Interim Federal Health Program Provider Survey

Research Report

Prepared for: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Prepared by: Earnscliffe Strategy Group

POR #: 080-17
Contract Number: B8815-180360/001/CY
Contract Award Date: January 18, 2018
Date of Delivery: August 14, 2018

Contact Information:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Executive summary

Earnscliffe Strategy Group (Earnscliffe) is pleased to present this report to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) summarizing the results of the qualitative and quantitative research study investigating health care provider satisfaction with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP).

The IFHP provides limited, temporary coverage of health care benefits to resettled refugees, asylum seekers, and other groups until they become eligible for provincial/territorial health care coverage or, in case of unsuccessful asylum seekers, leave Canada. IRCC sets eligibility criteria and coverage scope for the IFHP and service providers are paid for their services through the claims administrator, which in turn is reimbursed by IRCC.

Through a competitive process, Medavie Blue Cross (Medavie) was awarded a contract which allowed them to become the IFHP claims administrator until January 2020. Medavie processes and adjudicates claims, provides direct customer service to providers, verifies client and service eligibility against IFHP services and benefits standards, verifies claims, and corresponds with providers. Medavie issues the payments to providers directly, produces data records, and provides statistical reports and feedback to IRCC. Finally, Medavie communicates and disseminates information to providers through a website, call centre, and written communication products.

Under the terms of Medavie’s contract with IRCC, research is to be conducted every two years to assess provider satisfaction with Medavie’s services. Earnscliffe was contracted to conduct a public opinion research study to assess health care provider satisfaction with regards to the claims administration services provided by Medavie Blue Cross for the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). The objectives of the research aimed to measure the following:

The research results will be used to help IRCC identify and implement areas for efficiencies with current claims administration processes and IFHP design generally. The total contract value to conduct this research was $113,211.20 including HST.

Earnscliffe conducted a two-part research program. The research program began with an initial quantitative phase involving a comprehensive survey of health care providers registered with the IFHP. Building on the learning from the initial quantitative phase, we conducted a qualitative phase involving six online communities with health care providers and administrators who are registered with the IFHP.

The initial quantitative phase involved an online survey in collaboration with our quantitative sub-contractor Leger. The survey was conducted using a list of registered IFHP health care providers provided by IRCC, who have registered with IFHP or submitted an IFHP claim since April 1, 2016. Not all providers represent distinct organizations, so where multiple providers shared an email address, only one invitation was sent and only one response was accepted. The person who was most knowledgeable about the IFHP claims process was asked to respond to the survey, which could have been the registered health care provider or their claims administrator (the term “provider” is used throughout the report). Surveys with 1,332 IFHP providers were conducted between February 22 and March 14, 2018 (in English and French) and took an average of 11 minutes to complete. The data have been weighted to reflect the original composition of the list by provider type and region. Because a census approach was used, there is no margin of sampling error to be estimated or reported. The treatment here of the non-probability sample is aligned with MRIA guidelines.

In reading this report, please keep the following in mind:

For the qualitative phase, we conducted six concurrent online communities over the course of six days, from March 20 to 25, 2018. Participants in the online community were recruited from those who completed online survey. A total of 80 health care providers and administrators participated. Those who participated were given an honorarium of $200 as a thank you for their time. The six communities were as follows:

For the purposes of this report, it is important to note that qualitative research is a form of scientific, social, policy and public opinion research. Focus group research is not designed to help a group reach a consensus or to make decisions, but rather to elicit the full range of ideas, attitudes, experiences and opinions of a selected sample of participants on a defined topic. Because of the small numbers involved, the participants are not representative in a statistical sense of the larger population from which they are drawn and findings cannot reliably be generalized beyond their number.

The key findings from the quantitative and qualitative research are presented below.

Quantitative research

Almost two-thirds (64%) of the providers surveyed are somewhat or very satisfied with Medavie’s claims administration services. They also generally agree that the service is professional (70%). Slightly fewer (61%) say it is easy to deal with, and 59% say it is timely.

The majority are satisfied with the registration process (59%) and verifying client eligibility (65%). Fewer (49%) are satisfied with the prior approval system.

Providers primarily interact with Medavie through the call center (83%) and the website or web portal (81%). Among those who use these methods of interacting with Medavie, slightly more are satisfied with the call centre (69%) than the portal (61%). There is a split between those who use the call centre and the secure provider portal to verify eligibility (50% for each), but more use the portal to request prior approvals (46%) than the call centre (24%). The top reason to use the call centre is to ask general questions about the IFHP (54%) while the top reason for using the website or web portal is to submit a claim (59%).Call center users largely agree that agents are polite (89%) and serve them in the official language of their choice (89%); most agree that agents answered their questions to their satisfaction (78%) while two-thirds (67%) that the wait time was acceptable. About two-thirds agree that the website or web portal is easy to use (63%) and easy to find information (57%).

Three in five were at least moderately aware of eligible IFHP benefits. More than two-fifths (43%) say they have never used the benefit grids. Of those who use the benefit grids, more agree than disagree that they are easy to use, easy to find, clearly indicate eligible benefits and that they’re up to date. Of note, about one-quarter did not know how to rate the benefit grids. About two-thirds say they have used various reference tools and more are satisfied with the reference tools than dissatisfied.

Almost two-thirds submit claims online. Those who submit online are more satisfied (77%) with the payment process than those who submit on paper (55%). While 66% of providers say they receive their payments in a timely manner, that number is lower among dentists: 46% strongly or somewhat agree that this is the case for them. The majority feel that their payment summary was accurate (77%) and their expectations for payment were met (72%).

Nearly half (42%) are aware of the dispute resolution process. Of the one-quarter (24%) who say they have used the process, the majority are either satisfied (39%) or are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (32%) and feel that their dispute was resolved in a timely manner (41% agree, 27% neither agree nor disagree).

Qualitative research

The groups of providers offered a variety of perspectives on the IFHP claims administration process. There was little uniformity of experience and satisfaction across all segments. Overall, satisfaction with each aspect of the claims process depended on the type of provider, the number of eligible IFHP patients they serve, and the length of time they have been using the program.

Though there were criticisms of the program’s structure and function, most agreed that the IFHP is an important program because of the population it serves. There is a sense of duty to help newcomers get the health care they need. Despite the program’s flaws, it is a worthwhile initiative that participants would recommend their fellow health care practitioners register for.

Feedback on the call centre was positive in some respects. The agents were described as friendly, polite and responsive. However, while they might be well-intentioned, some participants reported that different agents gave conflicting answers, or incorrect responses to their questions.

Several participants were not aware of the portal or the Medavie website. Those who had not heard of it or who had not used it were eager to try it out in the future.

Those who use the portal and the website tended to be satisfied with both. They were described as clear, user-friendly and easy to navigate, for the most part, and much more efficient than mailing or faxing claims.

Not all participants reported verifying client eligibility or submitting requests for prior approval. For example, if patients have been referred to a specialist, the specialist’s office assumes their eligibility was verified by the practitioner who sent them. In emergency or urgent situations, sometimes providers reported going ahead with the procedure needed, regardless of whether or not they had verified eligibility and/or gotten it pre-approved.

Overall, participants were more satisfied with the process to verify client eligibility than in the process for obtaining prior approval.

The prior approval process was a pain-point for dentists in particular.

Not all participants use the benefit grids. More seasoned users, and pharmacists who believe that most things are covered, rarely use them. That said, several participants mentioned keeping a copy handy by their desk.

Participants liked the “claims results” section on the portal that shows what is approved, and if there were any issues with the claim submission and appreciated the ability to upload files such as eligibility documentation, invoices, and other supporting files.

They offered many suggestions to improve the submission process, including:

In keeping with their recommendations above, participants said their ideal claims system would be online, responsive in real time, and a one-stop shop where they can complete all activities associated with the IFHP.

The detailed findings from this research are presented in subsequent sections of this report. Appended to this report are the in-depth survey methodology report, the survey instruments and online community guides (English and French), and detailed data tables (presented under a separate cover).

Research Firm: Earnscliffe Strategy Group Inc. (Earnscliffe)
Contract Number: B8815-180360/001/CY
Contract award date: January 18, 2018

I hereby certify as a Representative of Earnscliffe Strategy Group that the final deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Doug Anderon's signature

Doug Anderson
Principal, Earnscliffe
Date: August 14, 2018

Detailed quantitative findings

This quantitative report is divided into six sections, as follows:

Details about the survey design, methodology, sampling approach and weighting of the survey may be found in the Survey Methodology Report at Appendix A.

Overall satisfaction with Medavie’s services

Just under two-thirds (64%) are satisfied with Medavie’s claims administration service, though satisfaction varies by region and provider type. Providers in Ontario (69%) are the most satisfied, while those in Atlantic Canada (51%) are the least satisfied. Dentists are also less satisfied than providers as a whole – under half (49%) report being satisfied, including 13% who report that they are very satisfied.

Respondents are more inclined to say that they are satisfied with the level of professionalism in Medavie’s service (70%), including almost half (45%) who say they are very satisfied. Almost two-thirds (61%) say that Medavie is easy to deal with, while a similar number (59%) are satisfied with timeliness. Significantly fewer dentists (37%) are satisfied with Medavie’s timeliness.

When asked for open-ended feedback regarding what’s working well and what could be improved with the claims administration process, the responses varied widely. The top mentioned aspect that is working well is the claim submission process which was mentioned by 10% of providers, followed by the general payment process (9%). The top mentioned aspect that could be improved is the timeliness of the overall process (11%), though it should be noted that only slightly fewer (8%) indicated that general timeliness is a part of the process that is working well.

Exhibit A1 – Question: Overall, how satisfied are you with Medavie’s claims administration services?
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Very satisfied 29%
Somewhat satisfied 35%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 12%
Somewhat dissatisfied 10%
Very dissatisfied 7%
Do not know 6%
Exhibit A2 – Question: Overall, to what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with Medavie on the following attributes? [RANDOMIZE]
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Do not know
Professionalism 45% 25% 15% 3% 3% 9%
Easy to deal with 34% 28% 14% 10% 8% 7%
Timeliness 32% 26% 12% 13% 10% 6%
Exhibit A3 – Question: What is working well with Medavie’s administration of IFHP claims? [OPEN ENDED]
Please note: Responses are only shown when provided by at least 3% of respondents.
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Claim submission 10%
Payment process (in general) 9%
Timely process 8%
Timely payment 7%
eSubmission process 7%
Easy process 6%
Website is user-friendly 5%
Call centre service (in general) 5%
Effective process 4%
Good website (in general) 3%
Good information 3%
Exhibit A4 – Question: How can Medavie’s administration of IFHP claims be improved? [OPEN ENDED]
Please note: Responses are only shown when provided by at least 3% of respondents.
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Timeliness of process 11%
Make website user-friendly 7%
Improve process (in general) 7%
Providing information (in general) 6%
Easier process 6%
Better service (coverage, criterias, etc) 6%
Better communication (mail, fax, eDocuments, etc.) 6%
Provide documentation (billing info, forms) 5%
Providing instructions (to patient, provider) 5%
Timeliness of payment 5%
Payment process (in general) 4%
Improve eSubmission (access, process) 4%
Claim submission 4%
Improve website (in general) 4%
Improve diagnosis/claim code list 4%

Registration and verification

Satisfaction with the registration process was slightly lower than for Medavie’s claims administration as a whole – 59% are satisfied. Satisfaction is lowest in Atlantic Canada (50%). Roughly two thirds feel registering to be an IFHP provider is easy to do (62%) and that they were able to register in a timely matter (64%). Fewer (49%) agree that the information kit sent to them was useful, however almost one quarter (23%) were unable to rate the usefulness of the kit. Providers in Quebec in particular were unsure how to rate the kit (32%).

