2021-22 Annual Tracking Study

Executive summary

Prepared for: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Supplier Name: Ipsos
Contract Number: B8815-220310/001/CY
Contract Value: $249,981.07 (including HST)
Award Date: 2021-12-22
Delivery Date: 2022-03-31

Registration Number: POR 072-21

For more information on this report, please contact IRCC at:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.


This public opinion research report presents the results of a survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. The research was conducted with 2,923 Canadians by telephone, 3,010 Canadians online, and 1,950 telephone surveys across 15 selected municipalities by telephone, between January 17th, 2022, and March 29th, 2022.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Étude de suivi annuelle de 2021-22.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada at IRCC.COMMPOR-ROPCOMM.IRCC@cic.gc.ca or at:

Communications Branch
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Jean Edmonds Tower South
365 Laurier Ave W
Ottawa ON K1A 1L1

Catalogue Number: Ci4-183/1-2020E-PDF
International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-35523-8

Related publications (registration number: POR 072-21):
Catalogue Number: Ci4-183/1-2020F-PDF (Final Report, French)
ISBN: 978-0-660-35524-5

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, 2022

Political neutrality statement

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Ipsos that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Mike Colledge
Ipsos Public Affairs

Executive summary

Ipsos Public Affairs is pleased to present this report to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.


Since 1994, when it was established as a new department bringing together immigration services and citizenship registration, Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has played several key roles: admitting immigrants, foreign students, visitors and temporary workers; resettling refugees; helping immigrants adapt to Canadian society and become Canadian citizens; and managing access to Canada.

IRCC conducts an ongoing research program to help the Department develop a better understanding of Canadian attitudes toward the issues surrounding citizenship and immigration. By gauging and analyzing the opinions of newcomers, immigrants and the broader public, the Department gains insights into important policy areas related to the mandate of the Department and related services.

Research objectives

This year’s study explored views of members of the Canadian general population, including newcomers and Indigenous Peoples, in the context of COVID-19. More specifically, the research objectives of this study included the following:

Attitudes of Canadians on issues such as immigration, settlement, integration, and citizenship as well as IRCC services are of key importance to IRCC’s policies and programs. By gauging and exploring attitudes about key elements of the Department’s mandate, this research supports IRCC in ensuring high quality policy options, program design; encouraging and effectively managing citizen-focused services; managing organizational and strategic risks proactively; and gathering and using relevant information on program results.

The value of this contract, including HST, is $249,981.07.


To meet the research objectives, Ipsos conducted a national telephone survey, a national online survey, and a targeted telephone survey to selected municipalities across the country. The 15-minute national telephone survey was conducted among a nationwide sample of n=2,923 Canadian adults between February 15th and March 29th, 2022. The telephone survey sample was a probability sample generated through random digit dialing obtaining an overall margin of error of ±1.8 percentage points (calculated at a 95% confidence interval). The 15-minute national online survey was conducted among 3,010 respondents between March 1st and 24th, 2022. As the online survey used non-probability sampling, a margin of error cannot be calculated. Respondents were offered the survey in the official language of their choice.

Ipsos also conducted an 11-minute telephone survey with a random sample of 1,950 individuals across 15 selected municipalities (with 100 to 150 surveys completed per municipality) between January 17th and February 5th, 2022. The sample of members of the general population aged 18+ was a probability sample generated through random digit dialing. The margins of error for each municipality are between ±7.9 and ±9.8 percentage points, depending on sample size (calculated at a 95% confidence interval).

A full quantitative methodology report, including all information about the execution of the fieldwork that is needed to replicate the research initiative, may be found in Appendix 1. The quantitative survey research instruments and a set of tabulated results from the quantitative surveys are provided under a separate cover.

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact:

Martin Hrobsky
Senior Vice President
Ipsos Public Affairs
Telephone: 416-324-2017
Email: Martin.Hrobsky@Ipsos.com

Daniel Kunasingam
Senior Research Manager
Ipsos Public Affairs
Telephone: 416-324-2298
Email: Daniel.Kunasingam@Ipsos.com