Leadership: Senior Management

“Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? OSFI’s senior management team…”

Question Strongly disagree (%) Somewhat disagree (%) Neither (%) Somewhat agree (%) Strongly agree (%) 2014 strongly agree (%) Mean 2016 Mean 2014
Generally demonstrates OSFI’s values 4 8 14 39 36 45 3.94** 4.08
Treats employees with respect 5 7 14 38 36 45 3.94** 4.09
Strives for success of the entire organization rather than success of individuals or groups 6 11 21 32 30 34 3.68 3.76
I have trust and confidence in the Executive Committee of OSFI* 4 9 20 38 29 -- 3.78 --
Provides strong leadership 6 10 18 39 27 31 3.72 3.85
I have trust and confidence in the Senior Management Team of OSFI* 5 9 20 40 26 -- 3.72 --
Essential information flows effectively from OSFI's Executive Committee to staff* 5 12 18 39 26 -- 3.70 --
Has demonstrated a commitment to addressing issues raised in employee surveys 8 12 16 40 25 35 3.62** 3.86
Seeks the opinions and suggestions of others 7 14 21 37 21 30 3.50** 3.70
Provides clear and consistent direction 7 12 22 39 21 26 3.55 3.67
Empowers employees to make decisions and act on them 9 15 22 34 20 25 3.41** 3.60

*New question
**Significantly different from 2014
n = 599

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