About one in five respondents indicated that they had not verified a client’s eligibility or obtained prior approved of IFHP benefits. These responses were removed from the remaining analysis in this section given that these individuals were generally unable to provide a response.

Among those who had, providers were more satisfied with client eligibility verification (65%) than with the prior approval of IFHP benefits (49%). Satisfaction with the latter varies widely by provider type. Just one-third (35%) of dentists are satisfied with the prior approval process, while the vast majority of vision care providers (78%) are satisfied. There is an even split between those who verify eligibility over the phone (50%) and those who verify using the secure provider portal (50%). When it comes to submitting requests for prior approval, 46% use the portal, while 24% use the call centre. Another 17% use regular mail, and 13% use fax.

Two-thirds (64%) believe that verifying client eligibility is easy to do and that they are able to verify eligibility in a timely manner (65%). Providers were significantly less satisfied with all processes related to prior approval – just 49% say it is clear which benefits require prior approval, and 48% say they are able to obtain prior approval in a timely manner. Slightly more (57%) agree that it is clear how to submit requests for prior approval. Dentists are among the least satisfied with the timeliness to obtain prior approval (36%), but are clearer on which benefits require prior approval (56%), compared with the overall group of providers. In contrast, fewer medical doctors believe it is clear (39%). Further to their higher satisfaction, vision care practitioners are much more likely than the overall group of providers to agree that IFHP prior approval is timely (81%) and that the process is clear (69%).

Exhibit B1 – Question: To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the registration process for the IFHP?
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Very satisfied 27%
Somewhat satisfied 32%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 18%
Somewhat dissatisfied 10%
Very dissatisfied 6%
Do not know 7%
Exhibit B2 – Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Do not know
Registering to be an IFHP provider is easy to do 27% 35% 14% 11% 5% 7%
I was able to register for the IFHP in a timely manner 29% 35% 12% 9% 6% 8%
The information kit sent to me was useful 20% 29% 17% 7% 4% 23%
Exhibit B3 – Percent who have verified client eligibility and who have submitted a request for prior approval.
Derived from questions: Which of the following methods do you use most often [to verify a client’s eligibility for the IFHP / for submitting requests for prior approval of benefits]? (Percent who did not select “I have never…” for each)
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Client eligibility verification 76%
Prior approval of IFHP benefits 78%
Exhibit B4 – Question: To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following aspects of the verification process? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]
  Base: Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Do not know
Client eligibility verification Have ever verified client eligibility for the IFHP (n=1004) 33% 32% 10% 12% 11% 2%
Prior approval of IFHP benefit Have ever submitted a request for prior approval of benefits (n=1034) 21% 28% 12% 16% 13% 9%
Exhibit B5 – Question: Which of the following methods do you use most often to verify a client’s eligibility for the IFHP? [RANDOMIZE ITEMS; ANCHOR “NEVER” AT THE BOTTOM]
Base: Have ever verified client eligibility for the IFHP (n=1004)
Secure provider web portal 50%
Call centre inquiry line 50%
Exhibit B6 – Question: Which of the following methods do you use most often for submitting requests for prior approval of benefits? [RANDOMIZE ITEMS; ANCHOR “NEVER” AT THE BOTTOM]
Base: Have ever submitted a request for prior approval of benefits (n=1034)
Secure provider web portal 46%
Call centre inquiry line 24%
Mail 17%
Fax 13%
Exhibit B7 – Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]
Base: Have ever verified client eligibility for the IFHP (n=1004)
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Do not know
Verifying client eligibility is easy to do 34% 30% 13% 12% 8% 3%
I am able to verify client eligibility in a timely manner 35% 30% 11% 13% 9% 3%
Exhibit B8 – Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]
Base: Have ever submitted a request for prior approval of benefits (n=1034)
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Do not know
It is clear which IFHP benefits require prior approval 24% 25% 13% 18% 11% 9%
It is clear how to submit a request for prior approval of IFHP benefits 25% 32% 15% 13% 8% 9%
I am able to obtain prior approval of IFHP benefits in a timely manner 22% 26% 14% 15% 12% 10%

Reference tools

The majority (61%) are moderately, very, or completely aware of eligible IFHP benefits, while 23% say they are not very aware, and 9% say they are not at all aware. Awareness is slightly higher among administrators (68% moderately aware) compared to health care practitioners (57%). Meanwhile, awareness is higher among vision care practitioners (85%), dentists (82%), hospitals (82%) and audiologists (81%) and lower among medical doctors (46%), paramedical practitioners (53%) and pharmacies (60%). About two-thirds of respondents (57 to 64%) have used each reference tool. However, among those who have, more are satisfied than dissatisfied with them. Just over one third (37%) say the benefit grids and prescription drug lists are easy to use. A similar percentage feel the benefit grids and prescription drug lists are easy to find (35%), that they clearly indicate what services and products are eligible under the IFHP (39%), and that they are up to date (35%). Of note, roughly one quarter of respondents were unable to provide feedback about each of these attributes.

Exhibit C1 – Question: To what extent are you aware or unaware of eligible IFHP benefits?
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Completely aware 6%
Very aware 17%
Moderately aware 38%
Not very aware 23%
Not at all aware 9%
Do not know 6%
Exhibit C2 – Percent who use each reference tool.
Derived from question: To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following reference tools? (Percent who did not select “Never used” for each reference tool)
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
IFHP provider handbook 64%
ePay submission guide 61%
IFHP bulletins 59%
IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists 57%
Exhibit C3 – Question: To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following reference tools? [RANDOMIZE]
  Base: Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Do not know
IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists Users of IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists (n=757) 14% 30% 28% 10% 5% 13%
IFHP bulletins Users of IFHP bulletins (n=785) 12% 27% 34% 6% 4% 16%
IFHP provider handbook Users of IFHP provider handbook (n=851) 15% 28% 31% 8% 5% 13%
ePay submission guide Users of ePay submission guide (n=803) 18% 23% 30% 7% 6% 17%
Exhibit C4 – Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]
Base: Users of IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists (n=757).
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Do not know
The benefit grids and prescription drug lists are easy to use 14% 23% 26% 7% 5% 25%
The benefit grids and prescription drug lists are easy to find when I need them 13% 22% 26% 9% 6% 24%
The benefit grids and prescription drug lists clearly indicate what services and products are eligible under the IFHP 14% 24% 24% 7% 6% 24%
The benefit grids and prescription drug lists are up to date 14% 21% 26% 5% 4% 29%

Claims submission

The majority (64%) submit claims through the web portal, and 35% use mail or fax, including 6% who submit claims both ways. There is a more even split in terms of how they receive payment – 49% receive payment by direct deposit, and 46% by cheque, including 4% who receive payment both ways. Satisfaction with online submissions (77%) is higher than satisfaction with paper submissions (55%). Respondents generally agree that payment summaries are accurate (77%), while 72% say their expectations for payment were met. Two thirds agree that they received their payment in a timely manner, though that number was much lower among dentists (46%).

Exhibit D1 – Question: In which format(s) do you submit your claims? Please select all that apply.
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Online (via web portal) 64%
Paper (via mail or fax) 35%
Not applicable – I have not yet submitted a claim [EXCLUSIVE CHOICE] 8%
Exhibit D2 – Question: In which format(s) do you receive payment? Please select all that apply.
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Direct deposit 49%
Cheque 46%
Not applicable – I have not yet received payment for a claim [EXCLUSIVE CHOICE] 9%
Exhibit D3 – Question: To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following aspects of the claims submission process?
  Base: Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Do not know
Paper claims submission (via mail or fax) Made paper claims submission (n=478) 22% 33% 18% 14% 12% 1%
E claims submission (via web portal) Made E claims submission (n=854) 44% 33% 10% 5% 5% 3%
Exhibit D4 – Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]
Base: Have received a payment for a claim (n=1226).
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Do not know
My expectations for payment were met 39% 32% 10% 8% 7% 4%
I received payment for my claim in a timely manner 36% 30% 10% 12% 9% 4%
The payment summary was accurate 46% 31% 10% 5% 4% 5%

Dispute resolution process

Overall, 42% indicated that they were aware of the dispute resolution process with just 21% who say they are moderately, very, or completely aware of it. One-quarter (24%) have used the dispute resolution process. Among those who have, two in five (39%) are satisfied with the process while one in five (19%) are dissatisfied; 32% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Overall more agree (41%) than disagree (19%) that their dispute was resolved in a timely manner.

Exhibit E1 – Question: To what extent are you aware or unaware of the dispute resolution process for IFHP claims administration?
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Completely aware 3%
Very aware 5%
Moderately aware 13%
Not very aware 21%
Not at all aware 38%
Do not know 20%
Exhibit E2 – Percent who have used the dispute resolution process.
Derived from question: To what extent do you agree or disagree that your dispute was resolved in a timely manner? (Percent who did and did not select “I have not used the dispute resolution process”)
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Have used the dispute resolution process 24%
Have not used the dispute resolution process 76%
Exhibit E3 – Question: Overall, how satisfied are you with the dispute resolution process for IFHP claims administration?
Base: Have used the dispute resolution process. (n=327).
Very satisfied 15%
Somewhat satisfied 24%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 32%
Somewhat dissatisfied 12%
Very dissatisfied 6%
Do not know 10%
Exhibit E4 – Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree that your dispute was resolved in a timely manner?
Base: Have used the dispute resolution process. (n=327).
Strongly agree 14%
Somewhat agree 27%
Neither agree nor disagree 27%
Somewhat disagree 10%
Strongly disagree 9%
Do not know 11%
Not applicable - my dispute was not resolved 3%

Interacting with Medavie

Of the five ways of interacting with Medavie, most providers use either the call center inquiry line (83%) or the website or web portal (81%); about half use email (52%), fax (52%) or mail (51%). When asked to select one preferred method, there is a slight preference for using the call center (45%) over the website or web portal (35%). Among those who use each channel, providers are the most satisfied with the call centre (69%) followed by the website or web portal (61%). The vast majority of call center users agree that they are served in their preferred language (89%, no statistically significant difference by language) and feel that the agents are polite (89%, including 60% who strongly agree). Four in five agree that their questions are answered to their satisfaction (78%) while about two-thirds (67%) feel that the call center wait time is acceptable. Meanwhile, about three in five website and web portal users agree that it’s easy to use (63%) and easy to find information (57%).

