Financial Institutions Survey 2020-2021

Final Report

POR 091-20
Contract # 59017-200007/001/CY
Contract Date: 2020-12-21
Contract Value: $54,733.25 (including HST)

Prepared for
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

August 19, 2021

Prepared by
The Strategic Counsel
15 Delisle Avenue, 3rd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1S8
Tel: (416) 975-4465 Fax: (416) 975-1883

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.


Financial Institutions Survey 2020-2021
Final Report

Prepared for: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Supplier Name: The Strategic Counsel
August 2021

This public opinion research report presents the results of an online survey conducted by The Strategic Counsel on behalf of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. The research study was conducted with 109 CEOs of federally regulated insurance companies and financial institutions between March 29 and April 27, 2021.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Sondage de 2020-2021 auprès des institutions financières.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). For more information on this report, please contact OSFI at

Catalogue Number:

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Related Publication (Registration Number: POR-091-20)

Catalogue Number: IN4-30/2021F-PDF (Final report, French)
International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-40135-5

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Finance, 2021.

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary

The Strategic Counsel (TSC) is pleased to submit this report to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) detailing the findings from the 2021 Financial Institutions Survey (FIS).

A. Background and Objectives

OSFI is the primary regulator and supervisor of federally regulated financial institutions and federally administered pension plans in Canada. To assist OSFI in assessing how well it is achieving its mandate, since2010 OSFI has been undertaking a high-level, biennial survey targeted at CEOs in all federally regulated financial institutions, including banks and other deposit-taking institutions (DTIs), as well as life and property and casualty insurance companies. The survey provides OSFI with an assessment of its performance and insights into the key drivers of satisfaction. In 2021, the survey also included questions to assess perceptions of OSFI's performance with respect to its response to the challenges posed by the pandemic.

The results of the survey provide valuable guidance to OSFI on its overall performance and in specific areas of its mandate, identifying areas of strength for OSFI – where it's viewed as performing well – as well as opportunities for improvements with respect to recommendations, activities, communications and processes.

B. Methodology

The survey, which was conducted in both official languages, was made available to all eligible respondents through a link embedded in a bilingual e-mail invitation which was sent by TSC. The list of CEO-level contacts for 245 federal regulated financial institutions was provided by OSFI.

A total of 109 completed surveys (n=66 insurance companies; n=43 DTIs) were received during the period in which the survey was in field, from March 29 to April 27, 2021, representing an overall response rate of 45%. Since the entire population or universe of the target audience was invited to participate in this survey, no margin of sampling error has been estimated or reported.

C. Key Findings

Following a dip in satisfaction in the previous wave (2018), overall satisfaction with OSFI has increased.

The vast majority of DTIs and insurance companies are aware of the measures OSFI put in place in order to provide guidance and support to regulated entities following the onset of COVID-19.

As was the case in 2018, results pertaining to OSFI's guidance were mixed. While generally positive, the trend lines show that some measures have improved, some have remained stable, while a few have declined.

Overall satisfaction with OSFI in processing regulatory approval applications has increased slightly.

OSFI received high ratings for its effectiveness in supervising institutions from both DTIs and insurance companies under normal and COVID-19 circumstances.

Stakeholders remain highly satisfied with OSFI's capacity to interact in the official language of their choice.


Supplier Name: The Strategic Counsel
PWGSC Contract Number: 59017-200007/001/CY
Contract Award Date: 2020-12-21
Contract Budget: $54,733.25

To obtain more information on this study, please e-mail

Statement of Political Neutrality

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of The Strategic Counsel that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed: Donna Nixon, Partner

II. Background

A. Background to the Study

Financial services are a highly regulated sector in Canada. To ensure the stability and success of financial institutions and pension plans, regulatory bodies have been established at both the federal and provincial levels to oversee the sector. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) is the primary regulator in Canada of more than 400 federally regulated financial institutions (all banks, federally incorporated or registered trust and loan companies, insurance companies, cooperative credit associations) and 1,200 administered pension plans, ensuring they are in sound financial condition and meeting their requirements.

Regular consultation with industry stakeholders is integral to OSFI's collaborative approach in undertaking its mandate and to assessing how well it is performing in this respect. The Financial Institutions Survey (FIS), targeting CEOs in all federally regulated financial institutions, is a key element of OSFI's stakeholder consultations program. This survey is conducted biennially, the last one having been completed in 2018-19. Previous waves of the FIS were conducted in 2007-2008, 2010-2011, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, and 2016-2017.

B. Research Objectives

The FIS focuses on examining and tracking stakeholder perceptions on OSFI's performance overall and on specific aspects of its interactions with stakeholders, and evaluating its response to emerging issues. The core objectives of the 2020-2021 FIS include:

As OSFI has been actively engaging and communicating with banks, insurers and private pension plans since the onset of COVID-19, taking actions to build the resilience of federally regulated financial institutions in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic, several questions were included in the current survey to assess perceptions of OSFI's response in this regard.

The results and findings from this study provide data which is needed to meet OSFI's performance reporting requirements and which enables OSFI to identify areas for improvement.

III. Methodology

In 2021, an online survey of 109 federally regulated financial institutions, including 43 deposit-taking institutions (DTIs) and 66 insurance companies, was completed based on information (i.e., contact details including name, organization, e-mail address, etc.) provided by the Office for the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). The questionnaire (see Appendix: Questionnaires) was very similar to that which was employed in the previous wave of surveying (2018-2019), allowing for data to be compared across the two time periods.

Given the unique nature of the environment affecting DTIs and insurance companies at this time, a number of questions were added to the 2021 survey specifically to capture perceptions with respect to OSFI's communications, guidance and supervision under COVID-19 circumstances.

A. Sample Design

OSFI provided The Strategic Counsel with an initial list of the universe of 245 federally regulated financial institutions in Canada. Each respondent on the list was assigned a unique record and label so as to provide an e-mail invitation with a unique link.

B. Fieldwork and Response Rates

An initial e-mail communication was sent under the signature of the Superintendent of OSFI (see Appendix: E-mail Communications) to all 245 eligible institutions, alerting them to the upcoming survey. During this process, one record was removed from the stakeholder list when information came to light that it was no longer federally regulated in the Canadian market. No further communications were sent to this contact. The initial e-mail communication from OSFI was then followed by a second e-mail invitation from The Strategic Counsel addressed to the remaining 244 CEOs of eligible institutions. The invitation was drafted in both official languages. Each invitation included a unique link to the survey which respondents could complete in their official language of choice. The unique link allowed The Strategic Counsel to monitor completions and direct reminders only to those who had not completed the survey. The survey was designed to permit the CEO of each institution to delegate a colleague or group of colleagues to complete the survey on his or her behalf. CEOs representing more than one financial institution were invited to participate on behalf of the institution with the largest asset size.

The Strategic Counsel also made a PDF version of the survey available to all respondents upon request. This permitted stakeholders to consult internally on a number of the questions prior to submitting their responses online. A total of 5 institutions requested a PDF copy.

