Graph 30 - Issues pertaining to small and mid-sized institutions that OSFI should prioritize in next year – among small and mid-sized institutions

Average DTI Insurance
Scale expectations to size and complexity of business 49% 51% 46%
Reduce regulatory burden/pace of change for small institutions 24% 23% 26%
Capital Requirements suitable for small/mid-sized institutions 14% 13% 14%
Corporate Governance suitable for small/mid-sized institutions 12% 8% 17%
ORSA 9% - 20%
Awareness of differences in parent and branch/subsidiary relationships 7% 13% -
Compliance 7% 5% 9%
Balance prudential considerations with FI need to compete/grow 5% 10% -
Explanation of guidelines/expectations 5% 3% 9%
Risk Management 4% 3% 6%
Other 14% 15% 11%

BASE: Small and mid-sized institutions, excluding those without an opinion (Total sample n=74; DTI n =39; Insurance n=35)

Return to Graph 30 - Issues pertaining to small and mid-sized institutions that OSFI should prioritize in next year – among small and mid-sized institutions