Over half of call center users use it for general questions about the IFHP (54%) and verifying client eligibility (52%). It is also frequently used for questions about the registration process and for prior approval of benefits (both 40%). The web portal is most commonly used for claim submission (59%), claim payment (51%), the registration process in general (43%), such as the registration form (41%), and verification of client eligibility (41%). Mail is also popular for claim submission (34%), as well as claim payment (36%). Email is most commonly used for the bulletins (21%) or general registration (19%), while the most common reason for using fax is claim submission (33%).

Exhibit F1 – Percent who interact with Medavie in each way.
Derived from question: To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following ways to interact with Medavie? (Percent who did not select “Not applicable – do not use” for each)
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Call center inquiry line 83%
Website or Web portal 81%
Email 52%
Fax 52%
Mail 51%
Exhibit F2 – Question: To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following ways to interact with Medavie?
  Base: Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Do not know
Call center inquiry line Use call centre (n=1088) 35% 34% 13% 9% 6% 3%
Website or Web portal Use website or portal (n=1086) 28% 33% 17% 9% 7% 6%
Email Interact with Medavie by email (n=702) 20% 25% 26% 6% 5% 18%
Mail Interact with Medavie by mail (n=692) 20% 28% 26% 7% 6% 13%
Fax Interact with Medavie by fax (n=689) 21% 24% 28% 7% 5% 15%
Exhibit F3 – Question: What is your preferred method of interacting with Medavie?
Base: Total sample (n=1332).
Call center inquiry line 45%
Website or portal 35%
Email 7%
Mail 4%
Fax 4%
Do not use any of them 6%
Exhibit F4 – Call centre inquiry line
Question: For which of the following reasons have you used the following touchpoints with Medavie for the IFHP? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE, ANCHOR OTHER AT THE BOTTOM]
Base: Use call centre (n=1088).
Questions about the IFHP in general 54%
Verification of client eligibility 52%
Registration process in general 40%
Prior approval of benefits 40%
Claim dispute resolution 33%
Claim payment 30%
Registration form 27%
Claim submission 27%
Provider kit 15%
IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists 15%
IFHP ePay submission guide 15%
IFHP provider handbook 14%
IFHP bulletins 9%
Exhibit F5 – Website or web portal
Question: For which of the following reasons have you used the following touchpoints with Medavie for the IFHP? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE, ANCHOR OTHER AT THE BOTTOM]
Base: Use website or portal (n=1086).
Claim submission 59%
Claim payment 51%
Registration process in general 43%
Registration form 41%
Verification of client eligibility 41%
Prior approval of benefits 33%
IFHP ePay submission guide 32%
IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists 30%
IFHP provider handbook 27%
IFHP bulletins 26%
Provider kit 24%
Questions about the IFHP in general 22%
Claim dispute resolution 14%
Exhibit F6 – Email
Question: For which of the following reasons have you used the following touchpoints with Medavie for the IFHP? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE, ANCHOR OTHER AT THE BOTTOM]
Base: Interact with Medavie by email (n=702).
IFHP bulletins 21%
Registration process in general 19%
Registration form 17%
Questions about the IFHP in general 13%
Claim payment 13%
Provider kit 12%
Claim dispute resolution 12%
Prior approval of benefits 11%
Claim submission 10%
IFHP provider handbook 9%
IFHP ePay submission guide 9%
IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists 8%
Verification of client eligibility 6%
Exhibit F7 – Mail
Question: For which of the following reasons have you used the following touchpoints with Medavie for the IFHP? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE, ANCHOR OTHER AT THE BOTTOM]
Base: Interact with Medavie by mail (n=692).
Claim payment 36%
Claim submission 34%
Provider kit 30%
IFHP provider handbook 25%
Registration form 20%
Prior approval of benefits 20%
IFHP bulletins 16%
Registration process in general 14%
IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists 12%
IFHP ePay submission guide 12%
Claim dispute resolution 12%
Questions about the IFHP in general 6%
Verification of client eligibility 6%
Exhibit F8 – Fax
Question: For which of the following reasons have you used the following touchpoints with Medavie for the IFHP? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE, ANCHOR OTHER AT THE BOTTOM]
Base: Interact with Medavie by fax (n=689).
Claim submission 33%
Prior approval of benefits 18%
Registration form 17%
Claim payment 17%
Registration process in general 16%
Claim dispute resolution 11%
Verification of client eligibility 9%
IFHP bulletins 8%
Provider kit 7%
IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists 7%
Questions about the IFHP in general 6%
IFHP ePay submission guide 5%
IFHP provider handbook 4%
Exhibit F9 – Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE]
Base: Use call centre (n=1088).
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Do not know
The wait time to reach an agent was acceptable 32% 35% 14% 10% 5% 4%
The agent was polite 60% 29% 5% 1% 1% 4%
The agent answered my questions to my satisfaction 46% 32% 10% 5% 3% 4%
I was able to receive service in the official language of my choice 70% 19% 5% 1% <1% 5%
Exhibit F10 – Question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE]
Base: Use website or portal (n=1086).
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Do not know
The website or web portal is easy to use 26% 37% 15% 11% 6% 5%
It is easy to find the information I’m looking for on the website or web portal 21% 36% 17% 13% 7% 6%

Detailed qualitative findings

Part two of this study was qualitative and consisted of six online communities. Development of the community guide was based on the results from the quantitative research. This qualitative report is divided into five sections, as follows:

Overall findings

The groups of providers offered a variety of perspectives on the IFHP claims administration process. One fundamental perspective that was shared broadly was a sense of importance attached to the program itself. Many went out of their way to express that this is a valuable program and their participation in it was not particularly motivated by the business aspect of it, but rather a sense of doing something to help a segment of society who could really benefit from their professional services. As further evidence of this widely shared sense of purpose, regardless of the level of satisfaction with the program, there was virtually unanimous agreement among participants that they would recommend their fellow health care practitioners register for the program. Even as some volunteered that they may they warn other providers to expect payment delays, or as others volunteered that some professionals may be disappointed by the lack of coverage for some services, particularly dental work, there is clearly a sense of duty to help newcomers get the health care they need that is of greater importance to these participants than any aspect they raise as worth improving.

In terms of the experiences and levels of satisfaction – either overall or with one aspect or another – the online participants demonstrated there are very diverse relationships these professionals have with Medavie and the IFHP and, as a direct result, there is little uniformity of experience and satisfaction across all segments. Overall, satisfaction with each aspect of the claims process depended on the type of provider, the number of eligible IFHP patients they serve, whether they use the online portal or not, and the length of time they have been participating in the program. Those who have been using the IFHP for longer and more frequently have established routines and made them work to suit their needs. That said, when prompted, virtually all participants were able to offer suggestions that would help streamline the process and make their jobs easier.

As will be demonstrated in the sections below, participants were also very eager to provide their feedback on the program, quite forthcoming in providing constructive criticism to help improve in a number of ways, and happy their views were being solicited to help make improvements. While out of scope of this project, many added they would appreciate the opportunity to be consulted on other aspects of the program, including coverage.

Methods of interacting with Medavie

Feedback on communication reflected the findings of the quantitative research. Those who use the call centre, the website or the portal tended to be satisfied with them, with a few exceptions.

Call centre

Feedback on the call centre was positive in some respects. The agents were described as friendly, polite and responsive. However, while they might be consistently regarded as well-intentioned, some participants reported that different agents gave conflicting answers, or incorrect responses to their questions. Others, particularly in the pharmacist group, wished the call centre’s operating hours were longer. Pharmacies are often open later than other medical offices or clinics, and it can be difficult to make inquiries on behalf of patients if they come into the pharmacy after 5:00 PM. Finally, while some respondents felt the service was timely, others recounted being on hold for what they felt was an unreasonable time period. There was no notable difference between French and English-speaking participants’ experiences with the call centre.

“While the representatives were always friendly and polite they were not knowledgeable about the claims process for my benefit code. Many times this led to lengthy phone calls, being placed on hold, or being told to resubmit all documents.” – Medical provider

“I used this number when I needed help registering my physician group with the site. They were extremely helpful and it was a pretty quick service.” – Medical administrator

“I've only used the call centre twice I believe. Both times it was time consuming but I did get the answers I was looking for. I feel that could be improved.” – Medical administrator


Several participants were unaware of the portal and Medavie website. After being introduced to it during the course of the research, those who had not heard of it or who had not used it were eager to try it out in the future, and anticipated that it could streamline a lot of their work.

Those who were already experienced with the portal and the website tended to be satisfied with both. They were described as clear, user-friendly and easy to navigate, for the most part, and much more efficient than mailing or faxing claims.

Nevertheless, some users of the online system offered observations on aspects that may benefit from improvement. A few participants were frustrated that they could not find information as to why their claim had been rejected on the website. Some mentioned they have had trouble uploading claims or having to click through an inordinate number of web pages to submit a claim. Several users also pointed out that while they appreciated the simplicity and speed of submitting a claim electronically, it contrasted with their sense of lethargy or delay in receiving payment. They did not understand how the process could be so simple on the one hand, and so slow on the other.

“Checking coverage, submitting documents, etc. Predetermination responses are not electronic but would be most welcome as it would save time.” – Hospital provider

“La seule chose qui manquerait afin que j'inscrive "très satisfaite" serait que l'on soit informés lorsqu'une demande est refusée et qu'aucun chèque ne seras émis, car je n'ai pas le temps et je ne pense pas toujours à aller vérifier les relevés de paiement au fournisseur lorsqu'une demande est envoyée et qu'on attend un paiement depuis un certain temps.” – Medical provider

“We have sent out documentation for prior approval via the website but the responses are not electronic and waiting for them in the mail can take exceptionally long periods of time, which is not acceptable for clients who require immediate treatment.” – Dental administrator

“Works well but I wish it was all on one page, instead of flipping through all the pages to submit.” – Medical administrator

“Checking coverage, submitting documents, downloading payment summaries, etc. Payment summary downloads are tedious in the sense that multiple pages require clicking just to get to the actual document (especially for offices with multiple providers - it would be nice if all providers could be assimilated onto a single document if the payment is go to a single location / office).” – Hospital provider

Verifying client eligibility and prior approval

Not all of the participants verify client eligibility or obtain prior approval. For example, if patients have been referred to a specialist, the specialist’s office assumes their eligibility was verified by the practitioner who sent them. In emergency or urgent situations, sometimes providers reported going ahead with the procedure needed, regardless of whether or not they had verified eligibility and/or gotten it pre-approved. Sometimes, they would find out after that the procedure was not covered.