The average completion time was 14 minutes, however, this does not necessarily accurately reflect the actual time some may have spent completing the survey given that a number of respondents consulted colleagues in an effort to provide a collective response.

The survey was in field from March 29 to April 27, 2021. To encourage higher response rates, several e-mail reminders and extensions to the closing date were sent. The first e-mail reminder was issued on April 13, extending the closing date to April 22. This was followed by another reminder on April 22, providing a further extension of the closing date to April 27, 2021.

As stated above, respondents were offered an opportunity to answer the survey in their official language of choice, English or French. A total of 104 institutions responded to the survey in English and 5 in French.

In total, 109 federally regulated financial institutions and insurance companies completed the survey, with an overall response rate of 45%. As the FIS is a census survey, no margin of sampling error is reported. Details on the case dispositions and the calculation of the response rate for the total sample can be found in the Appendix: Response Rate.

Once the survey had closed, a thank-you note was sent to all 109 respondents who completed the survey. In order to maintain respondent confidentiality, the thank-you note was sent from The Strategic Counsel on behalf of OSFI.

C. Pretesting

Following the programming and prior to a full launch of the survey, The Strategic Counsel and OSFI conducted several internal tests of the online link, in both languages. The purpose of the testing at this stage was to check the flow, timing, look and feel of the survey, as well as to ensure that all skips and logics were working as intended. Once the link had been thoroughly tested, a standard pre-test was deemed unnecessary given that the total sample for this particular survey was relatively small and highly targeted.

As the FIS has been conducted biennially since 2010 and the questionnaire itself had not changed significantly during that time, a soft-launch with a small number of invitations was conducted initially as a means of performing another level of data checks on 'live' sample prior to a full launch. Once a small number of completes were achieved, the data was examined and the survey was determined to be functioning as intended. Following the soft-launch, invitations were sent to all remaining respondents. All completes from the soft-launch were retained in the final sample given that no changes had been made to the survey between soft-launch and full-launch.

D. Notes to Reader

IV. Detailed Findings from the Survey

A. Overall Impressions

1. Satisfaction with OSFI as a Regulator

The majority of those surveyed continue to express high levels of satisfaction with OSFI as the principal prudential regulator and supervisor of Canada's financial services industry. Overall, over nine-in-ten (94%) report being 'very satisfied' (50%) or 'somewhat' satisfied' (44%), an increase over 2018 (81%).

DTIs offered higher ratings of satisfaction (100%) compared to insurance companies (91%), although the 2021 ratings provided by both stakeholder groups increased over the previous wave of surveying in 2018 (84% and 79%, respectively). A higher proportion of DTIs were 'very satisfied' (67%, an improvement over 2018 (44%)), compared to insurance companies (39%, reflecting a decline since 2018 (47%)).

Q1. Overall, how satisfied are you with OSFI as the principal prudential regulator and supervisor of Canada's financial services industry?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very satisfied 45 50 44 67 47 39
Somewhat satisfied 36 44 40 33 32 52
Neither 9 4 5 - 12 6
Somewhat dissatisfied 6 2 5 - 7 3
Very dissatisfied 4 - 5 - 3 -

2. Perceptions of OSFI's Performance

OSFI is viewed as highly proactive in its response to emerging issues pertaining to the insurance and deposit-taking sectors (91% overall rated OSFI as 'good' (38%) or 'very good' (53%)). This is an improvement over 2018 (82%).

Representatives of DTIs are almost universally positive in their perceptions of OSFI's performance (97%, up from 89%). While the results for insurance companies are somewhat lower as compared to DTIs, they are nevertheless quite positive and improved relative to 2018 (88%, up from 74%). A higher proportion of DTIs versus insurance companies give OSFI the highest performance rating of 'very good' (46% vs. 33%, respectively). Overall, most DTIs and insurance companies rated OSFI as 'good' (51% and 55%, respectively), reflecting a similar pattern as in 2018.

Q2.How would you rate OSFI with respect to how proactive it is in responding to emerging issues pertaining to the (insurance / deposit-taking) sector?
Base:Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 32 38 40 46 24 33
Good 50 53 49 51 50 55
Fair 15 7 9 2 21 11
Poor 4 1 2 - 5 2
Very poor - - - - - -

The vast majority of respondents rated OSFI positively on the extent to which it focuses on the appropriate areas of risk in each of their respective sectors. Overall, just over four-in-five (84%) rated OSFI as 'good/very good,' unchanged from 2018.

Similarly, there was little change between 2018 and 2021 in the ratings offered by DTIs and insurance companies. DTIs continue to provide higher ratings (95% rated OSFI as 'good/very good) compared to insurance companies (77%). However respondents in both groups gave a rating of 'good' (51% among DTIs; 57% among insurance companies) rather than 'very good' (44% among DTIs; 20% among insurance companies).

Q3. How would you rate OSFI on the extent to which it focuses on the appropriate areas of risk in the (insurance/deposit-taking) sector?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 37 29 46 44 28 20
Good 47 55 46 51 48 57
Fair 14 14 6 5 22 20
Poor 2 2 2 - 2 3
Very poor - - - - - -

3. Future Risk Areas

Both groups were asked to identify one or two areas of risk that they believed should be priorities for OSFI in the next few years. Results are reported separately for DTIs and insurance companies in descending order of the frequency with which they were mentioned, as shown in the charts below.

Among DTIs, issues related to cyber risk and IT security dominated responses to this question, as they did in 2018. Over half (59%) identified this as a key risk area that OSFI should prioritize. Just under one-quarter (22%) mentioned risk generally, including risk management, operational risk and cultural risk. Liquidity (14%) or risks associated with credit/default (11%) were cited less frequently.

Q4. What one or two risk areas do you believe should be priorities for OSFI in the next couple of years pertaining to institutions in the deposit-taking sector?
Base: Total answering
Cyber risk/IT security 59
Risk management/ operational risk / culture risk 22
Liquidity 14
Credit/default risk 11
Environmental risks/natural disasters/climate change/earthquake 8
Risk strategies/ rules for size of institution 8
FinTech/unregulated lenders/ insurers 5
Lending/mortgage related risks 5
Interest rate risks 5
Consumer/ data privacy 5
AI/ digitization/ speed of change 5
Regulatory burden/requirements/environment 3
Anti-money laundering/ fraud 3
Investment risks (not specified) 3
Other 8

Representatives of insurance companies also identified cyber risk/IT security as a priority area (39%) and environmental risks/natural disasters/climate change/earthquakes (39%) in equal numbers as a high priority. Concerns about IFRS 17 (11%) and regulatory burden/requirements/the regularly environment (9%) were cited less often.

