data collection details for wave 4
Wave 4
Start of data collection December 22nd, 2020
End of data collection January 3rd, 2021
Invitations sent 15,886
Number of reminders sent 6 (3 for the general population and 3 for the oversample of Indigenous)
Number of completed interviews 2,111
Survey Length (Average) 12.15 min

2.4.4 Participation Rate

Below is the calculation of the participation rate to the fourth wave. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate / response rate = R ÷ (U + IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation.

Table 12. Participation rate for wave 4
Invalid cases 0
Invitations mistakenly sent to people who did not qualify for the study 0
Incomplete or missing email addresses 0
Unresolved (U) 13,579
Email invitations bounce back 41
Email invitations unanswered 13,538
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 116
Non-response from eligible respondents 0
Respondent refusals 0
Language problem 0
Selected respondent not available (illness; leave of absence; vacation; other) 0
Early break-offs 116
Responding units (R) 2,146
Completed surveys disqualified - quota filled 0
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 35
Completed interviews 2,111
Participation rate 13,5%

2.5 Wave 5

For the fifth wave, a sample of 2,000 respondents completed the survey. Fieldwork for this survey took place from February 25, 2021 to March 6, 2021.

Similar to the fourth way, the objectives of the fifth survey wave were to assess Canadians' behaviour during the pandemic and evaluate their opinions on different topics related to Covid-19. More questions about vaccines and Canadians' position on vaccines were asked in the fifth wave.

The questionnaire for the fifth wave can be found in Appendix I.

2.5.1 Quotas

For the fifth wave, the objective was to have a representative sample of the Canadian population. To do so, the following regional distribution and the following over samples were established:

# of Respondents 40 80 20 60 400 600 150 140 200 300 2 4 4

For the fifth wave, final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, presence of children in the household and immigration status.

2.5.2 Pretest

To validate the programming of the questionnaire, a pretest in both official languages was conducted before the data collection. The following table shows the details of the pretest.

Table 13. Pretest details for wave 5
Wave 5
Date of the pretest February 25th, 2021
Number of complete surveys 38 (27 in English and 11 in French)
Average length during pretest 7.08 min

As no problems were detected during the pretests, data collection went forward.

2.5.3 Data Collection

Data collection for the fifth wave of this project began on February 25, 2021 and was carried out until March 6, 2021. A target of 2,000 respondents was established. The following table details the collection dates and the number of respondents and recontacts for each wave.

Table 14. Data collection details for wave 5
Wave 5
Start of data collection February 25th, 2021
End of data collection March 6th, 2021
Invitations sent 9,811
Number of reminders sent 3
Number of completed interviews 2,001
Survey Length (Average) 7.42 min

2.5.4 Participation Rate

Below is the calculation of the participation rate to the fifth wave. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate / response rate = R ÷ (U + IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation.

Table 15. Participation rate for wave 5
Invalid cases 0
Invitations mistakenly sent to people who did not qualify for the study 0
Incomplete or missing email addresses 0
Unresolved (U) 7,665
Email invitations bounce back 22
Email invitations unanswered 7,643
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 79
Non-response from eligible respondents 0
Respondent refusals 0
Language problem 0
Selected respondent not available (illness; leave of absence; vacation; other) 0
Early break-offs 79
Responding units (R) 2,042
Completed surveys disqualified - quota filled 0
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 41
Completed interviews 2,001
Participation rate 20,86%

2.6 Wave 6

For the sixth wave, a sample of 2,750 (2,000 from the general population, 300 South Asian, 250 Black respondents, and 200 Indigenous) were surveyed. Fieldwork for this survey took place from April 21, 2021 to May 1st, 2021.

Similar to the other waves, the objectives of the sixth wave were to assess Canadians' behaviour during the pandemic and evaluate their opinions on different topics related to Covid-19. More questions about vaccines and Canadians' position on vaccines were asked in the sixth wave, as well as new questions on mental health and travel restrictions.

The questionnaire for the sixth wave can be found in Appendix J.

2.6.1 Quotas

For the sixth wave, the objective was to have a representative sample of the Canadian population, but also to have a better understanding of Indigenous Canadians and Canadians from visible minority groups such as Black respondents and South Asian respondents. To do so, the following regional distribution and oversample were established:

Region NL NS PE NB QC ON MB SK AB BC NU NT YT Indigenous
South Asian
# of Respondents 40 80 20 60 400 600 150 140 200 300 2 4 4 200 250 300

The final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, presence of children in the household, immigration status (born in Canada or not) and visible minorities (Indigenous, Black and South Asians).

2.6.2 Pretest

To validate the programming of the questionnaire, a pretest in both official languages was conducted before the data collection. The following table shows the details of the pretest.

Table 16. Pretest details for wave 6
Wave 6
Date of the pretest April 21st, 2021
Number of complete surveys 44 (30 in English and 14 in French)
Average length during pretest 10.20 min

As no problems were detected during the pretests, data collection went forward.

2.6.3 Data Collection

Data collection for the sixth wave of this project began on April 21st, 2021 and was carried out until May 1st, 2021. A target of 2,700 respondents was established. The following table details the collection dates and the number of respondents.

Table 17. Data collection details for wave 6
Wave 6
Start of data collection April 21st, 2021
End of data collection May 1st, 2021
Invitations sent 12,902
Number of reminders sent 4 (2 for the general population and 2 for the oversample of visible minorities)
Number of completed interviews 2,762
Survey Length (Average) 11.04 min

2.6.4 Participation Rate

Below is the calculation of the participation rate to the sixth wave. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate / response rate = R ÷ (U + IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation.

Table 18. Participation rate for wave 6
Invalid cases 0
Invitations mistakenly sent to people who did not qualify for the study 0
Incomplete or missing email addresses 0
Unresolved (U) 10,022
Email invitations bounce back 116
Email invitations unanswered 9,906
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 131
Non-response from eligible respondents 0
Respondent refusals 0
Language problem 0
Selected respondent not available (illness; leave of absence; vacation; other) 0
Early break-offs 131
Responding units (R) 2,942
Completed surveys disqualified - quota filled 0
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 180
Completed interviews 2,762
Participation rate 22,46%

2.7 Wave 7

For the seventh wave, a sample of 3,200 (2,250 from the general population and an oversample of 400 South Asian, 200 Indigenous, and 350 Black respondents) were surveyed. Fieldwork for this survey took place from June 10, 2021 to June 30, 2021.

Similar to the other waves, the objectives of the seventh wave were to assess Canadians' behaviour during the pandemic and evaluate their opinions on different topics related to Covid-19. Questions more specific to childhood vaccination were asked during this wave.

The questionnaire for the seventh wave can be found in Appendix K.

2.7.1 Quotas

For the seventh wave, the objective was to have a representative sample of the Canadian population, but also to have a better understanding of Indigenous, Black and South Asian Canadians. To do so, the following regional distribution and the following over samples were established:

Region NL NS PE NB QC ON MB SK AB BC NU NT YT Indigenous
South Asian
# of Respondents 45 90 22 68 450 675 168 157 225 338 4 4 4 200 350 400

For the seventh wave, results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, presence of children in the household, immigration status (born in Canada or not) and visible minorities (Indigenous, Black, South Asians and others).

2.7.2 Pretest

To validate the programming of the questionnaire, a pretest in both official languages was conducted before the data collection. The following table shows the details of the pretest.

Table 19. Pretest details for wave 7
Wave 7
Date of the pretest June 10th, 2021
Number of complete surveys 47 (30 in English and 17 in French)
Average length during pretest 7.36 min

As no problems were detected during the pretests, data collection went forward.

2.7.3 Data Collection

Data collection for the seventh wave of this project began on June 10th, 2021 and was carried out until June 30th, 2021. A target of 3,200 respondents was established. The following table details the collection dates and the number of respondents.

Table 20. Data collection details for wave 7
Wave 7
Start of data collection June 10th, 2021
End of data collection June 30th, 2021
Invitations sent 18,609
Number of reminders sent 4 (2 for the general population and 2 for the oversample of visible minorities)
Number of completed interviews 3,209
Survey Length (Average) 10.02 min

2.7.4 Participation Rate

Below is the calculation of the participation rate to the seventh wave. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate / response rate = R ÷ (U + IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation.

Table 21a. Participation rate for wave 7
Invalid cases 0
Invitations mistakenly sent to people who did not qualify for the study 0
Incomplete or missing email addresses 0
Unresolved (U) 14,784
Email invitations bounce back 6
Email invitations unanswered 14,778
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 135
Non-response from eligible respondents 0
Respondent refusals 0
Language problem 0
Selected respondent not available (illness; leave of absence; vacation; other) 0
Early break-offs 135
Responding units (R) 3,348
Completed surveys disqualified - quota filled 0
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 139
Completed interviews 3,209
Participation rate 18,32%

2.8 Wave 8

For the eighth wave, a sample of 3,200 (2,250 from the general population and an oversample of 350 South Asian, 200 Indigenous, and 400 Black respondents). Fieldwork for this survey took place from August 31st, 2021 to Septembre 14, 2021.

The objectives of the eighth wave were to assess Canadians' behaviour during the pandemic and evaluate their opinions on different topics related to Covid-19, such as COVID-19 concerns, post-pandemic, mental health, vaccines (adults and children), vaccine passport, public health measures, rapid tests and flu vaccine.

The questionnaire for the eighth wave can be found in Appendix L.

2.8.1 Quotas

For the eighth wave, the objective was to have a representative sample of the Canadian population, but also to have a better understanding of Indigenous, Black and South Asian Canadians. Compared to wave seven, more Black respondents were surveyed than South Asians. The following regional distribution and the following over samples were established:

Region NL NS PE NB QC ON MB SK AB BC NU NT YT Indigenous
South Asian
# of Respondents 45 90 22 68 450 675 168 157 225 338 4 4 4 200 400 350

Final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, presence of children in the household, immigration status (born in Canada or not) and visible minorities (Indigenous, Black, South Asians and others).

2.8.2 Pretest

To validate the programming of the questionnaire, a pretest in both official languages was conducted before the data collection. The following table shows the details of the pretest.

Table 21b. Pretest details for wave 8
Wave 8
Date of the pretest August 31st, 2021
Number of complete surveys 36 (26 in English and 10 in French)
Average length during pretest 8.01 min

As no problems were detected during the pretests, data collection went forward.

2.8.3 Data Collection

Data collection for the eighth wave of this project began on August 31st, 2021 and was carried out until September 14th, 2021. A target of 3,200 respondents was established. The following table details the collection dates and the number of respondents.

Table 22. Data collection details for wave 8
Wave 8
Start of data collection August 31st, 2021
End of data collection September 14th, 2021
Invitations sent 24,201
Number of reminders sent 4 (2 for the general population and 2 for the oversample of visible minorities)
Number of completed interviews 3,209
Survey Length (Average) 11.02 min

2.8.4 Participation Rate

Below is the calculation of the participation rate to the eighth wave. The participation rate is calculated using the following formula: Participation rate / response rate = R ÷ (U + IS + R). The table below provides details of the calculation.

Table 23. Participation rate for wave 8
Invalid cases 0
Invitations mistakenly sent to people who did not qualify for the study 0
Incomplete or missing email addresses 0
Unresolved (U) 20,490
Email invitations bounce back 3
Email invitations unanswered 20,487
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 133
Non-response from eligible respondents 0
Respondent refusals 0
Language problem 0
Selected respondent not available (illness; leave of absence; vacation; other) 0
Early break-offs 133
Responding units (R) 3,281
Completed surveys disqualified - quota filled 0
Completed surveys disqualified for other reasons 72
Completed interviews 3,209
Participation rate 13,72%

APPENDIX A - Detailed Research Methodology

A.2 Quantitative Methodology

A.2.1 Methods

Quantitative research was conducted through online surveys, using Computer Aided Web Interviewing (CAWI) technology. Leger adheres to the most stringent guidelines for quantitative research. The survey instrument was compliant with the Standards of Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research. Respondents were assured of the voluntary, confidential, and anonymous nature of this research. As with all research conducted by Leger, all information that could allow for the identification of participants was removed from the data, in accordance with the Privacy Act.

A.2.2 Computer Aided Web Interviewing (CAWI)

A panel-based Internet survey with a sample of Canadian adults from the general population was made randomly from the Leo online panel.

Leger owns and operates an Internet panel of more than 400,000 Canadians from coast to coast. An Internet panel is made up of web users profiled on different sociodemographic variables. The majority of Leger's panel members (61%) have been recruited randomly over the phone over the past decade, making it highly similar to the actual Canadian population on many demographic characteristics. Respondents earn points for each survey they complete and can redeem their points for rewards.

The questionnaires for this project, as well as the material to be tested, were provided by Health Canada. The data collection has been conducted in accordance with the Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research-Series A-Fieldwork and Data Tabulation for Online Surveys.

A.2.3 Quality Control

In addition to pre-testing to ensure the quality of programming, Leger has a process in place to ensure the quality of the responses given by respondents. Since February 2021, Leger has implemented a series of validation questions to ensure the reliability of the results in each survey.

A.2.4 Unweighted and Weighted Samples and Weighting factors

Wave 1

The tables below present the geographic distribution of respondents, their gender, age, language and level of education before and after weighting for the first wave.

There is no evidence from the data that having achieved a different age or gender distribution prior to weighting would have significantly changed the results for this study. The relatively small weight sizes and differences in responses between various subgroups suggest that data quality was not affected. The weight that was applied corrected the initial imbalance for data analysis purposes and no further manipulations were necessary.

Table 24. Unweighted and Weighted Samples for wave 1
Label Unweighted Weighted
British Columbia and Yukon 153 133
Alberta and Northwest Territories 102 115
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut 147 67
Ontario 300 385
Quebec 200 235
Atlantic 101 69
Men 485 487
Women 512 509
Other 6 7
Between 18 and 34 280 274
Between 35 and 54 364 342
55 years old and over 359 387
English 709 693
French 191 209
Other 97 95
Level of education
High school or less 261 364
College 236 351
University 495 273

Weighting factors for wave 1

Some subgroups are sometimes under- or overrepresented in a sample compared to the general population. The weighting of a sample makes it possible to correct those differences. The weighting factors are therefore the weight given to each respondent corresponding to a subgroup of the sample. For the first wave, results were weighted by region, gender, age, language and level of education.

Table 25. Weight by Gender and Age
Label Weight
Male AND Between 18 and 24 0.0555
Male AND Between 25 and 34 0.0816
Male AND Between 35 and 44 0.0791
Male AND Between 45 and 54 0.0881
Male AND Between 55 and 64 0.0854
Male AND Between 65 and older 0.0959
Female, Another gender AND Between 18 and 24 0.0531
Female, Another gender AND Between 25 and 34 0.0827
Female, Another gender AND Between 35 and 44 0.0826
Female, Another gender AND Between 45 and 54 0.0912
Female, Another gender AND Between 55 and 64 0.0894
Female, Another gender AND Between 65 and older 0.1154
Total 1.000

Table 26. Weight by Gender and Region
Label Weight
Male AND Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland 0.0094
Male AND Nova Scotia 0.0129
Male AND New Brunswick 0.0106
Male AND Quebec 0.1143
Male AND Ontario 0.1848
Male AND Manitoba 0.0172
Male AND Saskatchewan 0.0148
Male AND Alberta 0.0559
Male AND British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut 0.0658
Female, Another gender AND Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland 0.0101
Female, Another gender AND Nova Scotia 0.0141
Female, Another gender AND New Brunswick 0.0113
Female, Another gender AND Quebec 0.1203
Female, Another gender AND Ontario 0.1990
Female, Another gender AND Manitoba 0.0180
Female, Another gender AND Saskatchewan 0.0153
Female, Another gender AND Alberta 0.0563
Female, Another gender AND British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut 0.0699
Total 1.000

Table 27. Weight by Language
Label Weight
Quebec AND French 0.1809
Quebec AND not French 0.0537
Rest of Canada AND French 0.0271
Rest of Canada AND not French 0.7383
Total 1.000

Table 28. Weight by Education Level
Label Weight
Not University 0.728
University 0.272
Total 1.000

Wave 2 :

The tables below present the geographic distribution of respondents, their gender, age, language, level of education, the presence of children in the household and their immigration status before and after weighting for the second wave.

Table 29. Unweighted and Weighted Samples for wave 2
Label Unweighted Weighted
British Columbia and Yukon 304 272
Alberta and Northwest Territories 204 225
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut 292 130
Ontario 600 768
Quebec 400 469
Atlantic 200 136
Men 1,014 971
Women 976 1,021
Between 18 and 24 175 202
Between 25 and 34 364 345
Between 35 and 44 348 323
Between 45 and 54 365 358
Between 55 and 64 303 349
65 years old and over 445 423
English 1,357 1,323
French 423 412
Other 208 249
Level of education
High school or less 448 597
College 610 829
University 924 544
Presence of children in the household
Yes 516 543
No 1,472 1,447
Immigrant status
Born in Canada 1,646 1,562
Born outside Canada 354 438

Weighting factors for wave 2

Results for the second wave were weighted by region, gender, age, language and level of education and immigration status.

Table 30. Weight by Province, Gender and Age
Label Weight
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0.00337
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0.00455
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0.00486
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0.00609
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0.00646
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.00755
ATLANTIC AND Female,Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0.00326
ATLANTIC AND Female,Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0.0047
ATLANTIC AND Female,Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0.00527
ATLANTIC AND Female,Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0.00646
ATLANTIC AND Female,Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 64 0.00685
ATLANTIC AND Female,Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.0089
QC AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0.03065
QC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0.01885
QC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0.02031
QC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0.02105
QC AND Male AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.02388
QC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0.01198
QC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0.01806
QC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0.01884
QC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0.02031
QC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 64 0.02171
QC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.02944
ON AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0.05308
ON AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0.02929
ON AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0.0346
ON AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0.0317
ON AND Male AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.03622
ON AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0.02144
ON AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0.03145
ON AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0.03185
ON AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0.0365
ON AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 64 0.03377
ON AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.04408
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0.00397
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0.00584
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0.00527
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0.00545
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0.00547
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.00593
MB/SK AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0.00376
MB/SK AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0.00582
MB/SK AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0.00532
MB/SK AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0.00554
MB/SK AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 64 0.00555
MB/SK AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.00724
AB AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0.00654
AB AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0.01156
AB AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0.01056
AB AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0.00992
AB AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0.00899
AB AND Male AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.00826
AB AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0.00622
AB AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0.01141
AB AND Female, Another gender,I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0.01036
AB AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0.00982
AB AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 64 0.00891
AB AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.00958
BC AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0.01817
BC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0.01016
BC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0.01168
BC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0.01169
BC AND Male AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.01411
BC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0.00686
BC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0.01106
BC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0.01083
BC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0.01246
BC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 64 0.01253
BC AND Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.01618
Total 1.000

Table 31. Weight by Gender and Language
Label Weight
Male AND French 0.1
Male AND English 0.3857
Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND French 0.1061
Female, Another gender, I prefer not to answer AND English 0.4082
Total 1.000

Table 32. Weight by Presence of Children
Label Weight
Yes,I prefer not to answer 0.2767
No 0.7233
Total 1.000

Table 33. Weight by Region
Label Weight
Colombie-Britannique (Vancouver RMR) 0.0719
Colombie-Britannique (OTHER) 0.0637
Alberta (Calgary RMR) 0.0384
Alberta (Edmonton RMR) 0.0365
Alberta (Autre) 0.0373
Ontario (Tor RMR) 0.1693
Ontario (OTHER) 0.2146
Quebec (Mtl RMR) 0.1173
Quebec (Qc RMR) 0.0235
Quebec (OTHER) 0.0938
OTHERS 0.1337
Total 1.000

Table 34. Weight by Immigration status
Label Weight
Born in Canada 0.781
Born outside Canada 0.219
Total 1.000

Table 35. Weight by Education Level
Label Weight
Not University 0.728
University 0.272
Total 1.000

Wave 3:

The tables below present the geographic distribution of respondents, their gender, age, language and level of education as well as if they are part of a visible minority group and if they have a low income or not before and after weighting.

Table 36. Unweighted and Weighted Samples for wave 3
Label Unweighted Weighted
British Columbia and Yukon 265 218
Alberta and Northwest Territories 150 184
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut 214 107
Ontario 520 624
Quebec 325 381
Atlantic 151 111
Men 797 789
Women 826 835
Between 18 and 34 457 443
Between 35 and 54 588 554
55 years old and over 580 627
English 1,107 1,093
French 290 338
Other 220 184
Level of education
High school or less 447 573
College 403 593
University 763 442
Visible minority
Yes 643 559
No 947 1,028
Yes (less than 40,000$) 594 430
No (40,000$ and more) 905 1,038

Weighting factors for wave 3

For the third wave, results were weighted by region, gender, age, language, level of education, income and visible minority.

Table 37. Weight by Gender and Age
Label Weight
Male AND Between 18 and 24 0.0555
Male AND Between 25 and 34 0.0816
Male AND Between 35 and 44 0.0791
Male AND Between 45 and 54 0.0881
Male AND Between 55 and 64 0.0854
Male AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.0959
Female, Another gender AND Between 18 and 24 0.0531
Female, Another gender AND Between 25 and 34 0.0827
Female, Another gender AND Between 35 and 44 0.0826
Female, Another gender AND Between 45 and 54 0.0912
Female, Another gender AND Between 55 and 64 0.0894
Female, Another gender AND Between 65 and 74,75 or older 0.1154
Total 1.000

Table 38. Weight by Gender and Region
Label Weight
Male AND Prince Edward Island,Newfoundland 0.0094
Male AND Nova Scotia 0.0129
Male AND New Brunswick 0.0106
Male AND Quebec 0.1143
Male AND Ontario 0.1848
Male AND Manitoba 0.0172
Male AND Saskatchewan 0.0148
Male AND Alberta 0.0559
Male AND British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut 0.0658
Female, Another gender AND Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland 0.0101
Female, Another gender AND Nova Scotia 0.0141
Female, Another gender AND New Brunswick 0.0113
Female, Another gender AND Quebec 0.1203
Female, Another gender AND Ontario 0.199
Female, Another gender AND Manitoba 0.018
Female, Another gender AND Saskatchewan 0.0153
Female, Another gender AND Alberta 0.0563
Female, Another gender AND British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut 0.0699
Total 1.000

Table 39. Weight by Region and Language
Label Weight
QC AND French 0.1
QC AND English, Other, I prefer not to answer 0.3857
ATLANTIC, ON-BC AND French 0.1061
ATLANTIC, ON-BC AND English, Other, I prefer not to answer 0.4082
Total 1.000

Table 40. Weight by Education Level
Label Weight
Not University 0.728
University 0.272
Total 1.000

Table 41. Weight by Low Income
Label Weight
Under $40,000 0.26444
40+ 0.73556
Total 1.000

Table 42. Weight by Visible Minority
Label Weight
Not A member of an ethnocultural or a visible minority group 0.7773
A member of an ethnocultural or a visible minority group 0.2227
Total 1.000

Wave 4:

The tables below present the geographic distribution of respondents, their gender, age, language and level of education as well as if they are part of a visible minority group, if they have a low income or not and if they are Indigenous.

Table 43. Unweighted and Weighted Samples for wave 4
Label Unweighted Weighted
British Columbia and Yukon 328 280
Alberta and Northwest Territories 211 237
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut 309 138
Ontario 624 810
Quebec 422 495
Atlantic 207 144
Men 1,035 1,020
Women 1,069 1,086
Between 18 and 34 554 578
Between 35 and 54 790 719
55 years old and over 767 814
English 1,475 1,401
French 427 439
Other 202 263
Level of education
High school or less 457 648
College 620 850
University 1,006 574
Visible minority
Yes 202 464
No 1,909 1,647
Low income
Yes (less than 40,000$) 403 558
No (40,000$ and more) 1,466 1,297
Yes 147 102
No 1,964 2,009

Weighting factors for wave 4

For the fourth wave, results were weighted by region, gender, age, language, level of education, income, visible minority and if the respondent is Indigenous or not.

Table 44. Weight by Gender and Age
Label Weight
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,05594
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,08153
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,07905
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,08806
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,11923
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,06195
Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,05355
Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,08259
Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,08251
Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,09108
Female AND Between 55 and 69 0,12553
Female AND 70 or older 0,07898
Total 1.000

Table 45. Weight by Gender and Region
Label Weight
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Prince Edward Island,Newfoundland 0,0094
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Nova Scotia 0,0129
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND New Brunswick 0,0106
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Quebec 0,1143
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Ontario 0,1848
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Manitoba 0,0172
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Saskatchewan 0,0148
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Alberta 0,0559
Male,Other,I prefer not to answer AND British Columbia,Nunavut,Northwest Territories,Yukon 0,0658
Female AND Prince Edward Island,Newfoundland 0,0101
Female AND Nova Scotia 0,0141
Female AND New Brunswick 0,0113
Female AND Quebec 0,1203
Female AND Ontario 0,199
Female AND Manitoba 0,018
Female AND Saskatchewan 0,0153
Female AND Alberta 0,0563
Female AND British Columbia,Nunavut,Northwest Territories,Yukon 0,0699
Total 1.000

Table 46. Weight by Region and Language
Label Weight
QC AND French 0,1809
QC AND English, Other, I prefer not to answer 0,0537
ATLANTIC, ON-BC AND French 0,0271
ATLANTIC, ON-BC AND English, Other, I prefer not to answer 0,7383
Total 1.000

Table 47. Weight by Education Level
Label Weight
Not University 0,728
University 0,272
Total 1.000

Table 48. Weight by Low Income
Label Weight
Under $40,000 0,26444
40+ 0,73556
Total 1.000

Table 49. Weight by Visible Minority
Label Weight
Not a member of an ethnocultural or a visible minority group 0,78
A member of an ethnocultural or a visible minority group 0,22
Total 1.000

Table 50. Weight by Indigenous
Label Weight
Not an Indigenous person (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) 0,9515
An Indigenous person (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) 0,0485
Total 1.000

Wave 5:

The tables below present the geographic distribution of respondents, their gender, age, language, level of education, presence of children in the household, and whether or not the respondent is born in Canada.

Table 51. Unweighted and Weighted Samples for wave 5
Label Unweighted Weighted
British Columbia and Yukon 304 272
Alberta and Northwest Territories 204 225
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut 292 130
Ontario 601 728
Quebec 400 469
Atlantic 200 136
Men 971 972
Women 1,023 1,024
Between 18 and 34 535 547
Between 35 and 54 758 682
55 years old and over 708 772
English 1,413 1,346
French 381 412
Other 200 230
Level of education
High school or less 478 619
College 637 817
University 874 544
Children in the household
Yes 487 542
No 1,505 1,447
Born in Canada
Yes 1,647 1,563
No 354 438

Weighting factors for wave 5

For the fifth wave, results were weighted by region, gender, age, language and level of education, presence of children in the household and immigration status.

