Graph 4 - Reasons why not more satisfied with OSFI (among those not very satisfied) Comparison between DTIs and Insurance Companies

Average DTI Insurance
"One size fits all" approach 33% 42% 24%
Regulatory burden/pace of change 33% 21% 44%
Staff are not knowledgeable/experienced enough 12% 12% 12%
Canadian context not considered in influence/adoption of Int’l practices 10% - 20%
Too much interference in day-to-day management 8% 8% 8%
Too rules-based/prescriptive 8% 17% -
Guidelines are unclear 6% 8% 4%
Lack of balance between prudential considerations & FI’s need for growth 4% - 8%
RM turnover is too high 4% 4% 4%
Other mentions 14% 21% 8%

BASE: Those who are not "very satisfied" with OSFI , excluding those with no opinion (Total n=49; DTI n=24; Insurance n=25)
Note: Excludes n=11 responses of "don’t know/no answer"

Return to Graph 4 - Reasons why not more satisfied with OSFI (among those not very satisfied) Comparison between DTIs and Insurance Companies