Q4. What one or two risk areas do you believe should be priorities for OSFI in the next couple of years pertaining to institutions in the insurance sector?
Base: Total answering
Cyber risk/IT security 39
Environmental risks/natural disasters/climate change/earthquake 39
IFRS 17 11
Regulatory burden/requirements/environment 9
Capital risk/investor protection 7
FinTech/unregulated lenders/ insurers 5
Investment risks (not specified) 5
Risk management/ operational risk / culture risk 4
Liquidity 4
Risk strategies/ rules for size of institution 4
Interest rate risks 4
Credit/default risk 2
AI/ digitization/ speed of change 2
Anti-money laundering/ fraud 2
Insurance related risk 2
Other 11

B. COVID-19 Measures

1. Awareness and Perceptions of COVID-19 Measures

There was a high level of awareness of the measures OSFI had put in place for financial institutions following the onset of COVID-19. Over nine-in-ten respondents (94%) reported being aware of these measures – 98% among DTIs and 91% among insurance companies.

QCV1. Were you aware of these measure put in place for financial institutions?
Base: Total sample
n=109 n=43 n=66
% % %
Yes, aware 94 98 91
No 6 2 9

Overall, DTIs and insurance companies both agreed that OSFI's response to COVID-19 was timely (97% - 71% 'strongly agreed'; 26% 'somewhat agreed'), that the right measures had been put in place (88% - 40% 'strongly'; 48% 'somewhat'), and that they were clear (85% - 43% 'strongly'; 42% 'somewhat').

DTIs (93%) were more likely to agree, relative to insurance companies (84%), that OSFI had identified the right measures to put in place. Over half of DTIs 'strongly agreed' (59%) that this was the case, while one-third reported that they 'somewhat agreed' (34%). By contrast, the balance of those in the insurance sector reported that they 'somewhat agreed' (57%) with this statement, while just over one-quarter indicated that they 'strongly agreed' (27%).

PERCEPTIONS OF COVID-19 MEASURES: "OSFI identified the right measures to put in place"
QCV2-4. Thinking about the measures put in place by OSFI to address COVID-19, do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Base: Total sample
n=102 n=42 n=60
% % %
Strongly agree 40 59 27
Somewhat agree 48 34 57
Neither 11 5 15
Somewhat disagree 1 - 2
Strongly disagree 1 2 -

Many also agreed that OSFI's response to COVID-19 was timely and the overall results were similar for both DTIs and insurance companies (97% for each). The intensity of agreement with this statement was, however, higher among DTIs (76% 'strongly agreed') compared to insurance companies (67%).

PERCEPTIONS OF COVID-19 MEASURES: "OSFI's response to COVID-19 was timely"
QCV2-4. Thinking about the measures put in place by OSFI to address COVID-19, do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Base: Total sample
n=102 n=42 n=60
% % %
Strongly agree 71 76 67
Somewhat agree 26 21 30
Neither 1 - 2
Somewhat disagree 1 - 2
Strongly disagree 1 2 -

Overall, a somewhat larger proportion of DTIs agreed that OSFI's expectations of institutions regarding measures to address COVID-19 circumstances were clear (90%) compared to insurance companies (80%). Moreover, DTIs were more likely than insurance companies to 'strongly agree' (49% and 38%, respectively) with this statement.

PERCEPTIONS OF COVID-19 MEASURES: "OSFI's expectations of institutions regarding measures to address COVID-19 circumstances were clear"
QCV2-4. Thinking about the measures put in place by OSFI to address COVID-19, do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Base: Total sample
n=102 n=42 n=60
% % %
Strongly agree 43 49 38
Somewhat agree 42 41 42
Neither 8 5 10
Somewhat disagree 7 2 10
Strongly disagree 1 2 -

2. Utilization and Perceived Value of Technical Briefings

Just under two-thirds (63%) attended the technical briefings on COVID-19 related regulatory measures offered by OSFI. Attendance was reported to be higher among DTIs (70%) relative to those who responded on behalf of insurance companies (59%).

QCV6. OSFI offered a series of technical briefings on COVID-19 related regulatory measures (e.g. adjustments to regulatory capital; DSB levels; reporting requirements). Did you attend any of these technical briefings?
Base: Total sample
n=109 n=43 n=66
% % %
Yes, attended the technical briefings offered by OSFI 63 70 59
No 37 30 41

Among those who attended, respondents agreed that the technical briefings were timely (97% - 55% 'strongly agreed'; 42% 'somewhat agreed'), comprehensive (94% - 38% 'strongly'; 56% 'somewhat') and useful (90% - 28% 'strongly'; 62% 'somewhat').

While the vast majority of DTIs and insurance companies agreed that OSFI's technical briefings were timely (100% for DTIs; 95% for insurance companies), a larger share of DTIs 'strongly agreed' this was the case (67% vs 46%, respectively).

QCV7. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the technical briefings offered by OSFI were: timely.
Base: Those who attended technical briefings
n=69 n=30 n=39
% % %
Strongly agree 55 67 46
Somewhat agree 42 33 49
Neither 3 - 5
Somewhat disagree - - -
Strongly disagree - - -

DTIs were more likely to agree that OSFI's briefings were comprehensive compared to insurance companies (100% vs 90%, respectively). Moreover, a larger proportion of DTIs 'strongly agreed' (43% vs 33% for insurance companies).

QCV8. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the technical briefings offered by OSFI were: comprehensive.
Base: Those who attended technical briefings
n=69 n=30 n=39
% % %
Strongly agree 38 43 33
Somewhat agree 56 57 57
Neither 4 - 8
Somewhat disagree 1 - 3
Strongly disagree - - -

Overall, nine-in-ten (90%) DTIs and insurance companies who had attended the technical briefings agreed that the briefings were useful and the results were roughly the same in terms of the proportion of those who 'strongly agreed' (30% for DTIs; 26% for insurance companies) or 'somewhat agreed' (60% for DTIs; 64% for insurance companies).

QCV9. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the technical briefings offered by OSFI were: useful.
Base: Those who attended technical briefings
n=69 n=30 n=39
% % %
Strongly agree 28 30 26
Somewhat agree 62 60 64
Neither 9 10 8
Somewhat disagree 1 - 3
Strongly disagree - - -

Among those who did not attend any of the technical briefings, about as many indicated they felt they did not require the briefing (35%) as said they were unaware of them (33%). A smaller percentage reported the reason for their lack of attendance was that they did not feel the briefings were relevant (23%). There were no differences on this question between DTIs and insurance companies.

QCV10. What is the main reason why you did not attend any of the technical briefings?
Base: Those who did not attend technical briefings
n=40 n=13 n=27
% % %
Was not relevant 23 23 22
Did not need 35 38 33
Was not aware 33 31 33
Other 10 8 11

3. Utilization and Perceived Value of FAQs

Most respondents reported having consulted the FAQs that OSFI issued related to the measures taken as a result of COVID-19 (80%). DTIs (91%) were more likely to have done so compared to insurance companies (73%).

