Vulnerable and Hard-to-reach Populations COVID-19 Immunization Coverage Survey (VHCICS)

Methodological Report

Prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada
Supplier name: Advanis Inc.
Contract number:6D142-224912
Contract value: $296,072.43 (including HST)
Award date: October 7, 2022
Delivery date: July 24, 2023

Registration number: POR 058-22
For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Table of contents

Vulnerable and Hard-to-reach Populations COVID-19 Immunization Coverage Survey

Methodological Report

Prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada
Supplier Name: Advanis Inc.
July 2023

This report presents the methodological details for the Vulnerable and Hard-to-reach Populations COVID-19 Immunization Coverage Survey (VHCICS) conducted by Advanis Inc. on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). The survey was administered among 5,703 members of the adult Canadian general public, between January 9 and February 23, 2023.

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Enquête sur la couverture vaccinale contre la COVID-19 auprès des populations vulnérables et difficiles à atteindre

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Public Health Agency of Canada. For more information on this report, please contact:

Health Canada, CPAB
200 Eglantine Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
Jeanne Mance Building, AL 1915C
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9

Catalogue Number:
International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Related publications (registration number: 58-22):
Catalogue number: H14-440/2023F-PDF (Rapport méthodologique, Francais)
International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-49118-9 (Francais)

©His Majesty the King in right of Canada, as represented by the Public Health Agency of Canada, 2023

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Background

Surveillance data suggests that vaccine coverage is uneven across Canada. Furthermore, results from existing surveillance tools suggest that some population subgroups are under-surveyed, which results in insufficient data regarding immunization status, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours towards vaccination within these specific groups. In turn, this hinders core immunization functions including COVID-19 vaccine surveillance, vaccine confidence, available data, policy, public health guidance, and knowledge mobilization activities.

In the effort of addressing COVID-19 coverage gaps relating to vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) developed this new surveillance tool, the Vulnerable and Hard-to-reach Populations COVID-19 Immunization Coverage Survey (VHCICS).

The purpose of the VHCICS is to provide information that is currently unavailable regarding COVID-19 immunization coverage and uptake in select vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations.

New surveillance tools are needed to address data coverage gaps identified for these sub-populations and to inform public health vaccination programs and initiatives. It will also inform decisions on prioritizing investments and crucial information funneled through PHAC, as well as federal, provincial, territorial and private partners.

1.2 Objectives

The primary objective of this surveillance project was to establish a surveillance tool to gain a better understanding of COVID-19 coverage-related information in select vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations.

Specifically, this survey aimed to collect information on:

The second survey objective was to document the socioeconomic, cognitive, and motivational factors associated with low uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in eleven (11) vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations in relation to a general population benchmark sample.

1.3 Methodology

Data collection started on January 9, 2023, and ended on February 23, 2023, and was conducted by Advanis.

Advanis first focused on a benchmark survey that was a probability-based survey of 1,005 Canadians aged 18 or older using Advanis' General Population Representative Sample (GPRS) sample in a multi-phase sampling approach. This approach involves collecting data from randomly selected sample units (GPRS), and then collecting more data from a randomly selected subsample1.

Advanis then used the same core questions in the questionnaire administered to the general population to survey 11 specialized, vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations, each with a couple of variations according to the target population. Overall, a sample of 5,703 Canadians aged 18 or older was reached using Advanis' GPRS sample. For the specialized groups, recruitment was completed using targeting information Advanis had on profile within the GPRS database to ensure quota minimums were met. Targeting was possible for those in groups A and B, but group C was based on natural fallout of the sample. The results can be extrapolated to general population and to the targeted A and B subpopulations.

The 11 specialized vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations included:

Participants pulled from Advanis' GPRS sample were recruited by cell phone and were invited to participate in a Web survey. Those who agreed to participate received an email or SMS inviting them to take part in the survey.

Survey results were weighted by nested data obtained from Statistics Canada from the 2021 census. The weighting variables included status on gender, education, income, age, population center, visible minority, recent immigrant and Indigenous. The results for 2023 are based on responses from 5,703 Canadians across all provinces and territories. Recruitment ensured quotas were reached for key sub-populations to ensure statistical relevance and representativeness.

1.4 Contract Value

The contract value for this survey was $296,072.43 (including HST).

1.5 Political Neutrality Requirement

I hereby certify as a Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.

Specifically, the deliverables do not contain any reference to electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leader.

Nicolas Toutant
Vice President, Research and Evaluation

2. Methodology

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) sought to address deficiencies in data coverage gaps relating to vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations and COVID-19 Immunization coverage. PHAC contracted Advanis to conduct the Vulnerable and Hard-to-reach Populations COVID-19 Immunization Coverage Survey (VHCICS), a 10-minute online survey of Canadians 18 years and older. The study used Advanis' proprietary, probability-based General Population Representative Sample (GPRS). The probability-based study was conducted using a two-step approach where respondents were recruited by cell phone to participate in an online web survey. Respondents were invited to participate in the online survey by either email or SMS (text message), based on their preference at the time of recruitment. After the initial invitation, if respondents had not yet completed the survey, they were sent up to two (2) reminder messages. Reminder messages were sent 3 and 6 days after the initial recruitment.

2.1 Survey Design

The questions for this survey were designed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and supplied to Advanis. Advanis was responsible for the French survey translation. The questionnaire contained core questions about COVID-19, including vaccination status, barriers to vaccination, knowledge attitudes and beliefs related to vaccination, and questions specific to each targeted population group, demographics, and questions about general health.

The Government of Canada's standards for pre-testing were adhered to. The pretest was conducted in both English and French. The pretest was conducted on January 9-10, 2023. The pre-testing targeted those with lower education as this population shares similar characteristics with other select specialized groups and has a greater incidence rate than other specialized populations from this survey, thereby permitting for a more meaningful pretest. During this pretest, 213 people were recruited by cell phone in English and French. This led to 53 completed online surveys (20 French, and 33 English). After the pretest, it was determined that respondents may not be reading the disclaimer that taking drugs should exclude cannabis and alcohol and only include prescription medications that were being taken more frequently than prescribed by a doctor. Given this, a level of "I do not use illegal drugs / abuse prescription medications" was added to the survey before full launch of the data collection to mitigate the number of respondents incorrectly answering the drug-related questions in the survey. In addition, results from the pre-testing indicated that only very minor changes were required. Given these minor and non-significant changes, data gathered from pre-testing completions was retained in the final dataset (n=53) and included as part of the total sample size.

Among those completing the survey online, the average survey length was 10.7 minutes.

2.2 Sampling and Administration

The target audience for this project included specialized population groups, as well as general population group that serves as benchmark. Respondents needed to be 18 years of age or older and living in Canada in order to be eligible for the survey.

The targeted number of completed surveys was 5,700 Canadian adults. A total of 5,703 responses were obtained (4,827 in English and 876 in French) to reach quotas, where possible (Table 1).

Table 1: Geographic sample and completes
    Group A Specialized Populations Group B Specialized Populations Group C Specialized Populations
Population Groups by Province Total Completes Low education Low income Younger adults Urban Indigenous Visible minority (incl. Indigenous) Recent immigrants Rural or Remote Truck Drivers Drug users Healthcare workers Industry workers
Alberta 674 264 218 111 74 222 47 71 31 63 49 61
British Columbia 814 249 326 136 78 314 78 128 25 92 80 50
Manitoba 213 60 68 53 31 99 36 42 9 22 24 20
Saskatchewan 190 63 70 35 32 64 13 55 4 22 20 17
Ontario 2185 533 789 573 155 892 183 383 54 268 188 164
Quebec 1189 219 537 346 38 460 200 223 35 123 122 115
Atlantic 397 119 212 121 28 104 29 152 4 35 49 17
Territories 41 8 14 7 9 20 6 16 1 8 3 0
Total 5703 1515 2234 1382 445 2175 592 1070 163 633 535 444
Target 5700 900 900 900 400 900 400 400 Natural fallout

Overall, 17,222 people were recruited to participate in the survey, with 5,703 completing the web survey for a response rate of 33.1%, and a margin of error of +/-1.3% (19 times out of 20 at a 95% confidence interval). The average survey length was 10.7 minutes. Table 2 provides information on the number of completes and target completes by specialized groups A & B, group C could not be targeted.

Table 2: Field details by specialized population group
    Group A Specialized Populations Group B Specialized Populations
Population Group Field Details Total Completes Low education Low income Younger adults Urban Indigenous Visible minority (incl. Indigenous) Recent immigrants Rural or Remote
Invited 17,222 4048 7762 6397 2357 7147 4208 2848
Completed 5703 1515 2234 1382 445 2175 592 1070
Response rate
(completed / invited)
33,1% 37,4% 28,8% 21,6% 18.9% 30,4% 14,1% 37,6%
Margin of error +/-1.3% +/-2.5% +/-2.1% +/-2.6% +/-4.6% +/-2.1% +/-4.0% +/-3.0%
Survey length (min)** 10,7 11,3 11,4 8,9 10,6 11,5 14,6 14,2

*Note that specialized groups are not exclusive, respondents can fall into multiple groups.

