Graph 5 - From time to time, OSFI develops guidance (which includes guides, guidelines and instructions) for federally regulated private pension plans. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: Consulting with the pension plan industry when developing guidance?

  Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
2014 DC Plans (n=91) 19% 51% 24% 7%
2014 Combo/DB Plans (n=66) 24% 45% 23% 6% 2%
2014 Professionals (n=62) 27% 42% 16% 13% 2%
2011 All Plans (n=107) 21% 50% 24% 4% 2%
2014 All Plans (n=157) 21% 48% 24% 6% 1%

Return to Graph 5 - From time to time, OSFI develops guidance (which includes guides, guidelines and instructions) for federally regulated private pension plans. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: Consulting with the pension plan industry when developing guidance?