Elder Abuse ACET Methodology Report

December 2010

Presented to / Présenté à:
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada - Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences Canada

Prepared by: Market Dimension
Facilitators at their best

Call-Up No. - Nº de la commande subséquente: G9178-100001/010/CY
Client Reference No. - N° de référence du client G9178-10-0001
Requisition Reference No. - N° de la demande G9178-100001
File No. - N° de dossier cy025.G9178-100001
Standing Offer No. - Nº d'offre à commandes EP363-090027/024/CY
Date of Contract Award: October 28, 2010
POR Number: 066-10
Date Field Work Completed: Dec 13, 2010

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

For more information please contact HRSDC at: nc-por-rop-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca

For more information please contact:
Asif A. Khan, MBA
Managing Director
Market Dimensions Inc.

Phone (416) 480-1500
Email: aa.khan@market-dimensions.com
Web: www.market-dimensions.com

Professional staff involved in this project:

Table of Contents

I. Foreward

Background and Objectives

An awareness campaign was developed to raise the general level of understanding of this issue; and advertising took place in the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2010. In accordance with Government of Canada Communications Policy, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) was required to conduct a post-campaign evaluation of the advertising initiative. Market Dimensions was contracted to conduct the survey for a total cost of $19,963 plus HST.

The main purpose of the study was to conduct a post campaign evaluation of HRSDC’s Elder Financial Abuse ad campaign. A sample size of 1,110 Canadians across Canada (age 18 and over), along with 250 Canadians age 65+ were surveyed over the telephone, lasting approx. 13 min.

The overall objectives of the survey were:

The results of the research will be used by HRSDC to:

II. Methodology

1-0 Data Collection

1-1 Sampling

The telephone sample was a regionally disproportionate sample drawn to achieve a margin of error of no greater than +/- 5%. The actual margin of error was 3.1 per cent 19 times out of 20. Details of the margin of error by region can be found in Table 1-1b. For every targeted completion approximately twelve numbers were drawn. Details by region can be found in the table below. In an effort to over sample elders (65+), daytime dialing was conducted.

Table 1-1a : Sample Distribution

Atlantic 123
Quebec 303
Ontario 463
Prairies 266
British Columbia 205
Total 1360

Table 1-1b : Margin of Error +/- 5%

Canada Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies BC
3.2 9.0 5.5 4.9 7.1 7.7

1-2 Fieldwork

A Random Digit Dialing plus digit1 telephone survey was conducted with Canadians aged 18+. Respondents were selected by interviewers asking to speak with the person who was 18 years of age or older and who had the most recent birthday. In total, 1,360 surveys were completed between October 28 and Dec 13, 2010 for a total response rate of 11.8%. An oversample of 250 seniors was achieved through Random Digit Dialing.

1-3 Weighting

Weighting adjustments (age, gender and region) were applied to the final edited, clean data to ensure that the data were representative of the 18+ population of Canada based on the 2006 Census. In cases where the respondent refused to provide their age, an age was randomly assigned. The following is the breakdown of actual and weighted completions:

1.3.1. Actual Count

Gender Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies British Columbia Total
Male 18 - 34 years 9 14 22 21 9 75
35 - 64 years 32 71 97 73 45 318
65+ years 9 43 35 19 6 112
Refused 8 3 68 15 28 122
Total 58 131 222 128 88 627
Female 18 - 34 years 12 25 30 25 14 103
35 - 64 years 34 112 110 72 47 375
65+ years 15 29 50 26 19 139
Refused 4 6 51 15 37 113
Total 65 172 241 138 117 733

1.3.2. Weighted Count

Gender Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies British Columbia Total
Male 18-20 2 3 22 8 11 43
21-34 10 43 56 32 15 156
35-44 7 26 66 19 21 139
45-54 14 36 58 30 21 159
55-70 10 40 42 19 18 129
70+ 4 10 14 7 2 37
Total 47 158 258 115 88 666
Female 18-20 1 3 24 7 6 41
21-34 11 40 54 30 19 154
35-44 9 26 58 12 23 128
45-54 11 36 59 34 21 161
55-70 15 53 43 18 16 145
70+ 4 4 32 15 8 63
Total 51 162 270 116 93 692

1.4. Record of Call

Total Numbers Attempted 13401
Invalid Numbers / Sample: 1906
 1. Not in service 1778
 2. Non-residential 9
 3. Fax/modem 51
 4. Other ineligible 68
Unresolved In-Scope Sample: 5156
 5. Busy 138
 6. Answering Machine 2012
 7. No answer 2088
 8. Language 71
 9. Other 847
Resolved but Non-Responding: 4979
 10. Selected/eligible respondent not available 88
 11. Appointment/Callback 189
 12. Refusals 4702
Resolved and Responding 1360
 13. Disqualified 0
 14. Completed Interview 1360
 15. Other 0
Response Rate 11.83

III. Certification

Political Neutrality Requirement

We hereby attest that the final deliverables comply with the political neutrality requirement in section 6 of the revised Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research in the Government of Canada.

Asif Khan    Dec 13, 2010

Asif A. Khan, MBA, Managing Director

1Random Digit Dialing plus digit involves selecting household telephone numbers at random from a landline telephone directory and adding one to the last number in each telephone number selected.