** It is to be noted that some participants were part of multiple subgroups.

2.3 Weighting and Data Cleaning

The VHCICS data is weighted by nested data obtained from Statistics Canada from the 2021 Census. The weighting variables included status on gender, education, income, age, population center, visible minority, recent immigrant and Indigenous.

The values attributed to the different weight categories can be found in Appendix A.

Data cleaning involved creating variables for each of the specialized populations, so that analysis can be easily performed for each group. Specialized populations were indicated in a sample variable. In addition to this, response levels in some questions were rebased to the entire population rather than just subpopulations (e.g., for levels that were only shown to Indigenous), so that percentages would accurately reflect those of the whole population and not just those of the subpopulation. Other specify comments were reviewed and back coded into existing levels where required. For some questions, when the "Other" level exceeded 10%, verbatim responses were reviewed and additional categories were added to the questions based on the responses (e.g. A6, C14 and C16). Some variables were derived for reporting purposes (e.g. A1, A10).

One major data cleaning element done to validate the data was to review the specified drugs listed in the Other specify responses for C21, as there was a fair number of respondents who entered "None", "cannabis", or "alcohol" in the specify box. These respondents should not have selected "Yes" to drug use in S9. As such, these cases were reviewed and back coded out of the drug-related questions, and their S9 response was updated to "No". After the pretest, an opt-out option was added on C21 for not using drugs. These cases were similarly back coded to "No" in S9, and their data was removed from C21 through C23.

2.4. Quality Control

Advanis employs several quality control measures to ensure success across the entire life cycle of the project. These measures are detailed below.

Survey Programming: Advanis utilizes technology to maximize quality control in survey programming. Having developed a proprietary survey engine tool, Advanis professionals are able to design and program a survey in a browser-based environment, eliminating the need to involve a programmer who is less familiar with the survey subject matter. The survey was thoroughly pre-tested by Advanis' project team members, as well as by non-team members (non-team members provide "fresh eyes" for catching potential errors).

CATI Methodology: The CATI recruit script was programmed on Advanis' proprietary CATI platform with no unforeseen challenges. Advanis was able to leverage its experience for the survey programming and the reminder process to achieve high quality standards. Advanis implemented the following to ensure the highest quality data collection:

To ensure high interview quality, our interviewers are trained to use various interviewing techniques. As well as maintaining a professional attitude, our interviewers must also be convincing, read word-for-word, take notes, systematically confirm the information given and listen to the respondent. Advanis has also created internal tools within the survey script for interviewers allowing them to use the phonetic alphabet to confirm email address spelling (e.g., a for alpha, b for bravo, etc.) to help reduce the amount of bounced email addresses. However, should bounced emails occur, Advanis has also developed additional tools that allow for someone to re-listen to the recording and easily adjust to correct the email address.

Web Methodology: All Advanis web surveys are hosted internally by Advanis, and employ a rigorous and stringent set of data collection control mechanisms to ensure the highest quality for the data collected, including:

Data Handling and Reporting: For the data collected, Advanis develops rules to check the validity of the data. These rules include items such as:

All data cleaning performed on projects are outlined and tracked in an internal spec document so they can be QA'd and signed off on. The original raw data file is never overwritten, so that if an error is discovered in our code, we can quickly and easily rerun things to produce a new data file. Individuals developing code incorporate internal checks in their code (e.g., crosstabs) to ensure the adjustment had the desired effect. In addition, all recoding is reviewed by another team member or technical specialist for accuracy.

3. Non-response Bias and Limitations

Non-response bias occurs when non-responders differ in a meaningful way from respondents and this difference impacts the information gathered. It is difficult to assess the presence of non-response bias since information about why non-responders did not participate is usually unavailable. That said, one way to gauge the potential impacts of non-response bias is to evaluate if the sample is representative by comparing the respondents' characteristics and gauge if they reflect known population characteristics. Where possible, we can check the distribution of respondents across various demographics (e.g., age and gender) and geographic categories and compare those distributions against known population characteristics. If the variation is fairly small and we have no reason to believe there are other factors impacting respondents' willingness to participate, we can conclude that the likelihood of non-response bias impacting the information gathered in the survey is minimal. This is the case with the current survey.

Several strategies were employed to increase response rates and reduce the effects of non-response bias. This includes:

4. Guidelines for Analysis and Release

Any results with an unweighted base size (denominator) of less than 30 should be interpreted with caution2,3. This is due to the increased coefficient of variation and, hence, there are larger confidence intervals around results with smaller bases. Furthermore, for confidentiality purposes, any results with a base of less than 10 should be suppressed.

For all estimates based on a denominator size of 30 or more, the following guidelines for data suppression related to coefficient of variations (CV) should be used when reporting estimates2:

Type of Estimate CV (in %)4 Guidelines
Acceptable CV ≤ 15.0 Estimates can be considered for general unrestricted release. Requires no special notation.
Marginal 15.0 < CV ≤ 35.0 Estimates can be considered for general unrestricted release but should be accompanied by a warning cautioning users of the high sampling variability associated with the estimate.
Unacceptable CV > 35.0 It is recommended to not release estimates of unacceptable quality.

Examining the confidence interval of the estimate will provide further indication of the quality of the estimate in terms of the variability. Long confidence intervals indicate less precision in the estimate while smaller confidence intervals indicate greater precision. When assessing the trustworthiness of sample proportions, the confidence intervals of estimates should be taken into account2.

4.1 Rounding Guidelines

Users are urged to adhere to the following rounding guidelines for estimates.


Appendix A: Weights for the direct weighting method

Definition of weighting variables. All the definitions are based on statistic Canada categories.

  1. 1- Gender: Men+ includes transgender men and half of the non-binaries. Women+ includes transgender women and half of the non-binaries.
  2. 2- Education: Low education is high school or less. Not low education includes all others.
  3. 3- Income: Low income is less than $60,000. Not low income is more than $60,000.
  4. 4- Age: We have 4 age categories, 18-29, 30-34, 35-54 and 55+.
  5. 5- Urban or rural / remote: Rural or remote communities are postal codes with "0" as the second character or self-defined as rural or remote. Else are urban.
  6. 6- Origin: Visible minority or not a visible minority.
  7. 7- Indigenous: Is indigenous includes First Nation, Métis and Inuit.
  8. 8- Recent immigrant: Recent immigrant is defined as a resident for less than 10 years.
Weighting category Weight
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.452
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.226
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.733
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 1.062
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.750
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.457
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.105
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.234
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.200
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.438
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.611
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.342
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.169
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.953
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.377
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.292
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.249
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.296
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.551
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.931
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.391
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.818
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.370
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.221
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.490
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.432
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.149
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.530
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.585
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.219
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.053
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.639
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.178
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.140
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.083
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.902
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.116
Men +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.183
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.188
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.246
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.261
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.226
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.151
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.119
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.064
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.043
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.165
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.752
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.340
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.367
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.292
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.876
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.094
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.042
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.230
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.061
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.321
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.269
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.173
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.254
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.887
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.069
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.578
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.282
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.203
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.500
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.170
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.160
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.987
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.109
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.241
Men +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.338
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.621
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 3.284
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 7.085
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 11.524
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.896
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.453
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 6.282
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.231
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.576
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 3.939
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.780
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.506
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.174
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 2.356
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 3.643
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 3.297
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.227
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.116
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.477
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.419
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.275
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.209
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 5.236
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.993
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.700
Men +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 4.699
Men +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.414
Men +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.612
Men +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.592
Men +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.724
Men +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.276
Men +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.707
Men +, Low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.192
Men +, Low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.953
Men +, Low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.095
Men +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.736
Men +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.692
Men +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.385
Men +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.756
Men +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.323
Men +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.527
Men +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.371
Men +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.625
Men +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.252
Men +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.265
Men +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.863
Men +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.214
Men +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.369
Men +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.451
Men +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.306
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.521
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.294
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.735
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 2.949
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.997
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.499
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.422
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.421
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.611
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 1.112
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.083
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 1.106
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.560
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.065
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.145
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.651
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.463
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.176
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.459
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.275
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 1.212
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.211
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.399
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.423
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.541
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.266
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.272
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.663
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.421
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.986
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.967
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.143
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.230
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.218
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.565
Women +, Not low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.223
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.167
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.229
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.245
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.430
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.202
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.093
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.151
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.040
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.450
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.733
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.915
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.737
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.470
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.285
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.531
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.053
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.093
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.054
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.355
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.891
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.660
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.475
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.289
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.147
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.447
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.140
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.091
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.048
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.108
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.189
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.598
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 1.121
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.099
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.949
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.495
Women +, Not low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.215
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.263
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 5.197
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 6.197
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 3.176
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 3.830
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.246
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.113
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 5.115
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.146
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 6.478
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.012
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.205
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 8.816
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.957
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.283
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.247
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.088
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 60.309
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.851
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.587
Women +, Low education, Not low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.269
Women +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.442
Women +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.640
Women +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 0.532
Women +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 2.532
Women +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.356
Women +, Low education, Low income, 18-29, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.163
Women +, Low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.735
Women +, Low education, Low income, 30-34, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.465
Women +, Low education, Low income, 30-34, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.804
Women +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.746
Women +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.588
Women +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Recent immigrants 2.171
Women +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.230
Women +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.502
Women +, Low education, Low income, 35-54, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.366
Women +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.509
Women +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 3.645
Women +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Not Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.373
Women +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Not Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 1.214
Women +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Not Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.262
Women +, Low education, Low income, 55+, Rural or Remote, Visible minority, Indigenous, Not Recent immigrants 0.498

