ENERGY STAR® and EnerGuide Labelling Awareness Survey 2020

Final Report

Prepared for Natural Resources Canada

Supplier Name: Ekos Research Associates

Contract Number: 23483-210506/001/CY

Contract Value: $69,049.10

Award Date: 2020-11-02

Delivery Date: 2021-02-02

Registration Number: POR 053-20

For more information on this report, please contact NRCan at:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Natural Resources Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Natural Resources Canada at:

Catalogue number: M144-295/1-2020E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-37908-1

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources, 2021.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Background and Methodology

The Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) administers two labelling programs to help ensure Canadians have access to energy efficient products and homes:

This research aims to provide insight into Canadian general public awareness, understanding, attitudes and perceptions towards ENERGY STAR and EnerGuide labelling, as well as the potential influences that might affect Canadians’ purchase decisions.

The survey targeted Canadians 18 years of age and older, ensuring an appropriate mix of age, gender, official languages, ethnicity, education and income. This study represents the 11th wave of surveying since November 2001.

The research involved an online survey of 3,416 Canadians. The survey was conducted across Canada in both official languages. The field dates for the survey were December 3-20, 2020.

Appendix A contains a detailed description of the methodology used in this study.

Survey Findings

Outlined below are key findings from this study. The remainder of this report describes survey results in more detail. Where possible, results are tracked to previous surveys, however, please note that different methodologies were used in the earlier surveys. The 2018 survey was conducted online; previous surveys were conducted by telephone. Also please note the 2018 survey was conducted with a non-probability online panel whereas this year’s survey was conducted with a probability-based online panel, therefore tracking results should be interpreted with some caution.

Energy Consumption and ENERGY STAR

Canadians clearly see the connection between their energy consumption and climate change. Almost four in five (78%) think that household energy consumption definitely or likely contributes to climate change, and only 17% think that household energy consumption does not contribute to climate change.

When asked whether they had heard, read, or seen anything about ENERGY STAR, results suggest that three in four Canadians (73%) are aware of the brand. Awareness is significantly higher than it was in 2018 when 50% were aware of ENERGY STAR.

Not surprisingly, awareness of ENERGY STAR increases when respondents were presented with the ENERGY STAR symbol. A clear majority (92%, up from 88% in 2018) said they recalled seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol. This is the highest level of awareness of the ENERGY STAR symbol since tracking began in 2006.

Respondents aware of ENERGY STAR were asked where they recalled seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol. As in previous years, appliances were mentioned most often (88%). No other product or advertisement is mentioned as a source of awareness of ENERGY STAR by more than four in ten of these respondents.

Respondents who recalled seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol were also asked what the symbol means to them. As in previous years, results reveal that most Canadians associate the ENERGY STAR symbol with energy efficiency: almost nine in ten (88%) relate it with low energy consumption.

Findings also reveal that those aware of ENERGY STAR hold favourable views of ENERGY STAR certified products. Three in four (75%) agree that if they see the ENERGY STAR symbol they know they will be getting a more efficient product. Two-thirds (65%) feel confident that products which carry the ENERGY STAR symbol have been rigorously tested and proven to be energy efficient, and a similar proportion (62%) agree that buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make them feel like they are helping to protect the environment for future generations. Only one in ten (10%) believe that buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes them feel like they are spending extra money for nothing. Tracking suggests a decrease in agreement with many of these statements since 2018; back to levels seen in earlier years.

Results further indicate a general willingness to pay extra for ENERGY STAR certified products. Half (51%) would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 5% more than a similar product without the label. Forty-five percent would be willing to pay 10% more, and almost four in ten (38%) would be willing to pay 15% more for an ENERGY STAR product. Canadians' willingness to pay a premium for ENERGY STAR certified products is down from 2018 and back to 2016 levels.

Respondents that were not aware of the ENERGY STAR symbol were given a description of the symbol and asked a series of attitudinal statements about ENERGY STAR certified products (similar to the ones asked of those aware of the symbol).

Findings reveal generally favourable views of ENERGY STAR certified products, even among those unaware of the symbol. Almost six in ten of these respondents (58%) agree that buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make them feel like they are helping to protect the environment. More than half (53%) think that if they see the ENERGY STAR symbol they know they would be getting a more efficient product, and a similar proportion (52%) would feel like they are contributing to society when buying ENERGY STAR certified products. The plurality of these respondents (36%) disagree that buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make them feel like they are spending extra money for nothing.

Results also reveal a general willingness to pay extra for ENERGY STAR certified products, even among those unaware of the symbol. Four in ten (41%) would be willing to pay 5% more for an ENERGY STAR certified product, and roughly the same proportion (39%) would pay 10% more. One in three (33%) would be willing to pay 15% more for an ENERGY STAR certified product.

Turning to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation, fewer than one in five Canadians (18%) said they had seen, heard or read something about this designation. Interestingly, when shown the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient symbol, even fewer (12%) said they recalled seeing this symbol.

As with the ENERGY STAR symbol, respondents who recalled seeing ENERGY STAR Most Efficient symbol were asked what the symbol means to them. Half of these respondents (49%) said it represents the best of the best/top ENERGY STAR performers. Four in ten (40%) said it represents a subset of ENERGY STAR certified products, and three in ten (28%) said it represents cutting edge technology.

Purchasing Decisions

Respondents were asked whether they had purchased a number of electrical products in the past 12 months. Findings reveal that among the products examined, lighting products are purchased most often (65%). Three in ten or fewer indicated they had purchased any of the other electrical products listed.

Results further suggest that many of the electrical products Canadians purchase are ENERGY STAR certified. More than two-thirds (68%) indicate that the home appliances purchased were ENERGY STAR certified. Six in ten (60%) who purchased a heating or cooling product in the last year indicated that the product was certified, and a similar proportion (58%) indicated their water heater was ENERGY STAR certified. Tracking reveals a drop in the proportion of Canadians who purchase ENERGY STAR certified products from 2018 (back to 2016 levels).

When asked whether the ENERGY STAR symbol influenced their decision to purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product, results indicate that the ENERGY STAR symbol did influence the purchasing decision of a majority of these respondents across virtually all the products examined. Tracking suggests a decrease in the influence of the ENERGY STAR symbol when purchasing products, however, as noted earlier, given the different methodologies employed, tracking results should be interpreted with some caution.

When asked to rate the likelihood of purchasing products or services from a company that makes efforts to save energy and help the environment, results reveal that a majority of Canadians (64%) say they would be more likely to purchase products from a company that helps the environment through energy savings.


When asked about their awareness of ENERGY STAR certification for homes, one in four Canadians (26%) say they are aware of this certification. Awareness is down somewhat from 2018 when 31% said they were aware of ENERGY STAR for homes.

Despite limited awareness of ENERGY STAR certification for homes, when provided with a description of the benefits of an ENERGY STAR certified home, a clear majority (71%) agree that an ENERGY STAR certified home would offer better value than a home without the certification.

Findings further reveal that a majority of Canadians (63%) say they would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified home even if it cost $5,000 more than a home that is not certified. However, this proportion drops to 37% when increasing the cost by $15,000.