Table 52. Province, Gender and Age
Label Weight
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0033
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0045
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0049
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0061
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0093
ATLANTIC AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0047
ATLANTIC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0033
ATLANTIC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0047
ATLANTIC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
ATLANTIC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0065
ATLANTIC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0098
ATLANTIC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0058
QC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0123
QC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,018
QC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0189
QC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0203
QC AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0295
QC AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0154
QC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,012
QC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0181
QC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0188
QC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0203
QC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0307
QC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0205
ON AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0225
ON AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0306
ON AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0293
ON AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0346
ON AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0443
ON AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0237
ON AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0214
ON AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0315
ON AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0318
ON AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0365
ON AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0475
ON AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0303
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,004
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0058
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0054
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0075
MB/SK AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0039
MB/SK AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0038
MB/SK AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0058
MB/SK AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
MB/SK AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0055
MB/SK AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0077
MB/SK AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0051
AB AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0065
AB AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0116
AB AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0106
AB AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0099
AB AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,012
AB AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0052
AB AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0062
AB AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0114
AB AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0104
AB AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0098
AB AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0121
AB AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0064
BC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0072
BC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0109
BC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0102
BC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0117
BC AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0167
BC AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0091
BC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0069
BC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0111
BC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0108
BC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0125
BC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0178
BC AND Female,Other,I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0109
Total 1.000

Table 53. Weight by Education Level
Label Weight
Not University 0,728
University 0,272
Total 1.000

Table 54. Weight by Gender and Language
Label Weight
Male AND French 0,1
Male AND English 0,3857
Female,Another gender,I prefer not to answer AND French 0,1061
Female,Another gender,I prefer not to answer AND English 0,4082
Total 1.000

Table 55. Weight by Children in the household
Label Weight
Yes, children 0,2767
No 0,7233
Total 1.000

Table 56. Weight by Region
Label Weight
British Columbia (Vancouver RMR) 0,0719
British Columbia (Other) 0,0637
Alberta (Calgary RMR) 0,0384
Alberta (Edmonton RMR) 0,0365
Alberta (Other) 0,0373
Ontario (Tor RMR) 0,1693
Ontario (Other) 0,2146
Quebec (Mtl RMR) 0,1173
Quebec (Qc RMR) 0,0235
Quebec (Other) 0,0938
Other 0,1337
Total 1.000

Table 57. Weight by Immigration status
Label Weight
Born in Canada 0,781
Born outside Canada 0,219
Total 1.000

Wave 6:

The tables below present the geographic distribution of respondents, their gender, age, language, level of education, presence of children in the household, whether or not the respondent is born in Canada and distribution of respondents from visible minority groups.

Table 58. Unweighted and Weighted Samples for wave 6
Label Unweighted Weighted
British Columbia and Yukon 401 375
Alberta and Northwest Territories 280 310
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut 348 179
Ontario 942 1,060
Quebec 540 648
Atlantic 239 188
Men 1,302 1,342
Women 1,448 1,410
Between 18 and 34 794 755
Between 35 and 54 1,018 941
55 years old and over 950 1,066
English 1,907 1,854
French 523 628
Other 324 275
Level of education
High school or less 577 830
College 780 1,142
University 1,382 751
Children in the household
Yes 765 752
No 1,984 1,998
Born in Canada
Yes 2,033 2,157
No 729 605
Visible minorities
South Asian 366 169
Black 297 133
Indigenous 255 258

Weighting factors for wave 6

For the sixth wave, final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, presence of children in the household, immigration status (born in Canada or not) and visible minorities (Indigenous, Black, South Asians and others).

Table 59. Province, Gender and Age
Label Weight
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0033
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0045
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0049
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0061
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0093
ATLANTIC AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0047
ATLANTIC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0033
ATLANTIC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0047
ATLANTIC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
ATLANTIC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0065
ATLANTIC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0098
ATLANTIC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0058
QC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0123
QC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,018
QC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0189
QC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0203
QC AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0295
QC AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0154
QC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,012
QC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0181
QC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0188
QC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0203
QC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0307
QC AND Female, Other,I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0205
ON AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0531
ON AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0293
ON AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0346
ON AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0443
ON AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0237
ON AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0214
ON AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0315
ON AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0318
ON AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0365
ON AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0475
ON AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0303
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,004
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0058
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0054
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0075
MB/SK AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0039
MB/SK AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0038
MB/SK AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0058
MB/SK AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
MB/SK AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0055
MB/SK AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0077
MB/SK AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0051
AB AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0065
AB AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0116
AB AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0106
AB AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0099
AB AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,012
AB AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0052
AB AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0062
AB AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0114
AB AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0104
AB AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0098
AB AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0121
AB AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0064
BC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0072
BC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0109
BC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0102
BC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0117
BC AND Male AND Between 55 and 69 0,0167
BC AND Male AND 70 or older 0,0091
BC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 18 and 24 0,0069
BC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 25 and 34 0,0111
BC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 35 and 44 0,0108
BC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 45 and 54 0,0125
BC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND Between 55 and 69 0,0178
BC AND Female, Other, I prefer not to answer AND 70 or older 0,0109
Total 1.000

Table 60. Weight by Education Level
Label Weight
Not University 0,728
University 0,272
Total 1.000

Table 61. Weight by Children in the household
Label Weight
Yes, children 0,2767
No 0,7233
Total 1.000

Table 62. Weight by Region
Label Weight
Colombie-Britannique (Vancouver RMR) 0,0719
Colombie-Britannique (Other) 0,0637
Alberta (Calgary RMR) 0,0384
Alberta (Edmonton RMR) 0,0365
Alberta (Other) 0,0373
Ontario (Tor RMR) 0,1693
Ontario (Other) 0,2146
Quebec (Mtl RMR) 0,1173
Quebec (Qc RMR) 0,0235
Quebec (Other) 0,0938
Other 0,1337
Total 1.000

Table 63. Weight by Immigration status
Label Weight
Born in Canada 0,781
Born outside Canada 0,219
Total 1.000

Table 64. Weight by Visible minorities
Label Weight
Indigenous 0,0481
South Asian 0,0553
Black 0,0345
Other 0,8621
Total 1.000

Wave 7:

The tables below present the geographic distribution of respondents, their gender, age, language, level of education, presence of children in the household, whether or not the respondent is born in Canada and visible minorities (Indigenous, Black, South Asians and others).

Table 65. Unweighted and Weighted Samples for wave 7
Label Unweighted Weighted
British Columbia and Yukon 443 435
Alberta and Northwest Territories 331 359
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut 392 208
Ontario 1,124 1,233
Quebec 659 753
Atlantic 247 218
Men 1,454 1,558
Women 1,741 1,639
Between 18 and 34 1,010 876
Between 35 and 54 1,139 1,094
55 years old and over 1,060 1,239
English 2,222 2,157
French 601 720
Other 380 325
Level of education
High school or less 672 925
College 926 1,383
University 1,593 873
Children in the household
Yes 895 882
No 2,302 2,321
Born in Canada
Yes 2,286 2,507
No 923 702
Visible Minorities
South Asian 489 211
Black 401 149
Indigenous 270 288

Weighting factors for wave 7

For the seventh wave, final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, presence of children in the household, immigration status (born in Canada or not) and visible minorities (Indigenous, Black, South Asians and others).

Table 66. Province, Gender and Age
Label Weight
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0078
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0049
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0061
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0093
ATLANTIC AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0047
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0033
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0047
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0065
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 55 and 64 0,0098
ATLANTIC AND Female AND 65 or older 0,0058
QC AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0303
QC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0189
QC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0203
QC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0295
QC AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0154
QC AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,012
QC AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0181
QC AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0188
QC AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0203
QC AND Female AND Between 55 and older 0,0512
ON AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0531
ON AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0293
ON AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0346
ON AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0443
ON AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0237
ON AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0214
ON AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0315
ON AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0318
ON AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0365
ON AND Female AND Between 55 and older 0,0778
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0098
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0054
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0075
MB/SK AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0039
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0038
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0058
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0055
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 55 and 64 0,0077
MB/SK AND Female AND 65 or older 0,0051
AB AND Male AND Between 18 and 44 0,0287
AB AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0099
AB AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,012
AB AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0052
AB AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0062
AB AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0114
AB AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0104
AB AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0098
AB AND Female AND Between 55 and older 0,0185
BC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0072
BC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0109
BC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0102
BC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0117
BC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0167
BC AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0091
BC AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0069
BC AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0111
BC AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0108
BC AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0125
BC AND Female AND Between 55 and 64 0,0178
BC AND Female AND 65 or older 0,0109
Total 1.000

Table 67. Weight by Education Level
Label Weight
Not University 0,728
University 0,272
Total 1.000

Table 68. Weight by Children in the household
Label Weight
Yes, children 0,2767
No 0,7233
Total 1.000

Table 69. Weight by Region
Label Weight
Colombie-Britannique (Vancouver RMR) 0,0719
Colombie-Britannique (Other) 0,0637
Alberta (Edmonton RMR) 0,1122
Ontario (Tor RMR) 0,1693
Ontario (Other) 0,2146
Québec (Mtl RMR) 0,1173
Québec (Qc RMR) 0,0235
Québec (Other) 0,0938
Other 0,1337
Total 1.000

Table 70. Weight by Immigration status
Label Weight
Born in Canada 0,781
Born outside Canada 0,219
Total 1.000

Table 71. Weight by Immigration status
Label Weight
Indigenous 0,0481
South Asian 0,0553
Black 0,0345
Other 0,8621
Total 1.000

Wave 8:

The tables below present the geographic distribution of respondents, their gender, age, language, level of education, presence of children in the household, and whether or not the respondent is born in Canada and visible minorities (Indigenous, Black, South Asians and others).

Table 72. Unweighted and Weighted Samples for wave 8
Label Unweighted Weighted
British Columbia and Yukon 450 435
Alberta and Northwest Territories 328 360
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut 380 206
Ontario 1,110 1,232
Quebec 672 753
Atlantic 253 218
Men 1,514 1,532
Women 1,675 1,650
Between 18 and 34 890 856
Between 35 and 54 1,288 1,115
55 years old and over 1,031 1,238
English 2,223 2,151
French 584 694
Other 391 351
Level of education
High school or less 630 914
College 899 1,399
University 1,664 873
Children in the household
Yes 915 875
No 2,284 2,321
Born in Canada
Yes 2,292 2,506
No 917 703
Visible Minorities
Indigenous 264 154
South Asian 438 177
Black 440 113

Weighting factors for wave 8

For the eighth wave, final results were weighted by region, age, gender, language, education levels, presence of children in the household, immigration status (born in Canada or not) and visible minorities (Indigenous, Black, South Asians and others).

Table 73. Province, Gender and Age
Label Weight
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0078
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0049
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0061
ATLANTIC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0093
ATLANTIC AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0047
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0033
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0047
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0065
ATLANTIC AND Female AND Between 55 and 64 0,0098
ATLANTIC AND Female AND 65 or older 0,0058
QC AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0303
QC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0189
QC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0203
QC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0295
QC AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0154
QC AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,012
QC AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0181
QC AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0188
QC AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0203
QC AND Female AND Between 55 and older 0,0512
ON AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0531
ON AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0293
ON AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0346
ON AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0443
ON AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0237
ON AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0214
ON AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0315
ON AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0318
ON AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0365
ON AND Female AND Between 55 and older 0,0778
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 18 and 34 0,0098
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0054
MB/SK AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0075
MB/SK AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0039
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0038
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0058
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0053
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0055
MB/SK AND Female AND Between 55 and 64 0,0077
MB/SK AND Female AND 65 or older 0,0051
AB AND Male AND Between 18 and 44 0,0287
AB AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0099
AB AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,012
AB AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0052
AB AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0062
AB AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0114
AB AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0104
AB AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0098
AB AND Female AND Between 55 and older 0,0185
BC AND Male AND Between 18 and 24 0,0072
BC AND Male AND Between 25 and 34 0,0109
BC AND Male AND Between 35 and 44 0,0102
BC AND Male AND Between 45 and 54 0,0117
BC AND Male AND Between 55 and 64 0,0167
BC AND Male AND 65 or older 0,0091
BC AND Female AND Between 18 and 24 0,0069
BC AND Female AND Between 25 and 34 0,0111
BC AND Female AND Between 35 and 44 0,0108
BC AND Female AND Between 45 and 54 0,0125
BC AND Female AND Between 55 and 64 0,0178
BC AND Female AND 65 or older 0,0109
Total 1.000

Table 74. Weight by Education Level
Label Weight
Not University 0,728
University 0,272
Total 1.000

Table 75. Weight by Children in the household
Label Weight
Yes, children 0,2767
No 0,7233
Total 1.000

Table 76. Weight by Region
Label Weight
Colombie-Britannique (Vancouver RMR) 0,0719
Colombie-Britannique (Other) 0,0637
Alberta (Edmonton RMR) 0,1122
Ontario (Tor RMR) 0,1693
Ontario (Other) 0,2146
Quebec (Mtl RMR) 0,1173
Quebec (Qc RMR) 0,0235
Quebec (Other) 0,0938
Other 0,1337
Total 1.000

Table 77. Weight by Immigration status
Label Weight
Born in Canada 0,781
Born outside Canada 0,219
Total 1.000

Table 78. Weight by Visible Minorities
Label Weight
Indigenous 0,0481
South Asian 0,0553
Black 0,0345
Other 0,8621
Total 1.000

For all eight waves, there is no evidence from the data that having achieved a different distribution prior to weighting would have significantly changed the results for this study. The relatively small weight sizes and differences in responses between various subgroups suggest that data quality was not affected. The weight that was applied corrected the initial imbalance for data analysis purposes and no further manipulations were necessary.

3. Survey instrument

The questionnaires were provided by Health Canada and were subject to change at each wave in order to adapt to the changing situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and to meet the different objectives of the study.


1. No falling back

Figure 1. No falling back

We open on beautiful shots of our Canadians nature in the fall. We see different landscapes. We see trees with their leaves falling and changing colours. We see some geese flying south in a V formation in the sky.

We see people living their lives and enjoying what the season brings. We see kids playing outside. We see 2 professional women exiting a coffee shop, dressed warmly and wearing masks over their faces.

