2018-19 Annual Tracking Study

Methodology Report

Prepared for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Supplier Name: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.

POR Number: 026-18
Contract #: B8815-190170/001/CY
Contract Award Date: August 2, 2018
Delivery Date: October 19, 2018
Contract Value (including HST): $124,468.14

For more information, please contact: IRCC.COMMPOR-ROPCOMM.IRCC@cic.gc.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.


This public opinion research report presents the results of a telephone survey conducted by Quorus Consulting Group Inc. on behalf of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. The research study was conducted with 2,800 Canadian residents in August and September 2018.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Étude de suivi annuelle de 2018-19.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada at: IRCC.COMMPOR-ROPCOMM.IRCC@cic.gc.ca or at:

Communications Branch
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Jean Edmonds Tower South
365 Laurier Ave W
Ottawa ON  K1A 1L1

Catalogue Number:

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Related publications (registration number: POR 026-18):
Catalogue Number Ci4-183/2018F-PDF (Final Report, French)
ISBN 978-0-660-28353-1

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, 2018

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Quorus Consulting Group Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications - Appendix C.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Rick Nadeau signature

Rick Nadeau, President
Quorus Consulting Group Inc.

Executive Summary

Background and Research Objectives

Attitudes toward immigration levels and specific areas of citizenship requirements are very important to the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and their policies/programs in place. In addition to understanding their attitudes, IRCC requested research services to understand priorities and needs regarding citizenship and immigration. This research will help them when establishing priorities, developing policies, communications products, strategies and planning programs and services.  This will ensure high-quality policies, programs, service, strategies and advice to ministers.

The purpose of this public opinion research is to better understand the attitudes toward the issues surrounding citizenship and immigration. Specifically, the objectives are to measure:

This evaluation will be used for the development and implementation of programs and policies regarding immigration and citizenship. The value of this contract, including HST, is $124,468.14.


The research methodology consisted of a national telephone survey with Canadians, 18 years of age and older. The sample consisted of traditional wireline telephone numbers and a sub-quota of cell-phone only households. Cell phone numbers were added to the landline Random Digital Dialing telephone sample to reduce coverage error and provide a more representative final sample.

A total of 2,800 interviews were completed using a stratified random sampling approach. The sample strata enabled maximum analysis potential by region, age group and gender. The survey instrument took on average 16 minutes to complete and consisted of mostly closed-ended questions. Data collection occurred between August 17, 2018 and September 16, 2018 and included a pretest of 10 surveys with English respondents and 10 with French respondents conducted on August 15, 2018.

Appendix 1 - Methodology

The research methodology consisted of a national telephone survey with Canadian households. All research work was conducted in accordance with the professional standards established by the Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Standards.

The survey consisted of a national telephone survey with Canadians, 18 years of age and older. The sample consisted of traditional wireline telephone numbers and a sub-quota of cell-phone only households. Cell phone numbers were added to the landline Random Digital Dialing telephone sample to reduce coverage error and provide a more representative final sample.

Quorus worked with the client team to ensure the questionnaire addressed the research objectives, that plain language was used, that the questionnaire flowed easily for respondents, and that key tracking questions were included. Quorus translated the client-approved English version of the survey.

Respondents had the choice to complete the interview in English or French.

Quorus informed respondents of their rights under the Privacy and Access to Information Acts and ensured that those rights were protected throughout the research process.

This included:

The survey introduction was adjusted to appropriately capture the reality of calling Canadians on their cell phones (for example, making sure they are not driving, providing an option to call them back on a landline if they prefer, etc.)

The survey instrument took on average 16 minutes to complete and consisted of mostly closed-ended questions.

The approved final questionnaires were programmed for computer-based telephone data collection.

A total of 2,800 interviews were completed through a national telephone survey with Canadian households, using a stratified random sampling approach.  The sample strata enabled maximum analysis potential by region, age group and gender.

Data collection occurred between August 17, 2018 and September 16, 2018 and included a pretest of 10 surveys with English respondents and 10 with French respondents conducted on August 15, 2018.  The pretest helped assess the flow of the survey, comprehension of the questions, language, data integrity, and particularly the length of the survey instrument. Results from the pretest were included in the final data set.

For this study, quotas by province were established to generate sufficient data regionally for robust analysis. The table below displays the actual sample sizes achieved. The margin of error of this sample size is +/- 1.9%, 19 times out of 20.

The response rate for the overall sample was 5.2%.

Dialing Disposition Report Table
Total Numbers Attempted 57,908 22,723 35,185
Out-of-scope - Invalid 746 478 268
Unresolved (U) 29,293 9,294 19,999
No answer/Answering machine 29,293 9,294 19,999
In-scope - Non-responding (IS) 3,819 1,328 2,491
Language barrier 702 333 369
Incapable of completing (ill/deceased) 274 144 130
Callback (Respondent not available) 2,843 851 1,992
Total Asked 24,050 11,623 12,427
Refusal 20,546 9,824 10,722
Termination 552 252 300
In-scope - Responding units (R) 2,952 1,547 1,405
Completed Interview 2,800 1,409 1,391
NQ - Quota Full 152 138 14
Refusal Rate 87.73 86.69 88.69
Response Rate 5.16 6.95 4.02
Incidence 100.00 100.00 100.00

The research findings can be extrapolated to the broader audience considering the margin of error associated with this sample size, +/- 1.9%, 19 times out of 20. The margins of error vary based on a variety of factors. For instance, results for sub-groups with smaller sample sizes will have a higher margin of error. As well, the margin of error is typically highest for questions where 50% of respondents answered one way and 50% answered another way. The margin of error typically decreases as the percent for a particular response approaches 0% or 100%. The margins of error for each subgroup are presented in the table below.

Non-response bias can affect a survey’s results when there is a meaningful difference between those who completed the survey and those who could have participated but did not complete the survey. In order to mitigate these potential effects, this survey and its introduction were designed in a way to maximize the overall response rate and to minimize any disparate impact on given segments of the target population. As shown in the table below, sample proportions for gender, age, immigration status and membership in the indigenous community do not differ substantially from the Canadian population, suggesting that no segment was less inclined to participate. To further reduce the potential impact of non-response, weighting was applied to the final data.

Table: Sample by Region
  Sample size Margin of Error % Sample % Population
Atlantic Canada 200 ±6.9% 7% 7%
Newfoundland and Labrador 43 ±14.9% 2% 2%
Nova Scotia 80 ±11.0% 3% 3%
PEI 16 ±24.5% 1% <1%
New Brunswick 61 ±12.6% 2% 2%
Quebec 649 ±3.9% 23% 23%
Ontario 1060 ±3.0% 38% 38%
Prairies (MB/SK) 200 ±6.9% 7% 7%
Manitoba 100 ±9.8% 4% 4%
Saskatchewan 100 ±9.8% 4% 3%
Alberta 309 ±5.6% 11% 11%
British Columbia/Territories 382 ±5.0% 14% 14%
British Columbia 374 ±5.1% 13% 14%
Territories 8 ±34.7% <1% <1%
Table: Sample by Gender
  Sample size Margin of Error % Sample % Population
Male 1,437 ±2.6% 51% 49%
Female 1,360 ±2.7% 49% 51%
Table: Sample by Age
  Sample size Margin of Error % Sample % Population
18-24 220 ±6.6% 8% 11%
25-34 333 ±5.4% 12% 16%
35-44 455 ±4.6% 16% 16%
45-54 438 ±4.7% 16% 18%
55-64 547 ±4.2% 20% 17%
65 and over 789 ±3.5% 28% 21%
Table: Sample by Country of Birth
  Sample size Margin of Error % Sample % Population
Born in Canada 2,195 ±2.1% 78% 78%
Immigrant to Canada 601 ±4.0% 21% 22%
Table: Sample by Indigenous
  Sample size Margin of Error % Sample % Population
Non-indigenous person 2,670 ±1.9% 95% 95%
Indigenous person 118 ±9.0% 4% 5%

Data was weighted by region, gender, and age to ensure that the final distributions within the final sample mirror those of the Canadian population according to the latest Census data.

