COVID-19 Vaccines Mass Campaign – Concept Testing

Health Canada

Executive Summary

September 2022

Prepared for:

Health Canada

Supplier Name: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.

Contract Award Date: February 12, 2021

Delivery Date: September 2022

Contract Amount (incl. HST): $233,291.96

Contract #: HT372-204504/001/CY

POR Number: 118-20

For more information, please contact:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

COVID-19 Vaccines Mass Campaign – Concept Testing

Executive Summary

Prepared for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada

Supplier name: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.

September 2022

This public opinion research report presents the results of three separate phases consisting collectively of 45 online focus groups conducted by Quorus Consulting Group on behalf of Health Canada. The research consisted of a first phase of 17 online focus groups (from March 15 to March 25, 2021) that focused on members of the general population, 18 years of age and older, healthcare workers, and members of Indigenous and ethnic communities. A second phase consisted of 12 online focus groups (from June 28 to July 8, 2021) which focused on parents with at least one child 17 years of age or younger. A third phase consisted of 16 online focus groups (from July 14 to July 28, 2022) which sought feedback on two separate campaigns. The "(Fall 2022 COVID Vaccine Campaign" consisted of eight focus groups that focused on members of the general population, between the ages of 18 and 39, and members of Indigenous and ethnic communities between the ages of 18 and 60. The "Vaccine for children 6 months to 5 years of age Campaign" consisted of eight focus groups that focused on vaccine cautious general population parents and ethnic community parents at least 18 years of age.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Campagne de masse pour les vaccins COVID-19 - Test de concept

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at: or the Public Health Agency of Canada at:

Department of Health

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Catalogue Number:


International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

ISBN 978-0-660-45741-3

Related publications (registration number: POR 118-20):

Catalogue Number H14-416/2022F-PDF (Final Report, French)

ISBN 978-0-660-45742-0

©His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2022

Political Neutrality Statement

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Quorus Consulting Group Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications - Appendix C.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


September 21, 2022

Rick Nadeau, President

Quorus Consulting Group Inc.

Background and research objectives

In December 2019, a new coronavirus (COVID-19) was confirmed to be identified in humans, quickly evolving into a worldwide pandemic. As of December 2020, the total number of cases in Canada had risen to almost 378,000 cases, with over 12,000 deaths. Vaccination has been deemed an effective measure to protect Canadians from infection and to remove the restrictions placed on society and the economy. The largest inoculation campaign in Canada's history began in December 2020 after the first COVID-19 vaccine was authorized by Health Canada (HC).

The goal of Canada's COVID-19 pandemic immunization response was to enable as many Canadians to be immunized as quickly as possible against COVID-19. Public education has a significant role to play in achieving this goal, ensuring understanding, confidence, acceptance and uptake of the vaccine among Canadians. A mass campaign launched in Spring 2021, once the vaccines were available to all Canadians.

HC and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) commissioned Quorus to conduct exploratory research through three phases of online focus groups to assist the development of creative advertising concepts. This research was designed to support the Government of Canada's mandate to pre-test campaign creatives to assist the goal of COVID-19 immunization response to enable as many Canadians to be immunized as quickly as possible against COVID-19.


This report is based on online focus groups that Quorus completed between March 15, 2021 and July 28, 2022.

In total, 240 individuals participated in the research.

Qualitative research disclaimer

Qualitative research seeks to develop insight and direction rather than quantitatively projectable measures. The purpose is not to generate "statistics" but to hear the full range of opinions on a topic, understand the language participants use, gauge degrees of passion and engagement and to leverage the power of the group to inspire ideas. Participants are encouraged to voice their opinions, irrespective of whether or not that view is shared by others.

Due to the sample size, the special recruitment methods used, and the study objectives themselves, it is clearly understood that the work under discussion is exploratory in nature. The findings are not, nor were they intended to be, projectable to a larger population.

Specifically, it is inappropriate to suggest or to infer that few (or many) real world users would behave in one way simply because few (or many) participants behaved in this way during the sessions. This kind of projection is strictly the prerogative of quantitative research.

Research results – wave 1

A total of four "concepts" were presented in each session, with each concept consisting of multiple storyboards. Each concept featured at least one "Phase 1" (Educate and build trust) storyboard and some concepts also featured "Phase 2" storyboards.