Respondents were asked to rate the importance of ENERGY STAR certified home features if they were in the market for a new home. Results indicate that Canadians place a great deal of importance on all of these features. Roughly nine in ten (88%) assign a high degree of importance to efficient heating and cooling, and a similar proportion believes higher insulation levels, and high performing windows and doors are important (87% each). A further three in four assign a high degree of importance to ENERGY STAR certified products (such as lighting and appliances), and additional air-sealing (74% each). The importance of ENERGY STAR certified home features increases with age, educational attainment and income.


Canadians were asked about their awareness of the EnerGuide Labelling Program. Results suggest limited awareness of the program: fewer than four in ten say they are aware of the program (38%), while half (50%) say they are not aware. Tracking reveals a 17-point increase in unaided awareness of the EnerGuide label since 2018; back to levels seen in previous years.

Respondents were also shown a picture of the EnerGuide label and asked whether they recalled seeing it. Despite limited (unaided) awareness of the EnerGuide label, most Canadians have seen the EnerGuide symbol. More than three in four (77%) recall seeing the symbol, and only one in five (19%) don’t recall seeing it.

Respondents aware of the EnerGuide label were asked where they had seen the symbol. As in previous years, the label is most likely to be seen on household appliances: 69% indicated refrigerators or freezers, and 62% indicated clothes washers or dryers.

Respondents aware of the EnerGuide label were asked what the label means to them. Results suggest that Canadians generally associate the label with the energy consumption of the appliance. Three in four (74%) indicate that the label shows the energy use of the appliance, and six in ten (60%) think that the label helps compare energy consumption of one product to another.

Respondents were provided a list of products and asked whether they had purchased any of them in the last 12 months. Cars and refrigerators/freezers (13% each) were identified most often followed by heating/cooling equipment (12%), and clothes washers/dryers and dishwashers (10% each).

Respondents that had purchased these products were asked whether they were influenced by the EnerGuide label when making the purchase. Results reveal that Canadians generally feel influenced by the EnerGuide label when purchasing products: about half of respondents who purchased one of these products indicated that they were persuaded to some extent by the label (with the exception of purchasing a new home or a new car).

Respondents were also asked whether a home label indicating better energy efficiency would influence their decision to buy a house. Results reveal that a majority of Canadians (51%) consider the label important, and only one in five (20%) indicate it would have no influence.

When asked to rate the extent to which they would consider obtaining an EnerGuide home evaluation, results reveal mixed views on the issue: four in ten (42%) say they would get an EnerGuide home evaluation, while one in five (20%) say they would not consider doing this.

1. Detailed Findings

1.1 Energy consumption and ENERGY STAR

Respondents were first asked whether they feel household energy consumption contributes to climate change. Results reveal that Canadians clearly see the connection between their energy consumption and climate change. Almost four in five (78%) think that household energy consumption definitely or likely contributes to climate change, and only 17% think that household energy consumption does not contribute to climate change.

Table 1: Perceptions of the contribution of household energy consumption on climate change

Perceptions of the contribution of household energy consumption on climate change
Response %
Definitely contributes 37%
Likely contributes 41%
Likely does not contribute 12%
Definitely does not contribute 5%
Not sure 5%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q1. To what extent do you think household energy consumption contributes to climate change?

Respondents were then asked whether they had heard, read, or seen anything about ENERGY STAR. Results suggest that three in four Canadians (73%) are aware of the brand. Awareness is significantly higher than it was in 2018 when 50% were aware of ENERGY STAR.

Table 2: Unaided Awareness of ENERGY STAR

Unaided Awareness of ENERGY STAR
Response 2020 2018 2016 2010 2007 2006
Yes, aware 73% 50% 47% 54% 57% 51%
No, not aware 22% 36% 40% 33% 34% 49%

Base for 2020: n=3,416; all respondents

Q2. Have you heard, read or seen anything about ENERGY STAR?

Not surprisingly, awareness of ENERGY STAR increases when respondents were presented with the ENERGY STAR symbol.

A clear majority (92%, up from 88% in 2018) said they recalled seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol. This is the highest level of awareness of the ENERGY STAR symbol since tracking began in 2006.

Table 3: Aided Awareness of ENERGY STAR

Aided Awareness of ENERGY STAR
Response 2020 2018 2016 2010 2007 2006
Yes, aware 92% 88% 83% 89% 81% 81%
No, not aware 6% 8% 12% 9% 16% 16%

Base for 2020: n=3,416; all respondents

Q3. Do you recall seeing this ENERGY STAR symbol?

Source of awareness

Respondents aware of ENERGY STAR were asked where they recalled seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol. As in previous years, appliances were mentioned most often (88%, up from 77% in 2018). No other product or advertisement is mentioned as a source of awareness of ENERGY STAR by more than four in ten of these respondents.

Table 4: Source of Awareness of ENERGY STAR

Source of Awareness of ENERGY STAR
Response %
On major appliances 88%
In promotional material for residential heating and cooling products 34%
Displayed in a store on a sign 33%
From a public utility (hydro, gas, etc.) 23%
Displayed in a brochure 23%
On a T.V. 22%
In a promotional flyer from a retail establishment 19%
Displayed on a company’s website 18%
In home or on home electrical panel 17%
In a magazine or newspaper 16%
As part of advertising about climate change 11%
In promotional material for office equipment 9%
On social media 5%
Other 2%
I can’t recall 5%

Base: n=3,150; recall seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol

Q4. Where did you see the ENERGY STAR symbol? (Multiple responses accepted)

Understanding of the Brand

Respondents who recalled seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol were also asked what the symbol means to them. As in previous years, results reveal that most Canadians associate the ENERGY STAR symbol with energy efficiency: almost nine in ten (88%) relate it with low energy consumption. About four in ten associate the symbol with saving money (37%) or with helping the environment (35%).

Table 5: Understanding of ENERGY STAR

Understanding of ENERGY STAR symbol
Response %
Energy efficient/low energy consumption/saves energy 88%
Saves money 37%
Good for the environment/mentions of green 35%
Third-party certified 13%
Higher quality/made better 10%
Government backed 10%
Nothing/doesn’t mean anything to me 5%

Base: n=3,150; recall seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol

Q5. What does the ENERGY STAR symbol mean to you? (Multiple responses accepted)

Respondents who said the symbol has more than one meaning were asked to select the concept that most reflects what it means to them. A substantial majority (83%) primarily associate the ENERGY STAR symbol with a low energy consumption.

Attitudes towards ENERGY STAR Brand and Products

Respondents aware of ENERGY STAR symbol were also asked a series of attitudinal statements about ENERGY STAR certified products.

Findings reveal favourable views of ENERGY STAR certified products. Three in four (75%) agree that if they see the ENERGY STAR symbol they know they will be getting a more efficient product. Two-thirds (65%) feel confident that products which carry the ENERGY STAR symbol have been rigorously tested and proven to be energy efficient, and a similar proportion (62%) agree that buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make them feel like they are helping to protect the environment for future generations. More than half (53%) feel they are contributing to society when buying ENERGY STAR certified products, and roughly the same proportion (52%) agree that ENERGY STAR certified products provide them with more benefits than products without the symbol. Only one in ten (10%) believe that buying ENERGY STAR® certified products makes them feel like they are spending extra money for nothing.

