Corporate Focus

“Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?”

Question Strongly disagree (%) Somewhat disagree (%) Neither (%) Somewhat agree (%) Strongly agree (%) 2014 strongly agree (%) Mean 2016 Mean 2014
I understand OSFI’s mandate 1 1 2 15 82 85 4.77 4.83
I understand OSFI’s values 1 1 2 18 79 76 4.74 4.72
When appropriate, I actively offer assistance to colleagues outside my work unit* 0 1 2 21 76 -- 4.72 --
I understand the priorities for my sector/group 2 3 5 34 55 58 4.36 4.42
I obtain collaboration and cooperation from colleagues outside my work unit when I ask for it* 2 4 7 43 44 -- 4.22 --
Generally, OSFI’s values are demonstrated by the people who work at OSFI 3 9 5 43 40 42 4.07 4.16
Overall I would say that OSFI has a positive work environment 3 9 11 40 37 42 3.98** 4.14
OSFI is doing a good job of managing organizational change 9 23 16 35 16 18 3.25 3.39

*New question
**Significantly different from 2014
n = 599

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