OSFI Employee Survey (ES) 2017
Data Tables

Note: The open-ended responses are not included in the tables below. Most of the questions in the employee survey are phrased so that agreement corresponds with a positive outcome (e.g. I understand OSFI's mandate). In five questions the direction of statements is reversed, so that agreement signifies a negative outcome (e.g. I experience considerable tension on a regular basis in my work environment). These questions (Q53, Q54, Q55, Q62, and Q73) appeared in the survey as shown in the questionnaire. Results from these questions, however, are reversed in the report and flagged with (do not) in the statements (e.g. I do not experience considerable tension...), in order to more easily compare these findings with others in the same thematic area. Don’t know and not applicable responses were excluded from the analysis; percentages were recalculated in the report.

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.

Q1: I understand: OSFI's mandate

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 84 500
Somewhat Agree 14 82
Neither Disagree nor Agree 1 8
Somewhat Disagree 0 2
Strongly Disagree 1 4


Q2: I understand: OSFI’s values

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 83 496
Somewhat Agree 14 82
Neither Disagree nor Agree 1 6
Somewhat Disagree 1 5
Strongly Disagree 1 7


Q3: I understand: The priorities for my Sector/group.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 51 289
Somewhat Agree 37 210
Neither Disagree nor Agree 7 39
Somewhat Disagree 4 25
Strongly Disagree 2 9


Q4: As an organization, OSFI is doing a good job of managing organizational change (e.g., changes in reporting structures, staffing levels, technology renewal)

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 13 77
Somewhat Agree 43 245
Neither Disagree nor Agree 15 84
Somewhat Disagree 19 106
Strongly Disagree 10 60


Q5: Generally, OSFI values are demonstrated by the people who work at OSFI.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 39 232
Somewhat Agree 39 231
Neither Disagree nor Agree 9 55
Somewhat Disagree 10 58
Strongly Disagree 3 17


Q6: Communication is effective: Within my team (i.e., my immediate work unit).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 56 331
Somewhat Agree 29 173
Neither Disagree nor Agree 5 27
Somewhat Disagree 8 45
Strongly Disagree 3 18


Q7: Communication is effective: Between teams within my Sector/group.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 21 123
Somewhat Agree 42 245
Neither Disagree nor Agree 13 75
Somewhat Disagree 18 105
Strongly Disagree 6 36


Q8: I am kept informed about: Issues affecting my team.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 53 313
Somewhat Agree 32 192
Neither Disagree nor Agree 5 29
Somewhat Disagree 8 45
Strongly Disagree 3 16


Q9: I am kept informed about: Issues affecting my Sector/group.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 30 179
Somewhat Agree 44 262
Neither Disagree nor Agree 10 61
Somewhat Disagree 12 70
Strongly Disagree 4 24


Q10: I am kept informed about: The future direction for OSFI (e.g. over the next one to three years).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 20 117
Somewhat Agree 39 228
Neither Disagree nor Agree 20 115
Somewhat Disagree 16 95
Strongly Disagree 5 32


Q11: Essential information flows effectively from OSFI's Executive Committee to staff.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 19 106
Somewhat Agree 42 239
Neither Disagree nor Agree 17 94
Somewhat Disagree 15 87
Strongly Disagree 7 39


Q12: I understand my obligations at OSFI with respect to the Official Languages Act, as it applies to dealing with both OSFI employees and with external stakeholders.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 61 358
Somewhat Agree 32 189
Neither Disagree nor Agree 4 23
Somewhat Disagree 2 13
Strongly Disagree 0 1


Q13: OSFI's Senior Management Team demonstrates support for OSFI's obligations with respect to the Official Languages Act.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 52 289
Somewhat Agree 29 163
Neither Disagree nor Agree 11 59
Somewhat Disagree 5 30
Strongly Disagree 2 12


Q14: When I prepare written material for internal purposes, including electronic mail, I feel free to use the official language (English or French) of my choice.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 75 423
Somewhat Agree 12 66
Neither Disagree nor Agree 5 30
Somewhat Disagree 5 28
Strongly Disagree 4 20


Q15: During meetings with my team I feel free to use the official language of my choice (English or French).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 79 431
Somewhat Agree 10 52
Neither Disagree nor Agree 4 23
Somewhat Disagree 4 22
Strongly Disagree 3 18


Q16: When I communicate with my immediate supervisor I feel free to use the official language of my choice (English or French).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 87 479
Somewhat Agree 5 30
Neither Disagree nor Agree 3 19
Somewhat Disagree 2 10
Strongly Disagree 2 12