We see an elderly man washing his hands in the kitchen after getting fall food from the farmers' market.

A young man arriving to an outdoor gathering where everyone is having a good time while sitting at a distance.
VO: There's so much we love about the fall.

From here, the place of the montage picks up. We come back to see more fall landscapes. We come back to children playing outside. We come back to the two women with coffees and masks.

We come back to the man in his kitchen.

We come back to the young people at the outdoor gathering.
VO: so let's not fall back into our old habits.

Keep following COVID-19 public health measures.

VO: Keep following COVID-19 public health measures to protect yourself and others.
<Icons representing the safety measures>


2. Reality check

Figure 2. Reality check

We cut to a young man on a couch in his apartment, with a few male and female friends he invited over sitting around the room. As he goes to hug a friend who entered the room ...

...the atmosphere suddenly changes, and we see a "flash-forward" of the same young man alone on the couch in a now-empty living room.

We cut to a middle-aged man arriving at a store, not wearing a mask. As he goes to grab the door handle,

...the atmosphere suddenly changes, and we see a "flash-forward" of the same store with a "Closed" sign on the door.
VO: We know how quickly our reality can change.

We cut to a mother and child arriving home with groceries. The mother walks past the sink without washing her hands. As she starts to put away the food, she hands an apple straight from the bag to her child.

The atmosphere suddenly changes, and we see a "flash-forward" of the same child sitting in the kitchen, coughing and clearly sick.
VO: And how to prevent it from changing again.

We come back to the young man who are (is) now gathering outdoors, where people are properly spaced.

We come back to the middle-aged man who is now entering the store with a mask on.

We come back to the mother and child who are now washing their hands. They both smile.

Keep following COVID-19 public health measures.

VO: keep following COVID-19 public health measures to protect yourself and others.
<Icons representing the safety measures>


3. Rhythm

Figure 3. Rhythm

SFX: We hear the squeaks of a sink faucet and the rush of water running as a person washes their hands.

Moves to a split screen- SFX: we layer in a squirting noise as another person uses hand sanitizer in their car. They rub their hands together in a steady rhythm. Each sound fits together, creating a looping rhythm.

Moves to a 3-way screen-SFX: We layer in the snap of elastic ear loops as people put on their masks before entering a store.

Moves to a 4-way screen-SFX: We layer in the sound of feet on the sidewalk as people step sideways to make room for others.

Moves to a 5-way screen-SFX: We layer in a squeak of a sneaker on the floor as someone stops themselves from entering a marked aisle in a store from the wrong direction.

Moves to a 6-way screen-SFX: The sounds and rhythms build, playing through another complete loop.
VO: We all play a part in containing COVID-19.

Let's keep protecting ourselves and others.

VO: So let's keep the rhythm going, and keep protecting ourselves and others.
<Icons representing the safety measures>
ALT: So don't miss a beat, and keep protecting yourself and others.

4. This for this

Figure 3. This for this

We see an older man putting on a mask in a parked car.
Vo: Every time you put on a mask, remember: you're doing this so that one day, we can all get back to doing...

3-way screen- Kissing a baby on the head
VO: This.

People laughing together
VO: This.

Person in a tropical shirt sleeping on airplane. Mouth open/snoring
VO: and this.

Quick cuts and close-ups, and exaggerating sound design.

We see a 35-year-old woman in her office-building bathroom.
VO: and all those times your wash yours hands, remember that eventually, it'll pay off for...

3-way screen- Indoor dinner party with friends, lots of hands reaching for and passing around food
VO: Them.

Old couple holding hands, slow dancing
VO: Them

Friends petting a random dog in the street
VO: Them

We see a 22-year-old man arriving at a small outdoor gathering.
VO: And whenever you stick to your same, small social circle, remember that at some point, we'll all be able to get together...

3-way screen- Graduation ceremony
VO: Here.

Young people on a crowded dance floor
VO: Here

Crowd cheering at a live hockey game
VO: And definitely here.

Quick cuts and close-ups, and exaggerated sound design.

Keep following COVID-19 public health measures.
VO: Remember the why behind what we are doing. Keep following COVID-19 public health measures.
<Icons representing the safety measures>


Figure 5. Dr. Tam
Dr. Tam:

COVID-19 cases are rising.

All Canadians must continue to practice public health measures to help slow the spread of the virus.

Keep to the same small social circle, wear a mask, keep your distance from others, wash your hands and stay home if you're sick.

If you have symptoms, contact your local health authority to get tested.

Protect yourself and others, we've come too far to stop now.

PM VO: A message from the government of Canada.

Figure 6. Dr Nijoo
Dr Nijoo:

Les cas de COVID-19 continuent d'augmenter.

Nous devons tous continuer d'appliquer les mesures de santé publique pour ralentir la propagation du virus.

Gardez le même cercle social restreint, portez un masque, gardez vos distances avec les autres, lavez vos mains et restez à la maison si vous êtes malade.

Si vous avez des symptômes, contactez votre centre de service de santé local et passez un test de dépistage.

Protégeons-nous les uns les autres, on fait trop de chemin pour arrêter maintenant.

PM VO : un message du gouvernement du Canada.


Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take approximatel 12 minutes to complete.


Background information

This research is being conducted by Léger Marketing, a Canadian public opinion research firm on behalf of Health Canada.

The purpose of this online survey is to collect opinions and feedback from Canadians that will be used by Health Canada to help inform government actions and decisions.

How does the online survey work?

What about your personal information?

If you are experiencing technical issue while responding to the survey, please contact Leger's technical support team at

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Screening Questions (for target audience and quotas)

GDR What best describes your gender?

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Another gender

MINO Do you identify as any of the following?

  1. An Indigenous person (First Nations, Inuit or Métis)
  2. A member of an ethnocultural or a visible minority group
  3. A member of the LGBTQ2 community
  4. A person with a disability
  1. None of the above
  1. I prefer not to answer

PROV In which province or territory do you currently live?

[Validation between 1900 and 2003]
[TERMINATE BETWEEN 2003 and 2020]
In what year were you born?

  1. I prefer not to answer

[ASK IF 99 at AGE1]
AGE2 Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories you belong?

  1. Under 18   TERMINATE
  2. Between 18 and 24
  3. Between 25 and 34
  4. Between 35 and 44
  5. Between 45 and 54
  6. Between 55 and 64
  7. 65 or older
  1. I prefer not to answer   TERMINATE

Wave 1 Questions

We would like to show you 4 concepts that are currently being considered by Health Canada for their COVID-19 Public Education Campaign. The final 30-second videos have not yet been produced so what you will see are what we call a storyboard. A storyboard is a series of images and descriptions, shot by shot, that help you envision what the video would look like once it is filmed. You will need to use your imagination to envision the final product. In the final videos, there would be real people in real settings, some background music and voices.

We will show you one concept at a time following by a short series of questions. Please take the time to read and look at each storyboard carefully.


Here is the first storyboard.

[Q1_Lr1mob] Overall, did you like or dislike this ad concept?

[Q2_Lr1mob] How relevant is the ad concept to you?

[Q3_Lr1mob] In your own words, what is the main message of this concept?

[Q4_Lr1mob] How well does the ad concept communicate the main message?

[Q5_Lr1mob] Do you think this ad concept is appropriate for the Government of Canada?

[Q6_Lr1mob] Now thinking about the ad, do you agree or disagree that the ad concept:

[Q7_Lr1mob] What, if anything, would you do to improve this ad concept?

[Q8] Now that you have seen all concepts, which concept do you think is the most effective?

[Q9] In your own words, why did you pick this ad concept?


[Q10] Overall, did you like or dislike this message from [Dr. Theresa Tam/Dr. Howard Njoo]?

[Q11] How relevant is the message to you?

[Q12] In your own words, what is the main message (Be as specific as possible)?

[Q13] How well does [Dr. Theresa Tam/Dr. Howard Njoo] communicate the main message?

[Q14] Do you think this message is appropriate for the Government of Canada?

[Q15] Now thinking about this message, do you agree or disagree that it:

[Q16] What, if anything, would you do to improve [Dr. Theresa Tam/Dr. Howard Njoo] message?

Socio-Demographic Questions

The last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. All of your answers are completely confidential.

What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Other
  1. I prefer not to answer

What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

  1. Some high school or less
  2. High school diploma or equivalent
  3. Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma
  4. College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
  5. University certificate or diploma below bachelor's level
  6. Bachelor's degree
  7. Postgraduate degree above bachelor's level
  1. I prefer not to answer

Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, but looking for work
  5. A student attending school full-time
  6. Retired
  7. Not in the workforce (full-time homemaker, full-time parent, or unemployed and not looking for work)
  8. Other employment status. Please specify.
  1. I prefer not to answer

Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

  1. Under $20,000
  2. Between $20,000 and $40,000
  3. Between $40,000 and $60,000
  4. Between $60,000 and $80,000
  5. Between $80,000 and $100,000
  6. Between $100,000 and $150,000
  7. $150,000 and above
  8. Prefer not to say

Please indicate the first 3 characters of your postal code.
If you would rather not provide it, please select I don't know/I prefer not to answer

  1. I prefer not to answer   A9A


Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.



Background information

This research is being conducted by Léger Marketing, a Canadian public opinion research firm on behalf of Health Canada.

The purpose of this online survey is to collect opinions and feedback from Canadians that will be used by Health Canada to help inform government actions and decisions.

How does the online survey work?

What about your personal information?

If you are experiencing technical issue while responding to the survey, please contact Leger's technical support team at

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Screening Questions (for quotas and/or screening)

GDR [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is your gender identity?

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Another gender
  1. I prefer not to answer

* Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

PROV [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
In which province or territory do you currently live?

  1. British Columbia
  2. Alberta
  3. Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba
  5. Ontario
  6. Quebec
  7. New Brunswick
  8. Nova Scotia
  9. Prince Edward Island
  10. Newfoundland
  11. Northwest Territories
  12. Yukon
  13. Nunavut

AGE1 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
[Validation between 1900 and 2003]
[TERMINATE BETWEEN 2003 and 2020]
In what year were you born?

  1. I prefer not to answer

[ASK IF 99 at AGE1]
AGE2 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories you belong?

  1. Under 18   TERMINATE
  2. Between 18 and 24
  3. Between 25 and 34
  4. Between 35 and 44
  5. Between 45 and 54
  6. Between 55 and 64
  7. 65 or older
  1. I prefer not to answer   TERMINATE

Are you the parent or guardian of a child or children under 18 years of age living in your household?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Prefer not to answer

COVID-19 information

Q1. Where do you get your information about COVID-19? (check all that apply)

Q2. To what extent are you paying attention to messages from public health authorities on COVID-19? [TRACKING QUESTION]

Q3. Have you seen, read or heard anything recently that says people should not wear face masks?

Q4. Where have you seen this information?

Vaccine: General, Flu, COVID-19

Q5. When considering vaccines such as influenza and COVID-19, which of the following statements most accurately reflects your views on vaccines?

Q5B. When considering vaccines for childhood immunization, which of the following statements most accurately reflects your views on vaccines?

Q6. To what extent are you concerned about the safety of vaccines? [TRACKING QUESTION]

Q7. Thinking about the last year, would you say you are more concerned, less concerned, or feel about the same about vaccines?

[ASK IF More concerned OR Less concerned IN Q7]
Q8. Why do you say you are more/less [adjust depending on answer to Q7] concerned?

Q9. Have your child(ren) missed any recommended routine vaccines since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Q10. Why have they missed these vaccines? (Check all that apply)

Q11. Have you (or do you intend) to reschedule their vaccine?

Q12. Did you get your flu shot last year?

Q13. Do you plan to get/did get your flu shot this year? [TRACKING QUESTION]

Q14. Why are you not planning on getting your flu shot this year?

[COVID-19 Vaccine]
Q15. If a vaccine against the coronavirus became available in Canada, would you get vaccinated? [TRACKING QUESTION]

[ASK IF "would eventually get a vaccination, but would wait a while first" IN Q15]
Q16. What is the main reason why you would eventually get a vaccination, but would wait a while first?

Q17. What is the main reason why you would not get vaccinated / you don't know if you would get vaccinated [Adjust depending on answer at Q15]?

Q18. What information, if any, would help to inform your decision to get the COVID-19 vaccine? (Check all that apply)

Q19. In the past two weeks, have you seen, read or heard anything about vaccines for COVID-19?

Q20. Where did you see, read or hear about this information? (Check all that apply)

[If selected ask for] Q20B. With who?

Q21. What was the COVID-19 vaccine information about? (Check all that apply)

Q22. Did the COVID-19 vaccine information change your opinion about getting the COVID-19 vaccine, or not?

Q23. In the past month, have you come across information about the COVID-19 vaccine that you suspect may be false or inaccurate?

Q24. How concerned are you about potential false or misleading information being spread about the COVID-19 vaccine? [RANDOM]

  Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not very concerned Not at all concerned
By Canadian media        
By international media        
By friends and family        
On social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn)        
On the Internet in general        

Q29. Do you feel that potential false or misleading information being spread about the COVID-19 vaccine will affect the health of Canadians?

Q30. Do you think efforts should be made to fight the spread of false or misleading information about the COVID-19 vaccine?

[ASK IF Q30 = YES]
Q31. Who do you think should have the responsibility to fight the potential spread of false or misleading information about the COVID-19 vaccine? (Check all that apply)

Food Safety and Health Products

Q32. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: [Random]

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
I always or often wash my food and food packaging because of COVID.          
Health Canada is authorizing new COVID-19 health products quickly enough (eg: hand sanitizers, masks, gloves).          
There is enough information available about hand sanitizer safety.          
Authorized hand sanitizers are effective at killing the COVID-19 virus.          
Hand sanitizers are safe to use when used according to the label directions.          
Health Canada is taking the necessary steps to ensure that hand sanitizers sold in Canada are safe and effective.          