Appendix B: Questionnaire


Government of Canada

Languages:English, French

Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur français.

You have been invited to participate in a public health, knowledge, attitudes and experiences survey which is being conducted among key Canadian populations. The Public Health Agency of Canada has contracted an independent public opinion research company, Advanis ( (TellCityHall is one of Advanis' data collection methods), to conduct the research on the Public Health Agency of Canada's behalf.

The online survey is voluntary and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. This research has been approved by the Public Health Agency of Canada Research Ethics Board.

If you agree to participate in this survey, please click on the following button to continue:
Participation in this study is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. There will be no consequences if you decide not to participate. Your decision to participate does not waive your right to legal recourse in the event of research-related harm. You may skip questions that you do not feel comfortable answering by clicking "Prefer not to answer", where applicable. You may also complete the survey in several sessions and from different devices. If you get interrupted while doing the survey, you can click on the same link to pick up right where you left off. Once data has been collected, please note that researchers have no way of knowing which data belongs to which participant. The results from partially completed or abandoned surveys will be deleted.

What You Will Be Asked to Do
You will be asked to complete a survey to answer some demographic questions and questions related to the COVID-19 vaccines. Please note that certain questions will be asked at the start of the survey to determine if you are eligible to participate. If you are not eligible to participate, your data will be removed and destroyed.

Why are we collecting your information?
The aim of this survey is to gain knowledge about knowledge, attitudes, and experiences related to public health topics in Canada.

You will be asked questions, such as age, gender, and ethnicity in order to better understand knowledge, attitudes, and experiences across different key populations. You will also be asked about the first three characters of your postal code to help determine your geographic area for sampling purposes. Your home address cannot be identified with this information. We will not ask you to provide us with any information that could directly identify you, such as name(s), or full date of birth and data will be stored on password-protected computers. However, in exceptional circumstances, individual responses in combination with other available information could lead to identifying you. The protection of your personal information is very important to us and we will make every effort to safeguard it and reduce the risk that you are identified.

It is possible that some questions may be triggering to some people. Risks to participants will be minimized by providing a note before these questions appear. You have the right to skip any questions you are not comfortable answering.

What is the Authority to Collect the Information?
The information you provide to the Public Health Agency of Canada is collected by the Centre for Immunization Surveillance under the authority of section 4 of the Department of Health Act and Section 3 of the Public Health Agency of Canada Act and handled in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Will we use or share your personal information for any other reason?
The survey firm, Advanis, will be responsible for collecting survey data from all participants. Once data collection is complete, Advanis will provide the Public Health Agency of Canada with a dataset that will not include any individual responses to reduce the risk that you could be identified. All the responses received will be grouped for analysis and presented in grouped form. The dataset will also be available to federal and provincial governments, Indigenous governments and organizations, and researchers across Canada, if requested. Any reports or publications produced based on this research will use grouped data and will not identify you or link you to these survey results.

What are your rights?
You have a right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if you feel your personal information has not been handled properly.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey or the information we are collecting, please e-mail: (

For technical support with the survey, accessibility requirements, or to request to complete the survey over the phone you can contact (

For more information about COVID-19 vaccination: (

The Public Health Agency of Canada has contracted an independent public opinion research company, Advanis (, to conduct the research on PHAC's behalf. This project has been registered with CRIC under number: 20221122-AD039. CRIC website (

©2023 Privacy policy ( | CRIC Pledge (


In general, how would you describe your physical health?


In general, how would you describe your mental health?


Have you experienced difficulties accessing any public health care services you need in your area?

