Graph 18 - Thinking about application(s) for a regulatory approval your pension plan submitted in the past 3 years, how would you rate OSFI with respect to: Responding to requests for updates on the status of applications submitted by your pension plan(s)?

  Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
2014 DC Plans (n=28) 32% 61% 7%
2014 Combo/DB Plans (n=28) 18% 43% 25% 7% 7%
2014 Professionals (n=35) 17% 46% 34% 3%
2014 All Plans (n=56) 25% 52% 16% 4% 4%

Return to Graph 18 - Thinking about application(s) for a regulatory approval your pension plan submitted in the past 3 years, how would you rate OSFI with respect to: Responding to requests for updates on the status of applications submitted by your pension plan(s)?