Table 6: Attitudes towards ENERGY STAR Brand [Those Aware]

Attitudes Towards ENERGY STAR Brand [Those Aware]
Statements Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
If I see the ENERGY STAR symbol, I know I am getting a more efficient product 23% 52% 16% 3% 2%
I am confident that products which carry the ENERGY STAR symbol have been rigorously tested and proven to be energy efficient 16% 49% 19% 5% 2%
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I am helping to protect the environment for future generations 17% 45% 24% 7% 4%
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I am contributing to society 13% 40% 30% 9% 5%
ENERGY STAR certified products provide me with more benefits than products without the ENERGY STAR symbol 13% 39% 29% 7% 3%
ENERGY STAR certified products offer better value than products without the mark 11% 32% 35% 9% 2%
I consider myself loyal to ENERGY STAR certified products 11% 28% 36% 15% 6%
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I am spending extra money for nothing 3% 7% 21% 44% 20%

Base: n=3,150; recall seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol

Q7. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about ENERGY STAR?

Tracking reveals a decrease in agreement with many of these statements since 2018; back to levels seen in earlier years. For instance, agreement with the idea that products which carry the ENERGY STAR symbol have been rigorously tested and proven to be energy efficient is down from 70% in 2018, but consistent with 2016 (61%) and 2010 (63%) results.

Table 7: Attitudes towards ENERGY STAR Brand Over Time [Those Aware]

Those Aware of ENERGY STAR -- 2006 to 2020 (% agreeing [scores of 4-5])
Statements 2020 2018 2016 2010 2007 2006
If I see the ENERGY STAR symbol, I know I am getting a more efficient product 75% 75% -- -- -- --
I am confident that products which carry the ENERGY STAR symbol have been rigorously tested and proven to be energy efficient 65% 70% 61% 63% -- --
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I am helping to protect the environment for future generations 62% 69% 67% 71% 76% 74%
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I am contributing to society 53% 59% 52% 59% 63% 61%
ENERGY STAR certified products provide me with more benefits than products without the ENERGY STAR symbol 52% 60% 49% 48% 50% 49%
ENERGY STAR certified products offer better value than products without the label. 43% 53% 44% 37% 41% 42%
I consider myself loyal to ENERGY STAR certified products 39% 48% -- -- -- --
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I'm spending extra money for nothing 10% 18% 12% 10% 9% 9%

Results reveal a general willingness to pay extra for ENERGY STAR certified products. Half (51%) would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 5% more than a similar product without the label. Forty-five percent would be willing to pay 10% more, and almost four in ten (38%) would be willing to pay 15% more for an ENERGY STAR product.

Table 8: Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR Brand [Those Aware]

Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR Brand [Those Aware]
Statements Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 5% more than a similar product without the label 15% 36% 25% 11% 6%
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 10% more than a similar product without the label 11% 34% 27% 15% 6%
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 15% more than a similar product without the label 8% 30% 27% 19% 7%

Base: n=3,150; recall seeing the ENERGY STAR symbol [split sample]

Q7. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements

Canadians’ willingness to pay a premium for ENERGY STAR certified products is down from 2018 and back to 2016 levels. For instance, agreement with a 5% price increase for an ENERGY STAR certified product is down from 62% in 2018, but consistent with 2016 results (53%).

Table 9: Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR Brand Over Time [Those Aware]

Those Aware of ENERGY STAR -- 2006 to 2020 (% agreeing [scores of 4-5])
Statements 2020 2018 2016 2010 2007 2006
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 5% more than a similar product without the mark 51% 62% 53% 62% 68% 62%
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 10% more than a similar product without the mark 45% 56% 48% 52% 49% 51%
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 15% more than a similar product without the mark 30% 47% 40% 46% 50% 47%

Respondents that were not aware of the ENERGY STAR symbol were given a description of the symbol and asked a series of attitudinal statements about ENERGY STAR certified products (similar to the ones asked of those aware of the symbol).

Findings reveal generally favourable views of ENERGY STAR certified products, even among those unaware of the symbol. Almost six in ten of these respondents (58%) agree that buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make them feel like they are helping to protect the environment. More than half (53%) think that if they see the ENERGY STAR symbol they know they would be getting a more efficient product, and a similar proportion (52%) would feel like they are contributing to society when buying ENERGY STAR certified products. The plurality of these respondents (36%) disagree that buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make them feel like they are spending extra money for nothing.

Table 10: Attitudes towards ENERGY STAR Brand [Those Unaware]

Attitudes Towards ENERGY STAR Brand [Those Unaware]
Statements Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make me feel like I am helping to protect the environment for future generations 19% 39% 22% 5% 6%
If I see the ENERGY STAR symbol, I know I would be getting a more efficient product 14% 39% 22% 5% 4%
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make me feel like I'm contributing to society 16% 36% 25% 6% 6%
I am confident that products which carry the ENERGY STAR symbol have been rigorously tested and proven to be energy efficient 11% 36% 25% 4% 3%
ENERGY STAR certified products would provide me with more benefits than products without the ENERGY STAR symbol 9% 34% 28% 7% 3%
ENERGY STAR certified products would offer better value than products without the mark 12% 30% 27% 6% 5%
Buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make me feel like I am spending extra money for nothing 8% 15% 29% 28% 8%

Base: n=266; those unaware of ENERGY STAR symbol

Q8. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

Results also reveal a general willingness to pay extra for ENERGY STAR certified products, even among those unaware of the symbol. Four in ten (41%) of those unaware of ENERGY STAR would be willing to pay 5% more for an ENERGY STAR certified product and roughly the same proportion (39%) would pay 10% more. One in three (33%) would be willing to pay 15% more for an ENERGY STAR certified product.

Table 11: Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR Brand [Those Unaware]

Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR Brand [Those Unaware]
Statements Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 5% more than a similar product without the label 7% 34% 23% 8% 12%
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 10% more than a similar product without the label 7% 32% 24% 14% 7%
I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost 15% more than a similar product without the label 5% 28% 23% 20% 10%

Base: n=79-95; those unaware of ENERGY STAR symbol [split sample]

Q8. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements

Awareness of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation

Turning to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation, fewer than one in five Canadians (18%) said they had seen, heard or read something about this designation. Interestingly, when shown the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient symbol and asked if they recalled seeing it, even fewer (12%) said they recalled seeing this symbol.

Table 12: Awareness and Recall of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation

Awareness of ENERGY STAR most efficient designation
Response Unaided Aided
Yes, aware 18% 12%
No, not aware 64% 82%

Base: n=3,150; all respondents

Q9. Have you ever seen, heard, or read anything about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient?

Q10. Do you recall seeing this symbol?

Meaning of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Designation

As with the ENERGY STAR symbol, respondents who recalled seeing ENERGY STAR Most Efficient symbol were asked what the symbol means to them. Half of these respondents (49%) said it represents the best of the best/top ENERGY STAR performers. Four in ten (40%) said it represents a subset of ENERGY STAR certified products, and three in ten (28%) said it represents cutting edge technology.

