Graph 7 - Overall, how effective or ineffective do you think OSFI’s guidance is in: Supporting you in your role to ensure that your plan is in compliance with federal pension requirements

  Very effective Somewhat effective Neither Somewhat innefective Very ineffective
2014 DC Plans (n=114) 32% 44% 12% 7% 5%
2014 Combo/DB Plans (n=77) 27% 43% 21% 9%
2014 Professionals (n=64) 20% 56% 9% 13% 2%
2014 All Plans (n=191) 30% 43% 16% 8% 3%

Return to Graph 7 - Overall, how effective or ineffective do you think OSFI’s guidance is in: Supporting you in your role to ensure that your plan is in compliance with federal pension requirements.