Career Development

“Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?”

Question Strongly disagree (%) Somewhat disagree (%) Neither (%) Somewhat agree (%) Strongly agree (%) 2014 strongly agree (%) Mean 2016 Mean 2014
I get the (internal or external) training I need to do my job 4 13 13 33 37 36 3.86 3.91
I am able to get on-the-job coaching to help me improve the way I do my work 5 12 18 35 31 30 3.76 3.74
OSFI makes the tools/resources available for me to take responsibility for my career development 7 11 19 37 26 28 3.65 3.64
The process of selecting a person for a position is done fairly at OSFI 14 17 19 25 25 25 3.31 3.40
There are enough opportunities for assignments and deployments at OSFI 21 27 21 22 10 15 2.75* 3.03

*Significantly different from 2014
n = 599

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