Graph 4 - What one or two risk areas do you believe should be priorities for OSFI in the next couple of years pertaining to pension plans?

  2014 All Plans (n=72) 2014 Professionals (n=47)
Monitoring investments for stability/security/sustainability 29% 28%
Funding/Solvency Issues 29% 19%
Monitoring Markets/Economy/
Interest Rates
11% 4%
Concerns related to DB plans 10% 11%
Concerns related to DC plans 3% 6%
Governance 3% 4%
Stress testing 1%  
Asset-liability matching 1%  
Other 38% 34%

Return to Graph 4 - What one or two risk areas do you believe should be priorities for OSFI in the next couple of years pertaining to pension plans?