  1. "From the experts": Phase 1, featuring a woman who is a "dog walking expert" asking Dr, Njoo a question about vaccines, Phase 2A, featuring a young girl who is a "hug expert" who is missing out on hugging people during the pandemic, in addition to a line-up of medical experts working towards making vaccines available to all Canadians, and, Phase 2B featuring a man who is a "cheering expert" who is missing out on watching his kid's sporting events, attending concerts, in addition to a line-up of medical experts working towards making vaccines available to all Canadians;
  2. "Reasons why": Phase 1, featuring a man discussing his reasons for getting vaccinated as he is about to receive a dose and, Phase 2, featuring a healthcare worker explaining her reasons for getting vaccinated as she is about to receive a dose;
  3. "The ripple effect": Phase 1, which follows a breeze of wind as it travels to various Canadians, each viewing different vaccine-related content from the Government of Canada and ultimately leads to a Canadian standing outside of a vaccine clinic, Phase 2 – V1 featuring a sequence of characters getting vaccinated with a "rippled" visual transition approach which ultimately leads to the final character shown in a crowded stadium, and, Phase 2 – V2, featuring various Canadians getting their vaccine with a freeze frame visual effect which leads to scenes of individuals participating in activities such as sports, traveling and attending ceremonies; and,
  4. "Ask the experts": Phase 1A, featuring a man asking a medical expert a question about vaccine testing and approvals followed by the expert's answer, Phase 1B, featuring a woman asking a medical expert whether they had received a vaccine themselves, followed by the expert's answer, and, Phase 1C, featuring a woman asking a medical expert about vaccine side effects, followed by the expert's answer.

"From the experts" received moderate ratings across all groups and in a few groups, tended to be fairly polarizing. Participants appreciated that the concept normalized asking questions and provided a reliable source of information (such as experts rather than through social media). They could also connect with the two characters featured in the Phase 2 concepts, specifically to the struggles faced by the two characters and the desire of "getting back to normal." Phase 1 was appreciated for having a rational approach whereas Phase 2 relied on emotional triggers, although the creative approach used in Phase 1 was thought to lack authenticity. The main weakness of the Phase 2 storyboards was the over-use (or for some, the misuse) of the term experts, which many felt was diluting or diminishing the true value of expertise. Participants also disliked being told to get vaccinated. Ultimately, participants liked the Phase 2 concepts for the human elements and moments they captured but did not connect at all with the broader message prompting them to let the experts get back to what they do best. According to participants, Concept A conveyed two main messages, both fairly distinct based on the storyboard phases. The Phase 1 storyboard suggested to respondents that the Government of Canada is telling us that it is okay to ask questions but mostly that it is important to obtain answers from reliable sources, notably from experts. The second set of storyboards (for Phase 2), mostly suggested to participants that if we want to get back to normal or back to doing what we enjoy the most, we need to get vaccinated.

"Reasons why" mostly received good to strong reviews among participants. Those who liked it appreciated the script and the relatability with the average person. Participants could sympathize and relate to the main character in both phases of the concept, even if they had not gone through the same experiences. The main weakness in the concept was the part of the tagline in both storyboards that reads "Get vaccinated" as many participants believe that getting vaccinated remains a choice and that they are not receptive to any messaging that is telling them what do to. Featuring the healthcare worker in Phase 2 had mixed reactions. Some felt it showed her leading by example, and, as a healthcare worker, she was considered more informed about the vaccine which led many to conclude that if she is getting it, then it is probably safe. Others questioned why she was not already vaccinated or brought up that she may be biased due to her work, so featuring "an average person" would be more convincing. Participants largely saw that the main message focused on the importance of asking questions, of getting information on vaccines and to use credible sources.

