Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Reports = Rapports de recherche sur l'opinion publique publiés par le gouvernement du Canada

Industry Canada = Industrie Canada - 2002

2002-094 - Research study for Bio 2002

2002-116 - Promoting trade and investment in Canada: a survey of major industry associations

2002-136 - website: WebValidator for survey ending September 2002: summary report

2002-177 - Facilitated discussion of an energy benchmarking web site for Canadian business: final report

2002-262 - Industry Canada annual poll: business wave

2002-276 - Radio station licensing client satisfaction survey

2002-276 - Délivrance des licences de station radio sondage sur la satisfaction des clients

2002-277 - Patenting of higher life forms : research findings

2002-279 - Concept and needs testing for the Canadian Consumer Information Gateway, final report

2002-279 - Vérification du concept de la Passerelle d'information pour le consommateur canadien, rapport final

2002-280 - Canadian Consumer Information Gateway Partner Survey, final report

2002-284 - Public opinion research into biotechnology issues: seventh wave report

2002-314 - Views about modern comptrollership, final integrated report

2002-354 - Survey final report on life science managerial skill development

2002-357 - Innovation strategy national summit message testing

2002-424 - Qualitative assessment of communication elements for international trade centres

2002-425 - 2002 debtor service statisfaction survey, final report

2002-463 - An elite survey of US agri-food and agri-biotech industry representatives regarding investment decisions, final report

2002-512 - Qualitative evaluation of the corporations directorate's section of Industry Canada's Strategis web site, final report

2002-513 - Public opinion research into genetic privacy issues, final report

2002-577 - Focus groups with opinion leaders and small business operators

2002-577 - Industry Canada's annual general population survey

2002-583 - The Focus Canada report 2003-1 [Omnibus questions on debit card fraud]

2002-643 - Canadian environmental solutions website evaluation

2002-649 - Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre client survey pilot test results, final report

2002-653 - Consumer needs assessment for possible enhancements to the Canadian Consumer Information Gateway and new product development ideas for OCA

2002-661 - Public opinion research into biotechnology issues in the United States and Canada: eighth wave summary report

2002-661 - Recherche sur l'opinion publique concernant la biotechnologie aux États-Unis et au Canada; huitième vague rapport sommaire

2002-671 - Innovation portal prototype testing : final report

2002-678 - The Focus Canada Report 2003-1 Focus Canada [Omnibus Questions on various consumer issues]