QCV11. To keep stakeholders informed throughout the pandemic, OSFI has been issuing a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to measures taken as a result of COVID-19. Have you consulted any of these FAQs?
Base: Total sample
n=109 n=43 n=66
% % %
Yes, have consulted FAQs 80 91 73
No 20 9 27

Most agreed that the FAQs were timely (94% - 41% 'strongly agreed'; 53% 'somewhat agreed'), comprehensive (85% - 28% 'strongly'; '57% 'somewhat') and useful (85% - 28% 'strongly'; 57% 'somewhat'). There were, however, some clear differences between DTIs and insurance companies in terms of their ratings on each of these attributes.

While DTIs and insurance companies both overwhelming agreed that the FAQs were timely (97% and 92%, respectively), the proportion of those who 'strongly agreed' was much higher among DTIs (54%), compared to insurance companies (31%).

QCV12. Thinking about the FAQs, to what extent do you agree or disagree that they were: timely.
Base: Those who consulted FAQs
n=87 n=39 n=48
% % %
Strongly agree 41 54 31
Somewhat agree 53 43 61
Neither 6 3 8
Somewhat disagree - - -
Strongly disagree - - -

The extent to which the FAQs were perceived as comprehensive differed considerably between DTIs (97% agreed– 37% 'strongly'; 60% 'somewhat') and insurance companies (74% agreed – 21% 'strongly'; 53% 'somewhat').

PERCEIVED VALUE OF FAQs: "Comprehensive"
QCV13. Thinking about the FAQs, to what extent do you agree or disagree that they were: comprehensive.
Base: Those who consulted FAQs
n=87 n=39 n=48
% % %
Strongly agree 28 37 21
Somewhat agree 57 60 53
Neither 13 3 21
Somewhat disagree 2 - 4
Strongly disagree - - -

There were also clear differences between DTIs and insurance companies on the extent to which the FAQs were viewed as useful – 95% of DTIs agreed compared to 77% of insurance companies. Moreover, while two-in-five DTIs 'strongly agreed' (40%) that the FAQs were useful, this compares with about one-in-five of insurance companies (19%) who said the same.

QCV14. Thinking about the FAQs, to what extent do you agree or disagree that they were: useful.
Base: Those who consulted FAQs
n=87 n=39 n=48
% % %
Strongly agree 28 40 19
Somewhat agree 57 55 58
Neither 14 5 21
Somewhat disagree 1 - 2
Strongly disagree - - -

The vast majority of DTIs and insurance companies said that the frequency of OSFI's communications and updates to stakeholders through the pandemic has been 'about right' (94% overall). Very few indicated that it was 'less than' (5%) or 'more than' (1%) they would have preferred.

All DTIs (100%) responded that the communications were 'about right,' as did about nine-in-ten insurance companies (91%). A small percentage of insurance companies reported that communications were less frequent than they would have liked (8%) and very few felt they had been communicated with too frequently (2%).

QCV15. Throughout the pandemic period, the overall frequency of OSFI's communications/updates to stakeholders has been:
Base: Total sample
n=109 n=43 n=66
% % %
More than I would like 1 - 2
About right 94 100 91
Less than I would like 5 - 8

C. Guidance

Stakeholders were asked to rate OSFI on seven dimensions of guidance, in addition to gauging OSFI's overall effectiveness in providing a clear indication of its expectations.

1. Ratings of OSFI Regarding Guidance

OSFI receives higher ratings for providing the institution with the opportunity to comment on revised or proposed guidance (83% 'good/very good') and the lowest ratings for the extent to which it considers the nature, size and complexity of financial institutions (52%). The latter measure reflects the ratings for small and mid-sized institutions only, rather than for the total sample. OSFI's ratings declined most notably on responding in a timely manner to market developments or to industry suggestions that guidance needs updating (66%, down from 74% in 2018) and this was primarily a factor of a decline in the ratings from insurance companies (54%, down from 67%). By contrast, OSFI saw an improvement in its rating for developing guidance that strikes an appropriate balance between prudential considerations and the need for institutions to compete (64%, up from 54%) and this was driven mainly by an improvement in the ratings offered by DTIs (83%, up from 58%).

In general, ratings from insurance companies on each of these measures are lower than those offered by DTIs, by between 16 and 32 points.

2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
% % % % % %
Providing your institution with the opportunity to comment on revised or proposed guidance 85 83 87 93 83 77
Consulting with the financial services industry when developing guidance 86 79 93 93 80 69
The transparency of the consultation process OSFI follows when developing guidance 78 79 86 91 71 72
Communicating its response, including rationale, to feedback provided by your industry sector during consultations related to guidance development 75 73 83 88 67 63
Responding in a timely manner to market developments or to industry suggestions that guidance needs updating 74 66 81 86 67 54
Developing guidance that strikes an appropriate balance between prudential considerations and the need for institutions to compete 54 64 58 83 50 52
The extent to which it considers the nature, size and complexity of financial institutions 57 52 59 67 56 42

Overall ratings of OSFI in terms of responding in a timely manner to market developments or industry suggestions that guidance needs updating dropped off in 2021 (66% rated OSFI as 'good' (21%) or 'very good' (45%), down from 74% in 2018).

DTIs rated OSFI more positively on this measure relative to insurance companies (86% vs. 54% rated OSFI as 'good/very good', respectively). Among DTIs, the majority of respondents offered a rating of 'good' (57%), while insurance companies were more split in their ratings, with about equal numbers giving OSFI a rating of 'good' (37%) or 'fair' (40%).

OSFI RATING OF: "Responding in a timely manner to market developments or to industry suggestions that guidance needs updating"
Q5. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: Responding in a timely manner to market developments or to industry suggestions that guidance needs updating?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 19 21 24 29 14 17
Good 55 45 57 57 53 37
Fair 21 30 16 14 26 40
Poor 6 3 4 - 7 5
Very poor - 1 - - - 2

OSFI's rating on consulting with the financial services industry when developing guidance is somewhat lower in 2021 (78% - 33% 'very good'; 45% 'good') compared to 2018 (86% - 42% 'very good'; 44% 'good').

The 2021 results indicate that a higher proportion of DTIs rate OSFI as 'good/very good' on this measure, compared to insurance companies (93% vs. 69%, respectively in 2021; 93% vs. 80%, respectively in 2018). Among insurance companies the drop in the overall rating is a factor of a decline in those providing a rating of 'very good' (from 31% to 26%) or 'good' (from 49% to 43%). By contrast, among DTIs, while those rating OSFI as 'very good' decreased (from 54% to 44%), the proportion giving OSFI a rating of 'good' increased (from 39% to 49%), resulting in no change in the overall rating between 2018 and 2021 for this group.

OSFI RATING OF: "Consulting with the financial services industry when developing guidance"
Q6. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: Consulting with the financial services industry when developing guidance?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 42 33 54 44 31 26
Good 44 45 39 49 49 43
Fair 10 19 4 7 15 26
Poor 4 3 4 - 5 5
Very poor - - - - - -

OSFI's ratings for providing the institution with the opportunity to comment on revised or proposed guidance have remained stable, overall. In 2021, about four-in-five (83%) gave a rating of 'very good' (42%) or 'good' (41%), similar to results in 2018 (85%).