"The ripple effect" received different reactions based on the various storyboards presented (as the concept was updated at various points during the fieldwork). The initial storyboard (Phase 1) was considered too slow and unrelatable. The first version of the Phase 2 storyboard received mediocre to good ratings, with many simply finding appeal in the final scene featuring a crowded stadium. The second version of the Phase 2 storyboard received good to strong ratings, as the concept shows where we are today and where we want to be and captured a rich diversity of people and situations. The main weakness was the tagline, which told the audience to "get vaccinated" which participants considered an order rather than a suggestion. Participants looking for rational reasons to get vaccinated felt the ad lacked any useful information and they did not appreciate the emotional angle of the concept. Irrespective of the storyboard versions, participants who liked the concept noted that it referred to the importance of community and felt that the underlying message was optimistic and positive. Regarding the taglines, participants disliked parts of the taglines that read "get vaccinated" as it was too authoritative. "Get the facts" was more appreciated. "Join the movement" received mixed reactions with some appreciating the sense of community promoted while others felt it encouraged Canadians to blindly follow what others are doing without putting more thought into the decision to get vaccinated. In terms of the main message participants felt these concepts were basically asking Canadians to get vaccinated and that, together, we'll get to where we want to be, which is to get back to normal.

"Ask the experts" was often the most popular concept tested and regularly received strong ratings. Participants liked that the concept normalized and encouraged Canadians to ask questions. Many were also pleased to see that there is a site they can reference for answers from experts, and many had similar questions to those included in the concept. For the initial versions of the storyboard, participants were not satisfied with the answers provided by the experts, however feedback was more positive for the revised versions of the storyboards although there remained some who were still interested in more details (e.g., statistics, data, links to studies, etc.). Many also liked the approach that involved everyday Canadians videorecording their question and then having that question answered by a recognized expert which added genuineness and credibility. However, some questioned what makes the specific individuals "experts" and would like to know what makes them unbiased. Some participants would not accept the information provided at face value and would like to find references to statistics of studies on the website as well. Appeal of the concept was higher when the experts were changed to actual Canadian experts. Participants perceived the main message as the Government of Canada encouraging them to ask questions and to visit their website to obtain the answers from experts.

After evaluating each concept separately, a brief discussion was held to identify the concept that participants preferred the most or would be most likely to compel them to action. Concept D (Ask the experts) was most often selected as the preferred concept, mostly because it is short, simple and to the point and it addresses the immediate need that participants have for information. Participants also liked that it is factual, it empowers Canadians and suggests they have a choice – it is not pushing a message.

In the sessions dedicated to members of Indigenous and ethnic communities, the moderator explored whether participants felt the ad concepts shown were relevant to the community to which they belong. They also asked if anything should be added or changed so that they feel their community is better represented through these concepts. These participants did not feel their preferred concepts needed to change to have their ethnic or Indigenous community better represented. Ultimately, participants explained that the human elements and the main messages presented in the concepts were more important than capturing diversity.

Research results – wave 2

A total of four "concepts" were presented in each session, of which one was for Phase 1 and three were for Phase 2. In all sessions, the three Phase 2 concepts were presented and discussed first and the Phase 1 concept was left for the end of each session. The three Phase 2 concepts were:

  1. A. "Anything is possible," an ad featuring various inanimate objects such as children's toys communicating about activities the children will be able to return to once they are vaccinated;
  2. "Happy everything," featuring teenagers and young children celebrating many holidays and special occasions simultaneously, with the voiceover suggesting that vaccinations are an important step in catching up on what has been missed out on; and,
  3. "The crew," an ad featuring various gatherings including a sleepover, a soccer game and a graduation celebration with a voiceover suggesting to parents to have their children vaccinated so that "kids can get back to being kids".

"Anything is possible" received weak to moderate ratings with strong appeal among a limited number of participants. Generally, participants felt the concept was more appealing and engaging for children than for parents. Parents liked that the concept was highlighting some sort of "return to normal" because of vaccination, however, most would have preferred seeing the excitement through the eyes of people rather than through toys and items of décor. Parents also liked the message encouraging parents to "learn more" as many did have questions, and this left the option of vaccination more "open-ended" and less directive. The use of the word "safe" received mixed reactions with some feeling reassured and likely to consider vaccination while others disliked the use of this term in the ad. Some could not relate to the concept as much as their families were able to leave the house during the pandemic (particularly in areas where lockdowns were less frequent), and others felt that the ad casted a negative light on being at home and having a busy household when in fact, many families learned to appreciate home living during the pandemic. The main message was to get vaccinated so that life could get back to normal.

"Happy everything" received moderate to good ratings. Those who appreciated the concept liked the creative approach to showing life events that their children have missed since the start of the pandemic, which some found humorous, and others felt piqued their curiosity as they could not figure out what was going on initially. It was also said to effectively capture different age groups and cultures. Those who gave lower scores felt that despite the concept's strengths, the concept contained too many details which would get missed or be overwhelming if the ad was aired on television or online. Participants felt that some of the events featured in the concept were not really missed by their children, or they found other ways to celebrate, which made the concept less relatable, especially in regions such as Atlantic Canada which experienced fewer restrictions and lockdowns. Participants felt the concept was too focused on the past and would prefer a future-focused approach. Additionally, participants felt the tagline was too authoritative. In terms of the main message, participants consistently said that the Government of Canada was telling them to get their children vaccinated.

"The crew" received moderate to strong ratings and was consistently the popular choice across all sessions. Participants appreciated its simplicity and felt it captured one of the things their children missed out on most during the pandemic: being with other kids. The concept was praised for being highly relatable as most parents could relate to at least one scene, or the message being conveyed in general. Parents felt that the concept captured activities for a variety of age groups, with the exception of very young children for which they suggested to include a group of parents pushing strollers at the park. The concept was considered energetic and optimistic (even without hearing any audio or music). Parents liked that the concept was future-focused and aspirational and was the most effective in conveying the importance of socialization and the mental and physical health of their children. A concern raised by a few participants was that the ad seemed unrealistic because it seemed to suggest that if children get vaccinated, they can immediately start socializing, which to them seemed to contradict suggestions by public health authorities. A few also felt the tagline was a bit "bossy" and should suggest parents get their children vaccinated rather than telling them to do so. The main message was perceived to be the idea that getting children vaccinated will allow them to get back to the business of being kids, which overall was a very meaningful and impactful message for parents.

After evaluating each concept separately, a brief discussion was held to identify the concept that participants preferred the most or would be most likely to compel them to action. Concept C (The crew) was the most popular concept in each session. Compared to all other concepts, this concept was praised for its simplicity, the focus on the future, its emphasis on group and social activities, its ability to capture various age groups, its relatability, and for its tagline which zeroed in on the link between vaccines and "kids being kids."

Participants were also presented with a concept from Phase 1, "Ask the Experts", an advertisement featuring real Canadians (not actors) who have recorded themselves asking a question followed by an expert who provides an answer. When asked what other questions they might have for an expert, the primary focus was on side-effects, with a particular focus on long-term effects. In terms of who they would trust to provide the answers to their questions, participants tended to mention pediatricians and immunization experts, especially ones working at a well-known children's hospital. For the most part, participants are looking for someone who is above all neutral and unbiased, meaning they are not connected to the pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines, nor are they connected to the government, who, for many, is seen as predisposed to wanting Canadians to get vaccinated.

Research results – wave 3

The third wave of research consisted of two campaigns, each with a different target audience.

Three concepts were tested for the Vaccine for children 6 months to 5 years of age Campaign, namely:

  1. "Keep them safe," featuring different parents as they take safety measures to keep their children safe;
  2. "Lots of questions," featuring parents seeking information to ensure they are keeping their children safe; and,
  3. "Brand new," an ad filmed from a child's point of view as they experience new things for the first time.

"Keep them safe" generally received moderate ratings, with many expressing that the message and theme of "protection" were effective and came across as a "soft sell" for the vaccine. It was strongly appreciated that this ad included specific mention of the age requirements for the vaccine rather than requiring additional research from the viewer. Alternatively, some participants perceived the ad as threatening, thinking that it was suggesting children would not be able to return to fall activities if they did not get vaccinated. As well, a few felt that it played on guilt rather than factual information by leaving the viewer feeling like they are bad parents if they choose not to vaccinate their children. A few were also confused regarding the intended target audience of the ad, as they felt the children including in the scenes were a variety of ages. In terms of the main message, most felt the ad suggested that parents should vaccinate their children to keep them protected and safe and so they could return to fall activities and "regular life". However, several felt that this message was one-sided, and it did not seem like they were really being offered a choice. There was low interest in visiting the website as a response to viewing this ad. Participants did feel that the ad was targeting them as parents.

