Baseline and Post-Campaign ACET for Dementia Risk Reduction Advertising Campaign

Executive Summary

Prepared for Health Canada
Supplier name: Ipsos Public Affairs
Contract Number: HT372-23-4772
Contract value: $68,975.20
Award Date: October 10th, 2023
Delivery Date: March 4th, 2024
Registration number: POR 066-23
For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at:

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Brad Griffin
Ipsos Public Affairs

Baseline and Post-Campaign ACET for Dementia Risk Reduction Advertising Campaign

Methodological Report

Prepared for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada

Supplier name: Ipsos Public Affairs

March 2024

This public opinion research report presents the methodology of the Baseline and Post-Campaign ACET for Dementia Risk Reduction Advertising Campaign online survey conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. The baseline survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,007 Canadians ages 25+ between October 23rd and November 1st, 2023, and the post-campaign survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,019 Canadians ages 25+ between February 1st and February 16th, 2024.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Baseline et ACET post-campagne pour la campagne publicitaire de réduction du risque de démence

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Health Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at or at:

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Health Canada

200 Eglantine Driveway

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Catalogue Number: H14-592/2024E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-70945-1

Related publications (registration number: POR 066-23)
Catalogue Number H14-592/2024F-PDF (Final Report, French)
ISBN 978-0-660-70946-8

©His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2024

Executive Summary

1. Background

1.1 Summary Statement

As announced in the 2019 Budget, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has received $50 million over five years, starting in 2019–20 and ending in March 2024, to support key elements of the implementation of Canada's first national dementia strategy.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has implemented a social marketing strategy to support dementia prevention and stigma reduction. A two-pronged, phased approach was adopted by focusing first on reducing stigma and increasing awareness of dementia in general, followed by risk reduction awareness and the introduction of healthy lifestyle behaviours.

The focus of the 2023-24 activities focused primarily on risk prevention by continuing to provide information about the various dementia risk factors and the healthy lifestyle actions Canadians can take to help reduce their risk.

Research shows that many Canadians are not aware that there are risk factors for dementia, that a person can take simple actions to help reduce their risk and that dementia, contrary to a popular belief, is actually rarely genetic. The ad campaign messaging aims to generate awareness of the risk factors and in tandem show a simple and accessible action Canadians can take to lower their risk. The desired outcome is that people, having another good reason to take better care of their health, will be motivated to adhere to healthier life behaviours and ultimately reduce their risk of many chronic health conditions and diseases.

A digital campaign showcasing two prominent risk factors ran from February to March 2024. The same messaging may be used again on a larger scale to reach a larger population.

The advertising campaign target audiences are:

2. Purpose of the Research

2.1 Research Objectives

The Government's Policy on Communications and Federal Identity requires the evaluation of advertising campaigns exceeding $1 million in media buy using the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool (ACET). The ACET was created in 2002 following a Cabinet directive identifying the need for a standard advertising evaluation approach across departments. The main objectives were to bring rigor and consistency to ad campaign evaluation and to develop norms on metrics against which campaigns could be evaluated.

The objectives of the research were as follows:

The results of this research will allow HC and PHAC to evaluate the performance of this campaign. It will also help HC and PHAC to improve any future phases of the campaign (or similar).

Target Audience

The survey will be conducted with adults 25+ with a skew to at risk populations:

3. Methodology

3.1 Data collection

This project involved two (2) online surveys – a baseline survey and a post-campaign survey. Both surveys were executed online using a non-probability online panel. This is the standard approach for all Government of Canada advertising evaluation surveys. The initial baseline survey was conducted before the campaign launched and the post-campaign survey was conducted following the completion of the campaign.

The surveys were conducted in English and French, with respondents being able to complete in either language of their choice. The baseline survey was 8 minutes in length and had 3 open-ended questions. It was mostly based on the established ACET questionnaire, with some campaign specific questions (supplied by Health Canada). The post ACET was 11 minutes in length and had 5 open-ended questions.

The survey platform was Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) compliant according to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG2.0AA). Survey panelists had means to communicate their specific accessibility needs to enable survey participation via email. The survey invitation included the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) survey registration number so that survey respondents had the ability to verify the legitimacy of the survey as a research initiative sponsored by the Government of Canada. Survey respondents were informed of their rights under the Privacy Act, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and the Access to Information Act, and that respondents' rights were protected throughout the research process.

For the baseline survey a pre-test was conducted on October 23rd, 2023, with 42 completes (20 English / 22 French), to confirm survey length before fully deploying the questionnaire. An open-ended question was asked at the end of the survey where any problems with the clarity of the survey questions could be brought to our attention; no issues were flagged. The survey was fully launched and ran between October 23rd, 2023, and November 1st, 2023. For the post-campaign survey, a pre-test was conducted on February 1st, 2024, with 39 completes (19 English / 20 French). No issues were flagged. The survey was fully launched and ran between February 1st and February 16th, 2024.