There is, however, a considerable difference in positive ratings offered by DTIs versus insurance companies (93% vs. 77%, respectively). Positive ratings among DTIs have increased since 2018 (from 87% to 93%), most notably among those offering a rating of 'very good' which increased from 48% to 53%. Positive ratings among insurance companies declined overall (from 83% to 78%). Although the proportion of insurance companies rating OSFI as 'very good' has increased slightly (from 30% in 2018 to 35% in 2021), this was offset by a more marked decline in those offering a rating of 'good' (from 53% to 42%).

OSFI RATING OF: "Providing your institution with the opportunity to comment on revised or proposed guidance"
Q7. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: Providing your institution with the opportunity to comment on revised or proposed guidance?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 39 42 48 53 30 35
Good 46 41 39 40 53 42
Fair 11 15 9 7 13 20
Poor 3 2 4 - 2 3
Very poor 1 - - - 2 -

Most stakeholders rate OSFI positively on the transparency of the consultation process it follows when developing guidance (79% rate OSFI as 'good/very good'), unchanged from 2018 (78%). However, the average rating across both stakeholder groups masks a key difference in the ratings given by DTIs (91% saying 'very good' (35%) or 'good' (56%)) and insurance companies (72% saying 'very good' (22%) or 'good (50%), reflecting a 19-point difference in overall positive ratings between the two stakeholder groups.

Among DTIs, there has been a slight shift in the ratings between 2018 and 2021, with an increase in the proportion of those giving OSFI a rating of 'good' (from 44% to 56%) and a corresponding decline in those rating OSFI as 'very good' (from 42% to 35%). Overall, however, those DTIs giving OSFI a positive rating of 'good/very good' has not changed markedly nor has there been much change in the ratings given by insurance companies.

OSFI RATING OF: "The transparency of the consultation process OSFI follows when developing guidance"
Q8. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: The transparency of the consultation process OSFI follows when developing guidance (e.g., the means by which industry members may provide feedback, the timing for feedback, the timing of OSFI's response)?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 33 27 42 35 25 22
Good 45 52 44 56 46 50
Fair 18 14 8 9 27 17
Poor 4 7 6 - 2 11
Very poor - - - - - -

About three-quarters (73%) of respondents rated OSFI positively (29% 'very good'; 44% 'good') on communicating its response to feedback provided by the industry sector during consultations related to guidance development.

Following a similar pattern as has been noted for other ratings pertaining to OSFI's guidance to the financial sector, a higher proportion of DTIs rate OSFI positively (88% said 'very good' (52%) or 'good' (36%)) compared to insurance companies (63% offered a rating of 'very good' (14%) or 'good' (49%)).

OSFI RATING OF: "Communicating its response, including rationale, to feedback provided by your industry sector during consultations related to guidance development"
Q9. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: Communicating its response, including rationale, to feedback provided by your industry sector during consultations related to guidance development?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 23 29 33 52 14 14
Good 52 44 50 36 53 49
Fair 16 21 10 12 22 28
Poor 8 5 8 - 9 8
Very poor 1 1 - - 2 2

Most are aware (76%) that OSFI includes stakeholder comments with revised or new guidelines and an explanation of how OSFI dealt with the issues raised through the consultation process, a slight increase from 2018 (69%).

Awareness among DTIs has increased considerably between 2018 and 2021 (from 67% to 86%), while it is lower and unchanged for insurance companies (70% in both 2018 and 2021).

Q10. Were you aware that OSFI includes with the final version of all revised or new guidelines a summary of stakeholder comments and an explanation of how OSFI dealt with the issues raised through the consultation process?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Yes 69 76 67 86 70 70
No 31 24 33 14 30 30

Almost two-thirds of respondents rated OSFI positively in terms of developing guidance that strikes an appropriate balance between prudential considerations and the need for institutions to compete (64% said 'very good' (13%) or 'good' (51%)).

Of note, there has been a marked increase in the proportion of DTIs who rated OSFI as 'good/very good' on this attribute (from 58% in 2018 to 83% in 2021). Most of this increase is attributable to a larger proportion of DTIs rating OSFI as 'good' in 2021 (66%, up from 47% in 2018) or 'very good' (17%, up from 11%), and a corresponding drop in those who rated OSFI as 'fair' (12%, down from 35%). There has been little change in the rating given by insurance companies which remains relatively stable at about half (52%) saying 'good/very good.' The balance of these respondents rate OSFI as 'good' (41%) rather than 'very good' (11%).

RATING OF OSFI: "Developing guidance that strikes an appropriate balance between prudential considerations and the need for institutions to compete"
Q11. How would you rate OSFI with respect to developing guidance that strikes an appropriate balance between prudential considerations and the need for institutions to compete?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 10 13 11 17 9 11
Good 44 51 47 66 41 41
Fair 32 27 35 12 29 37
Poor 12 7 5 5 19 9
Very poor 2 1 2 - 2 2

Just over half rate OSFI positively (52% gave a rating of 'very good' (12%) or 'good' (40%)) on the extent to which its guidance considers the nature, size and complexity of financial institutions, reflecting a slight dip in the ratings from 2018 (57% saying 'very good' (17%) or 'good' (40%)).

Positive ratings of OSFI on this measure increased among DTIs (from 59% to 66%), primarily due to an increase in those providing a rating of 'good' (52%, up from 38% in 2018) while those offering a rating of 'very good' declined (14%, down from 21%). Overall ratings declined among insurance companies (from 56% to 42%). While those offering a rating of 'very good' remained relatively stable (11% in 2021 vs. 13% in 2018), there was a decline in the proportion rating OSFI as 'good' (from 43% to 31%) and a corresponding increase in those rating OSFI as 'poor' (from 7% to 20%).

RATING OF OSFI: "The extent to which it considers the nature, size and complexity of financial institutions"
Q12. How would you rate OSFI's guidance on the extent to which it considers the nature, size and complexity of financial institutions?
Base: Small/mid-sized institutions
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=111 n=107 n=53 n=42 n=58 n=65
% % % % % %
Very good 17 12 21 14 13 11
Good 40 40 38 52 43 31
Fair 30 32 26 29 34 34
Poor 9 14 11 5 7 20
Very poor 4 2 4 - 4 3

2. Effectiveness of OSFI Regarding Guidance

Nine-in-ten respondents (92%) say that OSFI's guidance is effective in providing a clear indication of its expectations, with about one-third saying it is 'very effective' (34%) and over half saying it is 'somewhat effective' (58%).

Ratings for both DTIs and insurance companies have improved since 2018, although they continue to be higher among DTIs (98% say 'very effective' (42%) or 'effective' (56%)) than they are among insurance companies (88% say 'very effective' (29%) or 'effective (59%)), as was the case in 2018.

