EI Self-Employment Creative Ad Concept Testing

Contract No. G9178-100001/003/CY
Contract date: 2010-08-06

November 2, 2010

Prepared for

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada


Executive Summary

Ce rapport est disponible en français sur demande.

Prepared by:
tns canadian facts

Executive Summary

Background and Objectives

The specific objectives of this research were:

Approach and Methodology

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of TNS Canadian Facts that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Norman Baillie-David, CMRP
Vice President, Director of Public Opinion Research

Total Study Cost

The total cost of this study, excluding HST, amounted to $24,025.21.


Overall Ad Likeability

Importance of Message

Ad Diagnostic

Campaign Message Communication:  “It Works” Communicates the Message Best

Head-to-Head Concept Comparison

English Creative Ad Concepts

Work/Life Balance

Work/Life Balance

Text description de la Figure 1: Work/Life Balance

Greeting Cards

Text description of Figure 2: Work/Life Balance

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Text description of Figure 3: Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Text description of Figure 4: Greeting Cards

It Works

It Works

Text description of Figure 5: It Works

It Works

Text description of Figure 6: It Works

French Creative Ad Concepts

Concilier travail et vie professionnelle

Concilier travail et vie professionnelle

Text description de la figure 1: Concilier travail et vie professionnelle

Greeting Cards

Text description de la figure 2: Concilier travail et vie professionnelle

Cartes de souhaits

Cartes de souhaits

Text description de la Figure 3: Cartes de souhaits

Cartes de souhaits

Text description de la Figure 4: Cartes de souhaits

Elles travaillent

Elles travaillent

Text description de la Figure 5: Elles travaillent

Elles travaillent

Text description de la Figure 6: Elles travaillent


While all three advertising concepts have good potential given the results from the Ad Test quantitative survey, the “It Works” concept distinguishes itself as the recommended concept based on the head-to-head comparison and on certain key ad diagnostics.