Graph 2 - Please provide any comments on why you are satisfied/dissatisfied with OSFI as a regulator and supervisor of private pension plans

  2014 All Plans (n=88) 2014 Professionals (n=41)
Good staff/service/helpful 25% 22%
Good communication/updates 15% 5%
Difficulty using RRS/website 13% 12%
Satisfied with OSFI/good supervision 13% 7%
Slow service/poor response time 11% 15%
Quick/efficient service/responsive 9% 22%
Inflexible/Interpretation too rigid 8% 22%
Knowledgeable 8% 17%
Lack of contact/OSFI staff hard to reach 8% 7%
Demands unrealistic/too complex 6% 5%
Available/accessible 5% 12%
Lack of support/information 5% 5%
Good/effective websites/RRS 5% 2%
Lack of clarity 2% 5%
Other 10% 10%

Return to Graph 2 - Please provide any comments on why you are satisfied/dissatisfied with OSFI as a regulator and supervisor of private pension plans