Verifying client eligibility

Overall, participants were more satisfied with the process to verify client eligibility than the process for obtaining prior approval. Those who verify online found it particularly fast, as long as they have the ID number handy (not all clients remember to bring it with them). However, a few did note that after submitting a request, if took an unexpectedly long time to receive a response.

When asked to suggest improvements to the client eligibility verification process, many participants instead offered feedback on how to improve prior approval, which reinforced their earlier assertions that the latter proves more frustrating. Those who did have suggestions about eligibility verification mentioned:

“I generally don't verify eligibility. I try to make an IFH submission and that's how I find out if a client IFH is valid or not. I've never had a rejection for any of my claims." – Medical administrator

“Since I only had to provide anesthesia for elective cases and the list of patient's is compiled be the surgeon, all IFH patient already have their eligibility checked by the surgeon office. This might be unique to my specialty" – Medical provider

“The streamline of only needing an ID# is what makes it so great. Sometimes (a lot of times) patients in general "forget" their paperwork, so only needing that one piece of info is ideal. I found it to be very quick to verify eligibility online, without having to call in and speak to someone." – Dentist

“If we were able to key in the code for the services we are providing on the same screen with the client ID no and if it tells you the eligibility and coverage that would be great. Existing system is still great.” – Hospital administrator

"Pour moi la meilleure façon c'est en ligne avec le ID UCI# Aussi avoir l'option, ça pourrait aussi être avec le nom et prénom et date de naissance. Surtout quand nous n'avons pas de documents officiel, seulement un UCI # pour toute une famille." – Hospital administrator

Prior approval

As noted above, participants were considerably less satisfied with the prior approval process. The most consistent complaints about the prior approval process were, echoing the quantitative results, the length of time participants waited to receive approval and perceived gaps in coverage. Dentists in particular felt the coverage is lacking. Many wrote passionately about the IFHP patients they serve, and their disappointment when they are unable to cover what they believe to be basic procedures. They felt that approvals seem arbitrary at times (for example, approval is given to perform a procedure on one tooth, but not on another with a very similar issue) and also voiced frustration that often when a procedure is not approved, they cannot find out why.

When asked what one change they would make to the entire claims administration process, many, including almost all participants in the dental community, referenced the prior approval process. Dentists and dental administrators felt they should be able to perform more emergency treatment without prior approval. Providers from other communities said they would like to be notified in a more timely manner when authorization is either given or denied.

“Nous traitons des gens en douleur, qui se font informer, que nous allons malheureusement réparer leurs dents le jour même de leur rendez-vous. Ces gens ont de multiples traitements à faire dont des extractions, réparations volumineuses, traitements de canal, etc... Tous, n'ont jamais eu de nettoyage et la seule chose que nous pouvons pratiquer le premier jour est un examen sommaire avec quelques radiographies et leur expliquer qu'ils devront attendre des semaines avant d'avoir de nos nouvelles (attendre réponse PFSI). Et que les traitements seront rudimentaires, comme quelques extractions (ce qui n'est absolument pas dans leur culture), et 2-3 réparations. Le reste, ils devront attendre une année, lorsqu'ils seront sur la ramq, à ce moment nous seront en mesure de poursuivre les traitements, rudimentaires. Ça semble logique sur papier mais, l'expliquer à un humain souffrant cela devient périeux et demande beaucoup de temps et de compassion. Heureusement nous avons du personnel qui parle arabe ça aide un peu.” – Dentist

“I only requested approval once (about 2.5 years ago) for a vaccine. It was the last time I did it because the process was just not worth it and I wasn't going to call my patient again in days/weeks just to ask him/her to come get a vaccine that was finally approved. I've never requested authorizations since then and either I stick to the bear minimum in terms of additional services or I provide them without getting paid for them. I don't usually charge patients who are part of the IFHP... they're usually already going through enough to on top of that ask them to pay for a service.” – Medical provider

“I don’t do this (preapproval). As an MD I do what I need to do for patient care regardless of checking first if I would get paid. We don’t have time to do administrative stuff like this and that’s why this whole process is painful." – Medical provider

“Yes the time between submitting and receiving authorization is in my opinion way too long. The most recent case I sent for predet was on Jan 15th via e-mail. The letter I received last week (March 14th) authorizing 1 out of 3 restorations the letter did say date of approval was Feb 26th had this been completed electronically the client would not have suffered an extra two weeks. Also submitted 3 similar codes but only one was approved? I don't get it!” – Dental administrator

Benefit grids

Not all participants use the benefit grids. More seasoned users, and pharmacists who believe that most things are covered, rarely use them. That said, several participants mentioned keeping a copy handy by their desk.

Participants in each community were asked to review and mark up, using green “like” and red “dislike” symbols, an image of the benefit grid that applied to their field. Participants in the medical provider, medical administrator, and hospital groups liked that the grids contain benefit codes. However, some wished they were better organized (for example, using a drop-down menu). Many appreciated the maximum dollar amount, stating that it is useful for billing. They found the number and detail of the notes confusing at times. Dentists, who were shown a different benefit grid specifically for dental providers, reacted positively to those procedures listed that do not require prior approval. Negative responses to the benefit grid for the most part had to do with frustration about coverage. Finally, pharmacists also found the notes section of their own benefit grid frustrating. They approved of many of the benefits offered without pre-approval, and highlighted that some, such as the medication used to treat lice and pre-natal vitamins, could be particularly helpful for families.

Participants who use the grids offered constructive criticism as to how they could be improved, including:

“The codes, can be simplified by using a drop down system, way more effective and user friendly, at least for vision care.” – Vision Care Provider

“The whole grid is fairly straightforward. I like the attention to detail.” – Pharmacist

“The number of notes is confusing. It makes is very complicated for billing or understanding billing.” – Administrator

“I personally have used grids before and do believe that they’re invaluable in terms of displaying relevant information. A possible improvement could be incorporating specific codes in reference to each division for more distinct clarity..” – Dentist

“Yes I do consult the grid once in a while. this is when clarification is needed for when payment is denied or reduced. I think it is simplified enough but if there is room for more simplicity, it is always welcome.” – Hospital

“C'est ma principale source de vérification. Les notes explicatives dans les dernières pages sont assez claires afin de bien nous diriger avec les possibilités de remboursement. Par contre, il y a beaucoup de notes par frais remboursé (soins de la vue). Possible d'avoir de notes? Sinon, le tableau est très fonctionnel.” – Vision Care Provider

Claims submission

Participants were asked to mark up, using green “like” and red “dislike” symbols, three different screens that appear while submitting a claim. Participants found the patient information section useful and relevant. They also appreciated the drop-down menus for program and service description. For the most part, participants liked the ability to upload supporting documentation to their claims. However, a few noted that not all documents can be uploaded through the portal and have to be sent by fax or mail, which they found unfair. Finally, participants liked the “claims results” section on the portal that shows what is approved, and whether there were any issues with the claim submission. They felt it is simple, clear, and helpful. A few also noted they often use the option that allows them to print the receipt directly from the portal.

While they approved of many features, participants offered many suggestions to improve the submission process, including:

The few third-party administrators in the communities mentioned that they find it onerous when submitting hundreds of claims as each must be done individually. Other administrators who are not third party, but manage the system for larger offices wished that they could submit claims under a group number for their clinic, rather than using a different number for each dentist, for example.

“Wish I could do as many claims as I have at once. Sometime I have to open another claim for the same patient.” – Pharmacist

“Easy to use. The name of a person appears, once I enter their number.” – Physician

“I hate that we have to scroll multiple times for each claim. If the type of service auto fills for the next claim, this would make the process much less tedious.” – Physician

“I would like to be able to look up clients by other methods besides ID number. Date of birth would be a nice option.” – Hospital

The ideal system

When asked to design their ideal claims system, participants said they would like to see an online system that is responsive in real time, and a one-stop shop where they can complete all activities associated with the IFHP. They would like notifications about payments to be more proactive, and some, particularly in Quebec, mentioned other systems they felt would provide an appropriate model. As previously mentioned, many providers, mostly dentists, would like to be able to perform more procedures without prior approval. A few providers across all groups mentioned that it would be helpful if the limit of claims that could be submitted for one patient at a time was higher.

“Ideally it would be a simple format with clear and concise terms of use. Eligibility would be easy to acquire and basic information on coverage limitations would be available to treatment providers who are already regulated by privacy policies. The system would be able to handle eligibility requests, claims and basic predetermination requests in real time. Any claims or predeterminations with supporting documentation and/or x-rays and photos would be easily uploaded and sent. I feel that there is a lot of unnecessary paper work generated in the system with the predetermination process not being able to be dealt with in real time or at least within a timely manner. Having these systems in place would also free up representatives and assessors to be able to deal with more critical calls.” – Dentist

“Web address must be easy to remember, registration process should be easy, must have a 24hr support service for claim verifications and end users questions, it should be easy to use and be user friendly, should have a record of amount claimed and paid, should allow rejected claims to be resubmitted.” – Physician

“Je ferais un système qui nous permet de voir la date à laquelle un patient est éligible pour le code de traitement sélectionné en plus des points positifs du système actuel (ex en ligne, pouvoir vérifier l'admissibilité, etc.). Nous pourrions ainsi le mentionner plus rapidement au patient.” – Hearing Care Provider

“I think the IFHP system is good with a bit of tweaking i.e. redundant diagnosis for the same visit, when you type 3 letters it should automatically highlight the requesting service and you won't have to scroll down to find it.” – Physician

Conclusions and recommendations

Overall, the research suggests that while providers view the IFHP as a valuable, professional service, there is opportunity for improvement. Just under two-thirds of providers surveyed are satisfied with the claims administration service and this satisfaction correlated fairly highly with whether they were using the online system or paper. Those who used the online portal were much more likely to indicate being satisfied with the claims submission process. Regardless of the level of satisfaction, providers offered a wide variety of suggestions for how processes could be improved and, in turn, how that could improve their level of satisfaction with the program.

All of this is offered within the context of a universe of providers who are clearly quite proud to be involved in a program that provides a tremendous benefit to people who are often in dire circumstances and who would have no other opportunity for receiving care. Given their enthusiasm for the program and their engagement in the research, some demonstrable improvement in certain aspects of the portal – including the promotion of the portal itself – may very well have a notable impact on satisfaction ratings offered in future waves of study.

Appendix A: Survey methodology report

Survey methodology

Earnscliffe Strategy Group’s overall approach for this study was to conduct an online survey, using a list of registered IFHP health care providers from across the country, provided by IRCC. A detailed discussion of the approach used to complete this research is presented below.

Questionnaire design

The questionnaire for this study was designed by Earnscliffe in consultation with IRCC and provided for fielding to Leger. The survey was offered to respondents in both English and French and completed based on their preferences.