Socio-Demographic Questions

The last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. All of your answers are completely confidential

Do you identify as any of the following?

LANG [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

[ASK IF Outside Canada in IMM]
In what year did you move to Canada?

What is your country of origin?

SCOL [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

  1. Some high school or less
  2. High school diploma or equivalent
  3. Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma
  4. College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
  5. University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  6. Bachelor's degree
  7. Postgraduate degree above bachelor's level
  1. I prefer not to answer

OCCUP [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, but looking for work
  5. A student attending school full-time
  6. Retired
  7. Not in the workforce (full-time homemaker, full-time parent, or unemployed and not looking for work)
  8. Other employment status. Please specify.
  1. I prefer not to answer

REVEN [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

  1. Under $20,000
  2. Between $20,000 and $40,000
  3. Between $40,000 and $60,000
  4. Between $60,000 and $80,000
  5. Between $80,000 and $100,000
  6. Between $100,000 and $150,000
  7. $150,000 and above
  8. Prefer not to say

[ASK POSTAL3 TO ALL] [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Please indicate the first 3 characters of your postal code.
If you would rather not provide it, please select I don't know/I prefer not to answer

  1. I prefer not to answer   A9A


Figure 7. Text version below.

We open in a kitchen. Terry's beside his stove on his phone.
VO: Terry has it.

Cut to a dinning room. Jeff's sitting down with his wife and kids, who are eating. He's checking his phone.
VO: Jeff's family has it.
(Jeff gives us an assured look)

A living room. Gael and Laura are on the sofa. Gael checks his phone.
VO: Gael and Laura got is at the same time.
(Gael smiles at us)

A bakery. Marie's wearing a mask and checking her phone. Her co-workers behind her are busy at work, physically distanced.
VO: Everyone at Marie's work got it.
(Marie nods at us)

Over Marie's shoulder, we COVID Alert on her phone with "No exposures detected" on the screen.
VO: the COVID Alert app is the latest tool to fight COVID-19.

We cycle back to Terry in his kitchen, cooking; to Laura and Gael cuddling on the sofa; to Jeff enjoying dinner with his family, laughing.
VO: The more people who have it, the more people it can help to protect.

Download COVID Alert
VO: Spread the word. Slow the spread. Download COVID Alert.


Figure 8. Thank you-kid-30s storyboard

We see a phone screen on the camera setting. A boy is taking selfies.
Boy: Hi, I'm Josh...

As he takes another silly selfies, a hand reaches in and takes the phone.
Boy:... and I don't have my own phone yet, but my mom has one...

As he takes another silly selfie, a hand reaches in and takes the phone. It's his mother. She smiles and shakes her head, looking at the phone.
Boy:... and the other day her COVID Alter app said she'd been close to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

The boy follows his mother, tapping her arm to let him look at the phone. They sit down on the couch and open the COVID Alert app.
So, we got tested, which was kinda not nice but it was good 'cause if that person gave my mom COVID and neither of them had the app, she wouldn't know so fast.

They see the "no exposure detected" screen. The boy sees the thumbs ups and throws his arms up, celebrating.

He jumps up off the couch and does a silly victory dance.
Boy: so if you downloaded the COVID Alert app, thanks! You are awesome.

Download COVID Alert.


Figure 9. Break the chain-30s storyboard

Open in Jan's apartment
VO: This is Jan.

Screen slides right to pink apartment
VO: Jan visits her neighbour Mo, who lives alone. Mo has COVID-19, but doesn't know it.

Screen slides right to purple bus interior
VO: Jan leaves to catch the bus and sits with her friend Marc.

Screen slides right to teal workplace
VO: Marc's a frontline worker. So if Marc gets exposed to the virus Mo might've given to Jan, Marc could go back to work tomorrow and infect.. a lot of people...

Screen slides abruptly left all of the way back to Jan in the yellow apartment
VO: But wait. They all have the COVID alert app.
Jan: (to camera), We all have the app.

Screen slides to pink apartment
VO: So Mo gets an alert that he's been exposed. Mo later tests positive and enters a key in his app.

Close up of phone, yellow background.
VO: which anonymously alerts Jan,

Close-up of phone, purple background.
VO: who tells Marc, who stays home from work. Phew, close call.
<Text message: "Hey, I might have COVID">

Download the COVID Alert app.
VO: Help break the chain of infection. Download the COVID Alert app.



Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.



Background information

This research is being conducted by Léger Marketing, a Canadian public opinion research firm on behalf of Health Canada.

The purpose of this online survey is to collect opinions and feedback from Canadians that will be used by Health Canada to help inform government actions and decisions.

How does the online survey work?

What about your personal information?

If you are experiencing technical issue while responding to the survey, please contact Leger's technical support team at

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Screening Questions (for quotas and oversamples - visible minorities and low income)

What best describes your gender?

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Another gender
  1. I prefer not to answer

2- Do you identify as any of the following?

  1. An Indigenous person (First Nations, Inuit or Métis)
  2. A member of an ethnocultural or a visible minority group*
  3. A member of the LGBTQ2 community
  4. A person with a disability
  1. None of the above
  1. I prefer not to answer

*NOTE: The Employment Equity Act defines visible minority as a person, or people other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour.

In which province or territory do you currently live?

[Validation between 1900 and 2003]
[TERMINATE BETWEEN 2003 and 2020]
In what year were you born?

  1. I prefer not to answer

[ASK IF 99 at AGE1]
Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories you belong?

  1. Under 18 TERMINATE
  2. Between 18 and 24
  3. Between 25 and 34
  4. Between 35 and 44
  5. Between 45 and 54
  6. Between 55 and 64
  7. 65 or older
  1. I prefer not to answer TERMINATE

Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

  1. Under $20,000
  2. Between $20,000 and $40,000
  3. Between $40,000 and $60,000
  4. Between $60,000 and $80,000
  5. Between $80,000 and $100,000
  6. Between $100,000 and $150,000
  7. $150,000 and above
  8. Prefer not to say

Wave 3 Questions

We would like to show you 3 concepts that are currently being considered by Health Canada for their COVID Alert Marketing Campaign. The final 30-second videos have not yet been produced so what you will see are what we call a storyboard. A storyboard is a series of images and descriptions, shot by shot, that help you envision what the video would look like once it is filmed. You will need to use your imagination to envision the final product. In the final videos, there would be real people in real settings, some background music and voices.

We will show you one concept at a time following by a short series of questions. Please take the time to read and watch each animatic carefully.


Here is the first storyboard.

1. Overall, did you like or dislike this ad concept?

2. How relevant is the ad concept to you?

3. In your own words, what is the main message of this concept?

4. How well does the ad concept communicate the main message?

5. Do you think this ad concept is appropriate for the Government of Canada?

6. Now thinking about the ad, do you agree or disagree that the ad concept:

7. What, if anything, would you do to improve this ad concept?

8. Now that you have seen all concepts, which concept do you think is the most effective in encouraging you to download the COVID Alert app?

9. In your own words, why did you pick this ad concept?

10. Do you own a smartphone? A smartphone is defined as a mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded applications.

11. If yes, is the version of your smartphone less than 5 years old?

[Ask if Q10 = YES]
12. Have you already downloaded the COVID Alert app?

13. Why did you decide to download this app?

14. Why have you not yet downloaded this app?

15. How likely are you to download the COVID Alert app?

Socio-Demographic Questions


The last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. All of your answers are completely confidential.

What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Other
  1. I prefer not to answer

What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

  1. Some high school or less
  2. High school diploma or equivalent
  3. Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma
  4. College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
  5. University certificate or diploma below bachelor's level
  6. Bachelor's degree
  7. Postgraduate degree above bachelor's level
  1. I prefer not to answer

Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, but looking for work
  5. A student attending school full-time
  6. Retired
  7. Not in the workforce (full-time homemaker, full-time parent, or unemployed and not looking for work)
  8. Other employment status. Please specify.
  1. I prefer not to answer

Please indicate the first 3 characters of your postal code.
If you would rather not provide it, please select I don't know/I prefer not to answer

  1. I prefer not to answer   A9A


Component 1: Educate and Build Trust - Messages

Component 2: Priority Groups - Messages





Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.



Background information

This research is being conducted by Léger Marketing, a Canadian public opinion research firm on behalf of Health Canada.

The purpose of this online survey is to collect opinions and feedback from Canadians that will be used by Health Canada to help inform government actions and decisions.

How does the online survey work?

What about your personal information?

If you are experiencing technical issue while responding to the survey, please contact Leger's technical support team at

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Screening Questions (for quotas and/or screening)

GDR [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is your gender identity?

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Other
  1. I prefer not to answer

* Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

PROV [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
In which province or territory do you currently live?

  1. British Columbia
  2. Alberta
  3. Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba
  5. Ontario
  6. Quebec
  7. New Brunswick
  8. Nova Scotia
  9. Prince Edward Island
  10. Newfoundland
  11. Northwest Territories
  12. Yukon
  13. Nunavut

AGE1 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
[Validation between 1900 and 2003]
[TERMINATE BETWEEN 2003 and 2020]
In what year were you born?

  1. I prefer not to answer

[ASK IF 99 at AGE1]
AGE2 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories do you belong?

  1. Under 18    TERMINATE
  2. Between 18 and 24
  3. Between 25 and 34
  4. Between 35 and 44
  5. Between 45 and 54
  6. Between 55 and 69
  7. 70 or older
  1. I prefer not to answer   TERMINATE

Are you the parent or guardian of a child or children under 18 years of age living in your household?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Prefer not to answer

Do you identify as any of the following?

Public Health Measures, Concerns, Mental Health, Information

[NEW Wave 4] Q1. How often do you follow each of the following public health measures?

  Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Don't know
Washing hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.            
Using hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water aren't available,            
Staying home and away from others if you feel sick            
Practising physical distancing (e.g. maintaining a 2 metre distance from people outside your household)            
Wearing a non-medical mask or face covering            
Limiting the number of people you have contact with (i.e. social circle/social bubble)            
Avoiding closed spaces, crowded spaces, close contact settings and close range conversations            

Q8. [NEW Wave 4] What is currently your most pressing concern, if any, related to COVID-19?

Q9. [NEW Wave 4] How would you rate your mental health now compared to before the pandemic?

Q10. To what extent are you paying attention to messages from public health authorities on COVID-19? [TRACKING QUESTION]

COVID-19 Vaccine

Q11. To what extent are you concerned about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines? [TRACKING QUESTION]

Q12. When a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available to you, will you get vaccinated? [TRACKING QUESTION]

Q13. What is the main reason why you would eventually get a vaccination, but would wait a while first?

Q14. What is the main reason why you will not get vaccinated / you don't know if you will get vaccinated [Adjust depending on answer at Q12]?

Q15. [NEW Wave 4] Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. [Randomize statements]

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
By being vaccinated against COVID-19, I am protecting myself from the disease          
By being vaccinated against COVID-19, I am helping to protect the health of others in my community          
I distrust COVID-19 vaccines because they were developed too quickly          
I am confident that COVID-19 vaccines are safe          
I am confident that COVID-19 vaccines are effective in preventing the disease          
Only those at risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 need to be vaccinated          
It is better to develop immunity from having COVID-19 rather than from a vaccine          
Physical distancing, frequent handwashing and wearing a mask are enough to protect me from COVID-19          
Those who have had COVID-19 do not need to be vaccinated          
The severity of the pandemic has been exaggerated          
Once I get my COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to practise public health measures (e.g. mask wearing, physical distancing, etc.)          

Q26. [NEW Wave 4] Do you feel you have enough information or resources available to make informed decisions about COVID-19 vaccines?

Q27. [NEW Wave 4] Why do you feel you don't have enough information to make an informed choice? [Open-ended]

Q28. [NEW Wave 4] Where do you look for information, if any, about COVID-19 vaccines? (check all that apply) [Randomize]

Q29. [NEW Wave 4] Thinking about COVID-19 vaccines, how important is it that your health care provider is able to explain the following topics to you. [Randomize]

  Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Don't know/Not applicable
Effectiveness of the vaccines          
Safety of the vaccines          
Possible vaccine side effects and rare vaccine reactions          
Vaccine ingredients          
Who can get the vaccine          
How vaccines are developed          
How vaccines are approved for use in Canada          
How vaccines will be monitored for safety once they are available          

Q37. [NEW Wave 4] What kinds of resources could your health care provider share with you that you would find helpful to learn about COVID-19 vaccines? Please select the top three resources [Randomize]

[Ask if any resource was selected in Q33]
[NEW Wave 4] Q38. Would you share these resources with people you know (e.g. colleagues, friends or family)?

[NEW Wave 4] Q39. On a scale of 1 to 7, how much do you trust each of the following to give you credible health information about COVID-19 vaccines? [Randomize]

  1- Do not trust 2 3 4 5 6 7- Trust a lot Don't know
Friends and family                
Healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists                
Health Canada and/or the Public Health Agency of Canada (Federal government departments)                
Your provincial government/public health authorities                
Your local municipality / public health authorities                
Local community groups/leaders                
Traditional media                
Social media                

COVID Vaccine Key Messages Testing

The following questions will show you messages that will be considered by the Government of Canada for their COVID-19 vaccine Public Education Campaign. Please read all of the messages carefully.

[Campaign Component: Educate and Build Trust]

[Ask ALL]

Q47. Which of the messages listed below do you feel is most effective in demonstrating that any COVID-19 vaccine authorized by Health Canada will be safe and effective? Select one option. Please read all of the messages carefully.

Q48. For the message you chose as being the most effective, do you agree or disagree with the following statements. The message….

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
… was relevant to me.          
… was memorable          
… made me more likely to get vaccinated.          