Table 13: Understanding of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient

Understanding of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient
Statements %
Represent the best of the best/Top ENERGY STAR performers 49%
Represent a subset of ENERGY STAR certified products 40%
Technologically advanced/Cutting edge technology 28%
Higher quality/model better 24%
Nothing/Doesn’t mean anything to me 6%

Base: n=360; those who recall seeing ENERGY STAR Most Efficient symbol

Q11. What does ENERGY STAR Most Efficient mean to you? (Multiple responses accepted)

Respondents who indicated ENERGY STAR Most Efficient has several meanings were asked to identify the concept that most reflects what it means to them. Results reveal that the plurality of these respondents (48%) feel it primarily represents the best of the best/top ENERGY STAR performers.

1.2 Purchasing Decisions

Respondents were asked whether they had purchased a number of electrical products in the past 12 months. Findings reveal that among the products examined, lighting products are purchased most often (65%). Three in ten or fewer indicated they had purchased any of the other electrical products listed.

Tracking reveals that purchasing habits are similar to those reported in 2018.

Table 14: Home Products Purchased or Shopped for in the Last 12 Months

Home Products Purchased or Shopped for in the Last 12 Months
Response Purchased Shopped for but not purchased Neither
Lighting products like a light bulb or light fixture 65% 5% 29%
Home office products, such as a computer or printer 31% 10% 58%
Home electronics like a television or audio system 23% 10% 65%
Home appliances like a dishwasher or fridge 20% 9% 71%
Heating and cooling products like a furnace or air conditioner 13% 7% 79%
Windows or doors 10% 7% 82%
Water heater 8% 4% 86%
A home or residence 7% 10% 82%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q13. For each of the following categories of products, please tell me whether you have purchased or shopped for one in the last 12 months. (Multiple responses accepted)

ENERGY STAR certified purchases

Respondents who had purchased an electrical product in the last year were then asked if the product they most recently purchased was ENERGY STAR certified. Results suggest that many of the electrical products Canadians purchase are ENERGY STAR certified. More than two-thirds (68%) indicated that the home appliances purchased were ENERGY STAR certified. Six in ten (60%) who purchased a heating or cooling product in the last year indicated that the product was certified, and a similar proportion (58%) purchased ENERGY STAR certified water heaters. Half of these respondents (52%) also indicated the windows or doors they purchased were ENERGY STAR certified.

Table 15: Proportion of Recent Purchases that were ENERGY STAR Certified

Proportion of Recent Purchases that were ENERGY STAR Certified
Response Yes No Don’t know / not sure
Home appliance 68% 9% 23%
Heating or cooling product 60% 12% 29%
Water heater 58% 8% 34%
Windows or doors 52% 12% 37%
Lighting product 46% 12% 41%
Home electronics product 39% 20% 42%
Home office product 30% 21% 49%
Home or residence 20% 42% 38%

Base: n=235-2,235; respondents who purchased a product

Q14. Was the [INSERT CATEGORY] you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?

Tracking reveals a drop in the proportion of Canadians who purchase ENERGY STAR certified products from 2018 (back to 2016 levels). For instance, the proportion who purchased an ENERGY STAR certified home appliance is down from 2018 (77%) but consistent with 2016 results (68%).

Table 16: Proportion of Recent Purchases that were ENERGY STAR certified Over Time

Proportion of Recent Purchases that were ENERGY STAR certified Over Time
Response 2020 2018 2016
Home appliance 68% 77% 68%
Heating or cooling product 60% 65% 59%
Water heater 58% - -
Windows or doors 52% 66% 60%
Lighting product 46% 62% 53%
Home electronics product 39% 54% 42%
Home office product 30% 40% 35%
Home or residence 20% 41% 23%

Influence of the ENERGY STAR symbol

When asked whether the ENERGY STAR symbol influenced their decision to purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product, results reveal that the ENERGY STAR symbol did influence the purchasing decision of a majority of these respondents across virtually all the products examined (with the exception of home office products).

Table 17: Influence of ENERGY STAR Brand on Purchase

Influence of ENERGY STAR Brand on Purchase
Response Very much Somewhat Slightly Not at all Don't know / not sure
Home or residence 40% 39% 5% 16% 0%
Windows or doors 45% 29% 10% 14% 2%
Heating or cooling product 40% 33% 15% 11% 1%
Water heater 42% 28% 15% 15% 1%
Home appliance 39% 30% 13% 17% 1%
Lighting product 33% 31% 19% 17% 0%
Home electronics product 25% 31% 20% 22% 2%
Home office product 17% 31% 24% 27% 1%

Base: n=46-1,037; respondents who purchased an ENERGY STAR product

Q15. How much did the ENERGY STAR symbol influence your decision to purchase an ENERGY STAR certified [INSERT ENERGY STAR PRODUCT CATEGORY FROM Q14]?

Tracking suggests a decrease in the influence of the ENERGY STAR symbol when purchasing products. For instance, the influence of the ENERGY STAR symbol is down 5% since 2018 for windows and doors, and down 13% for a heating/cooling product.

Table 18: Influence of ENERGY STAR Brand on Purchase Over Time

Influence of ENERGY STAR Brand on Purchase – Over Time (% saying Very much)
Response 2020 2018 2016
Windows or doors 45% 50% --
Water heater 42% - -
Home or residence 40% 58% 67%
Heating or cooling product 40% 53% 36%
Home appliance 39% 50% 39%
Lighting product 33% 44% 45%
Home electronics product 25% 42% 35%
Home office product 17% 37% 24%

Reasons for Replacing Electrical Products

When asked why they might replace appliances, electronics, and heating/cooling equipment at home, more than three in five Canadians (63%) indicated improved functionality/better performance as the most important motivator. However, energy savings also factors into the decision: almost six in ten (57%) indicated energy efficiency is also an important factor.

Table 19: Motivations to replace equipment at home

Motivations to replace equipment at home
Response Very much Somewhat Slightly Not at all Don't know / not sure
Improved functionality/better performance 35% 28% 19% 16% 2%
Energy savings 26% 31% 23% 19% 2%
A desire to upgrade to newer technologies 17% 29% 25% 27% 2%
Aesthetic appeal/Cohesion with decor 17% 24% 24% 33% 2%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q23. Thinking about the appliances, electronics, and heating/cooling equipment in your home, please indicate how much each of the following motivates you to replace them.

Respondents were also asked a series of additional questions about purchasing products that consume electricity. Findings reveal that three in four (74%) agree that they try to get the most energy efficient product that meets their needs, while fewer than half (45%) always purchase the most energy efficient product. Very few (20%) indicate that energy efficiency ratings are not a significant factor in their decision-making.

Table 20: Decisions when purchasing energy efficient products

Decisions when purchasing energy efficient products
Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I try to get the most energy efficient product that meets my needs 28% 46% 18% 4% 3%
I always purchase the most energy efficient product 10% 35% 35% 14% 3%
Energy efficiency ratings are not a significant factor in my decision-making 5% 15% 20% 42% 16%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q24. When purchasing products that consume electricity, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

When asked to rate the likelihood of purchasing products or services from a company that makes efforts to save energy and help the environment, results reveal that a majority of Canadians (64%) say they would be more likely to acquire products from a company that helps the environment through energy savings. Virtually no one is less likely to purchase products from a company that make efforts to help the environment.