Q17: My immediate supervisor: Has the right leadership competencies to lead me.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 59 351
Somewhat Agree 23 140
Neither Disagree nor Agree 5 32
Somewhat Disagree 7 44
Strongly Disagree 5 29


Q18: My immediate supervisor: Seeks the opinions and suggestions of his/her employees.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 65 385
Somewhat Agree 23 134
Neither Disagree nor Agree 4 23
Somewhat Disagree 6 33
Strongly Disagree 3 19


Q19: My immediate supervisor: Acts on the suggestions of his/her employees.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 59 346
Somewhat Agree 24 141
Neither Disagree nor Agree 7 44
Somewhat Disagree 7 41
Strongly Disagree 3 17


Q20: My immediate supervisor: Explains reasons behind decisions to his/her employees.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 60 354
Somewhat Agree 25 149
Neither Disagree nor Agree 7 42
Somewhat Disagree 5 31
Strongly Disagree 3 18


Q21: My immediate supervisor: Gives his/her employees the latitude to make decisions and act on them.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 61 362
Somewhat Agree 25 150
Neither Disagree nor Agree 5 31
Somewhat Disagree 5 32
Strongly Disagree 3 19


Q22: My immediate supervisor: Encourages collaboration within his/her team.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 67 395
Somewhat Agree 20 118
Neither Disagree nor Agree 7 42
Somewhat Disagree 4 26
Strongly Disagree 2 12


Q23: My immediate supervisor: Encourages collaboration between teams at OSFI.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 61 348
Somewhat Agree 22 125
Neither Disagree nor Agree 11 63
Somewhat Disagree 4 24
Strongly Disagree 2 14


Q24: My immediate supervisor: Treats me with respect.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 74 440
Somewhat Agree 17 99
Neither Disagree nor Agree 4 24
Somewhat Disagree 2 13
Strongly Disagree 3 19


Q25: My immediate supervisor: Creates an environment where I feel free to discuss matters that affect my well-being at work.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 65 384
Somewhat Agree 20 116
Neither Disagree nor Agree 5 31
Somewhat Disagree 5 30
Strongly Disagree 5 28


Q26: I am confident approaching my immediate supervisor with concerns without fear of reprisal.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 62 363
Somewhat Agree 17 102
Neither Disagree nor Agree 6 37
Somewhat Disagree 7 42
Strongly Disagree 8 46


Q27: OSFI's senior management team: Provides strong leadership.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 29 167
Somewhat Agree 42 245
Neither Disagree nor Agree 11 62
Somewhat Disagree 11 64
Strongly Disagree 7 41


Q28: OSFI's senior management team: Provides clear and consistent direction.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 22 130
Somewhat Agree 41 235
Neither Disagree nor Agree 15 86
Somewhat Disagree 15 89
Strongly Disagree 7 38


Q29: OSFI's senior management team: Seeks the opinions and suggestions of others.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 25 136
Somewhat Agree 38 211
Neither Disagree nor Agree 16 87
Somewhat Disagree 14 78
Strongly Disagree 7 40


Q30: OSFI's senior management team: Empowers employees to make decisions and act on them.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 23 129
Somewhat Agree 37 206
Neither Disagree nor Agree 20 108
Somewhat Disagree 13 71
Strongly Disagree 7 38


Q31: OSFI's senior management team: Strives for the success of the entire organization rather than the success of individuals or groups.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 32 174
Somewhat Agree 32 174
Neither Disagree nor Agree 17 91
Somewhat Disagree 12 65
Strongly Disagree 7 39


Q32: OSFI's senior management team: Treats employees with respect.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 42 246
Somewhat Agree 34 200
Neither Disagree nor Agree 12 72
Somewhat Disagree 7 42
Strongly Disagree 3 20


Q33: The actions taken as a result of the Employee Survey have had an impact on the work environment.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 15 71
Somewhat Agree 40 191
Neither Disagree nor Agree 23 109
Somewhat Disagree 14 66
Strongly Disagree 9 45


Q34: I have confidence in the Senior Management Team to lead OSFI.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 39 228
Somewhat Agree 37 218
Neither Disagree nor Agree 11 64
Somewhat Disagree 9 53
Strongly Disagree 4 24


Q35: I have confidence in the Executive Committee to lead OSFI.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 41 233
Somewhat Agree 37 211
Neither Disagree nor Agree 11 62
Somewhat Disagree 8 48
Strongly Disagree 3 18


Q36: I receive timely feedback from my immediate supervisor.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 56 331
Somewhat Agree 28 166
Neither Disagree nor Agree 7 41
Somewhat Disagree 6 33
Strongly Disagree 4 23