Appendix 2 - Survey questionnaire

English questionnaire


I'd like to start with a few questions about immigration issues.

In your opinion do you feel that there are too many, too few or about the right number of immigrants coming to Canada?


Currently, Canada aims to admit over 300,000 immigrants each year. Knowing this, do you feel there are too many, too few, or about the right number of immigrants coming to Canada?


As the government plans to bring in more immigrants each year, which of the three main immigration classes should grow? (READ LIST; ACCEPT ONE)



In general, what effect does immigration to this country have on [INSERT ITEM]? Is the effect very positive, somewhat positive, neither positive nor negative, somewhat negative or very negative? (How about) [INSERT NEXT ITEM]? (INTERVIEWER NOTE: REPEAT SCALE AS NECESSARY)


A) Your city

B) Your province

C) Your neighbourhood

D) You personally

E) Canada

Q5 [ASK IF Q4C (Neighbourhood) DOES NOT EQUAL “Don’t know” or “Refused”]

You mentioned that you feel that immigration has a [RESPONSE AT Q4C] effect on your neighbourhood. What is the main reason why you say that? (ACCEPT ONE RESPONSE. DO NOT PROBE MORE THAN ONCE. EMPHASIZE "MAIN REASON".)


To what extent are you satisfied with the Government of Canada’s management of our immigration system? Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means "Very dissatisfied" and 10 means "Very satisfied".

Q7 [ASK IF Q6 DOES NOT EQUAL “Don’t know/Refused”]



Next, thinking about economic reasons why Canada brings newcomers to Canada…

Please tell me to what extent you either agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means "strongly disagree" and 10 means "strongly agree".


A) Immigration is necessary if Canada is to sustain its economic growth in the face of an aging population.

B) Canada’s competitiveness depends on our ability to recruit immigrants who meet our country’s evolving labour needs.


Now, thinking about Canada and immigration…

Using the same 10-point scale, please tell me to what extent you either agree or disagree with each of the following statements. (READ SCALE IF NECESSARY)


A) I am proud of Canada’s reputation as an open and welcoming society.

B) Immigration is causing Canada to change in ways that I don’t like.

C) Accepting immigrants from many different cultures makes Canadian culture stronger.

D) Immigration has placed too much pressure on public services in Canada.

E) Canada should focus on helping unemployed Canadians rather than looking for skilled immigrants for our workforce.

F) As other countries close their borders, there is an opportunity for Canada to attract the best and brightest immigrants to Canada.


Now thinking about how newcomers settle in Canada…

Using the same 10-point scale, please tell me to what extent you either agree or disagree with each of the following statements. (READ SCALE IF NECESSARY)


A) Most immigrants who come here want to contribute to society.

B) Immigrants need to do more to integrate into Canadian society.

C) Canadians have a responsibility to help immigrants integrate into Canadian society.

D) The Government of Canada has a responsibility to help immigrants integrate into Canadian society.


Next, I will ask you some questions about refugees.

Refugees can come to Canada in different ways. Some of them come from overseas refugee camps and are selected by the Canadian government to come to Canada. Other people come to Canada as visitors and, after arriving, claim asylum, saying that they cannot go home because they face danger or persecution. Others claim asylum at our borders or at a port of entry.

In your opinion, do you feel that there are too many, too few or about the right number of refugees coming to Canada?


Looking specifically at the two main ways refugees can legally come to Canada do you feel there are too many, too few or about the right number of refugees coming to Canada:


A) Refugees selected by the Canadian government to come to Canada, for example, from refugee camps

B) People who come to Canada and claim asylum


Please tell me to what extent you either agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means "strongly disagree" and 10 means "strongly agree".


A) Accepting refugees is part of Canada's humanitarian tradition.

B) Canada has a responsibility to do its part in accepting refugees.


In the past couple of years, people have been crossing the Canada-US border and claiming asylum. Would you say you are… (READ LIST)



Please tell me to what extent you either agree or disagree with the following statement. Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means "strongly disagree" and 10 means "strongly agree".

I am confident that the Government of Canada is taking the appropriate steps to manage the irregular crossings between points of entry on the Canada-U.S. border.


Why do you say that?


Please tell me to what extent you either agree or disagree with the following statement. Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means "strongly disagree" and 10 means "strongly agree".

It is not our responsibility to accept asylum claims for people who come to Canada from the U.S.


Using the same 10-point scale, please tell me to what extent you either agree or disagree with each of the following statements. (READ SCALE IF NECESSARY)

I feel comfortable in social situations with people from different:


A) Races

B) Religions

C) Cultures


Now I would like to ask you a few last questions for statistical purposes only.

Were you born in Canada?

D2 [ASK IF D1=No]

In what year did you come to Canada?


Did your parents immigrate to Canada from another country? (READ LIST)


Are you an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations (North American Indian), Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?


In your opinion, would you say your neighbourhood has a lot, some, or not many immigrants?


How frequently do you have contact with newcomers to Canada, by that we mean people who have come to Canada in the last five years? (READ LIST IF NECESSARY)


What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed to date? (READ LIST; ACCEPT ONE RESPONSE.)


What is your current employment status? (READ LIST IF NECESSARY)


Which of the following best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes. Is it...? (READ LIST UNTIL RESPONSE IS GIVEN)


What is the language that you first learned at home in childhood and still understand? (READ LIST. MULTIPLE RESPONSES ACCEPTED ONLY IF LANGUAGES LEARNED AT THE SAME TIME.)


What is your gender? (DO NOT READ LIST)


What are the first three characters of your postal code?

That concludes the survey. Thank you very much for your thoughtful feedback. It is much appreciated.

French questionnaire


J’aimerais commencer par quelques questions sur des enjeux relatifs à l’immigration.

À votre avis, est-ce qu'il y a un trop grand nombre, trop peu ou juste assez d'immigrants qui viennent au Canada?


Actuellement, le Canada prévoit accueillir plus de 300 000 immigrants par année. Sachant cela, selon vous, est-ce qu’il y a un trop grand nombre, trop peu ou juste assez d’immigrants qui viennent au Canada?


Comme le gouvernement prévoit faire venir plus d’immigrants chaque année, laquelle des trois catégories d’immigration devrait être augmentée? (LISEZ LA LISTE; ACCEPTEZ UNE SEULE RÉPONSE)



De façon générale, quel effet l'immigration au Canada a-t-elle sur [INSÉRER ÉLÉMENT]? Cet effet est-il très positif, plutôt positif, ni positif ni négatif, plutôt négatif ou très négatif? (Qu'en est-il pour) [INSÉRER ÉLÉMENT SUIVANT]? (NOTE À L'ENQUÊTEUR: RÉPÉTEZ L'ÉCHELLE AU BESOIN)


A) Votre ville

B) Votre province

C) Votre quartier

D) Vous personnellement

E) Le Canada

Q5 [DEMANDER SI Q4C (Quartier) N’ÉGALE PAS « Ne sait pas » OU « Refuse »]

Vous avez dit que vous pensez que l’immigration a un [RESPONSE AT Q4C] effet sur votre quartier. Quelle est la raison principale pour laquelle vous dites cela? (ACCEPTEZ UNE SEULE RÉPONSE. NE SONDEZ PAS PLUS D'UNE FOIS. METTEZ L'ACCENT SUR « PRINCIPALE RAISON »)