Q51. From the same list of messages, please select one message that stands out to you (positive or negative) and tell us what you like or dislike about this message. [Open-ended]

[Campaign Component: Priority Groups]

[Note: Generic Messages - ASK ALL]

Q52. Certain individuals are more impacted by the COVID-19 virus. Which of the messages listed below do you feel is most effective in demonstrating to these individuals the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine to protect themselves and others? Select one option. Please read all of the messages carefully.

Q53. For the message you chose as being the most effective, do you agree or disagree with the following statements. The message...

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
… was relevant to these individuals          
… was memorable          
… made me more likely to get vaccinated.          

Q56. From the same list of messages, please select one message that stands out to you (positive or negative) and tell us what you like or dislike about this message. [Open-ended]

[Note: Senior Messages - ASK SENIORS + ONLY (Based on answer to AGE)]


Q57. Now, which of the messages listed below do you feel is most effective in demonstrating the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine to protect yourself and others? Select one option. Please read all of the messages carefully.

Q58. For the message you chose as being the most effective, do you agree or disagree with the following statements. The message….

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
… was relevant to you          
… was memorable          
… made me more likely to get vaccinated.          

Q61. From the same list of messages, please select one message that stands out to you (positive or negative) and tell us what you like or dislike about this message. [Open-ended]

[Note: Indigenous Messages - ASK INDIGENOUS ONLY. (Based on answer to MINO)]

Q62. Now, which of the messages listed below do you feel is most effective in demonstrating the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine to protect yourself and others? Select one option. Please read all of the messages carefully.

Q63. For the message you chose as being the most effective, do you agree or disagree with the following statements. The message...

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
… was relevant to you          
… was memorable          
… made me more likely to get vaccinated.          

Q66. From the same list of messages, please select one message that stands out to you (positive or negative) and tell us what you like or dislike about this message. [Open-ended]

Socio-Demographic Questions

The last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. All of your answers are completely confidential

LANG [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

Where were you born?

[ASK IF Outside Canada in IMM]
In what year did you move to Canada?

What is your country of origin?

SCOL [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

  1. Some high school or less
  2. High school diploma or equivalent
  3. Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma
  4. College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
  5. University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  6. Bachelor's degree
  7. Postgraduate degree above bachelor's level
  1. I prefer not to answer

OCCUP [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, but looking for work
  5. A student attending school full-time
  6. Retired
  7. Not in the workforce (full-time homemaker, full-time parent, or unemployed and not looking for work)
  8. Other employment status. Please specify.
  1. I prefer not to answer

REVEN [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

  1. Under $20,000
  2. Between $20,000 and $40,000
  3. Between $40,000 and $60,000
  4. Between $60,000 and $80,000
  5. Between $80,000 and $100,000
  6. Between $100,000 and $150,000
  7. $150,000 and above
  8. Prefer not to say

[ASK POSTAL3 TO ALL] [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Please indicate the first 3 characters of your postal code.
If you would rather not provide it, please select I don't know/I prefer not to answer

  1. I prefer not to answer   A9A


Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.



Background information

This research is being conducted by Léger Marketing, a Canadian public opinion research firm on behalf of Health Canada.

The purpose of this online survey is to collect opinions and feedback from Canadians that will be used by Health Canada to help inform government actions and decisions.

How does the online survey work?

What about your personal information?

If you are experiencing technical issue while responding to the survey, please contact Leger's technical support team at

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Screening Questions (for quotas and/or screening)

GDR [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is your gender identity?

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Other
  1. I prefer not to answer

* Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

PROV [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
In which province or territory do you currently live?

  1. British Columbia
  2. Alberta
  3. Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba
  5. Ontario
  6. Quebec
  7. New Brunswick
  8. Nova Scotia
  9. Prince Edward Island
  10. Newfoundland
  11. Northwest Territories
  12. Yukon
  13. Nunavut

AGE1 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
[Validation between 1900 and 2003]
[TERMINATE BETWEEN 2003 and 2020]
In what year were you born?

  1. I prefer not to answer

[ASK IF 99 at AGE1]
AGE2 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories do you belong?

  1. Under 18 TERMINATE
  2. Between 18 and 24
  3. Between 25 and 34
  4. Between 35 and 44
  5. Between 45 and 54
  6. Between 55 and 64
  7. 65 or older
  1. I prefer not to answer TERMINATE

Are you the parent or guardian of a child or children under 18 years of age living in your household?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Prefer not to answer

Public Health Measures, Concerns, Mental Health, Information

[Wave 4 - Wave 5] Q1. How often do you follow each of the following public health measures?

  Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Don't know
Washing hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.            
Using hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water aren't available,            
Staying home and away from others if you feel sick            
Practising physical distancing (e.g. maintaining a 2 metre distance from people outside your household)            
Wearing a non-medical mask or face covering            
Limiting the number of people you have contact with (i.e. social circle/social bubble)            
Avoiding closed spaces, crowded spaces, close contact settings and close range conversations            

Q8. [Wave 4 - Wave 5] What is currently your most pressing concern, if any, related to COVID-19?

Q9. [Wave 4 - Wave 5] How would you rate your mental health now compared to before the pandemic?

Q10. [TRACKING QUESTION] To what extent are you paying attention to messages from public health authorities on COVID-19?

COVID-19 Vaccine

Q12. [TRACKING QUESTION] When a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available to you, will you get vaccinated?

Q13. What is the main reason why you would eventually get a vaccination, but would wait a while first? [Randomize]

Q14. What is the main reason why you will not get vaccinated / you don't know if you will get vaccinated [Adjust depending on answer at Q12]?

Q74. [NEW Wave 5] Amongst the following factors, which ones, if any, <might motivate> [If Q12 ="I already got the COVID-19 vaccine" in Q12 = "motivated"]you to get vaccinated? [Randomize] Please select up to your top 3.

Q75. [NEW Wave 5] Which of the following best describes your situation?

[Wave 4 - Wave 5] Q15. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. [Randomize statements]

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
By being vaccinated against COVID-19, I am protecting myself from the disease          
By being vaccinated against COVID-19, I am helping to protect the health of others in my community          
I distrust COVID-19 vaccines because they were developed too quickly          
I am confident that COVID-19 vaccines are safe          
I am confident that COVID-19 vaccines are effective in preventing the disease          
Only those at risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 need to be vaccinated          
It is better to develop immunity from having COVID-19 rather than from a vaccine          
Physical distancing, frequent handwashing and wearing a mask are enough to protect me from COVID-19          
The severity of the pandemic has been exaggerated          
Once I get my COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to practise public health measures (e.g. mask wearing, physical distancing, etc.)          
[NEW Wave 5] Once I get my COVID-19 vaccine, I cannot transmit the virus to other people          

[NEW Wave 5] Q67. To what extent are you concerned about the following in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines? [Randomize statements]

  Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not very concerned Not at all concerned Don't know/Not applicable
The safety/side effects of authorized COVID-19 vaccines for me personally          
How the vaccines may impact my fertility          
The vaccines' impact on me and/or my child given that I am pregnant and/or breastfeeding          
The vaccines' impact on my DNA          
Possible allergic reaction to the vaccines          
The safety/side effects of the vaccines given my pre-existing health condition(s)          
Becoming infected with COVID-19 from the vaccines          
The safety/side effects of the new mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in particular          
The potential for side effects of the vaccines in the long-term          

<Q29.hover text for mRNA: "mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine. Many types of vaccines use a weakened or inactivated virus or part of a virus to trigger an immune response inside our body. However, instead of using the live virus that causes COVID-19, mRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response. Once triggered, our body then makes antibodies. These antibodies help us fight the infection if the real virus does enter our body in the future.">

Q68. [NEW Wave 5] Existing research shows that the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines can vary by vaccine from 70% to up to 95%. When it comes to getting vaccinated for COVID-19, which of the following statements best describes your view.

Q69. [NEW Wave 5] Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about the information or resources available to make informed decisions concerning COVID-19 vaccines?

Q70. [NEW Wave 5] Do you find it challenging to find or access credible information on COVID-19 vaccines?

Q71. [NEW Wave 5] Since the start of the pandemic, have you had a conversation with a health care provider (e.g., doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dentist, midwives, chiropractor etc.) about COVID-19 vaccines?

Q72. [NEW Wave 5] With who did you have the conversation? Please check all that apply

Q73. [NEW Wave 5] What kind of information were you looking for from the health care provider you talked to? Please check all that apply

Socio-Demographic Questions


The last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. All of your answers are completely confidential

LANG [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

Do you identify as any of the following?

Do you identify as any of the following? Select all that apply

Where were you born?

[ASK IF Outside Canada in IMM]
In what year did you move to Canada?

What is your country of origin?

SCOL [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

  1. Some high school or less
  2. High school diploma or equivalent
  3. Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma
  4. College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
  5. University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  6. Bachelor's degree
  7. Postgraduate degree above bachelor's level
  1. I prefer not to answer

OCCUP [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, but looking for work
  5. A student attending school full-time
  6. Retired
  7. Not in the workforce (full-time homemaker, full-time parent, or unemployed and not looking for work)
  8. Other employment status. Please specify.
  1. I prefer not to answer

[IF 1 or 2 in OCCUP]
[NEW Wave 5]

Are you a health care provider (such as nurse, medical doctor, paramedic, first responder, pharmacist, etc) and/or a frontline worker or essential worker (such as gas station attendant, bus driver, grocery store clerk, media workers, laboratory workers, etc.)?

  1. Health care provider
  2. Frontline worker or essential worker
  3. None of the above
  4. I prefer not to answer

REVEN [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

  1. Under $20,000
  2. Between $20,000 and $39,999
  3. Between $40,000 and $59,999
  4. Between $60,000 and $79,999
  5. Between $80,000 and $99,999
  6. Between $100,000 and $149,999
  7. $150,000 and above
  8. Prefer not to say

[ASK POSTAL3 TO ALL] [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Please indicate the first 3 characters of your postal code.
If you would rather not provide it, please select I don't know/I prefer not to answer

  1. I prefer not to answer   A9A


Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.



Background information

This research is being conducted by Léger Marketing, a Canadian public opinion research firm on behalf of Health Canada.

The purpose of this online survey is to collect opinions and feedback from Canadians that will be used by Health Canada to help inform government actions and decisions.

How does the online survey work?

What about your personal information?

If you are experiencing technical issue while responding to the survey, please contact Leger's technical support team at

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Screening Questions (for quotas and/or screening)

GDR [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is your gender identity?

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Other
  1. I prefer not to answer

* Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

PROV [GoC POR Mandatory Question]

In which province or territory do you currently live?

  1. British Columbia
  2. Alberta
  3. Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba
  5. Ontario
  6. Quebec
  7. New Brunswick
  8. Nova Scotia
  9. Prince Edward Island
  10. Newfoundland
  11. Northwest Territories
  12. Yukon
  13. Nunavut

AGE1 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
[Validation between 1900 and 2003]
[TERMINATE BETWEEN 2003 and 2020]
In what year were you born?

  1. I prefer not to answer

[ASK IF 99 at AGE1]
AGE2 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories do you belong?

  1. Under 18   TERMINATE
  2. Between 18 and 24
  3. Between 25 and 34
  4. Between 35 and 44
  5. Between 45 and 54
  6. Between 55 and 64
  7. 65 or older
  1. I prefer not to answer   TERMINATE

Are you the parent or guardian of a child or children under 18 years of age living in your household?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Prefer not to answer

Public Health Measures, Concerns, Mental Health, Information

[Wave 4 - 5- 6] Q1. How often do you follow each of the following public health measures?

  Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Don't know
Washing hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.            
Using hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water aren't available,            
Staying home and away from others if you feel sick            
Practising physical distancing (e.g. maintaining a 2 metre distance from people outside your household)            
Wearing a non-medical mask or face covering            
Limiting the number of people you have contact with (i.e. social circle/social bubble)            
Avoiding closed spaces, crowded spaces, close contact settings and close range conversations            

[Wave 4 - 5- 6] Q2. What is currently your most pressing concern, if any, related to COVID-19?

Q9_6. [NEW WAVE 6] How would you rate your physical health now compared to before the pandemic?

[Wave 4 - 5- 6] Q9. How would you rate your mental health now compared to before the pandemic?

Q11_6. [NEW WAVE 6] Since the start of the pandemic, have you looked for any information on coping with mental health during COVID-19?

[Ask if "No, I haven't in Q11]
Q12_6. [NEW WAVE 6] Why have you not looked for information? (select all that apply)

Q13_6. [NEW WAVE 6] Since the start of the pandemic, have you received any support for coping with mental health during COVID-19?

[TRACKING QUESTION] Q10. To what extent are you paying attention to messages from public health authorities on COVID-19?

COVID-19 Vaccine

Q15_6. [NEW Wave 6] Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine (at least one dose)?

[ASK IF 'NO' IN Q15]
Q16_6. [NEW Wave 6] Are you currently eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in your community (i.e., on the basis of age, occupation, health status, etc.)?

Q17_6. [NEW Wave 6] What is the main reason you have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, despite being eligible to do so?

Q12. [TRACKING QUESTION] When a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available to you, will you get vaccinated?

Q13. What is the main reason why you would eventually get a vaccination, but would wait a while first? [Randomize]

Q14. What is the main reason why you will not get vaccinated / you don't know if you will get vaccinated [Adjust depending on answer at Q18]?