Q37: I understand the performance criteria used to evaluate my job performance.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 55 325
Somewhat Agree 28 164
Neither Disagree nor Agree 8 46
Somewhat Disagree 6 37
Strongly Disagree 3 18


Q38: I understand how my performance review is linked to my pay.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 54 321
Somewhat Agree 25 149
Neither Disagree nor Agree 8 47
Somewhat Disagree 8 49
Strongly Disagree 4 25


Q39: The performance review process has been useful in helping me set objectives to improve my job performance.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 34 195
Somewhat Agree 31 178
Neither Disagree nor Agree 14 81
Somewhat Disagree 13 72
Strongly Disagree 8 47


Q40: The volume and/or quality of my work DOES NOT suffer because of the poor performance of others

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 20 112
Somewhat Agree 20 115
Neither Disagree nor Agree 24 136
Somewhat Disagree 25 139
Strongly Disagree 11 59


Q41: My immediate supervisor does a good job of addressing poor performance in the workplace.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 27 131
Somewhat Agree 31 146
Neither Disagree nor Agree 24 114
Somewhat Disagree 12 57
Strongly Disagree 6 30


Q42: Do you currently have any employees who report to you directly (i.e., direct reports)?

Percent (%) Count
Yes 31 186
No 60 357
Prefer not to say 9 53


Q42B: I receive the support I need to address unsatisfactory performance issues.

Percent (%) Count
Yes 64 119
No 13 25
N/A 23 42


Q43: I get the (internal or external) training I need to do my job.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 43 250
Somewhat Agree 35 204
Neither Disagree nor Agree 10 57
Somewhat Disagree 10 56
Strongly Disagree 2 14


Q44: The training offered by OSFI is available to me in the official language of my choice (English or French).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 82 455
Somewhat Agree 12 64
Neither Disagree nor Agree 4 24
Somewhat Disagree 1 6
Strongly Disagree 1 6


Q45: I get the coaching I need to do my job well.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 38 221
Somewhat Agree 34 200
Neither Disagree nor Agree 14 81
Somewhat Disagree 10 61
Strongly Disagree 4 22


Q46: OSFI makes tools and resources available for me to take responsibility for my career development.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 34 198
Somewhat Agree 35 202
Neither Disagree nor Agree 14 82
Somewhat Disagree 12 70
Strongly Disagree 5 28


Q47: In the past year I have had an opportunity to expand my skill set/knowledge (e.g. through a new project, assignment or initiative; training etc.).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 50 287
Somewhat Agree 29 166
Neither Disagree nor Agree 9 52
Somewhat Disagree 6 37
Strongly Disagree 5 29


Q48: The process of selecting a person for a position is done fairly at OSFI.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 27 141
Somewhat Agree 27 141
Neither Disagree nor Agree 15 78
Somewhat Disagree 18 93
Strongly Disagree 13 68


Q49: OSFI has good policies and practices to support balance between work, family and personal life.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 48 283
Somewhat Agree 38 225
Neither Disagree nor Agree 6 38
Somewhat Disagree 4 25
Strongly Disagree 3 20


Q50: My immediate supervisor supports my efforts to balance my work, family and personal life, and applies OSFI's policies as needed.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 69 405
Somewhat Agree 22 132
Neither Disagree nor Agree 4 23
Somewhat Disagree 2 13
Strongly Disagree 3 18


Q51: If operational requirements allow it, my immediate supervisor supports the use of flexible work arrangements (e.g., flexible hours, compressed work weeks, working from home).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 68 387
Somewhat Agree 22 127
Neither Disagree nor Agree 5 27
Somewhat Disagree 2 13
Strongly Disagree 3 18


Q52: OSFI provides appropriate resources (e.g. Employee Assistance Program and wellness initiatives) to assist me in managing challenges in balancing my work, family and personal life.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 50 250
Somewhat Agree 32 158
Neither Disagree nor Agree 11 57
Somewhat Disagree 5 27
Strongly Disagree 2 9


Q53: I DO NOT frequently experience stress because my workload makes it difficult to achieve a healthy balance between my work and personal life

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 23 135
Somewhat Agree 21 120
Neither Disagree nor Agree 18 106
Somewhat Disagree 22 125
Strongly Disagree 16 94


Q54: I DO NOT feel that the quality of my work suffers because of my workload

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 23 135
Somewhat Agree 24 138
Neither Disagree nor Agree 15 89
Somewhat Disagree 23 134
Strongly Disagree 15 88


Q55: I DO NOT feel that the quality of my work suffers because of frequently changing priorities

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 20 119
Somewhat Agree 23 135
Neither Disagree nor Agree 19 113
Somewhat Disagree 24 138
Strongly Disagree 13 76


Q56: How many hours do you work in an average week? Please respond based on your experience with the work unit that you have been with since July 1, 2017.

Percent (%) Count
Less than 40 Hours 31 185
40 - 48 Hours 44 263
More than 48 hours 10 61
No Response 15 87


Q57: I am considered a:

Percent (%) Count
Part-time employee 1 5
Full-time employee 97 576
Prefer not to say 3 15


Q58: OSFI implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 55 300
Somewhat Agree 29 158
Neither Disagree nor Agree 11 63
Somewhat Disagree 3 19
Strongly Disagree 2 10


Q59: I think that OSFI has a culture that respects individual differences.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 55 314
Somewhat Agree 29 164
Neither Disagree nor Agree 8 48
Somewhat Disagree 5 27
Strongly Disagree 3 17


Q60: OSFI does a good job of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 22 115
Somewhat Agree 29 147
Neither Disagree nor Agree 23 117
Somewhat Disagree 19 96
Strongly Disagree 8 40


Q61: I have positive working relationships with my co-workers.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 73 433
Somewhat Agree 24 141
Neither Disagree nor Agree 2 14
Somewhat Disagree 1 6
Strongly Disagree 0 1


Q62: I DO NOT experience considerable tension on a regular basis in my work environment

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 40 236
Somewhat Agree 28 167
Neither Disagree nor Agree 10 60
Somewhat Disagree 14 80
Strongly Disagree 8 47


Q63: I believe my work unit has a safe work environment (i.e. where I can respectfully raise issues and express opinions, even if they differ from others).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 52 309
Somewhat Agree 28 169
Neither Disagree nor Agree 7 44
Somewhat Disagree 8 49
Strongly Disagree 4 23


Q64: Having carefully read the definition of discrimination, have you been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past year?

Percent (%) Count
Yes 5 31
No 95 565


Q64: Having carefully read the definition of discrimination, have you been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past year?

Percent (%) Count
Co-workers 16 5
My immediate supervisor 29 9
Senior management 61 19
My direct reports 0 0
Individuals from other departments or agencies 16 5
Individuals from the institutions that we regulate 0 0
Other 16 5

Q65: I believe senior management is engaged with OSFI staff (i.e. participate in staff activities; interact informally with staff).

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 27 157
Somewhat Agree 43 246
Neither Disagree nor Agree 11 62
Somewhat Disagree 14 82
Strongly Disagree 5 30


Q66: In the past year I received recognition for work well done, either from a manager or a colleague.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 49 281
Somewhat Agree 31 175
Neither Disagree nor Agree 9 50
Somewhat Disagree 8 43
Strongly Disagree 4 21


Q67: Overall, I would say that OSFI has a positive work environment.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 42 252
Somewhat Agree 35 209
Neither Disagree nor Agree 12 69
Somewhat Disagree 9 51
Strongly Disagree 2 14


Q68: I feel that I am a valued member of OSFI.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 40 238
Somewhat Agree 34 200
Neither Disagree nor Agree 13 77
Somewhat Disagree 8 47
Strongly Disagree 5 29


Q69: I find the work I do at OSFI is meaningful.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 59 351
Somewhat Agree 30 176
Neither Disagree nor Agree 6 33
Somewhat Disagree 4 22
Strongly Disagree 2 11


Q70: I am proud to work for OSFI.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 63 373
Somewhat Agree 23 138
Neither Disagree nor Agree 10 58
Somewhat Disagree 3 17
Strongly Disagree 1 7


Q71: I would recommend OSFI to others as a good place to work.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 51 303
Somewhat Agree 28 164
Neither Disagree nor Agree 12 68
Somewhat Disagree 6 34
Strongly Disagree 3 20


Q72: All things considered, I am satisfied with my current job.

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 45 267
Somewhat Agree 31 184
Neither Disagree nor Agree 13 78
Somewhat Disagree 7 41
Strongly Disagree 4 21


Q73: I DO NOT have intentions of looking for a job outside of OSFI within the next 12 months

Percent (%) Count
Strongly Agree 43 231
Somewhat Agree 15 79
Neither Disagree nor Agree 19 103
Somewhat Disagree 13 69
Strongly Disagree 10 54


Q74: Do you have any additional comments or suggestions about the topics that have been addressed in this survey (i.e. Corporate Focus, Communication, Leadership, Talent Management, Work- Life Balance, Culture and Community)

Percent (%) Count
Valid Response 31 184
Invalid Response 2 10
No Response 67 402


Q74B: Which of the following area(s) are your comments related to (select all that apply):

Percent (%) Count
Corporate Focus 18% 33
Communication 29% 54
Leadership 66% 122
Talent Management 45% 82
Work-Life Balance 32% 58
Culture and Community 36% 66
Other 11% 21


Q76: How long have you worked at OSFI?

Percent (%) Count
Less than 2 years 16 93
Between 2 to 15 years 64 379
More than 15 years 12 73
Prefer not to say 9 51


Q77: Are you:

Percent (%) Count
RE 71 421
REX 17 101
Prefer not to say 12 74


Q78: To assist with OSFI's Official Languages plans, please indicate your official language of choice.

Percent (%) Count
English 81 480
French 10 61
Prefer not to say 9 55


Q79: Are you :

Percent (%) Count
Male 41 243
Female 41 244
Prefer not to say 18 109


Q80: Are you a member of a visible minority?

Percent (%) Count
Yes 25 151
No 56 335
Prefer not to say 18 110


Q81: Are you an Aboriginal person?

Percent (%) Count
Yes 0 2
No 86 511
Prefer not to say 14 83


Q82: Are you a person with a disability?

Percent (%) Count
Yes 2 12
No 85 506
Prefer not to say 13 78


Q83: What is your Sector/group?

Percent (%) Count
Superintendent's Office and Internal Audit 1 8
Risk Support Sector 17 102
Common Supervisory Services 2 10
Insurance Supervision Sector 12 72
Deposit-taking Supervision Sector 14 84
Regulation Sector 15 87
Corporate Services Sector 28 164
Office of the Chief Actuary 5 28
Prefer not to say 7 41


Q84: Which work unit have you been with for the longest period of time since July 1, 2017? Superintendent’s Office and Internal Audit

Percent (%) Count
100 / 200 / 310 / 400 / 480 / 650 / 800 100 8
Prefer Not To Say (Superintendent’s Office and Internal Audit) 0 0


Q84: Which work unit have you been with for the longest period of time since July 1, 2017? Corporate Services Sector

Percent (%) Count
204 / 206 / 208 / 219 12 20
209 / 210 / 211 15 24
270 - Regulatory Data Management (RDM) Division 4 6
212 - Infrastructure and Technology Services Division 10 17
214 - Enterprise Information Management 6 10
217 - Application Services 10 16
230 / 250 9 14
231 / 251 9 15
252 - Security and Facilities Services 5 9
315 - Communications and Consultations Division 9 14
Prefer Not To Say (Corporate Services Sector) 12 19


Q84: Which work unit have you been with for the longest period of time since July 1, 2017? Regulation Sector

Percent (%) Count
311 - Approvals and Precedents 20 17
312 / 320 10 9
330 / 331 / 505 40 35
475 - Private Pension Plans Division 23 20
Prefer Not To Say (Regulation Sector) 7 6


Q84: Which work unit have you been with for the longest period of time since July 1, 2017? Deposit Taking Supervision Sector

Percent (%) Count
410 / 471 / 472 23 19
413 - SMSB Group Toronto 21 18
455 / 456 / 457 / 458 / 459 / 465 / 466 / 470 48 40
Prefer Not To Say (Deposit Taking Supervision Sector) 8 7


Q84: Which work unit have you been with for the longest period of time since July 1, 2017? Risk Support Sector

Percent (%) Count
482 - Credit Risk Division 16 16
486 - Risk Measurement and Analytics Assessment Services (RMASS) 16 16
487/ 490 / 491 / 504 25 26
507 - Operational Risk Division 13 13
508 - Capital Markets Risk Assessment Services 14 14
Prefer Not To Say (Risk Support Sector) 17 17


Q84: Which work unit have you been with for the longest period of time since July 1, 2017? Chief Actuary's Office

Percent (%) Count
700 / 710 54 15
720 - Public Pensions 32 9
Prefer Not To Say (Chief Actuary's Office) 14 4


Q84: Which work unit have you been with for the longest period of time since July 1, 2017? Insurance Supervision Sector

Percent (%) Count
411 / 442 / 443 / 444 25 18
414 / 416 / 417 40 29
503 - Actuarial Division 21 15
Prefer Not To Say (Insurance Supervision Sector) 14 10


Q84: Which work unit have you been with for the longest period of time since July 1, 2017? Common Supervisory Services

Percent (%) Count
467 / 476 / 600 80 8
Prefer Not To Say (Common Supervisory Services) 20 2


Q85: In which city do you work?

Percent (%) Count
Montreal 1 7
Ottawa 41 247
Toronto 47 278
Vancouver 1 4
Prefer not to say 10 60