"Lots of questions" generally received moderate to high ratings, with many participants being able to relate to the scenarios, particularly those with young children. Participants saw the main strength of the concept was that it placed importance on making informed choices rather than telling the audience what to do, leaving them feeling in control of their decision and less pressured. The main weakness discussed was the lack of factual or scientific information, with participants suggesting the ad could explicitly answer the questions brought up by the parents in the ad. A few also felt that the examples shown in the beginning of the ad were not comparable to the concern for the safety of the vaccine for children. When it comes to the main message, participants agreed that the ad was trying to inform parents that vaccines are available for their children and are safe and offer the best protection against COVID-19. It also conveyed to parents that it is normal to have questions or concerns while guiding the audience to the website to seek information. A few participants would be motivated to do more research as a result of seeing the ad (although not necessarily on the Government of Canada website). Most participants felt that the ad was targeting them as parents.

"Brand new" generally received moderate ratings, with many appreciating the emphasis of "making an informed decision" as well as the research focus (through reference to a statistic) which grabbed their attention and was intriguing and reassuring. Parents appreciated the messaging that they experience many new things just as their children do. The creative approach received mixed feedback, with some describing the child's point of view to be attention grabbing and "pulling at the heart strings" while others felt like this perspective was comparing the viewer to a child. A few also believed that this approach was not effective as it is up to the parents to make a decision regarding the vaccine, not the child. Participants mentioned other drawbacks of the ad including a lack of information as well as continual reference to the word "new", which is not reassuring to those who want to hear that the vaccine is "tried and true". Participants perceived the main message was that vaccines are available for children and are safe and effective. The message was also perceived to encourage informed decisions. There was mixed interest in visiting the website as a result of seeing the ad. Relevance of the concept was moderate, with some parents feeling targeted while a few did not as they expressed that their kids were older than those featured in the ad.

After evaluating each concept separately, a brief discussion was held to discuss preferred concepts as well as explore various elements of the ads. Concept A and Concept B were selected as the favourites across the groups. Concept A was seen as the most informative, memorable and relatable to many, and was praised for its focus on safety and protection. Participants appreciated the direct reference to the age at which children can be vaccinated, and felt this ad could be strengthened further by including statistics as seen in Concept C. Concept B was also seen as relevant and informative with a clear connection between the message and examples included in the ad. Some preferred that this ad did not play on emotions or make the viewer feel guilty (as a few noted with Concept A).

Participants were also asked if they would prefer to see live actors or animated characters if one of the concepts is chosen to become an advertisement. Almost all participants who had a preference suggested real actors. Typically, women seemed to have a preference while the men in the groups were more indifferent on this topic.

For focus groups with ethnic communities, participants were asked if they felt the concepts were relevant to the community to which they belong. To achieve appropriate diversity in the concepts, participants would like to see families and kids and other family members from diverse ethnic backgrounds throughout the ad, as well as group activities (birthday parties, school scenes, etc.) featuring diversity among the children in these groups.

Four concepts were tested for the Fall 2022 COVID Vaccine Campaign, namely:

  1. "Take action," featuring large block letters spelling the word "protection." As the camera pans across each letter, it shows people participating in "normal" activities. As the camera pans to the letter "C", the word "protection" fades and changes to "Action";
  2. "Friendly reminder," an ad featuring various reminder messages for COVID-19 vaccinations, reminding us that vaccine protection fades;
  3. "Tuning out," features people participating in "regular" activities as a radio announcer (voiced by Dr. Njoo) gives reminders to stay protected with booster doses; and,
  4. "Plan ahead," showing individuals experiencing unexpected situations, with voiceover messaging encouraging Canadian's to "plan ahead" and find out if they are due for their next vaccine dose.

"Take action" received strong appeal across the groups. The main strength was the creative approach used, the concept's conciseness and its ability to effectively convey the message. Participants could relate to many of the activities shown, which reminded them of things they missed during previous lockdowns such as going to the gym. The concept reminded some of the importance of vaccines and the steps we need to follow to get back to a "normal life" and came across as a "gentle nudge" focused on protection rather than fear. The main drawback of the concept was the tagline "it's time to take action" as some felt they had already been taking action by getting the initial doses, so the tagline did not seem fitting for an ad for booster doses. It was suggested that the ad could instead ask Canadians to "continue taking action". Others would like to see more information in the ad such as the length of time before protection from the vaccine starts to fade. The main message was perceived to be that COVID-19 is ongoing and you need to stay up to date on vaccines to protect yourself and others and continue enjoying the activities you enjoy.