C14 Show if C13 Yes (C13 = 1)

What type of difficulties have you experienced?
Please select all that apply

Levels marked with * are randomized


In what year were you born?
Minimum: 1923, Maximum: 2023
Year of birth __________

S1a Show if S1 Prefer not to answer (S1 = Prefer not to answer)

For our analysis of the data, we need to know at least your age category. Can you tell us if you are aged…

T2 Show if Under 18 ((S1 > 2005) OR (S1a = 1))

Thank you for your interest but for this survey you must be 18 years of age or older.

and our public policy service

Status Code: 506

T3 Show if Refused Age (S1a = Prefer not to answer)

Thank you for your interest but for this survey we need to know your age in order to compile the results for analysis.

and our public policy service

Status Code: 507


What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?


Please indicate your total household income, before taxes and deductions, for the year ending December 31, 2021. Your total household income consists of the total amount of money earned by all household members.


In order to better understand the diversity of the Canadian population, as well as to help achieve greater equity and diversity in public health, we would like to ask you a few questions about your general background.

Please click the arrow below to continue.


Which of the following best describes the racial or ethnic community that you belong to? We recognize this list of racial or ethnic identifiers may not exactly match how you would describe yourself.

Please select all that apply to you.

S5 Show if S4 Indigenous (S4_3 = 1)

Do you identify as First Nations, Métis and/or Inuk (Inuit)?

Please select all that apply.


So we can classify responses based on where people live, please enter the first three digits of your postal code.

Note that we cannot identify your address from this information since the first three digits of your postal code are not residence-specific.



Do you live in an urban or rural or remote area?

An urban areais a city, town or village with a population of 1,000 people or more.

A rural area is defined as an area with less than 1,000 inhabitants and a population density less than 400 people per square kilometre. Rural areas can include:

S7a Show if S4 NOT Indigenous NOT (S4_3 = 1)

Which group best defines your citizenship status in Canada?

S7b Show if S7a Canadian by naturalization OR Permanent resident (S7a = 2,3)

How many years have you lived in Canada for?

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100
__________ years


Are you currently employed in any of the following sectors? Include paid and unpaid/volunteer work.

Select all that apply

C12 Show if S4 Indigenous CDN (S4_3 = 1)

In general, how would you describe the quality of the public health care services available to you?

C20 Show if S4 Indigenous CDN (S4_3 = 1)

In general, how would you describe your spiritual health?


Since March 2020, have you used any drugs (other than cannabis, tobacco and/or alcohol)?

Please consider any illegal drugs or any drugs that you have taken for reasons other than why they are recommended/prescribed (e.g., for the experience, the feeling they caused, to get high).

Section Section A: COVID-19 Vaccination


How many doses of the Health Canada approved COVID-19 vaccines have you received?

Approved vaccines include: AstraZeneca Vaxzevria, Moderna Spikevax, Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty, Johnson & Johnson Janssen, Novavax Nuvaxovid, and Medicago Covifenz.

A2 Show if A1 1 to 4 doses (A1 = 1,2,3,4)

Which approved COVID-19 vaccine(s) did you receive for...?

  1. Dose 1 (Show if A1 1 to 4 doses (A1 = 1,2,3,4))
  2. Dose 2 (Show if A1 2 to 4 doses (A1 = 2,3,4))
  3. Dose 3 (Show if A1 3 to 4 doses (A1 = 3,4))
  4. Dose 4 (Show if A1 4 or more doses (A1 = 4))
A3 Show if A1 1 to 4 doses (A1 = 1,2,3,4)

What were your reasons for receiving an approved COVID-19 vaccine?

Please select all that apply.

Levels marked with * are randomized

A4 Show if A1 Zero to 4 doses (A1 = 0,1,2,3,4)

What obstacles, if any, have prevented you from getting vaccinated against COVID-19?

Please select all that apply.

Levels marked with * are randomized

A5 Show if A1 Zero to 4 doses (A1 = 0,1,2,3,4)

(if A1 1 to 4 doses (A1 = 1,2,3,4)) Were you ever hesitant to get vaccinated against COVID-19?

Vaccine hesitancy refers to a reluctance or delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability.

(if A1 None (A1 = 0)) Are you or have you been hesitant to get vaccinated against COVID-19?
Vaccine hesitancy refers to a reluctance or delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability.

A6 Show if A1 None AND A5 Yes Dont know OR Prefer not to answer ((A1 = 0) AND (A5 = 1, Prefer not to answer, Don't know))

For what reasons have you not received an approved vaccine against COVID-19?

Please select all that apply.

Levels marked with * are randomized

A7a Show if A1 None Dont know or Prefer not to answer (A1 = 0, Prefer not to answer, Don't know)

Do you plan to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in the future?

