Graph 28 - How often do you typically visit the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website?

  More than once a month About once a month About once every 2 to 3 months Less than once every 3 months Not aware/Never
DC Plans (n=125) 3% 5% 10% 61% 22%
Combo/DB Plans (n=77) 8% 21% 22% 43% 6%
Professionals (n=68) 32% 21% 21% 25% 1%
2011 All Plans (n=277) 6% 9% 15% 39% 31%
2014 All Plans (n=202) 5% 11% 14% 54% 16%

Return to Graph 28 - How often do you typically visit the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website?