RATING OF OSFI: "Effectiveness of OSFI's guidance in providing a clear indication of its expectations"
Q13. Overall, how effective do you think OSFI's guidance is in providing a clear indication of its expectations?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very effective 30 34 35 42 25 29
Somewhat effective 56 58 56 56 56 59
Neither 4 4 4 - 3 6
Somewhat ineffective 8 5 6 2 10 6
Very ineffective 3 - - - 5 -

D. Approvals

Just over two-in-five respondents had made a request for a regulatory approval within the last two years, reflecting a decline from the proportion who had done so in 2018 (from 53% to 42%).

While the proportion of survey respondents making requests for regulatory approval has remained relatively stable among DTIs since 2018 (44% in 2018; 48% in 2021), there has been a more marked decline among insurance companies (60% in 2018; 38% in 2021).

Q14. Has your company/institution made a request for a regulatory approval in the last two years? 
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=110 n=105 n=50 n=40 n=60 n=65
% % % % % %
Yes 53 42 44 48 60 38
No 47 58 56 52 40 62

1. Satisfaction with OSFI's Approvals Process

Among those respondents who had submitted a regulatory approval application to OSFI, most (80%) were 'very satisfied' (39%) or 'somewhat satisfied' (41%) with the process.

Satisfaction levels were quite high among both DTIs (84% - 37% 'very satisfied'; 47% 'somewhat satisfied') and insurance companies (76% - 40% 'very satisfied'; 36% 'somewhat satisfied').

Q15. What is your institution's overall level of satisfaction with OSFI in processing regulatory approval applications?
Base: Those who submitted an application to OSFI
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=58 n=44 n=22 n=19 n=36 n=25
% % % % % %
Very satisfied 43 39 36 37 47 40
Somewhat satisfied 33 41 41 47 28 36
Neither 12 9 9 5 14 12
Somewhat dissatisfied 10 9 9 11 11 8
Very dissatisfied 2 2 5 - - 4

2. Understanding of OSFI's Decision-Making

The subset of respondents who had submitted an application to OSFI were also asked how well they understood OSFI's decision-making process. Most said they understood the process well (82%) – either 'very well' (40%) or 'somewhat well' (42%) – unchanged from 2018 (79%).

Self-reported levels of understanding were higher among insurance companies (92% - 40% 'very well'; 52% 'somewhat well'), compared to DTIs (67% - 39% 'very well'; 28% 'somewhat well'), similar to results from 2018.

Q16. How well does your institution understand the basis on which OSFI makes decisions about your applications?
Base: Those who submitted an application to OSFI
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=58 n=44 n=22 n=19 n=36 n=25
% % % % % %
Very well 41 40 36 39 44 40
Somewhat well 38 42 32 28 42 52
Neither 14 16 18 33 11 4
Poorly 5 2 9 - 3 4
Very poorly 2 - 5 - - -

E. Supervision

OSFI supervises financial institutions in accordance with its Supervisory Framework which was first introduced in 1999 and subsequently updated in 2010. The Framework describes the principles, concepts and the core process that OSFI employs to guide its supervision of federally regulated financial institutions (FRFIs) in Canada.

1. Ratings of OSFI's Supervision

The table below provides a summary of the results for those respondents who gave OSFI a rating of 'good/very good' on each of the five areas of supervision which were assessed, in descending order based on the 2021 results. Overall, the results vary minimally from 2018.

OSFI receives higher ratings for consistency between its written and oral communications (93%), providing an opportunity for companies/institutions to discuss issues of concern prior to OSFI reaching a conclusion (90%), and for the clarity of its written correspondence outlining issues (89%). Ratings on these measures are comparable between DTIs and insurance companies although there has been an improvement in the percentage of insurance companies giving OSFI a positive rating on the consistency of its written and oral communications (95%, up from 85% in 2018).

Respondents offered somewhat lower ratings, although still positive, on the extent to which OSFI's supervisory activities are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of the institution (77%) and on the extent to which its supervisory recommendations balance expectations of FRFI controls with risks, and are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of the institution (69%).

RATINGS OF OSFI: Summary Table – Various Aspects of Supervision (% good/very good)
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
% % % % % %
The consistency between OSFI's written and oral communications 87 93 88 90 85 95
Providing an opportunity to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion 89 90 92 93 85 89
Clarity of OSFI's written correspondence in outlining issues of concern 89 89 95 93 82 87
Extent to which supervisory activities are scaled to reflect nature, size and complexity of your institution* 80 77 83 81 76 75
The extent to which its supervisory recommendations balance expectations of FRFI controls with risks, and are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of your institution* - 69 - 77 - 65

*Small/mid-size institutions only

Among small and mid-sized institutions, performance ratings on the extent to which OSFI's supervisory activities are scaled to the nature, size, complexity and risk profile of the institution are in line with what was reported in 2018. In 2021 just under four-in-five respondents provided a positive rating (78% - 37% 'very good'; 41% 'good').

Similar to the findings from 2018, DTIs continue to rate OSFI more positively on this measure (80% - 39% 'very good'; 41% 'good') compared to insurance companies (75% - 35% 'very good'; 40% 'good').

RATING OF OSFI: The extent to which its supervisory activities (e.g. ongoing monitoring, onsite reviews, reporting requirements) are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of your institution
Q18. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: The extent to which its supervisory activities (e.g. ongoing monitoring, onsite reviews, reporting requirements) are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of your institution.
Base: Small/mid-size institutions.
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=111 n=107 n=53 n=42 n=58 n=65
% % % % % %
Very good 35 37 37 39 33 35
Good 45 41 46 41 43 40
Fair 16 14 13 15 19 14
Poor 3 7 4 2 2 9
Very poor 2 2 - 2 3 2

Ratings of OSFI were somewhat lower on the extent to which supervisory recommendations balance expectations of FRFI controls with risks, and are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of the institution. Just over two-thirds (69%) rated OSFI as 'very good' (29%) or 'good' (40%) on this measure.

DTIs were more likely to rate OSFI positively (77% - 33% 'very good'; 44% 'good') compared to insurance companies (65% - 26% 'very good'; 39% 'good'), reflecting a 12-point difference in the overall rating between the two groups.

RATING OF OSFI: The extent to which its supervisory recommendations balance expectations of FRFI controls with the risks, and are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of your institution
Q18a. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: The extent to which its supervisory recommendations balance expectations of FRFI controls with the risks, and are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of your institution.
Base: Small/mid-size institutions.
n=107 n=42 n=65
% % %
Very good 29 33 26
Good 40 44 39
Fair 23 21 25
Poor 7 3 9
Very poor 1 - 2

OSFI receives high ratings overall (90% - 57% 'very good'; 33% 'good') on providing an opportunity for the company/institution to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to it coming to a conclusion.