À quel point êtes-vous satisfait(e) de la façon dont le gouvernement du Canada gère notre système d'immigration? Veuillez répondre en utilisant une échelle de dix points où 1 signifie « très insatisfait(e) » et 10 signifie « très satisfait(e) »

Q7 [DEMANDER SI Q6 N’ÉGALE PAS « Ne sait pas/Refuse »]

Quelle est la principale raison qui motive votre réponse? (ACCEPTEZ UNE SEULE RÉPONSE. NE SONDEZ PAS PLUS D'UNE FOIS. METTEZ L'ACCENT SUR « PRINCIPALE RAISON »)


Ensuite, lorsqu'il est question des raisons économiques pour lesquelles le Canada accueille de nouveaux arrivants...

Veuillez me dire à quel point vous êtes en accord ou en désaccord avec chacun des énoncés suivants. Veuillez répondre sur une échelle de 1 à 10 où 1 signifie « fortement en désaccord » et 10 signifie « fortement en accord ».


A) L'immigration est nécessaire si le Canada souhaite soutenir sa croissance économique compte tenu du vieillissement de la population.

B) La capacité concurrentielle du Canada dépend de notre habileté à recruter des immigrants qui répondent à nos besoins en évolution en matière de main-d’œuvre.


Et maintenant, lorsqu'il est question du Canada et de l'immigration...

Utilisant la même échelle de 10 points (1 à 10), veuillez me dire à quel point vous êtes en accord ou en désaccord avec chacun des énoncés suivants.  (LIRE L’ÉCHELLE AU BESOIN SI NÉCESSAIRE)


A) J'éprouve de la fierté face à la réputation dont jouit le Canada comme société ouverte et accueillante.

B) L'immigration fait en sorte que le Canada évolue d'une façon qui ne me plait pas.

C) Accepter des immigrants issus de diverses cultures rend le Canada plus fort.

D) L'immigration met trop de pression sur les services publics canadiens.

E) Le Canada devrait se concentrer à aider les Canadiens sans emploi plutôt que de rechercher des immigrants qualifiés pour pourvoir des postes.

F) Alors que d'autres pays ferment leurs frontières, le Canada a l'occasion d'attirer les immigrants les plus qualifiés et les plus intelligents.


Maintenant, en ce qui concerne la façon dont les nouveaux arrivants s'installent au Canada...

Utilisant la même échelle de 10 points (1 à 10), veuillez me dire à quel point vous êtes en accord ou en désaccord avec chacun des énoncés suivants. (LIRE L’ÉCHELLE AU BESOIN SI NÉCESSAIRE)


A) La plupart des immigrants qui viennent ici souhaitent apporter leur contribution à la société.

B) Les immigrants doivent en faire davantage pour s'intégrer à la société canadienne.

C) Les Canadiens ont la responsabilité d'aider les immigrants à s'intégrer à la société canadienne.

D) Le gouvernement du Canada a la responsabilité d'aider les immigrants à s'intégrer à la société canadienne.


Ensuite, je vais vous poser quelques questions sur les réfugiés.

Les réfugiés peuvent venir au Canada de différentes façons. Certains d'entre eux viennent des camps des réfugiés à l'étranger et le gouvernement canadien les sélectionne pour venir au Canada. D'autres viennent au Canada en tant que visiteurs et, une fois arrivés, affirment être des réfugiés et disent qu'ils ne peuvent pas retourner dans leur pays, car ils risquent d'y être persécutés. D’autre demandent l’asile à nos frontières ou à un point d’entrée.

Selon vous, y a-t-il un trop grand nombre, trop peu ou juste assez de réfugiés qui viennent au Canada?


En pensant plus particulièrement aux deux principales façons pour les réfugiés de venir au Canada légalement, croyez-vous qu’il y a un trop grand nombre, trop peu ou juste assez de réfugiés qui viennent au Canada?


