Graph 24 - Suggestions for improving consultation process on guidance - small and mid-sized institutions only

Average DTI Insurance
More consultation with small/mid-sized institutions 25% 39% 8%
More transparent process (i.e. decisions not made in advance) 23% 21% 25%
Communicate decision including rationale 21% 14% 29%
Avoid “one size fits all” approach 10% 14% 4%
Allow more time for consultation/implementation 8% 7% 8%
Process takes too long 8% 7% 8%
Make it easier to participate (e.g., webinars, in-person) 6% 7% 4%
Other 10% 7% 12%
None/process is satisfactory 12% 11% 12%

BASE: Small and mid-sized institutions, excluding those with no opinion (Total sample n=52; DTI n=28; Insurance n=24)

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