Q15. [Wave 4 - 5- 6] Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. [Randomize statements]

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
[Wave 4 - 5- 6] By being vaccinated against COVID-19, I am helping to protect the health of others in my community          
[Wave 4 - 5- 6] Only those at risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 need to be vaccinated          
[Wave 4 - 5- 6] It is better to develop immunity from having COVID-19 rather than from a vaccine          
[Wave 4 - 5- 6] Physical distancing, frequent handwashing and wearing a mask are enough to protect me from COVID-19          
[Wave 4 - 5- 6] Once I get my COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to practise public health measures in public (e.g. mask wearing, physical distancing, etc.)          
[Wave 5 -6] Once I get my COVID-19 vaccine, I cannot spread the virus to other people          
[NEW Wave 6] It is possible to be infected and become ill with COVID-19, despite getting a COVID-19 vaccine          
[NEW Wave 6] Once I get my COVID-19 vaccine, I realize a "booster" dose may be needed some time in the future, similar to other vaccines, in addition to the second dose in the case of two-dose vaccines          

Q67. [Wave 5-6] To what extent are you concerned about the following in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines? [Randomize statements]

  Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not very concerned Not at all concerned Don't know/Not applicable
[Wave 5-6] The safety/side effects of authorized COVID-19 vaccines for me personally          
[Wave 5-6] How the vaccines may impact my fertility          
[Wave 5-6] The vaccines' impact on me and/or my child given that I am pregnant and/or breastfeeding          
[Wave 5-6] The vaccines' impact on my DNA          
[Wave 5-6] Possible allergic reaction to the vaccines          
[Wave 5-6] The safety/side effects of the vaccines given my pre-existing health condition(s)          
[Wave 5-6] Becoming infected with COVID-19 from the vaccines          
[Wave 5-6] The potential for side effects of the vaccines in the long-term          
[NEW Wave 6] The impact of variants of the COVID virus on the ability of vaccines to protect against COVID-19.          

Q38_6. [NEW WAVE 6] Which of the following would make you feel more confident that authorized COVID-19 vaccines are safe, if any? Check your top three.

Q39_6. [NEW WAVE 6] When it comes to getting vaccinated for COVID-19, which of the following is the most important to you?

Q39_6. [NEW WAVE 6] In Canada, public health recommendations about COVID-19 vaccines come from a variety of sources, including those at federal, provincial/territorial, and local levels. These recommendations include guidance on who should be prioritized for the vaccines and the spacing of doses for two-dose vaccines. These recommendations may not be consistent across all levels, because they take into account factors like differences in regional demographics and vaccine supply and availability. These recommendations also evolve as we learn more about the vaccines and COVID-19 itself.

Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements.

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
[NEW WAVE 6] COVID-19 vaccine recommendations have been changing a lot          
[NEW WAVE 6] I feel less confident in the COVID-19 vaccines because of how often the vaccine recommendations have been changing          
[NEW WAVE 6] When public health recommendations on the use of COVID-19 vaccines differ from what Health Canada has approved for use, my trust in the vaccines is negatively affected          
[NEW WAVE 6] When expert groups make different recommendations on COVID-19 vaccines, my trust in the vaccines is negatively affected          
[NEW WAVE 6] The way vaccine recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines have been changing has affected my confidence in vaccinations in general          
[NEW WAVE 6] The changing recommendations have caused me to tune-out and I no longer pay attention.          


Q46_6. [NEW WAVE 6] Have you seen, read or heard anything about the Government of Canada's restrictions on international travel and quarantine for returning travelers?

[ASK IF Q46 = YES]
Q47_6. [NEW WAVE 6] Do you support or oppose the Government of Canada's restrictions on international travel and quarantine for returning travelers? Please use a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means you "strongly oppose" and 10 means you "strongly support".

[ASK IF Q46 = YES]
Q48_6. [NEW WAVE 6] How much sympathy do you have for travelers who have to go through these measures, i.e. COVID-19 testing upon arrival, a 3-night stay at the hotel, etc…?

[ASK IF Q48 = A lot or Some]
Q49_6. [NEW WAVE 6] Why do you have sympathy for these travelers? [Open-ended]

Q50_6. [NEW WAVE 6]To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
[ROTATE a - b]

a) A proof of vaccination should replace testing requirements for travellers entering Canada.

b) A proof of vaccination should replace quarantine requirements for travellers entering Canada

Socio-Demographic Questions


The last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. All of your answers are completely confidential

LANG [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

Do you identify as any of the following?

Do you identify as any of the following? Select all that apply

Where were you born?

[ASK IF Outside Canada in IMM]

In what year did you move to Canada?
What is your country of origin?

SCOL [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

  1. Some high school or less
  2. High school diploma or equivalent
  3. Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma
  4. College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
  5. University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  6. Bachelor's degree
  7. Postgraduate degree above bachelor's level
  1. I prefer not to answer

OCCUP [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, but looking for work
  5. A student attending school full-time
  6. Retired
  7. Not in the workforce (full-time homemaker, full-time parent, or unemployed and not looking for work)
  8. Other employment status. Please specify.
  1. I prefer not to answer

[IF 1 or 2 in OCCUP]
[NEW Wave 5]
Are you a health care provider (such as nurse, medical doctor, paramedic, first responder, pharmacist, etc) and/or a frontline worker or essential worker (such as gas station attendant, bus driver, grocery store clerk, media workers, laboratory workers, etc.)?

  1. Health care provider
  2. Frontline worker or essential worker
  3. None of the above
  4. I prefer not to answer

REVEN [GoC POR Mandatory Question]

Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

  1. Under $20,000
  2. Between $20,000 and $39,999
  3. Between $40,000 and $59,999
  4. Between $60,000 and $79,999
  5. Between $80,000 and $99,999
  6. Between $100,000 and $149,999
  7. $150,000 and above
  8. Prefer not to say

[ASK POSTAL3 TO ALL] [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Please indicate the first 3 characters of your postal code.
If you would rather not provide it, please select I don't know/I prefer not to answer

  1. I prefer not to answer   A9A


Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.



Background information

This research is being conducted by Léger Marketing, a Canadian public opinion research firm on behalf of Health Canada.

The purpose of this online survey is to collect opinions and feedback from Canadians that will be used by Health Canada to help inform government actions and decisions.

How does the online survey work?

What about your personal information?

If you are experiencing technical issue while responding to the survey, please contact Leger's technical support team at

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Screening Questions (for quotas and/or screening)

GDR [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is your gender identity?

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Other
  1. I prefer not to answer

* Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

PROV [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
In which province or territory do you currently live?

  1. British Columbia
  2. Alberta
  3. Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba
  5. Ontario
  6. Quebec
  7. New Brunswick
  8. Nova Scotia
  9. Prince Edward Island
  10. Newfoundland
  11. Northwest Territories
  12. Yukon
  13. Nunavut

AGE1 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
[Validation between 1900 and 2003]
[TERMINATE BETWEEN 2003 and 2020]
In what year were you born?

  1. I prefer not to answer

[ASK IF 99 at AGE1]
AGE2 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories do you belong?

  1. Under 18   TERMINATE
  2. Between 18 and 24
  3. Between 25 and 34
  4. Between 35 and 44
  5. Between 45 and 54
  6. Between 55 and 64
  7. 65 or older
  1. I prefer not to answer   TERMINATE

Are you the parent or guardian of a child or children under 18 years of age living in your household?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Prefer not to answer

How old is/are the child/children? Select all that apply

  1. Under 6
  2. 6 to 11
  3. 12 to 17
  1. Prefer not to answer

Concerns, Mental Health, Information

Q8. [Wave 4 - 5- 6-7] What is currently your most pressing concern, if any, related to COVID-19?

Q9_6. [Wave 6-7] How would you rate your physical health now compared to before the pandemic?

Q9. [Wave 4 - 5- 6-7] How would you rate your mental health now compared to before the pandemic?

Q11_6. [Wave 6-7] Since the start of the pandemic, have you looked for any information on coping with mental health during COVID-19?

[Ask if "No, I haven't" in Q4]
Q12_6. [Wave 6-7] Why have you not looked for information? (select all that apply)

Q13_6. [Wave 6-7] Since the start of the pandemic, have you received any support for coping with mental health during COVID-19?

Q14_7. [NEW WAVE 7] How worried are you, if at all, when thinking about the "post-pandemic"?

Q15_7. [NEW WAVE 7] What makes you feel worried? Select all that apply

Q16_7. [NEW WAVE 7] On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extent are you looking forward for each of the following once the COVID-19 pandemic ends, where 1 means "Not at all" and 10 means "A lot"?

Q10. [TRACKING QUESTION] To what extent are you paying attention to messages from public health authorities on COVID-19?

COVID-19 Vaccine

Q15_6. [Wave 6-7] Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine (at least one dose)?

[ASK IF 'NO' IN Q11]
Q16_6. [Wave 6-7] Are you currently eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in your community (i.e., on the basis of age, occupation, health status, etc.)?

Q17_7. [NEW WAVE 7] How many doses have you received?


[ASK IF "1 DOSE" IN Q13]
Q18_7. [NEW WAVE 7] Which vaccine did you receive?

[ASK IF "1 DOSE" in Q13]
Q19_7. [NEW WAVE 7] How important do you think it is it to receive your second dose?

[ASK IF "Not very important" or "Not at all important" in Q15]
Q20_7. [NEW WAVE 7] Why is it not very or not at all important for you to receive your second dose of vaccine? Select all that apply. [Randomize]

[ASK IF "1 DOSE" in Q13]
Q21_7. [NEW WAVE 7] For your second dose, would you accept a vaccine that is a different brand than your first dose?

Q22_7. [NEW WAVE 7] If your only option was a different brand than AstraZeneca, would you get your second dose without hesitation, get your second dose with some hesitation or not get your second dose from a different brand than AstraZeneca?


Q17_6. [Wave 6-7] What is the main reason you have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, despite being eligible to do so?

[ASK IF "I prefer to wait a while before getting vaccinated" IN Q19]
Q13. [TRACKING QUESTION] What is the main reason why you would eventually get a vaccination, but would wait a while first? [Randomize]

[ASK IF "I do not plan on being vaccinated for COVID-19" Q19]
Q14. [TRACKING QUESTION - Different "ASK IF" in WAVE 7] What is the main reason why you will not get vaccinated]?


Q23_7. [NEW WAVE 7] As we learn more about real world effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, if a third vaccine dose or "booster" is needed in order to provide protection in the long-term or to protect against new variant strains, would you be willing to get another dose?

[If "no" or "unsure" at Q22]
Q24_7. [NEW WAVE 7] What is the top reason you would not get or are uncertain about getting a third dose or booster dose? [Randomize]

[KIDS/YOUTH VACCINATION - Parents or guardian of kids under 18]

Q25_7. [NEW WAVE 7] When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to your child/children, will you choose to get your child/children under 18 vaccinated?

[ASK IF "Yes, but will wait a bit" IN Q24]
Q26_7. [NEW WAVE 7] What is the main reason why you would eventually choose for your child/children to get vaccinated, but would wait a while first? [Randomize]

[ASK IF "No, I will not get my child/children vaccinated" or "Note sure" IN Q24]
Q27_7. [NEW WAVE 7] What are the main reasons for not choosing to have the child(ren) under your care or guardianship vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine or for being not sure? Select up to 3 reasons. [Randomize]

Q28_7. [NEW WAVE 7] Which of the following factors would make you more likely to vaccinate your child(ren) against COVID-19? Choose your top three. [Randomize]

Q29_7. [NEW WAVE 7] Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, was your child up to date on their vaccinations?

Q30_7. [NEW WAVE 7] Outside of the COVID-19 pandemic, please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statement. "I think it is important for everyone to get the recommended vaccines for their children."


Q15. [Wave 4 - 5- 6-7] Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. [Randomize statements]

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
[Wave 4 - 5- 6-7] By being vaccinated against COVID-19, I am helping to protect the health of others in my community          
[Wave 5 -6-7] Once I get my COVID-19 vaccine, I cannot spread the virus to other people.          
[Wave 6-7] It is possible to be infected and become ill with COVID-19, despite getting a COVID-19 vaccine.          

[ASK IF not received any vaccine yet "No" in Q11 or received "1 dose" in Q13]

Q32_7. [NEW Wave 7] Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following.

[Adjust depending on previous answer] Once I get my/Now that I received my first dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to… Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
wear a non-medical mask or face covering.          
practise physical distancing.          
wash my hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water aren't available.          
limit the number of people I have contact with (i.e. social circle/social bubble).          

[ASK All - not received any vaccine yet "No" in Q11 or received "1 dose" or "2 dose" in Q13]

Q32_7. [NEW Wave 7] Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following.

[Adjust depending on previous answer in Q11 and Q13] Once I get my/Now that I received my second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to... Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
wear a non-medical mask or face covering.          
practise physical distancing.          
wash my hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water aren't available.          
limit the number of people I have contact with (i.e. social circle/social bubble).          

Q38_6. [WAVE 6-7] Which of the following would make you feel more confident that authorized COVID-19 vaccines are safe, if any? Check your top three.

Q39_6. [WAVE 6-7] In Canada, public health recommendations about COVID-19 vaccines come from a variety of sources, including those at federal, provincial/territorial, and local levels. These recommendations include guidance on who should be prioritized for the vaccines and the spacing of doses for two-dose vaccines.

Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements.

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
[WAVE 6-7] I feel less confident in the COVID-19 vaccines because of how often the vaccine recommendations have been changing.          
[WAVE 6-7] When public health recommendations on the use of COVID-19 vaccines differ from what Health Canada has approved for use, my trust in the vaccines is negatively affected.          
[WAVE 6-7] When expert groups make different recommendations on COVID-19 vaccines, my trust in the vaccines is negatively affected.          
[WAVE 6-7] The way vaccine recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines have been changing has affected my confidence in vaccinations in general.          
[WAVE 6-7] The changing recommendations have caused me to tune-out, and I no longer pay attention.          


Q33_7. [NEW WAVE 7] To what extent would you support or oppose each of the following?

a) A proof of vaccination system where Canadians would be required to carry a vaccine passport in order to travel internationally.

b) A proof of vaccination system where Canadians would be required to carry a vaccine passport in order to attend public events (ie. concerts, sporting events, fairs/festivals etc.)