A7af Show if A7a No vaccination (A7a = 2)

Why do you not plan to get vaccinated in the future?

Please do not enter personally identifying information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, mailing address), as anything you enter may be shared with the sponsor of this research.


A7b Show if A1 1 dose AND A2 Moderna Pfizer or Astrazeneca ((A1 = 1) AND (A2_a = 1,2,3))

Do you plan to receive a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in the future?

A7bf Show if A7b No 2nd dose (A7b = 2)

Why do you not plan to receive a 2nd dose in the future?

Please do not enter personally identifying information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, mailing address), as anything you enter may be shared with the sponsor of this research.


A7c Show if A1 2 or 3 doses OR A1 1 dose AND A2 Dose 1 JnJ ((A1 = 2,3) OR ((A1 = 1) AND (A2_a = 4)))

Do you plan to receive a booster (additional) dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in the future?

A7cf Show if A7c No (A7c = 2)

Why do you not plan to receive a booster in the future?

Please do not enter personally identifying information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, mailing address), as anything you enter may be shared with the sponsor of this research.


A8 Show if A1 None Dont know or Prefer not to answer (A1 = 0, Prefer not to answer, Don't know)

During the past 12 months, how has your likelihood of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 changed compared to the year before?

A9 Show if A1 1 to 4 doses (A1 = 1,2,3,4)

During the past 12 months, how has your likelihood of getting vaccinated with additional dose(s) against COVID-19 changed compared to the year before?

A10 Show if S6a OR S6 Rural Remote ((custom: <<is_rural_fsa('S6a')>>) OR (S6 = 2))

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the availability of COVID-19 vaccines in your area?

Section Section B: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs


Which of the following sources of information would you be most likely to consult in order to find information on approved COVID-19 vaccines?

Please select up to three (3) of the provided sources in order of importance to you.

Levels marked with * are randomized


Canadians have many viewpoints on approved vaccines and their effectiveness or necessity. Please indicate whether, in your opinion, the following statements are true or false.

  1. In general, vaccines are effective. *
  2. In general, vaccines are safe. *
  3. COVID-19 vaccines are safe. *
  4. COVID-19 vaccines are effective. *
  5. You cannot get a COVID-19 infection from a COVID-19 vaccine. *
  6. The benefits of a COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the risk of any possible side effects. *
  7. Vaccination is a safer way to build immunity against COVID-19 than contracting COVID-19. *
  8. I believe that I need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 even if I previously acquired a COVID-19 infection. *
  9. COVID-19 vaccines do not alter my DNA. *
  10. Public health measures are an important strategy to prevent and/or reduce the spread of COVID-19 (e.g., physical distancing, wearing a mask). *
  11. COVID-19 vaccination should be a requirement in school settings and/or any setting with a large group of people. *
  12. I have access to enough trustworthy information about COVID-19 vaccines to make an informed decision. *
  13. Additional/booster doses of a COVID-19 vaccine are important in order to stay protected against COVID-19. *

Levels marked with * are randomized

Section Section C: Sociodemographics


Finally, we have some questions for statistical purposes. Your answers will remain completely anonymous.

Please click the arrow below to continue.


What was your sex at birth?


What is your gender?

Gender refers to your current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.


What is your province or territory of residence?


Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you…


Which of the following categories best describes your household income for the year ending December 31, 2021?

Your total household income consists of the total amount of money earned by all household members.

C5 Show if S7a Canadian by naturalization OR Permanent resident (S7a = 2,3)

In what country were you born?

Begin typing in the box to find the country, or scroll down and select the '+' to expand the categories and find the country.

C6 Show if S7a Canadian by naturalization OR Permanent resident (S7a = 2,3)

How would you describe your sense of belonging to your local community?


Which language do you primarily speak in your daily life?

Please select all that apply.

C8 Show if Health Care Workers (S8_1 = 1)

What type of health care worker are you? Include paid and unpaid/volunteer work.

Please select all that apply

C9 Show if S8 Industry Workers AND C4 NOT Unemployed Retired ((S8_2 = 1) AND (C4 = 1,2,3,5,8))

What type of industry are you working in?

C11 Show if S8 Healthcare Industry or Transportation (S8_1 = 1 OR S8_2 = 1 OR S8_3 = 1)

Do you work in a setting where physical distancing is difficult to achieve (e.g., you are in contact with people with less than 2 meters or 6 feet of distance)?

