2016 OSFI Employee Survey
Data Tables

Note: open-ended questions and responses are not included in the tables below. Most of the questions in the employee survey are phrased so that agreement corresponds with a positive outcome (e.g. I understand OSFI's mandate). In six questions the direction of statements is reversed, so that agreement signifies a negative outcome (e.g. I experience considerable tension on a regular basis in my work environment). These questions (Q19, Q66, Q67, Q68, Q74, and Q80) appeared in the survey as shown in the questionnaire. Results from these questions, however, are reversed in the report and flagged with (do not) in the statements (e.g. I do not experience considerable tension...), in order to more easily compare these findings with others in the same thematic area. Don’t know and not applicable responses were excluded from the analysis; percentages were recalculated in the report.

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.

Q1. I understand: OSFI's mandate.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 3 1
Somewhat Disagree 5 1
Neither Disagree nor Agree 9 2
Somewhat Agree 89 15
Strongly Agree 489 82
Don't know 0 0
Not applicable 4 1
Top 2 box 578 96

Q2. I understand: OSFI's values.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 3 1
Somewhat Disagree 4 1
Neither Disagree nor Agree 12 2
Somewhat Agree 109 18
Strongly Agree 471 79
Don't know 0 0
Not applicable 0 0
Top 2 box 580 97

Q3. I understand: The priorities for my sector/group.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 14 2
Somewhat Disagree 19 3
Neither Disagree nor Agree 32 5
Somewhat Agree 197 33
Strongly Agree 326 54
Don't know 7 1
Not applicable 4 1
Top 2 box 523 87

Q4. Generally, OSFI's values are demonstrated by the people who work at OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 18 3
Somewhat Disagree 54 9
Neither Disagree nor Agree 32 5
Somewhat Agree 255 43
Strongly Agree 235 39
Don't know 3 1
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 490 82

Q5. As an organization, OSFI is doing a good job of managing organizational change (e.g., changes in reporting structures, staffing levels, technology renewal).

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 54 9
Somewhat Disagree 135 23
Neither Disagree nor Agree 96 16
Somewhat Agree 206 34
Strongly Agree 92 15
Don't know 14 2
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 298 50

Q6A. I obtain collaboration and cooperation from colleagues outside my work unit when I ask for it.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 10 2
Somewhat Disagree 26 4
Neither Disagree nor Agree 43 7
Somewhat Agree 253 42
Strongly Agree 257 43
Don't know 3 1
Not applicable 7 1
Top 2 box 510 85

Q6B. When appropriate, I actively offer assistance to colleagues outside my work unit.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 1 0
Somewhat Disagree 3 1
Neither Disagree nor Agree 14 2
Somewhat Agree 122 20
Strongly Agree 450 75
Don't know 0 0
Not applicable 9 2
Top 2 box 572 95

Q7. Communication is effective: Within my team.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 21 4
Somewhat Disagree 52 9
Neither Disagree nor Agree 26 4
Somewhat Agree 171 29
Strongly Agree 326 54
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 497 83

Q8. Communication is effective: Between teams in my sector/group.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 24 4
Somewhat Disagree 97 16
Neither Disagree nor Agree 69 12
Somewhat Agree 265 44
Strongly Agree 130 22
Don't know 10 2
Not applicable 4 1
Top 2 box 395 66

Q10. I am kept informed about: Issues affecting my team.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 18 3
Somewhat Disagree 64 11
Neither Disagree nor Agree 32 5
Somewhat Agree 205 34
Strongly Agree 277 46
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 482 80

Q11. I am kept informed about: Issues affecting my sector/group.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 19 3
Somewhat Disagree 77 13
Neither Disagree nor Agree 63 11
Somewhat Agree 258 43
Strongly Agree 179 30
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 437 73

Q12. I am kept informed about: The future direction for OSFI (e.g. over the next one to three years).

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 26 4
Somewhat Disagree 83 14
Neither Disagree nor Agree 95 16
Somewhat Agree 241 40
Strongly Agree 144 24
Don't know 7 1
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 385 64

Q14. I receive timely feedback from my immediate supervisor.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 20 3
Somewhat Disagree 43 7
Neither Disagree nor Agree 45 8
Somewhat Agree 149 25
Strongly Agree 339 57
Don't know 1 0
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 488 81

Q15. I understand the performance criteria used to evaluate my job performance.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 19 3
Somewhat Disagree 38 6
Neither Disagree nor Agree 41 7
Somewhat Agree 180 30
Strongly Agree 317 53
Don't know 1 0
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 497 83

Q16. I understand how my performance review is linked to my pay.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 35 6
Somewhat Disagree 45 8
Neither Disagree nor Agree 49 8
Somewhat Agree 184 31
Strongly Agree 280 47
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 4 1
Top 2 box 464 77

Q17. The performance review process has been useful in helping me set objectives to improve my job performance.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 62 10
Somewhat Disagree 75 13
Neither Disagree nor Agree 90 15
Somewhat Agree 186 31
Strongly Agree 171 29
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 10 2
Top 2 box 357 60

Q18. I receive meaningful recognition for work well done.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 61 10
Somewhat Disagree 85 14
Neither Disagree nor Agree 73 12
Somewhat Agree 184 31
Strongly Agree 189 32
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 373 62

Q19. The volume and/or quality of my work suffers because of the poor performance of others.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 105 18
Somewhat Disagree 95 16
Neither Disagree nor Agree 139 23
Somewhat Agree 146 24
Strongly Agree 79 13
Don't know 11 2
Not applicable 24 4
Top 2 box 225 38

Q20. My immediate supervisor does a good job of addressing poor performance in the workplace.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 39 7
Somewhat Disagree 42 7
Neither Disagree nor Agree 139 23
Somewhat Agree 150 25
Strongly Agree 117 20
Don't know 66 11
Not applicable 46 8
Top 2 box 267 45

Q21. I get the (internal or external) training I need to do my job.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 25 4
Somewhat Disagree 76 13
Neither Disagree nor Agree 75 13
Somewhat Agree 192 32
Strongly Agree 219 37
Don't know 1 0
Not applicable 11 2
Top 2 box 411 69

Q22. I am able to get on-the-job coaching to help me improve the way I do my work.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 26 4
Somewhat Disagree 67 11
Neither Disagree nor Agree 101 17
Somewhat Agree 204 34
Strongly Agree 177 30
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 19 3
Top 2 box 381 64

Q23. OSFI makes tools and resources available for me to take responsibility for my career development.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 40 7
Somewhat Disagree 63 11
Neither Disagree nor Agree 108 18
Somewhat Agree 214 36
Strongly Agree 150 25
Don't know 7 1
Not applicable 17 3
Top 2 box 364 61

Q24. There are enough opportunities for assignments and deployments at OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 109 18
Somewhat Disagree 141 24
Neither Disagree nor Agree 110 18
Somewhat Agree 118 20
Strongly Agree 53 9
Don't know 53 9
Not applicable 15 3
Top 2 box 171 29

Q25. The process of selecting a person for a position is done fairly at OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 72 12
Somewhat Disagree 88 15
Neither Disagree nor Agree 99 17
Somewhat Agree 131 22
Strongly Agree 131 22
Don't know 74 12
Not applicable 4 1
Top 2 box 262 44

Q28. My immediate supervisor generally: Has the right people skills to lead me.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 41 7
Somewhat Disagree 44 7
Neither Disagree nor Agree 44 7
Somewhat Agree 141 24
Strongly Agree 322 54
Don't know 4 1
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 463 77

Q29. My immediate supervisor generally: Has the right technical skills to lead me.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 22 4
Somewhat Disagree 46 8
Neither Disagree nor Agree 41 7
Somewhat Agree 149 25
Strongly Agree 331 55
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 5 1
Top 2 box 480 80

Q30. My immediate supervisor generally: Seeks the opinions and suggestions of his/her employees.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 25 4
Somewhat Disagree 23 4
Neither Disagree nor Agree 34 6
Somewhat Agree 161 27
Strongly Agree 349 58
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 510 85

Q31. My immediate supervisor generally: Acts on the suggestions of his/her employees.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 25 4
Somewhat Disagree 31 5
Neither Disagree nor Agree 44 7
Somewhat Agree 192 32
Strongly Agree 290 48
Don't know 14 2
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 482 80

Q32. My immediate supervisor generally: Explains reasons behind decisions to his/her employees.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 23 4
Somewhat Disagree 40 7
Neither Disagree nor Agree 51 9
Somewhat Agree 166 28
Strongly Agree 312 52
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 478 80

Q33. My immediate supervisor generally: Gives his/her employees the latitude to make decisions and act on them.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 26 4
Somewhat Disagree 38 6
Neither Disagree nor Agree 39 7
Somewhat Agree 169 28
Strongly Agree 322 54
Don't know 3 1
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 491 82

Q34. My immediate supervisor generally: Encourages collaboration within his/her team.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 14 2
Somewhat Disagree 24 4
Neither Disagree nor Agree 50 8
Somewhat Agree 130 22
Strongly Agree 371 62
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 5 1
Top 2 box 501 84

Q35. My immediate supervisor generally: Encourages collaboration between teams at OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 20 3
Somewhat Disagree 22 4
Neither Disagree nor Agree 63 11
Somewhat Agree 146 24
Strongly Agree 324 54
Don't know 15 3
Not applicable 9 2
Top 2 box 470 78

Q36. My immediate supervisor generally: Treats me with respect.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 24 4
Somewhat Disagree 23 4
Neither Disagree nor Agree 31 5
Somewhat Agree 98 16
Strongly Agree 418 70
Don't know 1 0
Not applicable 4 1
Top 2 box 516 86

Q37. In general, I feel free to voice my opinion or suggestions about issues/tasks I am working on to my immediate supervisor.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 18 3
Somewhat Disagree 34 6
Neither Disagree nor Agree 24 4
Somewhat Agree 118 20
Strongly Agree 402 67
Don't know 0 0
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 520 87

Q38. I am confident approaching my immediate supervisor with concerns without fear of reprisal.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 25 4
Somewhat Disagree 36 6
Neither Disagree nor Agree 38 6
Somewhat Agree 113 19
Strongly Agree 382 64
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 495 83

Q40. I have trust and confidence in the Executive Committee of OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 24 4
Somewhat Disagree 50 8
Neither Disagree nor Agree 116 19
Somewhat Agree 214 36
Strongly Agree 164 27
Don't know 22 4
Not applicable 9 2
Top 2 box 378 63

Q41. I have trust and confidence in the Senior Management Team of OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 31 5
Somewhat Disagree 53 9
Neither Disagree nor Agree 114 19
Somewhat Agree 230 38
Strongly Agree 149 25
Don't know 15 3
Not applicable 7 1
Top 2 box 379 63

Q42. Essential information flows effectively from OSFI's Executive Committee to staff.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 28 5
Somewhat Disagree 65 11
Neither Disagree nor Agree 103 17
Somewhat Agree 223 37
Strongly Agree 146 24
Don't know 28 5
Not applicable 6 1
Top 2 box 369 62

Q43. OSFI's Senior Management Team: Provides strong leadership.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 34 6
Somewhat Disagree 56 9
Neither Disagree nor Agree 106 18
Somewhat Agree 227 38
Strongly Agree 156 26
Don't know 18 3
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 383 64

Q44. OSFI's Senior Management Team: Provides clear and consistent direction.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 38 6
Somewhat Disagree 68 11
Neither Disagree nor Agree 124 21
Somewhat Agree 226 38
Strongly Agree 118 20
Don't know 22 4
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 344 57

Q45. OSFI's Senior Management Team: Seeks the opinions and suggestions of others.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 38 6
Somewhat Disagree 75 13
Neither Disagree nor Agree 114 19
Somewhat Agree 195 33
Strongly Agree 111 19
Don't know 62 10
Not applicable 4 1
Top 2 box 306 51

Q46. OSFI's Senior Management Team: Empowers employees to make decisions and act on them.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 47 8
Somewhat Disagree 80 13
Neither Disagree nor Agree 120 20
Somewhat Agree 183 31
Strongly Agree 106 18
Don't know 60 10
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 289 48

Q47. OSFI's Senior Management Team: Strives for the success of the entire organization rather than the success of individuals or groups.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 34 6
Somewhat Disagree 58 10
Neither Disagree nor Agree 115 19
Somewhat Agree 171 29
Strongly Agree 159 27
Don't know 60 10
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 330 55

Q48. OSFI's Senior Management Team: Treats employees with respect.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 28 5
Somewhat Disagree 41 7
Neither Disagree nor Agree 79 13
Somewhat Agree 214 36
Strongly Agree 208 35
Don't know 27 5
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 422 70

Q49. OSFI's Senior Management Team: Generally demonstrates OSFI's values.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 22 4
Somewhat Disagree 45 8
Neither Disagree nor Agree 79 13
Somewhat Agree 219 37
Strongly Agree 202 34
Don't know 30 5
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 421 70

Q50A. Do you currently have any employees who report to you directly (i.e., direct reports)?

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Yes 180 30
No 338 56
Prefer not to say 81 14

Q50B. I receive the support I need to address unsatisfactory performance issues.

Count Percent (%)
Total 180 100
Strongly Disagree 5 3
Somewhat Disagree 16 9
Neither Disagree nor Agree 22 12
Somewhat Agree 57 32
Strongly Agree 58 32
Don't know 3 2
Not applicable 19 11
Top 2 box 115 64

Q52. I understand my obligations at OSFI with respect to the Official Languages Act, as it applies to dealing with both OSFI employees and with external stakeholders.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 4 1
Somewhat Disagree 9 2
Neither Disagree nor Agree 36 6
Somewhat Agree 187 31
Strongly Agree 347 58
Don't know 7 1
Not applicable 9 2
Top 2 box 534 89

Q53. OSFI's Senior Management Team demonstrates support for OSFI's obligations with respect to the Official Languages Act.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 10 2
Somewhat Disagree 31 5
Neither Disagree nor Agree 67 11
Somewhat Agree 162 27
Strongly Agree 267 45
Don't know 54 9
Not applicable 8 1
Top 2 box 429 72

Q54. When I prepare written material for internal purposes, including electronic mail, I feel free to use the official language of my choice.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 18 3
Somewhat Disagree 25 4
Neither Disagree nor Agree 35 6
Somewhat Agree 79 13
Strongly Agree 402 67
Don't know 4 1
Not applicable 36 6
Top 2 box 481 80

Q55. During meetings with my team I feel free to use the official language of my choice.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 20 3
Somewhat Disagree 17 3
Neither Disagree nor Agree 30 5
Somewhat Agree 67 11
Strongly Agree 426 71
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 37 6
Top 2 box 493 82

Q56. When I communicate with my immediate supervisor I feel free to use the official language of my choice.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 13 2
Somewhat Disagree 3 1
Neither Disagree nor Agree 17 3
Somewhat Agree 53 9
Strongly Agree 474 79
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 37 6
Top 2 box 527 88

Q57. The training offered by OSFI is available to me in the official language of my choice.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 10 2
Somewhat Disagree 13 2
Neither Disagree nor Agree 22 4
Somewhat Agree 65 11
Strongly Agree 446 74
Don't know 16 3
Not applicable 27 5
Top 2 box 511 85

Q58. OSFI implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 9 2
Somewhat Disagree 25 4
Neither Disagree nor Agree 63 11
Somewhat Agree 140 23
Strongly Agree 308 51
Don't know 47 8
Not applicable 7 1
Top 2 box 448 75

Q59. I think that OSFI respects individual differences.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 10 2
Somewhat Disagree 21 4
Neither Disagree nor Agree 62 10
Somewhat Agree 168 28
Strongly Agree 317 53
Don't know 18 3
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 485 81

Q61. OSFI has good policies and practices to support balance between work, family and personal life.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 15 3
Somewhat Disagree 49 8
Neither Disagree nor Agree 49 8
Somewhat Agree 216 36
Strongly Agree 253 42
Don't know 14 2
Not applicable 3 1
Top 2 box 469 78

Q62. My immediate supervisor supports my efforts to balance my work, family and personal life, and applies OSFI's policies as needed.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 11 2
Somewhat Disagree 31 5
Neither Disagree nor Agree 45 8
Somewhat Agree 113 19
Strongly Agree 393 66
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 4 1
Top 2 box 506 84

Q63. If operational requirements allow it, my immediate supervisor supports the use of flexible work arrangements (e.g., flexible hours, compressed work weeks, telework).

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 29 5
Somewhat Disagree 37 6
Neither Disagree nor Agree 32 5
Somewhat Agree 120 20
Strongly Agree 337 56
Don't know 27 5
Not applicable 17 3
Top 2 box 457 76

Q64. OSFI provides appropriate resources (e.g. Employee Assistance Program and wellness initiatives) to assist me in managing challenges in balancing my work, family and personal life.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 5 1
Somewhat Disagree 18 3
Neither Disagree nor Agree 74 12
Somewhat Agree 160 27
Strongly Agree 259 43
Don't know 58 10
Not applicable 25 4
Top 2 box 419 70

Q65. I have support from my immediate supervisor to participate in wellness initiatives and activities.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 7 1
Somewhat Disagree 11 2
Neither Disagree nor Agree 81 14
Somewhat Agree 85 14
Strongly Agree 300 50
Don't know 75 13
Not applicable 40 7
Top 2 box 385 64

Q66. I frequently experience stress because my workload makes it difficult to achieve a healthy balance between my work and personal life.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 120 20
Somewhat Disagree 154 26
Neither Disagree nor Agree 107 18
Somewhat Agree 122 20
Strongly Agree 78 13
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 13 2
Top 2 box 200 33

Q67. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of my workload.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 124 21
Somewhat Disagree 156 26
Neither Disagree nor Agree 112 19
Somewhat Agree 123 21
Strongly Agree 72 12
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 7 1
Top 2 box 195 33

Q68. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of frequently changing priorities.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 117 20
Somewhat Disagree 124 21
Neither Disagree nor Agree 123 21
Somewhat Agree 150 25
Strongly Agree 67 11
Don't know 5 1
Not applicable 13 2
Top 2 box 217 36

Q69. How many hours do you work in an average week?

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Prefer not to say 107 18
<35 14 2
35-40 163 27
40-45 169 28
45+ 147 25

Q70. I am considered a:

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Part-time employee 8 1
Full-time employee 565 94
Prefer not to say 26 4

Q72. I am proud to work for OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 6 1
Somewhat Disagree 12 2
Neither Disagree nor Agree 41 7
Somewhat Agree 135 23
Strongly Agree 400 67
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 535 90

Q73. I have positive working relationships with my co-workers.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 1 0
Somewhat Disagree 4 1
Neither Disagree nor Agree 17 3
Somewhat Agree 155 26
Strongly Agree 419 70
Don't know 0 0
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 574 96

Q74. I experience considerable tension on a regular basis in my work environment.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 180 30
Somewhat Disagree 149 25
Neither Disagree nor Agree 99 17
Somewhat Agree 113 19
Strongly Agree 47 8
Don't know 2 0
Not applicable 7 1
Top 2 box 160 27

Q75. I would recommend OSFI to others as a good place to work.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 14 2
Somewhat Disagree 28 5
Neither Disagree nor Agree 76 13
Somewhat Agree 175 29
Strongly Agree 296 50
Don't know 7 1
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 471 79

Q76. My abilities, knowledge and experience are used effectively by OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 35 6
Somewhat Disagree 73 12
Neither Disagree nor Agree 44 7
Somewhat Agree 225 38
Strongly Agree 215 36
Don't know 3 1
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 440 74

Q77. I feel that I am a valued member of OSFI.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 27 5
Somewhat Disagree 60 10
Neither Disagree nor Agree 83 14
Somewhat Agree 204 34
Strongly Agree 219 37
Don't know 3 1
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 423 71

Q78. I find the work I do at OSFI is meaningful.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 10 2
Somewhat Disagree 19 3
Neither Disagree nor Agree 47 8
Somewhat Agree 225 38
Strongly Agree 295 49
Don't know 0 0
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 520 87

Q79. All things considered, I am satisfied with my current job.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 22 4
Somewhat Disagree 58 10
Neither Disagree nor Agree 63 11
Somewhat Agree 215 36
Strongly Agree 238 40
Don't know 0 0
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 453 76

Q80. I have intentions of looking for a job outside of OSFI within the next 12 months.

Count Percent (%)
Total 597 100
Strongly Disagree 208 35
Somewhat Disagree 87 15
Neither Disagree nor Agree 109 18
Somewhat Agree 54 9
Strongly Agree 71 12
Don't know 51 9
Not applicable 17 3
Top 2 box 125 21

Q82. Overall, I would say that OSFI has a positive work environment.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 19 3
Somewhat Disagree 55 9
Neither Disagree nor Agree 64 11
Somewhat Agree 240 40
Strongly Agree 219 37
Don't know 1 0
Not applicable 1 0
Top 2 box 459 77

Q83. OSFI's Senior Management Team has demonstrated a commitment to addressing issues raised in employee surveys.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Strongly Disagree 40 7
Somewhat Disagree 64 11
Neither Disagree nor Agree 86 14
Somewhat Agree 211 35
Strongly Agree 132 22
Don't know 64 11
Not applicable 2 0
Top 2 box 343 57

Q87. How long have you worked at OSFI?

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Less than 2 years 63 11
Between 2 to 15 years 405 68
More than 15 years 74 12
Prefer not to say 57 10

Q88. Are you:

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
RE 414 69
REX 105 18
Prefer not to say 80 13

Q93. To assist with OSFI's Official Languages plans, please indicate your official language of choice.

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
English 471 79
French 74 12
Prefer not to say 54 9

Q89. Are you:

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Male 251 42
Female 221 37
Prefer not to say 127 21

Q90. Are you a member of a visible minority?

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Yes 117 20
No 352 59
Prefer not to say 130 22

Q91. Are you an Aboriginal person?

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Yes 6 1
No 488 81
Prefer not to say 105 18

Q92. Are you a person with a disability?

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Yes 13 2
No 478 80
Prefer not to say 108 18

Q85A. What is your sector/group?

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Superintendent's Office and Internal Audit 13 2
Supervision Support Group 95 16
Insurance Supervision Sector 52 9
Deposit-taking Supervision Sector 69 12
Regulation 122 20
Corporate Services 153 26
Vancouver Office 10 2
Montreal Office 16 3
Office of the Chief Actuary 28 5
Prefer not to say 41 7

Q85B. To which work unit did you belong for the longest period of 2015?

  Count Percent (%)
Total 518 100
204 Chief Information Officer / 206 Enterprise Architecture and Planning / 208 Client Portfolio Management / 219 Information Technology Security 16 3
209 Procurement, Contracting and Asset Management / 210 Managing Director, Finance and Corporate Planning / 211 Finance / 270 Regulatory Data Management (RDM) Division 31 6
212 Infrastructure and Technology Services Division 16 3
214 Enterprise Information Management 10 2
217 Application Management 22 4
230 Managing Director Human Resources and Administration / 250 Human Resources Operations 13 3
232 Security / 252 Administration 9 2
251 Corporate Human Resources 11 2
311 Approvals and Precedents 25 5
312 Legislation and Policy Initiatives / 320 Senior Director Legislation and Approvals Division 9 2
315 Communications and Consultations Division 15 3
330 Capital Banking 12 2
331 Capital Insurance 12 2
411 Life Insurance Division 13 3
413 Deposit-taking Group 35 7
414 Property and Casualty Insurance Group / 416 Property and Casualty Insurance Group, Senior Director / 417 Mortgage Insurance Group 28 5
442 GWL Team / 443 MFC Team / 444 SL Team 7 1
455 CIBC Team / 456 RBC Team / 457 BMO Team / 458 TD Team / 459 BNS Team / 465 Recovery and Resolution Planning / 466 Central Team 27 5
475 Private Pension Plans Division 19 4
480 Supervision Support Group / 487 Supervision Support Office / 600 Supervisory Practices Division 5 1
482 Credit Risk Division 19 4
486 Risk Measurement and Analytics Assessment Services (RMAAS) 17 3
490 Risks, Surveillance, and Analytics Division / 491 Corporate Governance 9 2
503 Actuarial Division 23 4
504 AML and Compliance Division 9 2
505 Accounting Policy / 316 Research Division 12 2
507 Operational Risk Division 7 1
508 Capital Markets Risk Assessment Services 7 1
700 Chief Actuary / 710 Social Insurance Programs 10 2
720 Public Pensions 9 2

Q86. In which city do you work?

Count Percent (%)
Total 599 100
Montreal 16 3
Ottawa 261 44
Toronto 271 45
Vancouver 10 2
Prefer not to say 41 7