Socio-Demographic Questions


The last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. All of your answers are completely confidential.

LANG [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

Do you identify as any of the following?

Do you identify as any of the following? Select all that apply

Where were you born?

[ASK IF Outside Canada in IMM]
In what year did you move to Canada?

What is your country of origin?

SCOL [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

  1. Some high school or less
  2. High school diploma or equivalent
  3. Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma
  4. College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
  5. University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  6. Bachelor's degree
  7. Postgraduate degree above bachelor's level
  1. I prefer not to answer

OCCUP [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, but looking for work
  5. Astudent attending school full-time
  6. Retired
  7. Not in the workforce (full-time homemaker, full-time parent, or unemployed and not looking for work)
  8. Other employment status. Please specify.
  1. I prefer not to answer

[IF 1 or 2 in OCCUP]
[NEW Wave 5]

Are you a healthcare provider (such as nurse, medical doctor, paramedic, first responder, pharmacist, etc) and/or a frontline worker or essential worker (such as gas station attendant, bus driver, grocery store clerk, media workers, laboratory workers, etc.)?

  1. Healthcare provider
  2. Frontline worker or essential worker
  3. None of the above
  4. I prefer not to answer

REVEN [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

  1. Under $20,000
  2. Between $20,000 and $39,999
  3. Between $40,000 and $59,999
  4. Between $60,000 and $79,999
  5. Between $80,000 and $99,999
  6. Between $100,000 and $149,999
  7. $150,000 and above
  8. Prefer not to say

*[ASK POSTAL3 TO ALL] [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Please indicate the first 3 characters of your postal code.
If you would rather not provide it, please select I don't know/I prefer not to answer

  1. I prefer not to answer   A9A


Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.



Background information

This research is being conducted by Léger Marketing, a Canadian public opinion research firm on behalf of Health Canada.

The purpose of this online survey is to collect opinions and feedback from Canadians that will be used by Health Canada to help inform government actions and decisions.

How does the online survey work?

What about your personal information?

If you are experiencing technical issue while responding to the survey, please contact Leger's technical support team at

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Screening Questions (for quotas and/or screening)

GDR [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is your gender identity?

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Other
  1. I prefer not to answer

* Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

PROV [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
In which province or territory do you currently live?

  1. British Columbia
  2. Alberta
  3. Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba
  5. Ontario
  6. Quebec
  7. New Brunswick
  8. Nova Scotia
  9. Prince Edward Island
  10. Newfoundland
  11. Northwest Territories
  12. Yukon
  13. Nunavut

AGE1 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
[Validation between 1900 and 2003]
[TERMINATE BETWEEN 2003 and 2020]
In what year were you born?

  1. I prefer not to answer

[ASK IF 99 at AGE1]
AGE2 [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories do you belong?

  1. Under 18   TERMINATE
  2. Between 18 and 24
  3. Between 25 and 34
  4. Between 35 and 44
  5. Between 45 and 54
  6. Between 55 and 64
  7. 65 or older
  1. I prefer not to answer   TERMINATE

Are you the parent or guardian of a child or children under 18 years of age living in your household?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Prefer not to answer

[Wave 7 - 8] CHILD AGE

How old is/are the child/children? Select all that apply

  1. Under 6
  2. 6 to 11
  3. 12 to 17
  1. Prefer not to answer

Concerns, Mental Health, Post-Pandemic, Information

Q1. [Wave 4-5-6-7-8] What is currently your most pressing concern, if any, related to COVID-19?

Q2. [Wave 6-7-8] How would you rate your physical health now compared to before the pandemic?

Q3. [Wave 4 - 5- 6-7-8] How would you rate your mental health now compared to before the pandemic?

Q4. [Wave 6-7-8] Since the start of the pandemic, have you received any support for coping with mental health during COVID-19?

Q5. [Wave 7-8] How worried are you, if at all, when thinking about the "post-pandemic"?

Q6. [Wave 7-8] What makes you feel worried? Select all that apply

Q7. [NEW WAVE 8] When you think about what your day-to-day life will look like post-pandemic, do you think it will look more like pre-pandemic times or more like it did during the pandemic?

Q8. [TRACKING QUESTION] To what extent are you paying attention to messages from public health authorities on COVID-19?

Q9. [NEW Wave 8] To what extent would you pay attention to urgent messages from public health authorities on COVID-19 outbreaks and new public health measures to follow?

COVID-19 Vaccine

Q10. [Wave 6-7-8] Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine (at least one dose)?

Q11. [Wave 7-8] How many doses have you received?


[ASK IF "1 DOSE" IN Q11]
Q12. [Wave 7-8] Which vaccine did you receive?

[ASK IF "1 DOSE" in Q11]
Q13. [Wave 7- 8] How important do you think it is it to receive your second dose?

[ASK IF "Not very important" or "Not at all important" in Q13]
Q14. [Wave 7-8] Why is it not very or not at all important for you to receive your second dose of vaccine? Select all that apply. [Randomize]

[ASK IF "1 DOSE" in Q11]
Q15. [Wave 7-8] For your second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, would you accept a vaccine that is a different brand than your first dose?


Q16. [NEW WAVE 8] For your second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, which of the following best describes your situation?


[ASK IF 'NO' IN Q10]
Q17. [Wave 6-7-8] What is the main reason you have not received a COVID-19 vaccine?

[ASK IF "I prefer to wait a while before getting vaccinated" IN Q17]
Q18. [TRACKING QUESTION] What is the main reason why you would eventually get a vaccination, but would wait a while first? [Randomize]

[ASK IF "I do not plan on being vaccinated for COVID-19" Q17]
Q19. [TRACKING QUESTION - Different "ASK IF" in WAVE 7-8] What is the main reason why you will not get vaccinated]?

[ASK IF 'NO' IN Q10]


Grid1. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statement.

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
By having others get vaccinated against COVID-19, I am protected and do not need to get vaccinated against COVID-19.          
The rise in cases from delta variant and the fact that those who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated are more at risk, motives me to get vaccinated.          


[Wave 7-8]
Q22. As we learn more about real world effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, if a third vaccine dose or "booster" is needed in order to provide protection in the long-term or to protect against new variant strains, would you be willing to get another dose?

[If "no" or "unsure" at Q22]
[Wave 7-8]
Q23. What is the top reason you would not get or are uncertain about getting a third dose or booster dose? [Randomize]

[KIDS/YOUTH VACCINATION - Parents or guardian of kids under 18]

Q24. Thinking about your child/children aged 12-17, will you choose to get your child/children vaccinated?

[ASK IF "Under 6" and/or "6 to 11" IN CHILD AGE]
Q25. Thinking about your child/children under the age of 12, if a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to your child/children, would you choose to get your child/children vaccinated?

[ASK IF "Yes, but will wait a bit" IN Q24 and/or Q25]
[Wave 7-8]
Q26. What is the main reason why you would eventually choose for your child/children to get vaccinated, but would wait a while first? [Randomize]

[ASK IF "No, I will not get my child/children vaccinated" or "Note sure" IN Q24 and/or Q25]
[Wave 7-8]
Q27. What are the main reasons for not choosing to have the child(ren) under your care or guardianship vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine or for being not sure? Select up to 3 reasons. [Randomize]

[Wave 7-8]
Q28. Which of the following factors would make you more likely to vaccinate your child(ren) against COVID-19? Choose your top three. [Randomize]

[Wave 7-8]
Q29. Outside of the COVID-19 pandemic, please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statement. "I think it is important for everyone to get the recommended vaccines for their children."


[Wave 7-8]
Q30. To what extent would you support or oppose each of the following?

a) A proof of vaccination system where Canadians would be required to carry a vaccine passport in order to travel internationally.

b) A proof of vaccination system where Canadians would be required to carry a vaccine passport in order to attend public events (ie. concerts, sporting events, fairs/festivals etc.)

Public Health Measures

[Wave 7-8]

Grid2. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following.

[Adjust depending on previous answer in Q10 and Q11] [Once I get my/Now that I received my] second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to… Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/Not applicable
wear a non-medical mask or face covering.          
practice physical distancing.          
wash my hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water aren't available.          
limit the number of people I have contact with (i.e. social circle/social bubble).          
[New wave 8] Follow any additional (or new) local public health measures          


Grid3. Even if public health measures are eased or lifted in your area, how likely are you to continue to do the following?

  Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Don't know/Not applicable
wear a non-medical mask or face covering - inside when in public          
wear a non-medical mask or face covering - outside when in public          
wear a non-medical mask or face covering - inside when in public but only if there are large crowds          
wear a non-medical mask or face covering - outside when in public but only if there are large crowds          
practice physical distancing          
frequently wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water aren't available.          
staying home when you're feeling sick          


Grid4. If some public health measures had to be reintroduced to prevent a widespread outbreak or resurgence, how likely would you be to follow them?

  Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Don't know/Not applicable
social gathering limits          
wearing non-medical masks in public          
physical distancing          
avoiding non-essential travel          


Grid5. In post-pandemic times, how likely would you be to follow public health measures such as mask wearing and practicing physical distancing in each of the following scenarios?

  Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Don't know/Not applicable
There is low vaccine coverage in the setting or area          
There is a local outbreak of COVID-19 cases          
Health care or public health capacities are becoming overloaded          
The spread of COVID-19 disease is increasing          
There are COVID-19 variants of concern in your area          
There are other respiratory viruses in circulation (e.g. seasonal flu)          

Q53. What kind of information, if any, would you need to help you make a personal risk assessment about when to use personal protective measures (e.g. mask wearing, staying home if ill, etc) to protect yourself?

Q54. Where would you go for information about how to make a personal risk assessment about when to use personal protective measures?

COVID-19 Rapid Tests

Q55. Some businesses are implementing workplace screening programs using COVID-19 rapid tests. Employees are tested using a short nasal swab twice per week before entering their workplace to make sure they aren't infected with the virus. If your workplace decided to implement a COVID-19 rapid test screening program, would you participate in it?

[ASK IF 'No, I would not' IN Q55]
Q56. What is the main reason you would not want to participate in a workplace screening program using rapid tests?

Q57. If you had symptoms of a viral infection, would you use rapid tests from a COVID-19 assessment centre, care clinic, or community testing site or a self-administered test in the Fall/Winter to help distinguish a COVID-19 diagnosis from the flu or common cold?

Flu Vaccine

[Wave 2 and 8]
Q58. Did you get your flu shot last year?

[Wave 2 and 8]
Q59. Do you plan to get your flu shot this year?

[ASK IF "No" in Q59]
[Wave 2 and 8]
Q60. Why are you not planning on getting your flu shot this year? (select all that apply)

Q61. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statement. "A COVID-19 vaccine booster dose in the fall/winter would make me less likely to get the flu shot."

Q62. How much do you feel you are at higher or lower risk of flu-related complications if you do get the flu?

Grid6. How likely, if at all, would the following messages encourage you to get the flu shot? [Randomize]

  Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely
Get your flu shot to help prevent the flu and flu-related complications.          
Get your flu shot to reduce pressure on the healthcare system. It is critical for all Canadians to get the flu shot to prevent the flu and to reduce any further pressure on our healthcare system.          
If you're at increased risk for flu-related complications, make sure you get your annual flu shot.          
Getting the flu shot is as important as ever. The COVID-19 vaccines do not protect you against the flu.          
As COVID-19 restrictions and public health measures are reduced, make sure you continue to help protect yourself and those around you from the flu by getting the flu shot.          
We know vaccines work - We've done it for COVID-19 and we can do the same for the flu.          

Q69. Do you plan to get your child/children vaccinated against the flu this year?

Q70. What are the main reasons for not choosing to have the child(ren) under your care or guardianship vaccinated with against the flu or for being not sure? Select up to 3 reasons.

Q71. Did your child/ children get the flu shot last year?

Socio-Demographic Questions


The last few questions are strictly for statistical purposes. All of your answers are completely confidential.

LANG [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

Do you identify as any of the following?

Do you identify as any of the following? Select all that apply

Where were you born?

[ASK IF Outside Canada in IMM]
In what year did you move to Canada?

What is your country of origin?

Are you pregnant or do you intend to become pregnant within the next year?


Are you currently living with one or more of the following health conditions? (select all that apply)

SCOL [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

  1. Some high school or less
  2. High school diploma or equivalent
  3. Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma
  4. College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
  5. University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  6. Bachelor's degree
  7. Postgraduate degree above bachelor's level
  1. I prefer not to answer

OCCUP [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

  1. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  2. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  3. Self-employed
  4. Unemployed, but looking for work
  5. Astudent attending school full-time
  6. Retired
  7. Not in the workforce (full-time homemaker, full-time parent, or unemployed and not looking for work)
  8. Other employment status. Please specify.
  1. I prefer not to answer

[IF 1 or 2 in OCCUP]
Are you a healthcare provider (such as nurse, medical doctor, paramedic, first responder, pharmacist, etc) and/or a frontline worker or essential worker (such as gas station attendant, bus driver, grocery store clerk, media workers, laboratory workers, etc.)?

  1. Healthcare provider
  2. Frontline worker or essential worker
  3. None of the above
  4. I prefer not to answer

REVEN [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

  1. Under $20,000
  2. Between $20,000 and $39,999
  3. Between $40,000 and $59,999
  4. Between $60,000 and $79,999
  5. Between $80,000 and $99,999
  6. Between $100,000 and $149,999
  7. $150,000 and above
  8. Prefer not to say

[ASK POSTAL3 TO ALL] [GoC POR Mandatory Question]
Please indicate the first 3 characters of your postal code.
If you would rather not provide it, please select I don't know/I prefer not to answer

  1. I prefer not to answer   A9A