TrigInt Show if Urban Indigenous Recent immigrant OR Visible Minority ((S7b between 1 and 9) OR (S4_3 = 1) OR (S4_1 = 1 OR S4_2 = 1 OR S4_3 = 1 OR S4_4 = 1 OR S4_5 = 1 OR S4_6 = 1 OR S4_7 = 1))

The next two questions may be triggering to some people. If you would like to skip these questions, please click "skip". For information on support services available to you, please click here[[The First Peoples Wellness Circle (FPWC) ( is a national not-for-profit corporation governed and managed by Indigenous Leaders and exists to improve the lives of Canada's First Peoples by addressing healing, wellness and other mental health challenges. Call 1-833-311-FPWC (3792)

Hope for Wellness Helpline is available 24/7 to all Indigenous people across Canada. Telephone and online counselling are available in English and French. Additional languages can be requested.
Call the toll-free Help Line: 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat at (]].

C15 Show if TrigInt Continue (TrigInt = 2)

Have you encountered any instances of racism, discrimination at any time, since March 2020?

C16 Show if C15 Yes (C15 = 1)

Where did the racism or discrimination occur?

Please select all that apply

C21 Show if Drug User (S9 = 1)

We would like to learn more about your drug use since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Have you used any of the drugs listed below, at any time, since March 2020?

Please consider any illegal drugs or any drugs that you have taken for reasons other than why they are recommended/prescribed (e.g., for the experience, the feeling they caused, to get high).
Please select all that apply.

C22 Show if C21 Any Drug (C21_1 = 1 OR C21_2 = 1 OR C21_3 = 1 OR C21_4 = 1 OR C21_5 = 1 OR C21_6 = 1 OR C21_7 = 1)

Are you currently using any of these drugs?

Please select all that apply.

C23 Show if C22 Any Drug (C22_1 = 1 OR C22_2 = 1 OR C22_3 = 1 OR C22_4 = 1 OR C22_5 = 1 OR C22_6 = 1 OR C22_7 = 1)

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in March 2020, how has your overall drug use changed?

  1. Illegal stimulants (e.g., cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, ecstasy or MDMA) (Show if C22 1 Illegal stimulants (C22_1 = 1))
  2. Illegal opioids (e.g., heroin, non-pharmaceutical fentanyl) (Show if C22 2 Illegal opioids (C22_2 = 1))
  3. Illegal hallucinogens/dissociatives (LSD, psilocybin, PCP, magic mushrooms mescaline, ketamine, DXM, angel dust) (Show if C22 3 Illegal hallucinogens (C22_3 = 1))
  4. Prescription opioids (Oxycodone, Dilaudid®, morphine, codeine, Demerol, Tylenol #3®) (Show if C22 4 Prescription opioids (C22_4 = 1))
  5. Prescription stimulants – ADHD medications (Ritalin®, Concerta®, Adderall®, Dexedrine®) (Show if C22 5 Prescription stimulants (C22_5 = 1))
  6. Prescription sedatives/tranquilizers (e.g., diazepam (Valium®), lorazepam (Ativan®), alprazolam (Xanax®), clonazepam (Rivotril®)) (Show if C22 6 Prescription sedatives (C22_6 = 1))
  7. <<C21.specify(7)>> (Show if C22 7 Other (C22_7 = 1))

Section Recruit End


(if S4 Indigenous CDN (S4_3 = 1))

This is the end of the survey. On behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada, we would like to thank you for your participation. Your responses will provide valuable and insightful information about COVID-19 immunization in urban Indigenous and away from home communities across Canada.

The First Peoples Wellness Circle (FPWC) ( is a national not-for-profit corporation governed and managed by Indigenous Leaders and exists to improve the lives of Canada's First Peoples by addressing healing, wellness and other mental health challenges. Call 1-833-311-FPWC (3792)

Hope for Wellness Helpline is available 24/7 to all Indigenous people across Canada. ( Telephone and online counselling are available in English and French. Additional languages can be requested. ( Call the toll-free Help Line: 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat at (

(if Default)

This is the end of the survey. On behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada, we would like to thank you for your participation. Your responses will provide valuable and insightful information about COVID-19 immunization coverage in Canada.

Status Code: -1

1 Statistics Canada (2021). Statistics: Power from Data! – Probability Sampling – Multi-Phase Sampling Approach.

2 CDC. National Center for Health Statistics Data Presentation Standards for Proportions. 2017. Available from:

3 Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey User Guide. 2021.

4 CV= (standard error / coefficient) * 100 where the coefficient is either the regression coefficient or the proportion estimate.