Graph 13 - Thinking back over the past year, how would you rate OSFI with respect to: Providing an opportunity for your plan(s) to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion?

  Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
2014 DC Plans (n=74) 16% 47% 20% 12% 4%
2014 Combo/DB Plans (n=63) 40% 24% 22% 8% 6%
2014 Professionals (n=59) 36% 39% 19% 3% 3%
2011 All Plans (n=232) 22% 36% 27% 12% 3%
2014 All Plans (n=137) 27% 36% 21% 10% 5%

Return to Graph 13 - Thinking back over the past year, how would you rate OSFI with respect to: Providing an opportunity for your plan(s) to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion?