Work-Life Balance

“Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?”

Question Strongly disagree (%) Somewhat disagree (%) Neither (%) Somewhat agree (%) Strongly agree (%) 2014 strongly agree (%) Mean 2016 Mean 2014
My immediate supervisor supports my efforts to balance my work/family/personal life, and applies OSFI’s policies as needed 2 5 8 19 66 61 4.43 4.40
I have support from my immediate supervisor to participate in wellness initiatives and activities 1 2 17 18 62 57 4.36 4.29
If operational requirements allow it, my immediate supervisor supports the use of flexible work arrangements 5 7 6 22 61 58 4.26 4.26
OSFI provides appropriate resources to assist me in managing challenges in balancing my work, family and personal life 1 3 14 31 50 46 4.26 4.17
OSFI has good policies/practices to support balance between work/family/personal life 3 8 8 37 43 39 4.10 3.98
I DO NOT experience considerable tension on a regular basis in my work environment 8 19 17 25 31 27 3.51 3.53
I feel that the quality of my work DOES NOT suffer because of my workload 12 21 19 27 21 16 3.23* 2.90
I DO NOT frequently experience stress because my workload makes it difficult to achieve a healthy balance between my work and personal life 13 21 18 27 21 14 3.20* 2.87
I feel that the quality of my work DOES NOT suffer because of frequently changing priorities 12 26 21 21 20 18 3.13 3.04

*Significantly different from 2014
n = 599

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