Graph 22 - Thinking about your interactions with OSFI staff on any pension supervisory or regulatory matter, overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: OSFI’s capacity to interact with you in the official language of your choice (i.e., English or French)?

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
2014 DC Plans (n=104) 58% 26% 13% 1% 2%
2014 Combo/DB Plans (n=70) 71% 16% 11% 1%
2014 Professionals (n=64) 69% 20% 11%
2011 All Plans (n=248) 67% 21% 9% 2% 1%
2014 All Plans (n=174) 63% 22% 13% 1% 1%

Return to Graph 22 - Thinking about your interactions with OSFI staff on any pension supervisory or regulatory matter, overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: OSFI’s capacity to interact with you in the official language of your choice (i.e., English or French)?