Graph 16 - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the timeliness with which OSFI processes application(s) for approval from your plan(s)?

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
2014 DC Plans (n=30) 33% 50% 10% 7%
2014 Combo/DB Plans (n=29) 21% 34% 10% 17% 17%
2014 Professionals (n=40) 15% 45% 10% 23% 8%
2011 All Plans (n=76) 28% 43% 11% 12% 7%
2014 All Plans (n=59) 27% 42% 10% 8% 12%

Return to Graph 16 - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the timeliness with which OSFI processes application(s) for approval from your plan(s)?