Public Support for Legal Aid and Public Confidence in the Justice System

Figure 1: Public confidence levels in the adult criminal justice system 2011.

This is a horizontal bar chart which illustrates the levels of confidence that the public has in the adult criminal justice system.

The X axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 70.

The Y axis is divided into 3 categories (levels of confidence), from top to bottom: low, moderate, or high.


Figure 2: Public confidence levels in the youth criminal justice system 2011.

This is a horizontal bar chart which illustrates the levels of confidence that the public has in the youth criminal justice system.

The X axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 60.

The Y axis is divided into 3 categories (levels of confidence), from top to bottom: low, moderate, or high.


Figure 3: The extent to which respondents were aware of the legal aid program in their province.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the levels of awareness that respondents had of the legal aid program in their province.

The X axis is divided by 4 categories (levels of awareness), from left to right: very aware, somewhat aware, not very aware, not at all aware.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 50.


Figure 4: Distribution of the top ten means by which respondents learned about legal aid.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the top ten reported ways in which respondents learned about legal aid. 

The X axis is divided by 10 categories (means of learning about legal aid), from left to right: Word of Mouth- family members/ friends, Newspapers, Television, Personal experience / Have Used, News/ Current events, School/ took a course in college, Media, Common knowledge/ just aware of it, Know someone who has used it or needed it, Other.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 5 from 0 to 25.


Figure 5:  The degree to which respondents believed public spending to be important in various areas.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the degree to which respondents believed public spending to be important in various areas.

The X axis is divided into 3 categories by level of importance, from left to right: very important, somewhat important, not very important/ not at all important.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 20 from 0 to 100.

There is a legend located at the top right corner of the vertical chart displaying the colour represented on the chart for each area of spending: black represents education, white represents health care, light grey represents police services, and dark grey represents legal aid services for low income people.


Figure 6: The extent to which respondents agreed that the laws and justice system in Canadian society are fair.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the extent to which respondents agreed that the laws and justice system in Canadian society are fair.

The X axis is divided into 4 categories by level of agreement, from left to right: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 60.


Figure 7:  The extent to which respondents agreed that legal assistance leads to more confidence in the fairness of Canada’s justice system.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the extent to which respondents agreed that legal assistance leads to more confidence in the fairness of Canada’s justice system.

The X axis is divided into 4 categories by level of agreement, from left to right: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 50.


Figure 8: The degree to which respondents believed legal representation is important.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the extent to which respondents believed that legal representation is important

The X axis is divided into 3 categories by level of importance, from left to right: very important, somewhat important, not very important/ not at all important.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 80.


Figure 9: The extent to which respondents agreed that a lawyer should be provided to people who cannot afford one.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the extent to which respondents agreed that a lawyer should be provided to people who cannot afford one.

The X axis is divided into 3 categories by level of agreement, from left to right: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree/ strongly disagree.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 70.


Figure 10: The degree to which respondents believed legal aid programming was important in maintaining fairness in the criminal justice system..

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the extent to which respondents believed that legal aid programming was important in maintaining fairness in the criminal justice system. The X axis is divided into 3 categories by level of importance, from left to right: very important, somewhat important, not very important/ not at all important. The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 70.


Figure 11: The extent to which respondents agreed that the government should spend the necessary resources to provide legal representation to people with low incomes.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the extent to which respondents agreed that the government should spend the necessary resources to provide legal representation to people with low incomes.

The X axis is divided into 4 categories by level of agreement, from left to right: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 50.


Figure 12: The degree to which respondents believed legal representation is just a part of what makes a fair trial fair.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the extent to which respondents believed that legal representation is just a part of what makes a fair trial fair.

The X axis is divided into 3 categories by level of agreement, from left to right: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree/ strongly disagree.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 60.


Figure 13: The extent to which respondents agreed that legal representation is essential to having a fair trial.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the extent to which respondents agreed that legal representation is essential to having a fair trial.

The X axis is divided into 3 categories by level of agreement, from left to right: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree/ strongly disagree.

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 10 from 0 to 70.


Figure 14: Distribution of the ways in which respondents have been involved in the criminal justice system.

This is a vertical bar chart which illustrates the ways in which respondents had been involved in the criminal justice system.

The X axis is divided by five categories (ways in which respondents had been involved in the criminal justice system), from left to right: as a witness, as the victim of a crime, after being accused of a crime, as the member of a jury, by working in the justice system

The Y axis is measured in percentages and increases in increments of 5 from 0 to 20.