A) Les réfugiés sélectionnés par le gouvernement Canadien pour venir au Canada, par exemple, qui proviennent des camps des réfugiés

B) Les personnes qui viennent au Canada et demandent de l’asile


Veuillez me dire à quel point vous êtes en accord ou en désaccord avec chacun des énoncés suivants. Veuillez répondre sur une échelle de 1 à 10 où 1 signifie « fortement en désaccord » et 10 signifie « fortement en accord ».


A) Accepter des réfugiés s'inscrit dans la tradition humanitaire du Canada.

B) Le Canada a le devoir de faire sa part en acceptant des réfugiés.


Au cours des dernières années, des personnes ont traversé la frontière entre le Canada et les États-Unis  et ont demandé l’asile. Diriez-vous que… (LISEZ LA LISTE)



Veuillez me dire à quel point vous êtes en accord ou en désaccord avec l’énoncé suivant. Veuillez répondre sur une échelle de 1 à 10 où 1 signifie « fortement en désaccord » et 10 signifie « fortement en accord ».

J’ai confiance que le Gouvernement du Canada prend les mesures appropriées pour gérer les traversées irrégulières entre les points d’entrée à la frontière entre le Canada et les États-Unis.


Pourquoi vous dites cela?


Veuillez me dire à quel point vous êtes en accord ou en désaccord avec l’énoncé suivant. Veuillez répondre sur une échelle de 1 à 10 où 1 signifie « fortement en désaccord » et 10 signifie « fortement en accord ».

Ce n’est pas notre responsabilité d’accepter les demandes d’asiles de personnes qui arrivent au Canada à partir des États-Unis.


Utilisant la même échelle de 10 points (1 à 10), veuillez me dire à quel point vous êtes en accord ou en désaccord avec chacun des énoncés suivants. (LIRE L’ÉCHELLE AU BESOIN SI NÉCESSAIRE)

Je suis à l'aise dans des situations sociales avec des gens de diverses :


A) Races

B) Religions

C) Cultures


Nous avons maintenant quelques questions à vous poser à des fins statistiques seulement.

Êtes-vous né(e) au Canada?


En quelle année êtes-vous arrivé(e) au Canada?


Vos parents ont-ils immigré au Canada d'un autre pays? (LISEZ LA LISTE)


Êtes-vous une personne autochtone, c'est-à-dire un Métis, un Inuit ou un membre des Premières nations (Amérindien)?


Selon votre opinion, diriez-vous que votre quartier a beaucoup, quelques-uns ou peu d’immigrants?


À quelle fréquence avez-vous des contacts avec de nouveaux arrivants canadiens, c'est-à-dire des gens qui sont arrivés au Canada au cours des cinq dernières années? (LISEZ LA LISTE SI NÉCESSAIRE)


Quel est le plus haut niveau de scolarité que vous avez atteint jusqu'à maintenant? (LISEZ LA LISTE; ACCEPTEZ UNE SEULE RÉPONSE.)


Quelle est votre situation d'emploi actuelle? (LISEZ LA LISTE AU BESOIN SI NÉCESSAIRE)


Laquelle des catégories suivantes décrit le mieux le revenu total de votre ménage, c'est-à-dire le revenu total de toutes les personnes de votre ménage avant impôt? Est-ce...? (LISEZ LA LISTE JUSQU’À QUE LA RÉPONSE EST DONNÉE)


Quelle est la langue que vous avez apprise en premier lieu à la maison dans votre enfance et que vous comprenez toujours? (LISEZ LA LISTE. ACCEPTEZ PLUSIEURS RÉPONSES UNIQUEMENT SI LE RÉPONDANT A APPRIS CES LANGUES EN MÊME TEMPS.)


Quel est votre genre ? Par genre, on entend le genre actuel, qui peut différer du sexe assigné à la naissance ou de celui inscrit dans les documents légaux. (NE LISEZ PAS LA LISTE)


Quels sont les trois premiers caractères de votre code postal?

Voilà toutes les questions que nous avions à vous poser. Merci d'avoir pris la peine de répondre à notre sondage. Nous vous en sommes très reconnaissants.