Sample design and selection

The sampling plan for the study was designed by Earnscliffe in collaboration with IRCC. We used a census approach, inviting all providers who have used the Medavie system at least once since April 2016. The contact list was provided to IRCC by Medavie, and originally included 25,720 providers. However, there were many cases in which multiple providers’ names were all linked to the same email address. To ensure that each completed survey represented a distinct organization, cases with duplicate emails were removed, reducing the size of the list by 8,606 cases to 17,114. Another 23 providers were excluded due to invalid email addresses. In total, 17,091 providers were invited to complete the survey.

Data collection

The survey was conducted in English and French from February 22 to March 14, 2018. The survey was conducted online by Leger. A reminder to complete the survey was sent on March 12, 2018.

Quality controls

Leger conducted a soft-launch pre-test of the survey, and Earnscliffe reviewed the data to ensure that all skip patterns were working and that all respondents were completing the survey in an appropriate amount of time.


Final dispositions

A total of 2,502 individuals entered the survey, of which 1,332 qualified as eligible and completed the survey. The response rate for this survey was 8% (calculated by dividing the total completed surveys by the number of providers invited to complete the survey). The completion rate was 57%.

Disposition Count
Total Entered Survey 2,502
Completed 1,332
Not Qualified/Screen out/over quota 184
Suspend/Drop-off 986


Non-response bias can affect a survey’s results when there is a meaningful difference between those who completed the survey and those who were invited to participate but did not complete the survey. This error can be systematic, where a characteristic of those who did not participate caused them not to participate, or it can be random. In order to mitigate these potential effects, this survey and its email invitation were designed in a way to maximize the overall response rate and to minimize any disparate impact on given segments of the target population. Potential respondents were given several weeks in which to participate, and a reminder email was sent to encourage non-responders and partial responders to complete the survey before the deadline.

In the case of a census approach, as with this study, all members of the known universe of organizations that provide IFHP services were given the opportunity to participate. As the tables below show, there did not appear to be any particular tendency for any segment of the universe to be less inclined to participate. To further reduce the potential impact of non-response, weighting was applied to the final data.


The final data were weighted to reflect the composition of the de-duped list. A RIM weight was used to match proportions for region and provider type, as shown in the tables below.

Regional sample profile: unweighted vs. weighted distributions
  Original Sample De-Duped Sample Unweighted Sample Weighted Sample
Nova Scotia 2% 2% 3% 2%
Prince Edward Island <1% <1% 1% <1%
Newfoundland and Labrador <1% 1% <1% 1%
New Brunswick 1% 2% 2% 2%
Quebec 17% 13% 15% 13%
Ontario 56% 58% 55% 58%
Manitoba 3% 2% 3% 2%
Saskatchewan 1% 1% 2% 1%
Alberta 11% 11% 9% 11%
British Columbia/Territories 9% 10% 10% 10%
Provider type sample profile: unweighted vs. weighted distributions
  Original Sample De-Duped Sample Unweighted Sample Weighted Sample
Ambulance <1% <1% <1% <1%
Audiology 1% 2% 3% 2%
Dental Services 15% 17% 15% 17%
Hospital 3% 3% 5% 3%
Individual <1% 1% 1% 1%
Medical Equipment 1% 1% 1% 1%
Medical Doctors 51% 42% 48% 42%
Nursing Home/Services 1% 1% 1% 1%
Oxygen Equipment <1% <1% <1% <1%
Paramedical Practitioner 11% 11% 8% 11%
Pharmacy 11% 15% 8% 15%
Vision Care 7% 9% 11% 9%

Margin of error

Since the entire population of active registered IFHP health care provider offices were invited to participate in this study there is no margin of sampling error to be estimated or reported. The potential impact of non-sampling error due to non-response is discussed in the non-response section above. The data have been weighted to reflect the composition of the sampling frame by region and provider type.

The treatment here of the non-probability sample is aligned with MRIA guidelines.

Survey duration

The median survey duration was 11 minutes.

Appendix B: Survey instrument

Bilingual e-mail invite text

Subject Line: Survey for the Government of Canada / Sondage pour le gouvernement du Canada

Un message en français suit.


The Government of Canada is conducting a research survey to gather information on the claims administration process for the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). As one of the IFHP health care providers who consented to be contacted for this survey research, we are inviting you to participate to a short survey that will take up to ten minutes to complete. It is to be completed by the person who submits claims to the IFHP. If that is not you, kindly forward this invitation to the appropriate individual. If it is you, we appreciate your participation in this survey.

Your participation in the survey is voluntary and completely confidential – your answers will remain anonymous and will be combined with responses from all other respondents.

Earnscliffe Strategy Group has been hired to administer this survey which has been registered with the Research Registration System. Click on the following hyperlinks if you wish to verify the survey’s authenticity or to view our privacy policy.

To proceed to the survey, please click on the following link (or copy and paste it into your browser):


Please complete this survey no later than February 23, 2018.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Le gouvernement du Canada effectue un sondage de recherche pour recueillir de l’information sur le processus de gestion des demandes de règlement dans le cadre du Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire (PFSI). Puisque vous êtes un fournisseur de soins de santé du PFSI et que vous avez accepté que nous communiquions avec vous, nous vous invitons à participer à un court sondage qui prendra tout au plus dix minutes à remplir. Il doit être rempli par la personne qui présente des demandes au PFSI. Si ce n’est pas vous, veuillez transmettre cette invitation à la personne concernée. Si vous êtes la personne indiquée, sachez que nous sommes reconnaissants de votre participation au présent sondage.

Votre participation à ce sondage se fait sur une base volontaire et strictement confidentielle; vos réponses resteront anonymes et seront combinées avec les réponses de tous les autres répondants.

Les services de Léger ont été retenus par Earnscliffe Strategy Group pour assurer la gestion du présent sondage qui a été enregistré auprès du système d’enregistrement des sondages. Cliquez sur les hyperliens suivants si vous souhaitez vérifier l’authenticité du sondage ou consulter notre politique de confidentialité.

Pour participer au sondage, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant (ou copiez-le et collez-le dans votre navigateur) :


Veuillez répondre au sondage d’ici le 23 février 2018.

Merci de prendre le temps de remplir ce sondage.

Bilingual landing page

Welcome and thank you for your interest in this survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on the claims administration process for the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). The study is being conducted on behalf of the Government of Canada.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your participation in the survey is voluntary and completely confidential. All your answers will remain anonymous and will be combined with responses from all other respondents.

This survey has been registered with the Research Registration System. Click here if you wish to verify its authenticity. To view our privacy policy, click here.

During the survey, please do not use your browser’s FORWARD and BACK buttons. Please use the button below to move forward through the survey.

Click “next” at the bottom of the page to begin the survey.

Bienvenue et merci de l’intérêt que vous portez à ce sondage. Le but de cette enquête est de recueillir de l’information sur le processus de gestion des demandes de règlement dans le cadre du Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire (PFSI). Le sondage est mené pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada.

Le sondage prendra environ 10 minutes de votre temps. Votre participation à ce sondage se fait sur une base volontaire et strictement confidentielle. Toutes vos réponses resteront anonymes et seront combinées avec les réponses de tous les autres répondants.

Ce sondage a été enregistré auprès du système d’enregistrement des sondages. Veuillez cliquer ici si vous souhaitez vérifier son authenticité. Pour consulter notre politique de confidentialité, veuillez cliquer ici.

Pendant le sondage, nous vous demandons de ne pas utiliser les boutons SUIVANT et PRÉCÉDENT de votre navigateur. Veuillez utiliser le bouton ci-dessous pour avancer dans le sondage.

Choisissez votre langue préférée et cliquez sur « suivant » en bas de la page pour commencer le sondage.

English questionnaire

Part 1: Demographic screening questions

Préféreriez-vous répondre à ce questionnaire en anglais ou en français ?

Would you prefer to complete the survey in English or French?

Which of the following best describes your role?

Please choose the type of service you or your team provide(s) as categorized by Medavie Blue Cross (Medavie).

In which province(s) and/or territory(ies) do you provide IFHP services? Please select all that apply.

In 2017, approximately how many claims did you submit to IFHP on behalf of the registered health care provider?

If you are registered with Medavie as a hospital, please try to estimate the total claims submitted by the hospital invited to complete this survey.

If you are registered with Medavie as a health care professional, please try to estimate the total claims submitted by, or on behalf of, the health care professional invited to complete the survey.


Part 2: Overall satisfaction with Medavie’s services

Overall, how satisfied are you with Medavie’s claims administration services?

Overall, to what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with Medavie on the following attributes? [RANDOMIZE]

  1. Professionalism
  2. Easy to deal with
  3. Timeliness

Part 3: Registration

The following questions will focus on registering for the IFHP.

To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the registration process for the IFHP?

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]

  1. Registering to be an IFHP provider is easy to do
  2. I was able to register for the IFHP in a timely manner
  3. The information kit sent to me was useful

Part 4: Verification

Now we would like to switch to the verification process for client eligibility and prior approval of IFHP benefits.

To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following aspects of the verification process? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]

  1. Client eligibility verification
  2. Prior approval of IFHP benefits

Which of the following methods do you use most often to verify a client’s eligibility for the IFHP? [RANDOMIZE ITEMS; ANCHOR “NEVER” AT THE BOTTOM]

Which of the following methods do you use most often for submitting requests for prior approval of benefits? [RANDOMIZE ITEMS; ANCHOR “NEVER” AT THE BOTTOM]

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]

  1. Verifying client eligibility is easy to do
  2. I am able to verify client eligibility in a timely manner
  3. It is clear which IFHP benefits require prior approval
  4. It is clear how to submit a request for prior approval of IFHP benefits
  5. I am able to obtain prior approval of IFHP benefits in a timely manner

Part 5: Reference tools

The next section focusses on the reference tools available to IFHP providers.

To what extent are you aware or unaware of eligible IFHP benefits?

To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following reference tools? [RANDOMIZE]

  1. IFHP benefit grids and prescription drug lists
  2. IFHP bulletins
  3. IFHP provider handbook
  4. ePay submission guide


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]

  1. The benefit grids and prescription drug lists are easy to use
  2. The benefit grids and prescription drug lists are easy to find when I need them
  3. The benefit grids and prescription drug lists clearly indicate what services and products are eligible under the IFHP
  4. The benefit grids and prescription drug lists are up to date

Part 6: Claims submission and payment

The next section focuses on the claims submission and payment process.

In which format(s) do you submit your claims? Please select all that apply.

In which format(s) do you receive payment? Please select all that apply.


To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following aspects of the claims submission process?

  1. [IF HAVE SUBMITTED PAPER CLAIM] Paper claims submission (via mail or fax)
  2. [IF HAVE SUBMITTED ONLINE CLAIM] E claims submission (via web portal)


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS]

  1. My expectations for payment were met
  2. I received payment for my claim in a timely manner
  3. The payment summary was accurate

Part 6b: Dispute resolution process

To what extent are you aware or unaware of the dispute resolution process for IFHP claims administration?


Overall, how satisfied are you with the dispute resolution process for IFHP claims administration?


To what extent do you agree or disagree that your dispute was resolved in a timely manner?

Part 7: Interactions with Medavie

The next few questions will cover the ways in which you can interact with Medavie.

To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following ways to interact with Medavie?

  1. Call centre inquiry line
  2. Website or Web portal
  3. Email
  4. Mail
  5. Fax


What is your preferred method of interacting with Medavie?


For which of the following reasons have you used the following touchpoints with Medavie for the IFHP? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE, ANCHOR OTHER AT THE BOTTOM]

  1. [IF USED] Call centre inquiry line
  2. [IF USED] Website or Web portal
  3. [IF USED] Email
  4. [IF USED] Mail
  5. [IF USED] Fax


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE]

  1. The wait time to reach an agent was acceptable
  2. The agent was polite
  3. The agent answered my questions to my satisfaction
  4. I was able to receive service in the official language of my choice


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [RANDOMIZE]

  1. The website or web portal is easy to use
  2. It is easy to find the information I’m looking for on the website or web portal

Part 8: Final comments

What is working well with Medavie’s administration of IFHP claims?


How can Medavie’s administration of IFHP claims be improved?


Part 9: Follow-up qualitative research

We may conduct follow-up qualitative research about the claims administration process for the IFHP. This would take the form of a moderated online community of individuals like yourself who submit claims for the IFHP. The online community would last three days, and would take approximately 30 minutes of your time each day to complete. Participants would receive an honorarium of $200 as a thank you for their time.

Participating in the next phase of research is completely voluntary. If you are interested, you will be required to provide your first name, last name and a contact telephone number to be screened for the online community. Please note that this information will not be used for any analysis of your responses and will only be used if you are selected to be among those invited to participate in a subsequent qualitative phase of research.

Would you be interested in participating?

Thank you for your interest. Please provide the following contact information

First name:
Last name:
Contact number:

That concludes the survey. Thank you very much for your thoughtful feedback. It is much appreciated.

French questionnaire

Section 1: Questions de dépistage démographique

Préféreriez-vous répondre à ce questionnaire en anglais ou en français ?

Would you prefer to complete the survey in English or French?

Lequel des énoncés suivants décrit le mieux votre rôle?

Veuillez sélectionner le type de services que vous ou votre équipe fournissez, selon le classement des services de Croix Bleue Medavie (Medavie).

Dans quelles provinces ou dans quels territoires fournissez-vous les services couverts par le PFSI?

En 2017, environ combien de demandes avez-vous présentées au PFSI au nom du fournisseur de soins de santé inscrit?

Si vous êtes inscrit auprès de Medavie en tant qu'hôpital, veuillez estimer le nombre total de demandes de règlement présentées par l'hôpital invité à répondre à ce sondage.

Si vous êtes inscrit auprès de Medavie en tant que professionnel de la santé, veuillez estimer le nombre total de demandes de règlement présentées par le professionnel de la santé invité à répondre au sondage ou par la personne qui les soumet en son nom.


Section 2: Satisfaction globale avec les services de Medavie

Dans l'ensemble, êtes-vous satisfait des services de gestion des demandes de règlement offerts par Medavie?

Dans l'ensemble, dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait des aspects suivants de Medavie? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. Professionnalisme
  2. Souplesse
  3. Rapidité

Section 3: Enregistrement

Les questions suivantes porteront sur l'inscription au PFSI.

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait du processus d'inscription au PFSI?

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. Il est facile de s'inscrire pour devenir un fournisseur de services dans le cadre du PFSI
  2. J'ai pu m'inscrire au PFSI rapidement
  3. La pochette de documentation qui m'a été envoyée était utile

Section 4: Vérification

Nous aimerions maintenant passer au processus de vérification de l'admissibilité des clients et de l'approbation préalable des prestations du PFSI.

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait des aspects suivants du processus de vérification? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. Vérification de l'admissibilité du client
  2. Approbation préalable des prestations du PFSI

Laquelle des méthodes suivantes utilisez-vous le plus souvent pour vérifier l'admissibilité d'un client au PFSI? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE; GARDER “JAMAIS” AU BAS]

Parmi les méthodes suivantes, lesquelles utilisez-vous le plus souvent pour présenter des demandes d'approbation préalable de prestations? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE; GARDER “JAMAIS” AU BAS]

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. La vérification de l'admissibilité des clients est facile à faire
  2. Je suis en mesure de vérifier l'admissibilité des clients rapidement
  3. Les prestations du PFSI qui nécessitent une approbation préalable sont clairement définies
  4. La façon de soumettre une demande d'approbation préalable des prestations du PFSI est clairement définie
  5. Je suis en mesure d'obtenir l'approbation préalable des prestations du PFSI rapidement

Section 5: Outils de référence

La section suivante porte sur les outils de référence à la disposition des fournisseurs de services du PFSI.

Dans quelle mesure connaissez-vous les prestations du PFSI admissibles?

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait des outils de référence suivants? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. Grilles de prestations du PFSI et listes de médicaments d'ordonnance
  2. Bulletins du PFSI
  3. Manuel du fournisseur de services du PFSI
  4. Guide de présentation de demandes par ePay


Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. Les grilles de prestations et les listes de médicaments sur ordonnance sont faciles à utiliser
  2. Les grilles de prestations et les listes de médicaments sur ordonnance sont faciles à trouver quand j'en ai besoin
  3. Les grilles de prestations et les listes de médicaments sur ordonnance indiquent clairement les services et les produits qui sont admissibles en vertu du PFSI
  4. Les grilles de prestations et les listes de médicaments sur ordonnance sont à jour

Section 6: Demande de règlement et paiement

La section suivante porte sur la présentation des demandes de règlement et le processus de paiement.

Dans quels formats présentez-vous vos demandes de règlement? Veuillez sélectionner toutes les réponses qui s'appliquent.

Dans quels formats recevez-vous les paiements? Veuillez sélectionner toutes les réponses qui s'appliquent.


Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait des aspects suivants du processus de présentation de demandes de règlement?

  1. [SI ON A PRÉSENTÉ DEMANDE EN PAPIER] Présentation de demandes en version papier (par courrier ou par télécopieur)
  2. [SI ON A PRÉSENTÉ DEMANDE EN LIGNE] Présentation de demandes électroniques (par l'intermédiaire du portail Web)


Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. Mes attentes en matière de paiement ont été satisfaites
  2. J'ai rapidement reçu le paiement associé à ma demande de règlement
  3. Le résumé du paiement était exact

Section 6b: Processus de résolution des différends

Dans quelle mesure connaissez-vous le processus de résolution des différends relatifs à la gestion des demandes de règlement dans le cadre du PFSI?


Dans l'ensemble, dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait du processus de résolution des différends relatifs à la gestion des demandes de règlement dans le cadre du PFSI?


Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec le fait que le différend vous impliquant a été réglé rapidement?

Section 7: Interactions avec Medavie

Les prochaines questions porteront sur les façons d'interagir avec Medavie.

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait des façons suivantes d'interagir avec Medavie?

  1. Ligne téléphonique de demandes de renseignements
  2. Site Web ou portail Web
  3. Courriel
  4. Courrier
  5. Télécopieur


Quelle façon d'interagir avec Medavie préférez-vous?


Pour lesquelles des raisons qui suivent avez-vous utilisé les points de contact suivants avec Medavie pour le PFSI? Veuillez sélectionner toutes les réponses qui s'appliquent. [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE; GARDER “AUTRE” AU BAS]

  1. [SI UTILISÉ] Ligne téléphonique de demandes de renseignements
  2. [SI UTILISÉ] Site Web ou portail Web
  3. [SI UTILISÉ] Courriel
  4. [SI UTILISÉ] Courrier
  5. [SI UTILISÉ] Télécopieur


Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. Le temps d'attente pour joindre un agent était acceptable
  2. L'agent était poli
  3. L'agent a donné des réponses satisfaisantes à mes questions
  4. J'ai pu recevoir le service dans la langue officielle de mon choix


Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants? [PRÉSENTER DE FAÇON ALÉATOIRE]

  1. Le site Web ou le portail Web est facile à utiliser
  2. Il est facile de trouver les renseignements que je cherche sur le site ou le portail Web

Section 8: Commentaire final

Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne bien dans la gestion que Medavie assure relativement aux demandes de règlement dans le cadre du PFSI?


De quelle façon la gestion que Medavie assure relativement aux demandes de règlement dans le cadre du PFSI peut-elle être améliorée?


Section 9: Recherche qualitative de suivi

Nous pouvons effectuer une recherche qualitative complémentaire sur le processus de gestion des demandes de règlement dans le cadre du PFSI. Celle-ci serait menée sous la forme d'une communauté en ligne modérée, constituée de personnes comme vous qui présentent des demandes de règlement en vertu du PFSI. Les participants recevraient des honoraires de 200 $ en guise de remerciement pour leur temps.

Votre participation à la prochaine phase de cette recherche est tout à fait volontaire. Si vous êtes intéressé, vous devrez fournir votre prénom, votre nom de famille et le numéro de téléphone où vous joindre pour être sélectionné afin de faire partie de la communauté en ligne. Veuillez noter que ces renseignements ne seront pas utilisés pour l'analyse de vos réponses et ne seront utilisés que si vous êtes sélectionné parmi les personnes invitées à participer à une phase qualitative ultérieure de la recherche.

Souhaiteriez-vous participer à cette recherche?

Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt. Veuillez fournir les renseignements et coordonnées demandés.

Prénom :
Nom de famille :
Numéro de téléphone :

Le sondage est maintenant terminé. Merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires très réfléchis. C'est vraiment très apprécié.

Appendix C: Qualitative discussion guide


The specific objectives of the research are to:

The research involves a series of six (6) online communities with five in English and one in French, with the following target audiences:

Approximately fifteen (15) participants will be recruited for each community, for a total of 90 for the entire project. The online communities will be concurrent and take place between March 20th and 23rd, 2018.

Pre-community introduction

Before joining the community, participants will be told:

Community home page


Hi everyone! Thank you so much for joining our community.

As your study moderators, we're looking forward to uncovering new insights with you. We work at an independent public affairs and market research company called Earnscliffe and we are facilitating this community on behalf of the Government of Canada, and more specifically, on behalf of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Over the next four days, we are going to be discussing the claims administration process for the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). Your feedback will be extremely helpful, so we encourage you to be open and honest in your comments and active in your interactions with others in the community. We also ask that you remain respectful of other people's opinions and views at all times.

This page will display your next available activity as well as any relevant community updates. Please check in regularly and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


We expect to be adding discussions on new topics over the course of the project - be sure to check-in to see what's new!

Activity 1: Getting to know you

[TASK 1] Let’s get started

Welcome to this first ice-breaker activity!

We would like to take a few minutes to get to know you a little better. We also want to make sure you are comfortable using the platform and the various tools we will be using throughout the discussion.

If you're ready to get started, go ahead and click on the "continue" button.

[TASK 2] Where are you based?

In which province or territory do you work? Please drag and drop the green marker in the box at the top left (with the word "drag" under it) onto the province or territory in which you work. Feel free to place the marker as close to where you are regionally within the province.

[TASK 3] Introduce yourself (text)

We'd love to get to know you a little bit. Please tell us a bit about what kind of work you do and/or about the kind of place where you work.


[TASK 4] IFHP in your life

Most of the discussions we’ll be having will be about the claims administration process for the IFHP.

In a typical month, how many hours do you think you spend dealing with some aspect of IFHP claims?

[Less than 5 hours/month, 5-10 hours/month, 10-19 hours/month, 20+ hours/month]

Can you describe how long (in years) you have been handling IFHP claims and your relationship with the claims system?


[FOR PROVIDER/ADMIN COMBINED GROUPS] Which of the following best describes your role?

[FOR MEDICAL AND QUEBEC GROUPS] Please choose the type of service you or your team provide(s) as categorized by Medavie Blue Cross (Medavie).

[TASK 5] Complete this sentence

For the last exercise before we start the discussion, using the boxes below, please finish each sentence.

The best thing about the IFHP claims process is…


The worst thing about the IFHP claims process is…


If I had to pick three words to describe the IFHP claims process they would be…


[TASK 6] Well done!

Thank you for completing this first ice-breaker activity!

Once you have submitted your responses (by clicking "submit" below), please take a moment to get to know others in the community, by reading through their introductions. Feel free to click "like" and "comment" on their entries - open discussion and communication is encouraged!

And, be sure to check back in tomorrow for the next activity

Activity 2: IFHP claims administration

For today’s activity, we would like to hear your thoughts on the IFHP registration process, the process for verifying client eligibility and the IFHP resources available to help you.

[TASK 1] Getting Registered as a Provider

If you were involved in the registration process, we’d like to know how you felt about it.

How easy did you find it to register as an IFHP provider? Did you have any issues registering? (If you were not at all involved in the process of registering as a provider, just point that out.)



[TASK 2] Satisfaction with Client Eligibility Verification

How satisfied are you with the process for verifying a client’s eligibility? (If you don’t verify eligibility, please select the “Not Applicable” option.)

[Completely dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neither, somewhat satisfied, completely satisfied, NA]

[BOX BELOW] Please describe how you generally go about verifying eligibility and why you have that level of satisfaction. If you don’t verify client eligibility, please explain why you do not.



[TASK 3] Improving Client Eligibility Verification

Now we’d like to hear your thoughts on how the client eligibility verification process could be improved to better serve your needs. If you could design the best possible method for verifying eligibility, what would it involve? What are the kinds of things that would make it as easy as possible for you to verify eligibility?



[TASK 4] Benefits Grids

Next, we would like your thoughts on the benefit grids. Below are a couple of images depicting a typical benefit grid. They may not be exactly what you see with the grids you use, but hopefully, they will remind you of what we are talking about so you can describe your opinions on them.

[MEDS, DENT & PHARM communities will each see only their relevant grid. We can provide an image of any other for any communities of others.]

Do you use the grids? If so, why and when? If not, why not? Are there ways the grids could be improved to make them more useful, easy to understand, or efficient for you?


Using the "like" and "dislike" markers, please use “like” to indicate any aspects that you liked or found particularly easy to use or helpful and use “dislike” to indicate any that you found particularly confusing, difficult or unhelpful.

What elements, if any, stand out for you as particularly helpful?


What elements, if any, stand out for you as particularly unhelpful, or confusing?



[TASK 5] Prior Approval of IFHP benefits

How satisfied are you with the process for obtaining prior approval of IFHP benefits? (If you have never obtained prior approval of IFHP benefits, please select the “Not Applicable” option.)

[Completely dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neither, somewhat satisfied, completely satisfied, NA]

[BOX BELOW] Please describe how you generally go about obtaining prior approval of IFHP benefits and why you have that level of satisfaction?



[TASK 6] Submitting a Claim

For the last task today, we’d like your thoughts on the portal used for submitting claims.

Below are a few images depicting a typical claim submission on the portal. In this case, it is for a physiotherapy treatment, so it may not be exactly what you see when you submit a claim, but for the purposes of our discussion, let’s review it.

Using the "like" and "dislike" markers, please use “like” to indicate any aspects that you liked or found particularly easy to use or helpful and use “dislike” to indicate any that you disliked or found particularly difficult, confusing or unhelpful.

What elements, if any, stand out for you as particularly helpful?


What elements, if any, stand out for you as particularly unhelpful, difficult, or confusing?


What elements, if any, are missing that you think should be included?


How can the payment process be improved?


[TASK 7] Well done!

Thank you for completing this Activity! We know it was a lot to ask and the rest will be much easier.

After submitting your responses (by clicking "submit" below), please take a moment to check out the comments made by others in the community. Click "like" and/or "comment" on the entries that interest you or if you agree with them.

And, be sure to check back in tomorrow for the final Activity – it will be much shorter!

Activity 3: Wrap-up

[TASK 1] Ideal IFHP claims administration

To begin today’s activities, we’d like to hear your thoughts on an ideal claims administration system.

What would an ideal claims administration system look like to you? What would it do? How would it function?



[TASK 2] Methods of Communicating

Next, we’d like to know how you feel about IFHP communications in general. To begin with, please indicate how satisfied you are with each of the following. If it is a method you never use, please select “Not Applicable”.

[Completely dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neither, somewhat satisfied, completely satisfied, NA]

Additional comments for each channel:

How, why and when do you use this method of communication?



[TASK 3] What Else Would You Like?

Next, we are interested in knowing what other improvements can be made in terms of communications with and from IFHP. Is there information that you would like to receive that we have not discussed? Is there a better way to provide you with information than the methods that are currently used? Do you feel you are notified about changes to the IFHP in a timely manner? Is it better to communicate with you or with someone else in your office?

PROBE IF NECESSARY: What about ideas for reaching new providers?

Please explain.


[TASK 4] What Advice Would You Give a Colleague Interested in the IFHP?

Finally, we’d like to know what advice you would give a colleague who is considering registering as an IFHP provider. Would you recommend they register or try to dissuade them? Why? What would you most want your colleague to know before they registered?


[TASK 5] Final Comments

Those are all the tasks we have for you. We really appreciate your participation. Before we wrap up, do you have any final comments or advice to offer IRCC on how it can improve the IFHP.


[TASK 6] Thank You!

This concludes what we needed to cover in this online community. We really appreciate you taking the time to participate and share your views. Your input is very important.


Les objectifs spécifiques de la recherche sont :

Cette recherche repose sur une série de six (6) communautés en ligne, dont cinq en anglais et une en français, avec la participation de audiences cibles suivantes :

Environ quinze (15) participants seront recrutés pour chaque communauté, pour un total de 90 personnes pour l’ensemble du projet. Les communautés en ligne seront menées simultanément entre le 20 et le 23 mars 2018.

Présentation initiale précommunauté

Avant de joindre une communauté ou groupe, les participants seront informés de ce qui suit :

Page d’accueil de la communauté


Bonjour tout le monde! Merci beaucoup de faire partie de notre communauté.

En tant que modérateur/modératrice de l’étude, nous avons hâte de partager de nouvelles idées avec vous. Nous travaillons pour une entreprise indépendante d’affaires publiques et de recherche du marché appelée Earnscliffe et notre rôle est de faciliter cette communauté, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada et, plus particulièrement, pour celui d’Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC).

Au cours des prochains jours, nous allons discuter de questions portant sur le processus de traitement des demandes de règlement en vertu du Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire (PFSI). Vos commentaires seront très utiles et nous vous encourageons à donner des réponses et à faire des commentaires ouverts et honnêtes et à agir de manière proactive dans vos interactions avec les autres membres de la communauté. Nous vous prions également de respecter les opinions et points de vue des autres personnes en tout temps.

Cette page affichera votre prochaine activité de même que toutes les mises à jour pertinentes à la communauté. Veuillez la vérifier régulièrement et contactez-nous si vous avez des questions ou des inquiétudes.


Nous prévoyons ajouter des discussions sur de nouveaux sujets au cours du projet – assurez-vous de vérifier pour connaître les dernières nouvelles!

Activité 1 : Mieux vous connaître

[TÂCHE 1] Commençons

Bienvenue à cette activité de premier contact!

Nous aimerions prendre quelques minutes pour mieux vous connaître. Nous voulons également nous assurer que vous êtes à l’aise avec la plateforme et les divers outils que nous utiliserons dans le cadre de notre discussion.

Si vous êtes prêt(e) à commencer, il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton « continuer ».

[TÂCHE 2] Où habitez-vous?

Dans quelle province ou dans quel territoire travaillez-vous? Veuillez glisser et déposer le marqueur vert dans la case qui se trouve en haut à gauche (avec le mot « glisser » inscrit dessous) sur la province ou sur le territoire où vous vivez. N’hésitez pas à placer le marqueur aussi près que possible de l’endroit où vous vivez (région).

[TÂCHE 3] Présentez-vous (texte)

Nous aimerions mieux vous connaître. Veuillez nous faire part du genre de travail que vous faites ou du genre d’endroit où vous travaillez.


[TÂCHE 4] Le PFSI dans votre vie

La plupart des discussions que nous aurons porteront sur le processus de traitement des demandes de règlement du PFSI.

Au cours d’un mois type, à votre avis combien d’heures consacrez-vous à traiter d’un aspect quelconque des demandes de règlement du PFSI?

[Moins de 5 heures/mois, 5-10 heures/mois, 10-19 heures/mois, 20+ heures/mois]

Pouvez-vous décrire depuis combien de temps (en années) vous avez traité des demandes de règlement du PFSI ainsi que votre relation avec le système?


[GROUPES DE FOUNISSEURS/ADMINISTRATEURS COMBINÉS] lequel des énoncés suivants décrit le mieux votre rôle?

[GROUPES MÉDICAUX ET CEUX DU QUÉBEC] Veuillez choisir le type de service que votre équipe et vous fournissez dans une des classes de la Croix Bleue Medavie (Medavie).

[TÂCHE 5] Complétez cette phrase

Comme dernier exercice avant de passer à la discussion, à l’aide des cases ci-dessous, veuillez finir chaque phrase.

La meilleure chose à propos du processus de demandes de règlement du PFSI est …


La pire chose à propos du processus de demandes de règlement du PFSI est …


Si je devais choisir trois mots pour décrire le processus de traitement de demandes de règlement du PFSI, ce serait…


[TÂCHE 6] Excellent!

Merci d’avoir rempli l’activité de premier contact!

Une fois que vous aurez soumis vos réponses (en cliquant « soumettre » ci-dessous), veuillez prendre quelques minutes pour faire la connaissance des autres membres de la communauté et lire leurs présentations. N’hésitez pas à cliquer sur « j’aime » et « commentaire » sur leurs contributions – nous encourageons une discussion et une communication ouvertes!

Assurez-vous de revenir demain pour prendre part à la prochaine activité.

Activité 2 : Traitement des demandes de règlement du PFSI

Comme activité du jour, nous vous demandons de nous faire part de vos idées sur le processus d’inscription au PFSI, sur le processus de vérification de l’admissibilité d’un client et sur les ressources disponibles pour vous aider.

[TÂCHE 1] S’inscrire comme fournisseur

Si vous vous êtes inscrit(e) comme fournisseur de soins de santé, nous aimerions savoir ce que vous pensez du processus d’inscription.

Était-il suffisamment simple? Avez-vous eu des problèmes? (Si vous n’avez pas participé au processus d’inscription comme fournisseur, vous n’avez qu’à le mentionner)



[TÂCHE 2] Satisfaction au sujet de la vérification de l’admissibilité du client

À quel point êtes-vous satisfait(e) du processus de vérification de l’admissibilité d’un client? (Si vous ne vérifiez pas l’admissibilité, veillez choisir l’option « sans objet ».)

[Très insatisfait(e), plutôt insatisfait(e), ni l’un ni l’autre, plutôt satisfait(e), très satisfait(e), S/O]

[CASE CI-DESSOUS] Veuillez décrire la façon dont vous vérifiez, de façon générale, l’admissibilité d’un client et les raisons pour lesquelles vous ressentez ce degré de satisfaction. Si vous ne vérifiez pas l’admissibilité du client, veuillez expliquer pour quelle raison.



[TÂCHE 3] Améliorer la vérification de l’admissibilité du client

Maintenant, nous aimerions connaître vos idées sur la façon dont le processus de vérification de l’admissibilité du client pourrait être amélioré pour mieux répondre à vos besoins. Si vous pouviez concevoir la meilleure méthode possible pour vérifier l’admissibilité, quelles mesures prendriez-vous? Quelles mesures prendriez-vous pour faciliter autant que possible la vérification de l’admissibilité d’un client?



[TÂCHE 4] Tableaux des avantages

Maintenant, vous aimerions connaître vos idées sur les tableaux des avantages. Vous trouverez, ci-après, une image illustrant un tableau des avantages typique. Il est possible que ce ne soit exactement ce que vous voyez lors vous consultez un tableau mais, espérons-le, cela vous aidera à mieux comprendre ce dont nous parlons. Vous pouvez décrire vos opinions à ce sujet.

[Les communautés MEDS, DENT et PHARM ne verront que le tableau qui leur est propre. Nous pouvons fournir une image de tout autre tableau pour toute autre communauté.]

Vous servez-vous des tableaux? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas? Y aurait-il moyen d’améliorer les tableaux pour les rendre plus utiles, plus faciles à comprendre ou plus efficaces?


À l’aide des marqueurs « aime » et « n’aime pas », veuillez utiliser « aime » pour indiquer les aspects que vous avez aimés ou que vous avez trouvés particulièrement faciles à utiliser et « n’aime pas » pour indiquer les aspects que vous n’avez pas aimés ou que vous avez trouvés généralement déroutants ou peu utiles.

À votre avis, quels éléments se sont démarqués comme étant particulièrement utiles, le cas échéant?


À votre avis, quels éléments se sont démarqués comme étant particulièrement inutiles ou déroutants, le cas échéant?



[TÂCHE 5] Autorisation préalable des avantages du PFSI

À quel point êtes-vous satisfait(e) du processus d’obtention d’une préautorisation des avantages du PFSI? (Si vous n’avez jamais obtenu une préautorisation des avantages, veillez choisir l’option « sans objet ».)

[Très insatisfait(e), plutôt insatisfait(e), ni l’un ni l’autre, plutôt satisfait(e), très satisfait(e), S/O]

[CASE CI-DESSOUS] Veuillez décrire la façon dont vous procédez, en général, pour obtenir une préautorisation des avantages du PFSI et les raisons pour lesquelles vous éprouvez ce degré de satisfaction?



[TÂCHE 6] Soumettre une demande de règlement

Comme dernière tâche du jour, nous aimerions connaître vos idées sur le portail utilisé pour soumettre des demandes de règlement.

Vous trouverez ci-après quelques images illustrant une demande de règlement typique sur le portail. Dans ce cas, il s’agit d’un traitement de physiothérapie. Il est donc possible que ce ne soit pas exactement ce que vous voyez lorsque vous soumettez une demande de règlement mais, pour les fins de notre discussion, passons-les en revue.

À l’aide des marqueurs « aime » et « n’aime pas », veuillez utiliser « aime » pour indiquer les aspects que vous avez aimés ou que vous avez trouvés particulièrement faciles à utiliser ou utiles et « n’aime pas » pour indiquer les aspects que vous n’avez pas aimés ou que vous avez trouvés particulièrement difficiles, déroutants ou inutiles.

À votre avis, quels éléments se sont démarqués comme étant particulièrement utiles, le cas échéant?


À votre avis, quels éléments se sont démarqués comme étant particulièrement inutiles ou déroutants, le cas échéant?


À votre avis, quels sont les éléments qui manquent et qui devraient être ajoutés, le cas échéant?


Comment le processus de paiement pourrait-il être amélioré?


[TÂCHE 7] Excellent!

Merci d’avoir terminé cette Activité! Nous savons que c’était beaucoup demander mais le reste sera beaucoup plus facile.

Une fois que vous aurez soumis vos réponses (en cliquant sur « soumettre » ci-dessous), prenez le temps de lire les commentaires des autres membres de la communauté. Cliquez « aime » ou « commentaire » sur leurs réponses lorsqu’elles vous semblent intéressantes ou si vous êtes d’accord.

Assurez-vous de revenir demain pour l’Activité finale – elle sera beaucoup plus courte!

Activité 3 : Conclusion

[TÂCHE 1] Système idéal d’administration des demandes de règlement du PFSI

Pour commencer les activités d’aujourd’hui, nous aimerions connaître vos idées sur un système idéal d’administration des demandes de règlement.

À votre avis, à quoi devrait ressembler un système idéal d’administration des demandes de règlement? Que ferait-il? Comment fonctionnerait-il?



[TÂCHE 2] Moyens de communication

Maintenant, nous aimerions savoir ce que vous pensez des communications du PFSI. Pour commencer, veuillez indiquer à quel point vous êtes satisfait(e) de chacun des moyens suivants. S’il s’agit d’une méthode que vous n’utilisez jamais, veuillez choisir l’option « sans objet ».

[Très insatisfait(e), plutôt insatisfait(e), ni l’un ni l’autre, plutôt satisfait(e), très satisfait(e), S/O]

Commentaires additionnels pour chaque canal :

Comment et pourquoi utilisez-vous ce moyen de communication lorsque vous le faites?


[TÂCHE 3] Que voudriez-vous d’autre?

Maintenant, nous aimerions savoir quelles autres améliorations pourraient être faites en termes de communications avec le PFSI. Y a-t-il des renseignements que vous aimeriez recevoir et dont nous n’avons pas parlé? Y a-t-il une meilleure façon de vous donner des renseignements que les moyens utilisés présentement? Avez-vous l’impression d’être avisé(e) suffisamment rapidement des changements apportés au PFSI? Est-ce mieux de communiquer avec vous ou avec quelqu’un d’autre de votre bureau?

APPROFONDIR SI NÉCESSAIRE : Avez-vous des idées sur la façon d’atteindre de nouveaux fournisseurs?

Veuillez expliquer.


[TÂCHE 4] Quel conseil donneriez-vous à un(e) collègue qui s’intéresse au PFSI?

Finalement, nous aimerions savoir quel conseil vous donneriez à un(e) collègue qui envisage de s’inscrire comme fournisseur dans le PFSI. Lui recommanderiez-vous de s’inscrire ou tenteriez-vous de le/la dissuader? Pourquoi? Qu’est-ce vous aimeriez que votre collègue sache avant de s’inscrire?


[TÂCHE 5] Derniers commentaires

Ce sont les tâches que vous deviez remplir durant cette séance. Nous apprécions sincèrement votre participation. Avant de conclure, nous aimerions savoir si vous avez un dernier commentaire ou conseil à donner à IRCC sur la façon dont le ministère pourrait améliorer le PFSI.


[TÂCHE 6] Merci!

Voilà qui conclut ce que nous devions couvrir dans la communauté en ligne. Nous apprécions réellement que vous ayez pris le temps de participer et de nous faire part de votre point de vue. Vos commentaires sont très importants.

Appendix D: Benefit grid and claim submission images

The following are images of Medavie benefit grids and screenshots of the Medavie online portal. They were shown to participants in the online communities in order to elicit feedback on each tool.

Figure 1 – Basic Coverage Benefit Grid (English)
Image of the English version of the IFHP Benefit Grid for Basic Coverage, used for the English Medical Providers, Administrators, and Hospitals communities

Figure 1 – Basic Coverage Benefit Grid (English). Described above.

Figure 2 – Basic Coverage Benefit Grid (French)
Image of the French version of the IFHP Benefit Grid for Basic Coverage, used for the French All System Users community

Figure 2 – Basic Coverage Benefit Grid (French). Described above.

Figure 3 – Dental Coverage Benefit Grid (English)
Image of the English version of the IFHP Benefit Grid for Dental Coverage, used for the English Dental community

Figure 3 – Dental Coverage Benefit Grid (English). Described above.

Figure 4 – Prescription Drug Coverage Benefit Grid (English)
Image of the English version of the IFHP Benefit Grid for Prescription Drug Coverage and Additional Drug Benefits, used for the English Pharmacy community

Figure 4 – Prescription Drug Coverage Benefit Grid (English). Described above.

Figure 5 – Submitting a Claim (English)
Three screenshots of the English version of Medavie’s online portal’s claim submission pages, used for the English communities

Screenshot 1 of Figure 5 – Submitting a Claim (English). Described above. Screenshot 2 of Figure 5 – Submitting a Claim (English). Described above. Screenshot 3 of Figure 5 – Submitting a Claim (English). Described above.

Figure 6 – Submitting a Claim (French)
Three screenshots of the French version of Medavie’s online portal’s claim submission pages, used for the French community

Screenshot 1 of Figure 6 – Submitting a Claim (French). Described above. Screenshot 2 of Figure 6 – Submitting a Claim (French). Described above. Screenshot 3 of Figure 6 – Submitting a Claim (French). Described above.