Financial Benefits for Canadian Families Advertising Campaign: Concept Testing

Executive Summary

December 2010

Prepared for: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

For more information:
Public Opinion Research Unit:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français sur demande

Contract number: G9178-100001/009/CY
Contract award: November 11, 2010
Fieldwork completed: December 2, 2010
Contract Cost including HST: $70,372.53
Final Report: February 1, 2011

Prepared by:
Phase 5 Consulting Group Inc.
Contact: Carol Blackie

Executive Summary


Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) was selected to lead a campaign focusig on financial benefits for Canadian families. The primary objective of the campaign is to raise awareness among Canadian parents of the financial resources available from the Government of Canada (GOC) to help them raise their children in a nurturing environment.

The specific research objectives included the following.


The overall approach to the work included the conduct of 8 focus groups with Canadian parents. The sessions were conducted in English and French in Toronto, Montréal, Calgary and Moncton.

Readers are reminded that the results of qualitative research are not statistically representative. They therefore cannot be generalized to a wider population and represent only the perceptions and opinions of a select group. Notwithstanding this point, the feedback obtained through the focus groups provided useful direction and guidance for moving forward with the next versions of the creative concepts.

Key Conclusions and Implications

The Context

Recommendation: Incorporate a reference to some, or all, of these hopes and dreams into the text and images used in the ads in order to increase the extent to which the ads will resonate with parents.

Recommendation: Include a reference to post-secondary education in the text or images used in the ads.

Implications: The research supports the need for a campaign designed to raise awareness among Canadian parents of the financial resources available to them from the GOC.

Recommendation: The campaign should arm Canadians with the information they require to formulate specific requests or questions. Whether the impression is correct or inaccurate, the call-to-action will have more traction if Canadians are confident that their inquiry or search will be successful.

Overall Reactions to the Concepts

The main reasons for preferring the ‘Child First’ concept included:

The main reason for preferring the ‘Don’t Forget’ concept included:

Implication: No clear and/or obvious winner emerged. Either ad concept could form a workable foundation for a campaign. In addition, some of the reasons for preferring the ‘Child First’ concept could be incorporated in the ‘Don’t Forget’ concept, e.g. communicate eligible age ranges. The decision will rest in the overall image the Government of Canada wants to portray and how this campaign is to be positioned.  

Guiding Principles and Lessons Learned

The review and discussion of the proposed themes did reveal important guiding principles / lessons learned that will be important to consider when refining the selected concept.

Relevant to All Ads

Relevant to the Print Ads

Relevant to the Radio Ads

Relevant to the Internet Ads