Performance Management

“Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?”

Question Strongly disagree (%) Somewhat disagree (%) Neither (%) Somewhat agree (%) Strongly agree (%) 2014 strongly agree (%) Mean 2016 Mean 2014
I receive timely feedback from my immediate supervisor 3 7 8 25 57 55 4.25 4.21
I understand the performance criteria used to evaluate my job performance 3 6 7 30 53 52 4.24 4.26
I understand how my performance review is linked to my pay 6 8 8 31 47 50 4.06 4.18
I receive meaningful recognition for work well done 10 14 12 31 32 36 3.60* 3.76
Performance review process has been useful in helping me set objectives to improve my job performance 11 13 15 32 29 25 3.56 3.59
My immediate supervisor does a good job of addressing poor performance in the workplace 8 9 29 31 24 29 3.54 3.58
The volume and/or quality of my work DOES NOT suffer because of the poor performance of others 14 26 25 17 19 15 3.00 3.00

*Significantly different from 2014
n = 599

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