Ratings offered by DTIs (93% - 55% 'very good'; 38% 'good') and insurance companies (89% - 58% 'very good'; 31% 'good') were both high and relatively unchanged from 2018 (92% and 85%, respectively). However, it should be noted that among insurance companies the proportion of those giving OSFI the highest rating of 'very good' increased from 39% in 2018 to 58% in 2021, with a corresponding decline in those giving a rating of 'good' (46% in 2018 and 31% in 2021).

RATING OF OSFI: Providing an opportunity for your company/institution to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion
Q19. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: Providing an opportunity for your company/institution to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion.
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 45 57 51 55 39 58
Good 44 33 41 38 46 31
Fair 9 9 6 8 12 9
Poor 1 1 2 - - 2
Very poor 2 - - - 3 -

OSFI garners positive ratings with respect to the clarity of its written correspondence (89% - 47% 'very good'; 42% 'good'), identical to the rating provided in 2018 (89%).

A slightly larger share of DTIs (93%) gave OSFI a rating of 'very good' (50%) or 'good' (43%), compared to insurance companies (87% - 45% 'very good'; 42% 'good'). Nevertheless, the percentage of insurance companies giving OSFI a positive rating overall has increased by 5-points since 2018 (82%).

RATING OF OSFI: The clarity of OSFI's written correspondence (e.g., Management Reports and Supervisory Letters) in outlining issues of concern
Q20. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: The clarity of OSFI's written correspondence (e.g., Management Reports and Supervisory Letters) in outlining issues of concern.
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 44 47 54 50 34 45
Good 45 42 41 43 48 42
Fair 9 9 6 8 12 9
Poor 1 2 - - 2 3
Very poor 2 - - - 3 -

On the consistency between OSFI's written and oral communications, the 2021 ratings reflect a 6-point increase over 2018 (93% saying 'very good' (50%) or 'good' (43%), up from 87%).

Notably, the rating offered by insurance companies (95% - 51% 'very good'; 44% 'good') is slightly higher than that offered by DTIs (90% - 49% 'very good'; '41% good'), and reflects a 10-point increase from 2018 (85% - 29% 'very good'; 56% 'good').

RATING OF OSFI: The consistency between OSFI's written and oral communications
Q21. How would you rate OSFI with respect to: The consistency between OSFI's written and oral communications.
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very good 37 50 45 49 29 51
Good 50 43 43 41 56 44
Fair 12 6 9 10 14 3
Poor 1 1 2 - - 2
Very poor 1 - - - 2 -

2. Effectiveness of OSFI's Supervision

OSFI receives strongly positive ratings for the effectiveness of its supervision under normal circumstances (95% rate OSFI as 'very effective' (70%) or 'somewhat effective' (25%), unchanged from 2018). Ratings of the effectiveness of its supervision under the current COVID-19 circumstances are similar (93% rate OSFI as 'very effective' (62%) or 'somewhat effective' (31%)).

The ratings for DTIs and insurance companies have remained relatively stable between 2018 and 2021 in terms of the perceived effectiveness of OSFI's supervision under normal circumstances. Assessments continue to be strongly positive for both DTIs and insurance companies. Among DTIs almost three-quarters gave OSFI a rating of 'very effective' (72%, up from 60% in 2018) while about one-quarter rated OSFI as 'effective' (26%). Over two-thirds of insurance companies rated OSFI as 'very effective' (69%, up from 58% in 2018) and another quarter described OSFI as 'effective' (25%).

EFFECTIVENESS OF OSFI's SUPERVISION: Under normal circumstances
Q22. Overall, how effective do you think OSFI is in supervising (e.g. ongoing monitoring, on-site reviews including supervisory recommendations, reporting requirements, etc.) your institution? Note, in 2021 “Under normal circumstances” was appended to the question.
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very Effective 59 70 60 72 58 69
Somewhat Effective 34 25 35 26 34 25
Neither 2 4 2 2 2 5
Somewhat Ineffective 4 1 4 - 3 2
Very Ineffective 2 - - - 3 -

Under current COVID-19 circumstances, stakeholders provided very positive ratings on the effectiveness of OSFI's supervision – virtually all DTIs rated OSFI positively (98% - 65% 'very effective'; 33% 'effective') as did most insurance companies (91% - 61% 'very effective'; 30% 'effective').

EFFECTIVENESS OF OSFI's SUPERVISION: Under current COVID-19 circumstances
Q22a. Overall, how effective do you think OSFI is in supervising (e.g. ongoing monitoring, on-site reviews including supervisory recommendations, reporting requirements, etc.) your institution? Under the current COVID-19 circumstances.
Base: Total sample
n=109 n=43 n=66
% % %
Very Effective 62 65 61
Somewhat Effective 31 33 30
Neither 5 2 6
Somewhat Ineffective 2 - 3
Very Ineffective - - -

F. Communication with OSFI

With virtual unanimity (99%), respondents said they were 'very satisfied' (96%) or 'somewhat satisfied' (3%) with their dealings with OSFI's staff in the official language of their choice.

There was little difference between DTIs (100% - 95% 'very satisfied'; 5% 'somewhat satisfied') and insurance companies (98% - 97% 'very satisfied'; 1% 'somewhat satisfied') on this metric.

Q23. Thinking about your dealings with OSFI's staff on any supervisory or regulatory matter, how satisfied are you with OSFI's capacity to interact with you in the official language of your choice (i.e., English or French)?
Base: Total sample
2018 2021 2018 2021 2018 2021
n=115 n=109 n=55 n=43 n=60 n=66
% % % % % %
Very satisfied 93 96 90 95 95 97
Somewhat satisfied 7 3 8 5 5 1
Neither - - - - - -
Somewhat dissatisfied - - - - - -
Very dissatisfied 1 1 2 - - 2

G. Final Comments

Respondents were given an opportunity to identify one or two issues they believed OSFI should prioritize in the next year or so. Just over one-third of DTIs cited tailoring expectations to the size or mix of the business as a priority (37%), while one-in-five or slightly fewer highlighted issues related to explaining guidance and/or consistent enforcement (20%) and liquidity/capital requirements (17%). About one-in-ten recommended that OSFI prioritize the following: reducing the regulatory burden (13%), operational resilience (10%) and managing risk (10%). A range of other items were cited with less frequency, as shown in the table below.

Q25. What one or two issues pertaining to deposit-taking institutions do you believe OSFI should make priorities in the next year or so?
Base: Total answering
Tailor expectations to size/ mix of business 37
Explanation of guidance/ consistent enforcement 20
Liquidity/Capital requirements 17
Reduce regulatory burden/ revisit regulations 13
Operational resilience 10
Risk management 10
Encourage competition 7
FinTech/ unregulated lenders/ insurers 7
Communicate feedback on reviews of processes/ rules 3
Cyber risk 3
Better coordination with other regulators (FINTRAC, FCAC) 3
Interest rate risks 3

Among insurance companies, there was somewhat less consensus around any one particular priority. Just over one-quarter mentioned IFRS 17 (29%). Another one-in-five cited liquidity/capital requirements (20%), similar to the proportion with which this issue was also identified by DTIs, and reduced regulatory burden (18%). About one-in-ten cited other insurance related issues (12%), tailoring expectations to the size/mix of the business (10%) and LICAT (10%). Fewer than one-in-ten cited a series of other issues as priorities, as outlined in the table below.