Table 21: Attitudes towards purchasing products from companies that help the environment

Attitudes towards purchasing products from companies that help the environment 
Statement Much less likely Less likely Neutral More likely Much more likely NA
Would you be more or less likely to purchase products or services from a company that makes efforts to save energy and help the environment? 1% 1% 29% 44% 20% 4%

Base: n= 3,416; all respondents

Q33. To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following statements

1.3 ENERGY STAR for Homes

When asked about their awareness of ENERGY STAR certification for homes, one in four Canadians (26%) say they are aware of this certification. Awareness is down somewhat from 2018 when 31% said they were aware of ENERGY STAR for homes.

Table 22: Awareness of ENERGY STAR Home Over Time

Awareness of ENERGY STAR Home Over Time
Response 2020 2018 2016
Yes 26% 31% 36%
No 66% 69% 63%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q26. Are you aware that homes can also be ENERGY STAR certified?

Despite limited awareness of ENERGY STAR certification for homes, when provided with a description of the benefits of an ENERGY STAR certified home, a clear majority (71%) agree that an ENERGY STAR certified home would offer better value than a home without the certification.

These results are largely unchanged from previous years.

Table 23: Perceptions of ENERGY STAR for Home Over Time

Perceptions of ENERGY STAR for Home Over Time
Response 2020 2018 2016
Strongly agree 24% 17% 33%
Agree 47% 52% 33%
Neutral 17% 27% 26%
Disagree 4% 2% 4%
Strongly disagree 2% 2% 4%

Base for 2020: n=3,416; all respondents

Q27. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? -- An ENERGY STAR certified home would offer better value than a home without this certification.

Results further reveal that a majority of Canadians (63%) say they would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified home even if it cost $5,000 more than a home that is not certified. However, this proportion drops to 37% when increasing the cost by $15,000.

Table 24: Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR for Home

Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR for Home
Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
$5,000 more than a home that isn't ENERGY STAR-certified 24% 39% 19% 6% 5%
$10,000 more than a home that isn't ENERGY STAR-certified 13% 34% 25% 12% 6%
$15,000 more than a home that isn't ENERGY STAR-certified 10% 27% 32% 14% 6%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q27. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I would purchase an ENERGY STAR-certified home even if it cost, on average, [RANDOMIZE $5,000 / $10,000 / $15,000] more than a home that isn’t ENERGY STAR-certified.

Canadians’ willingness to pay a premium for an ENERGY STAR certified home has increased somewhat over the past few years.

Table 25: Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR for Home Over Time

Perceived Value ($) of ENERGY STAR for Home Over Time (% agreeing [scores of 4-5])
Response 2020 2018 2016
$5,000 more than a home that isn't ENERGY STAR-certified 63% 50% 57%
$10,000 more than a home that isn't ENERGY STAR-certified 47% 44% 47%
$15,000 more than a home that isn't ENERGY STAR-certified 37% 42% 43%

Potential features of an ENERGY STAR certified home

Respondents were asked to rate the importance of ENERGY STAR certified home features if they were in the market for a new home. Results reveal that Canadians place a great deal of importance on all of these features. Roughly nine in ten (88%) assign a high degree of importance to efficient heating and cooling, and a similar proportion believes higher insulation levels, and high performing windows and doors are important (87% each). Three in four assign a high degree of importance to ENERGY STAR certified products (such as lighting and appliances), and to additional air-sealing (74% each). At the bottom of the list, but still seen as important by more than seven in ten Canadians (72%), is a whole-home ventilation system.

Table 26: Importance of ENGERY STAR® certified Home Features

Importance of ENGERY STAR® certified Home Features
Response Very important Somewhat important Neutral Not very important Not at all important Don't Know
Efficient heating and cooling 63% 25% 7% 2% 1% 3%
Higher insulation levels 59% 28% 8% 1% 1% 3%
High performing window and doors 59% 28% 7% 1% 1% 3%
ENERGY STAR certified products, such as lighting and appliances 32% 42% 15% 5% 2% 4%
Additional air-sealing 38% 36% 15% 3% 2% 7%
A whole-home ventilation system 38% 34% 15% 4% 2% 7%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q25. If you were in the market for a new home, how important would these ENERGY STAR certified home features be to you?

Reasons for buying an ENERGY STAR certified home

Respondents were presented with four potential reasons to purchase an ENERGY STAR certified home and asked to rate the importance of each of these reasons. All of the reasons examined were seen as important by a clear majority of Canadians. Roughly nine in ten (93%) assign a high degree of importance to saving money on their energy bill. A similar proportion (88%) see a more comfortable home as an important reason to buy an ENERGY STAR certified home. And eight in ten assign a high level of importance to financial incentives (82%), and protecting the environment (77%).

Table 27: Importance to Buy an ENERGY STAR certified Home

Importance of Different Reasons to Buy an ENERGY STAR certified Home
Response Very Important Moderately Important Neutral Not very important Not at all Important
Saving money on your energy bill 62% 31% 5% 1% 0%
Having a more comfortable home to live in, in terms of balanced temperatures and improved air quality 51% 37% 9% 1% 1%
Benefiting from a financial incentive, rebate or tax incentive 39% 43% 12% 3% 1%
Helping to protect the environment 41% 36% 14% 4% 3%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q28. There are a number of reasons why someone might want to buy an ENERGY STAR certified home. How important are each of the following reasons to you personally?

1.4 EnerGuide Labelling Program

Canadians were also asked about their awareness of the EnerGuide Labelling Program. Results suggest limited awareness of the program: fewer than four in ten (38%) say they are aware of the program, while half (50%) say they are not aware.

Tracking reveals a 17-point increase in unaided awareness of the EnerGuide label since 2018; back to levels seen in previous years.

Table 28: Awareness of EnerGuide Label Unaided Basis Over Time

Awareness of EnerGuide Label Unaided Basis Over Time
Response 2020 2018 2016 2010 2007 2006
Aware 38% 21% 31% 41% 42% 41%
Not aware 50% 61% 66% 58% 56% 58%
Don’t Know 12% 18% 3% 1% 2% 1%

Base for 2020: n=3,416; all respondents

Q16. Have you heard, seen or read anything about the EnerGuide Label?

Respondents were also shown a picture of the EnerGuide label and asked whether they recalled seeing it. Despite limited (unaided) awareness of the EnerGuide label, most Canadians have seen the EnerGuide symbol. More than three in four (77%) recall seeing the symbol, and only one in five (19%) don’t recall seeing it.

Tracking reveals increased awareness of the EnerGuide symbol over time, although comparisons should keep in mind the different methodologies. In previous years, a description of the EnerGuide Label was read to respondents; since 2018, an image of the symbol was presented to respondents.

Table 29: Awareness of EnerGuide Label Aided Basis Over Time

Awareness of EnerGuide Label Aided Basis Over Time
Response 2020 2018 2016 2010 2007 2006
Aware 77% 65% 50% 52% 54% 55%
Not aware 19% 27% 48% 47% 45% 44%
Don’t Know 4% 8% 2% 1% 1% 1%

Base for 2020: n=3,416; all respondents

Q17. Do you recall seeing this symbol?

Sources of Awareness of EnerGuide

Respondents aware of the EnerGuide label were asked where they had seen the symbol. As in previous years, the label is most likely to be seen on household appliances: 69% indicated refrigerators or freezers, and 62% indicated clothes washers or dryers.

Table 30: Source of Awareness of EnerGuide Label

Source of Awareness of EnerGuide Label
Response %
Label shown on refrigerators or freezers 69%
Label on clothes washers or dryers 62%
Label on ranges (stoves) 49%
Label on dishwashers 49%
Heating and cooling equipment promotional materials 25%
Label on room air conditioners 19%
In-store displays 16%
Gas fireplace promotional materials 7%
Label on new cars 6%
In a magazine or newspaper 5%
Label on electric panel in homes 4%
On a company’s website 4%
On social media 1%
Other 1%
I can't recall 7%

Base: n=2,699; those aware of the EnerGuide label

Q20. Where do you recall having seen an EnerGuide label?

Understanding the Brand

Respondents aware of the EnerGuide label were also asked what the label means to them. Results suggest that Canadians generally associate the label with the energy consumption of the appliance. Three in four (74%) indicate that the label shows the energy use of the appliance, and six in ten (60%) think that the label helps compare energy consumption of one product to another.

Table 31: Understanding of the EnerGuide Label

Understanding of the EnerGuide Label
Response %
Shows energy use of the appliance 74%
Helps compare energy consumption of one product to another 60%
The product is energy-efficient 33%
To save energy 32%
Cost saving 25%
Seal of approval / Canadian Standards Association (CSA) approved 25%
Electrical safety 9%
Nothing / doesn’t mean anything to me 4%
Other 1%

Base: n=2,699; those aware of the EnerGuide label

Q18. What does the EnerGuide label mean to you? (Multiple responses accepted)

When asked to select which of these options most reflects what the EnerGuide label means to them, four in ten (38%) say it is primarily a means for demonstrating the energy use of the appliance, and one in three (34%) think it primarily helps to compare the energy consumption of one product to another.

Table 32: Best Understanding of the EnerGuide Label

Best Understanding of the EnerGuide Label
Response %
Shows energy use of the appliance 38%
Helps compare energy consumption of one product to another 34%
The product is energy-efficient 12%
To save energy 6%
Cost saving 5%
Seal of approval / Canadian Standards Association (CSA) approved 4%
Electrical safety 1%

Base: n=1,867; those with multiple responses to Q18

Q19. Which of these most reflects what the EnerGuide label mean to you?

EnerGuide Home Evaluation

Respondents were informed that an EnerGuide home evaluation provides an EnerGuide rating that displays the energy performance of a home, and were then asked to rate the extent to which they would consider obtaining an EnerGuide home evaluation. Results reveal mixed views on the issue: four in ten (42%) say they would get an EnerGuide home evaluation, while one in five (20%) say they would not consider doing this.

Table 33: Attitudes towards EnerGuide home evaluation

Attitudes towards EnerGuide home evaluation
Statement Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree NA
I would consider obtaining an EnerGuide home evaluation 10% 32% 30% 13% 7% 8%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q29. To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Respondents who would consider getting an EnerGuide home evaluation were asked for their preference when conducting the home energy evaluation. Most (61%) prefer in person evaluation by certified advisors. Few would rather have a virtual evaluation by a certified energy advisor, or a self-assessment done online by inputting utility bill information.

Table 34: Preference for conducting home energy evaluations

Preference for conducting home energy evaluations
Response %
On-site evaluation by a certified energy advisor 61%
Self-assessment done online by inputting utility bill information 13%
Virtual evaluation by a certified energy advisor 6%
An assessment conducted by an organization based on my utility information 6%
Don’t know 14%

Base: n=1,455; Respondents that agree or strongly agree in Q29

Q31. What is your preference for conducting home energy evaluations?

Respondents were also asked whether a home label indicating better energy efficiency would influence their decision to buy a house. Results reveal that a slight majority of Canadians (51%) consider the label important, and only one in five (20%) indicate it would have no influence.

Table 35: Influence of a home label when buying a house

Influence of a home label when buying a house
Statement Strongly Agree Somewhat  agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
A home label indicating better energy efficiency would influence my decision to buy a house 12% 39% 23% 14% 6%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q30. To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Results also suggest limited awareness of ENERGY STAR certification on buildings and industrial facilities. About four in ten (39%) say they are familiar with the certification (but only 10% say they are clearly aware), while more than half (52%) are not.

Table 36: Awareness of ENERGY STAR certification on buildings and industrial facilities

Awareness of ENERGY STAR certification on buildings and industrial facilities
Response %
Yes, clearly 10%
Yes, vaguely 29%
No, not at all 52%
Don’t know 8%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q32. Are you aware that buildings and industrial facilities can be ENERGY STAR certified?

Influence of the EnerGuide Label when Purchasing Products

Respondents were provided a list of products and asked whether they had purchased any of them in the last 12 months. Cars and refrigerators/freezers (13% each) were selected most often followed by heating/cooling equipment (12%), and clothes washers/dryers and dishwashers (10% each).

Table 37: Home Products Purchased or Shopped for in the Last 12 Months

Home Products Purchased or Shopped for in the Last 12 Months
Response Purchased Shopped for but not purchased Neither
New cars 13% 9% 78%
Refrigerators or freezers 13% 8% 79%
Heating or cooling equipment 12% 5% 82%
Clothes washers or dryers 10% 6% 84%
Dishwashers 10% 5% 85%
Room air conditioners 7% 5% 87%
Ranges (stoves) 7% 5% 87%
New homes 5% 9% 85%
Gas fireplaces 2% 3% 95%

Base: n=3,416; all respondents

Q21. Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Respondents that had purchased these products were asked whether they were influenced by the EnerGuide label when making the purchase. Results reveal that Canadians generally feel influenced by the EnerGuide label when purchasing products: about half of respondents who purchased one of these products in the last year indicated that they were persuaded to some extent by the label (with the exception of purchasing a new home or a new car).

Table 38: Influence of EnerGuide Label on Purchase

Influence of EnerGuide Label on Purchase
Response Very much Somewhat Slightly Not at all Not sure
A gas fireplace 19% 35% 6% 37% 3%
A clothes washer or dryer 25% 28% 14% 30% 3%
A refrigerator or freezer 22% 26% 17% 34% 1%
A room air conditioner 22% 27% 16% 30% 4%
A dishwasher 20% 27% 18% 32% 3%
Heating or cooling equipment 24% 23% 12% 35% 6%
A range 21% 23% 19% 37% 0%
A new home 8% 14% 8% 65% 5%
A new car 8% 12% 8% 65% 7%

Base: n=56-431

Q22. How much did the EnerGuide label influence your decision to purchase [INSERT PRODUCT FROM Q21]? Would you say…?

Tracking reveals a decrease in the proportion of respondents saying their purchase was influenced by the EnerGuide Label.

Table 39: Influence of EnerGuide Label on Purchase Over Time

Influence of EnerGuide Label on Purchase- Over Time (% saying Very much)
Response 2020 2018 2016
A clothes washer or dryer 25% 44% 34%
Heating or cooling equipment 24% 37% 29%
A refrigerator or freezer 22% 40% 28%
A room air conditioner 22% 34% 44%
A range 21% 39% 25%
A dishwasher 20% 37% 30%
A gas fireplace 19% 37% 41%
A new home 8% 29% 23%
A new car 8% 17% 24%

Appendix A: Methodology

The research involved an online survey of 3,416 Canadians. The survey was conducted across Canada in both official languages. The field dates for the survey were December 3-20, 2020.

We used our probability-based online panel, Probit, in undertaking this survey. Probit is an online research panel that has been designed by Ekos to provide statistically representative data. Our panel offers complete coverage of the Canadian population (Internet, phone, cell phone), random recruitment (participants are recruited randomly; they do not opt themselves into our panel), and equal probability sampling. All respondents to our panel are recruited by telephone using random digit dialling, and their demographic information is confirmed by live interviewers.

The distribution of the recruitment process for our panel mirrors the actual population in Canada (as defined by Statistics Canada). As such, our panel can be considered representative of the general public (survey results from our online panel support confidence intervals and margin of error estimates). The overall panel size is roughly 90,000 Canadian households. Random stratified samples are drawn from the panel database for individual research assignments.

All survey results were weighted by region, age and gender according to Statistics Canada data, to ensure results are representative of the Canadian public. The margin of error for a survey of n=3,416 is +/- 1.7 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Sample design, weighting and respondent profile

The sampling method was designed to complete interviews with at least 3,400 Canadians ages 18 and over. Quotas were set by age, gender, and region. The survey obtained the following distribution:

Distribution Table
Variable % of population Target (quota) % of sample Actual Unweighted Actual Weighted*
Newfoundland and Labrador 2% 52 1% 44 51
Nova Scotia 3% 92 3% 103 91
Prince Edward Island <1% 14 <1% 15 14
New Brunswick 2% 74 2% 60 75
Quebec 23% 796 23% 768 792
Ontario 38% 1,302 38% 1,308 1,298
Manitoba 4% 119 4% 147 119
Saskatchewan 3% 102 2% 76 100
Alberta 11% 380 12% 392 387
British Columbia 14% 460 14% 481 468
Territories <1% 10 <1% 6 6
Canada 100% 3,400 100% 3,400 3,400
18-34 27% 930 22% 751 922
35-54 34% 1,158 35% 1,193 1,153
55+ 39% 1,311 42% 1,427 1,295
Male 49% 1,652 49% 1,638 1,631
Female 51% 1,747 51% 1,728 1,735

The following table presents the weighted distribution of survey participants by specific variables.

Weighted Distribution Table
Variable Total sample % % of population
Education α
High school or less 17 35
Apprentice/college/some university 36 36
University graduate/post-graduate 47 29
Employment status α
Full time/self employed 52 50
Part time 7 11
Not in work force (including retired) 37 35
Total annual household income+
Under $40,000 15 17
$40,000-<$80,000 30 30
$80,000-<$100,000 16 13
$100,000-<$150,000 21 22
$150,000 or more 18 18
Survey language /official languages
English 83 85
French 17 15

α Actual Census categories differ from those used in this survey; categories have been adjusted to correspond. Statistics Canada figures for education are for Canadians aged 25 to 64 years. For employment age 15+.

+ Percentaged on those providing a response

Questionnaire design

NRCan provided Ekos with a draft questionnaire with tracking questions from previous surveys. In addition, Ekos, in consultation with NRCan, designed a number of new questions to address emerging issues. Upon approval of the English questionnaire, Ekos arranged for new questions to be translated into French by professional translators.

Ekos data analysts programmed the questionnaire and performed thorough testing to ensure accuracy in set-up and data collection. This validation ensured that the data entry process conformed to the surveys’ basic logic. The data collection system handles sampling invitations, quotas and questionnaire completion (skip patterns, branching, and valid ranges). The client was also given the opportunity to test the survey links.

Prior to finalizing the survey for field, a pre-test (soft launch) was conducted in English and French. The pre-test assessed the questionnaires in terms of question wording and sequencing, respondent sensitivity to specific questions and to the survey overall, and to determine the survey length; standard Government of Canada pre- testing questions were also asked.

The final survey questionnaire is included in Appendix B.


The survey was conducted by Ekos using a secure, fully featured web-based survey environment. The average interview length was 13.9 minutes.

All respondents were offered the opportunity to complete the surveys in their official language of choice. All research work was conducted in accordance with the Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research – Online Surveys and recognized industry standards, as well as applicable federal legislation (The Privacy Act, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and Access to Information Act).

Following data collection, the data from this survey were statistically weighted to ensure the sample is representative of the Canadian population according to the most recently available Census information.

Completion results

The completion results are presented in the following table.

Contact Disposition
Disposition N
Total invitations (c) 31,933
Total completes (d) 3,416
Qualified break-offs (e) 341
Disqualified (f) 1,519
Not responded (g) 26,588
Quota filled (h) 69
Contact rate = (d+e+f+h)/c 17%
Participation rate = (d+f+h)/c 16%

Non-response bias analysis

The table below presents a profile of the final sample, compared to the actual population of Canada (2016 Census information). As is the case with most surveys, the final sample underrepresents those with high school or less education, which is a typical pattern for public opinion surveys in Canada (e.g., those with more education are more likely to respond to surveys).

Non-response bias analysis
Sample type Sample* Canada (2016 Census)
Gender (18+)
Male 49% 49%
Female 51% 51%
18-34 22% 27%
35-54 35% 34%
55+ 42% 39%
Education level α
High school diploma or less 17% 35%
Trades/college/post sec no degree 36% 36%
University degree 47% 29%

α  Actual Census categories differ from those used in this survey and have been recalculated to correspond.

Statistics Canada figures for education are for Canadians aged 25 to 64 years.

Appendix B: Questionnaire


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey on behalf of the Government of Canada.

Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur français.

Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept entirely confidential and anonymous. The survey takes 15 minutes to complete. It is being directed by Ekos Research, and is being administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act. To view our privacy policy, click here.

If you require any technical assistance, please contact


Yes, terminate

Have you participated in a Government of Canada survey in the last 30 days?

S2 [1,4]

Yes to any, terminate

Do you, or does anyone in your family or household, work in any of the following areas?

Select all that apply


To what extent do you think household energy consumption contributes to climate change?


Have you heard, read or seen anything about ENERGY STAR?


Do you recall seeing this ENERGY STAR symbol?

Q4 [1,16]

Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

Where did you see the ENERGY STAR symbol?

Select all that apply

Q5 [1,8]

Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

What does the ENERGY STAR symbol mean to you?

Select all that apply


Selected more than 1 answer to Q5

If... CALCQ5 >= 2 and Q3 = 1

You indicated that the ENERY STAR symbol means several things to you. Which of these most reflects what the ENERGY STAR symbol means to you?

Q5 = 1

Q5 = 2

Q5 = 3

Q5 = 4

Q5 = 5

Q5 = 6

Q5 = 77


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about ENERGY STAR?

Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I am helping to protect the environment for future generations.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

If I see the ENERGY STAR symbol, I know I am getting a more efficient product.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I am contributing to society.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

ENERGY STAR certified products provide me with more benefits than products without the ENERGY STAR symbol.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

ENERGY STAR certified products offer better value than products without the mark.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

Buying ENERGY STAR certified products makes me feel like I am spending extra money for nothing.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

I consider myself loyal to ENERGY STAR certified products.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost (5/10/15)% more than a similar product without the mark.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

I am confident that products which carry the ENERGY STAR symbol have been rigorously tested and proven to be energy efficient.