"Friendly reminder" generally received moderate ratings across the first four groups of campaign B and was removed from testing for the remaining sessions. Those who liked the ad felt that it was informative and found the references to "long COVID" and natural immunity to be interesting and helpful in conveying the importance of booster shots. Participants who were less fond of the ad felt that it was boring and did not grab the viewer's attention and that the key message was lost in some scenes. Some felt that the specific mentions of potential long-term side effects could come across as a scare tactic. In terms of the main message, participants felt that the ad was trying to convey that COVID-19 will continue to be around and thus, that we will continue needing further doses and that vaccine protection fades. The ad was fairly relevant to participants, however some younger participants felt that it was targeting an older demographic given how a day planner and email reminders are featured.

"Tuning out" received mixed reactions (some positive and some negative) across the groups. Those who liked the concept appreciated the message "don't tune out", acknowledging that many Canadians are getting apathetic towards COVID messaging, as well as the non-threatening tone. Many liked the summary from the voiceover as well as the scenes showing characters living their "normal lives" as it demonstrates the benefits of getting vaccinated. The ad was also said to be easy to follow (the storyline follows one character), and participants appreciated the diversity of the characters. Some also enjoyed the informal tone of the ad, the tagline "boost your protection" as well as the credibility derived from including Dr. Njoo in the voiceover and ad. On the other hand, some felt the scene in the car did not flow as well with the rest of the ad, and felt the radio broadcaster interrupting could make some people uncomfortable as it seems like they are listening in or watching. For some, the assumption that the audience wants to tune out came across negatively and judgmental and left some feeling that the ad was telling them what to do. Others felt the ad was busy and could include more information such as how long the booster is effective for. The main message was perceived to be that Canadians must get the required booster doses to continue to be protected from the effects of COVID-19 and continue to live a "normal life". Many participants felt that the ad was relevant to them and could be targeting any demographic.

"Plan ahead" received moderate to high ratings. Participants felt the ad was upbeat and relatable, especially those who were parents or who had gotten a puppy during the pandemic. The ad was seen as having an emotional appeal and a positive message. Participants appreciated the tagline suggesting to plan ahead rather than simply being told to get vaccinated. They also appreciated that the ad says to "see if you are due for your next dose" as not all viewers will be due for their booster. The main weakness of the ad was that it was considered a bit busy and confusing due to the different storylines. It was suggested to only use one storyline (preferably the scenes with the dog) and strengthen the transition from the earlier scenes to mention of the vaccine. The main message was perceived as planning ahead and taking precautions to protect oneself and others. Participants saw the ad as moderately relevant. Some felt that it could be targeting others while a few felt that it was targeting individuals with a family who own their own home or those who own a dog.

After evaluating each concept separately, a brief discussion was held to identify the concept that participants preferred the most or would be most likely to compel them to action. Concept A (Take action) was selected the most across the groups. This concept was said to be the most direct and straightforward when it came to getting the message and call to action across. Participants felt that the ad had good visuals and a good fit between the voiceover and imagery, with a slight emotional appeal.

Across the concepts, three Government of Canada doctors were featured: Dr. Njoo, Deputy Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Dr. Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, and, Dr. Sharma, Chief Medical Advisor, Health Canada. When asked whether they had a preference, most were indifferent and felt that the overall message and concept were more impactful than which doctor is shown. For those who had a preference, Dr. Tam was typically mentioned as she is the most recognized and trusted. However, some felt that there may be messaging fatigue when it comes to Dr. Tam, as she is highly associated with COVID-19, so it might be best to start using the other doctors in new messaging.

For focus groups with individuals from ethnic and Indigenous communities, participants were asked if they felt the concepts were relevant to the community to which they belong. These participants felt that the concepts were adequately diverse, with some specifically mentioning that they noticed diversity of characters in Concept A, and even more so in Concept C. The focus group with individuals from Indigenous communities appreciated seeing representation of ethnic communities in general and felt it would be nice to also see some Indigenous representation.

Supplier name: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.

Contract number: HT372-204504/001/CY

Contract award date: February 12, 2021

Contract amount (including HST): $233,291.96

For more information, please contact Health Canada at: