Graph 30 - Thinking about your visit(s) over the past year to the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website, what was the main purpose(s) of your visit?

  2014 All Plans (n=165) 2014 Professionals (n=67)
Access info: reporting requirements 42% 22%
Obtain info: filing returns using RRS 42% 13%
Obtain info/updates: OSFI guidance 33% 67%
Research: info on specific topic 33% 51%
View, print or download forms 24% 24%
Look for answers: specific questions 19% 37%
Read InfoPensions 12% 25%
Learn about OSFI 11% 1%
View/download documents 7% 15%
Access speeches/presentations 3% 1%
Search for specific pension plans 2% 13%

Return to Graph 30 - Thinking about your visit(s) over the past year to the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website, what was the main purpose(s) of your visit?