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

The international ENERGY STAR symbol is a simple way for consumers to identify products that are among the most energy-efficient on the market. Only manufacturers and retailers whose products meet the ENERGY STAR criteria can label their products with this symbol. Choosing an ENERGY STAR certified product over a conventional model could reduce your energy costs.

Based on this description of the ENERGY STAR symbol, to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

Buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make me feel like I am helping to protect the environment for future generations.


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

If I see the ENERGY STAR symbol, I know I would be getting a more efficient product.


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

Buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make me feel like I am contributing to society.


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

ENERGY STAR certified products would provide me with more benefits than products without the ENERGY STAR symbol.


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

ENERGY STAR certified products would offer better value than products without the mark.


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

Buying ENERGY STAR certified products would make me feel like I am spending extra money for nothing.


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product even if it cost (5/10/15)% more than a similar product without the mark.


No, Don't know, Q3

If... Q3 not = 1

To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

I am confident that products which carry the ENERGY STAR symbol have been rigorously tested and proven to be energy efficient.


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

Have you ever seen, heard, or read anything about ENERGY STAR Most Efficient?


Yes, Q3

If... Q3 = 1

Do you recall seeing this symbol?

Q11 [1,7]

Yes, Q3 and Q10

If... Q3 = 1 and Q10 = 1

What does ENERGY STAR Most Efficient mean to you?

Select all that apply


Selected more than 1 answer to Q11

If... CALCQ11 >= 2 and Q3 = 1 and Q10 = 1

You indicated that ENERGY STAR Most Efficient means several things to you. Which of these most reflects what it means to you?

Q11 = 1

Q11 = 2

Q11 = 3

Q11 = 4

Q11 = 77


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Heating and cooling products like a furnace or air conditioner


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Home appliances like a dishwasher or fridge


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Lighting products like a light bulb or light fixture


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Home electronics like a television or audio system


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Windows or doors


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Home office products, such as a computer or printer


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

A home or residence


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Water heater


Heating or cooling product, Q13A

If... Q13A = 1

To the best of your knowledge, was the heating or cooling product you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?


Home appliance, Q13B

If... Q13B = 1

To the best of your knowledge, was the home appliance you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?


Lighting product, Q13C

If... Q13C = 1

To the best of your knowledge, was the lighting product you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?


Home electronics product, Q13D

If... Q13D = 1

To the best of your knowledge, was the home electronics product you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?


Windows or doors, Q13E

If... Q13E = 1

To the best of your knowledge, were the windows or doors you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?


Home office product, Q13F

If... Q13F = 1

To the best of your knowledge, was the home office product you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?


Home or residence, Q13G

If... Q13G = 1

To the best of your knowledge, was the home or residence you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?


Water heater, Q13H

If... Q13H = 1

To the best of your knowledge, was the water heater you most recently purchased ENERGY STAR certified?


If... Q14A = 1

How much did the ENERGY STAR symbol influence your decision to purchase an ENERGY STAR certified ... ?

Heating or cooling product


If... Q14B = 1

Home appliance


If... Q14C = 1

Lighting product


If... Q14D = 1

Home electronics product


If... Q14E = 1

Windows or doors


If... Q14F = 1

Home office product


If... Q14G = 1

Home or residence


If... Q14H = 1

Water heater


Have you heard, seen or read anything about the EnerGuide label?


Do you recall seeing this label?

Q18 [1,10]

Yes, Q16 or Q17

If... Q16 = 1 or Q17 = 1

What does the EnerGuide label mean to you?

Select all that apply


Selected more than 1 answer to Q18

If... CALCQ18 >= 2 and (Q16 = 1 or Q17 = 1)

You indicated that the EnerGuide label means several things to you. Which of these most reflects what the EnerGuide label means to you?

Q18 = 1

Q18 = 2

Q18 = 3

Q18 = 4

Q18 = 5

Q18 = 6

Q18 = 7

Q18 = 77

Q20 [1,16]

Yes, Q16 or Q17

If... Q16 = 1 or Q17 = 1

Where do you recall having seen an EnerGuide label?

Select all that apply


Have you purchased or shopped for one of these products in the last 12 months?

Heating or cooling equipment


Gas fireplace


Refrigerator or freezer


Range (stove)


Clothes washer or dryer




Room air conditioner


New car


New home


If... Q21A = 1

How much did the EnerGuide label influence your decision to purchase ... ?

Heating or cooling equipment


If... Q21B = 1

A gas fireplace


If... Q21C = 1

A refrigerator or freezer


If... Q21D = 1

A range


If... Q21E = 1

A clothes washer or dryer


If... Q21F = 1

A dishwasher


If... Q21G = 1

A room air conditioner


If... Q21H = 1

A new car


If... Q21I = 1

A new home


Thinking about the appliances, electronics, and heating/cooling equipment in your home, please indicate how much each of the following motivates you to replace them.

Improved functionality/better performance


Aesthetic appeal/cohesion with decor


Energy savings


A desire to upgrade to newer technologies


When purchasing products that consume electricity, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

I always purchase the most energy efficient product


I try to get the most energy efficient product that meets my needs


Energy efficiency ratings are not a significant factor in my decision-making


If you were in the market for a new home, how important would these ENERGY STAR certified home features be to you?

Higher insulation levels


Efficient heating and cooling


Additional air-sealing


High performing window and doors


A whole-home ventilation system


ENERGY STAR certified products, such as lighting and appliances


Are you aware that homes can also be ENERGY STAR certified?


The international ENERGY STAR symbol and mark is a simple way for consumers to identify an energy-efficient home. The same way some products and appliances feature an ENERGY STAR blue symbol to signify energy efficiency, new homes can be ENERGY STAR certified to demonstrate higher level of energy efficiency. These homes have increased comfort, save you money on energy bills and help reduce GHG emissions.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


An ENERGY STAR certified home would offer better value than a home without this certification.


I would purchase an ENERGY STAR certified home even if it cost, on average, $(5/10/15),000 more than a home that is not ENERGY STAR certified.


There are a number of reasons why someone might want to buy an ENERGY STAR certified home. How important are each of the following reasons to you personally?

Helping to protect the environment


Saving money on your energy bill


Benefiting from a financial incentive, rebate or tax incentive


Having a more comfortable home to live in in terms of balanced temperatures and improved air quality.


An EnerGuide home evaluation provides an EnerGuide rating that displays the energy performance of a home: The lower the number, the better the energy performance of the home.

To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following statements:

I would consider obtaining an EnerGuide home evaluation.


A home label indicating better energy efficiency would influence my decision to buy a house.


Agree, Strongly agree, Q29

If... Q29 = 4,5

What is your preference for conducting home energy evaluations?


Are you aware that buildings and industrial facilities can be ENERGY STAR certified?


Would you be more or less likely to purchase products or services from a company that makes efforts to save energy and help the environment?


The last few questions are for classification purposes only.

Which of the following age categories do you belong to?


What is your gender?


Where do you live?


What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?


Which of the following categories best describes your total household income?


Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status?


Do you currently own or rent your home/apartment?


Rent, QOWN

If... QOWN = 2

Were appliances included in your home/apartment?


Rent, QOWN

If... QOWN = 2

Is electricity included in your rent?


May we have the first three digits of your postal code?


This completes the survey. This survey was conducted on behalf of Natural Resources Canada. On behalf of the Government of Canada, we thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. It is much appreciated.