Q25. What one or two issues pertaining to insurance companies do you believe OSFI should make priorities in the next year or so?
Base: Total answering
IFRS 17 29
Liquidity/Capital requirements 20
Reduce regulatory burden/ revisit regulations 18
Insurance related issues (autonomous vehicles, natural disasters, auto insurance pricing, etc.) 12
Tailor expectations to size/ mix of business 10
Explanation of guidance/ consistent enforcement 8
Cyber risk 8
Risk management 6
Develop a better understanding of sector issues 6
FinTech/ unregulated lenders/ insurers 4
More focus on technology 4
Reinsurance Framework 4
Encourage competition 2
Communicate feedback on reviews of processes/ rules 2

V. Appendix

A. Response Rate

In total, 109 federally regulated deposit-taking institutions and insurance companies completed the survey, with an overall response rate of 45%.

Total invitations sent 244
Email invitations bounce back
RESOLVED NUMBERS (Total minus U) 244
Refusals/Respondent unavailable/ No response/No longer in position
Completed 109
RESPONSE RATE [R / (U + IS + R)] 44.67%

The response rate was calculated according to the standard Empirical Method formula of R / (U + IS + R), as follows:

B. E-mail Communications

1. Invitation Letter from the Superintendent

February 2021

To: Federally Regulated Financial Institutions

Subject: Confidential on-line survey commissioned by OSFI

I am writing to invite your participation in an important confidential on-line survey that is being conducted by The Strategic Counsel, an independent research firm, on behalf of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). OSFI regularly commissions studies with senior members of the financial community to obtain their assessment of OSFI's effectiveness as a regulator and supervisor. Your participation in the survey is voluntary. Your acceptance or refusal to participate will not affect your relationship with OSFI; however, your feedback will help us to improve our performance, which we believe is of ultimate benefit to you and your organization.

In the coming days, The Strategic Counsel will contact you by e-mail with a link to the survey, which is hosted on a secure Internet site. Only The Strategic Counsel will have access to your electronic responses. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. You may pause and save your responses at any time. We encourage you to canvass your colleagues for their views, if you feel this would be helpful.

OSFI is committed to a confidential research process and the resulting report will present responses in summary form and without attribution. As part of OSFI's commitment to transparency and accountability, the final results will be posted on OSFI's website in fall 2021.

If you would like to discuss this study, please feel free to contact Laura Buckland, Manager, Communication Services at OSFI, at (613) 853-5791, or Donna Nixon, Partner, The Strategic Counsel at (416) 975-4465 ext. 532.

We recognize that these are difficult, unprecedented times and thank you for considering this request.


Jeremy Rudin,

Mars 2021

Destinataires : Institutions financières fédérales

Objet : Sondage confidentiel en ligne commandé par le BSIF

La présente a pour objet de vous inviter à prendre part à un important sondage confidentiel en ligne qui est administré par The Strategic Counsel, un cabinet de recherche indépendant, pour le compte du Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières (BSIF). Le BSIF s'enquiert périodiquement de l'opinion des dirigeants des milieux financiers au sujet de son efficacité à titre d'organisme de réglementation et de surveillance. La décision de participer ou non au sondage est laissée entièrement à votre discrétion. Que vous acceptiez ou que vous refusiez, votre décision ne changera aucunement vos relations avec le BSIF; cependant, votre opinion nous permettra d'améliorer notre rendement, ce qui, nous en sommes persuadés, devrait vous être profitable et l'être pour votre organisme également.

Au cours des jours qui suivent, un représentant de The Strategic Counsel vous communiquera par courriel un lien hypertexte vers le questionnaire du sondage, qui se trouve sur un site Internet sécurisé. Seul The Strategic Counsel aura accès à vos réponses électroniques. Il faut compter au maximum quinze minutes pour répondre à toutes les questions. Vous pourrez vous arrêter à tout moment, enregistrer vos réponses et revenir au questionnaire par la suite. Si vous le jugez bon, n'hésitez pas à demander l'opinion de vos collègues.

Le BSIF s'engage à préserver la confidentialité du sondage et à présenter les réponses sous forme de résumés, sans les attribuer aux participants. En outre, afin de respecter nos engagements en matière de transparence et de responsabilité, nous ferons paraître les résultats sur notre site Web à l'automne 2021.

Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez communiquer avec Laura Buckland, gestionnaire, services de communication au BSIF, au (613) 853-5791, ou avec Donna Nixon, partenaire, The Strategic Counsel, au (613) 863-5350.

Nous sommes conscients que nous passons une période à la fois difficile et sans précédent et nous vous remercions de l'attention que vous accorderez à cette demande.


Le surintendant,
Jeremy Rudin

2. Survey Invitation from The Strategic Counsel

Subject: Online survey commissioned by OSFI / Sondage en ligne commandé par le BSIF


(Le texte français suit l'anglais)

Recently, you will have received via email a letter of invitation from Jeremy Rudin, Superintendent of OSFI, requesting your participation in an online survey of senior members of federally regulated financial institutions. The purpose of the survey is to obtain your assessment of OSFI's effectiveness as a regulator and supervisor. If you have not received the letter, please contact us and we will share a copy with you.

The Strategic Counsel, an independent research firm, is conducting this survey on behalf of OSFI. The survey will take no more than 15 minutes to complete and your responses will be treated in confidence. All the information you provide will be kept anonymous and will be reported only in aggregate form.

Please follow this link to complete the survey: [Insert link]

We kindly ask that you complete the survey by April 15, 2021.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Donna Nixon, Partner, The Strategic Counsel at (613) 863-5350 ( or Laura Buckland, Manager of OSFI Communication Services, at (613) 853-5791 (

OSFI appreciates your participation and looks forward to your feedback.

Thank you,

The Strategic Counsel

Having trouble accessing the survey online? Please email The Strategic Counsel at <>.

If you do not wish to be contacted again about this survey, please click here to opt out of further emails.

This e-mail is being sent to you by The Strategic Counsel on behalf of OSFI. The Strategic Counsel attempts to comply with all the provisions of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Canada Anti-Spam legislation Act (CASL) for commercial e-mail. The Strategic Counsel is located at 15 Delisle Avenue, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1S8.

Dernièrement, vous avez reçu par courriel une lettre de M. Jeremy Rudin, le surintendant du BSIF, vous invitant à participer à un sondage en ligne auprès des dirigeants des institutions financières fédérales. Le sondage vise à obtenir votre appréciation de l'efficacité du BSIF en tant qu'organisme de réglementation et de surveillance. Si vous n'avez pas reçu la lettre, veuillez nous en informer et nous vous en ferons parvenir une copie.

The Strategic Counsel, un cabinet de recherche indépendant, réalise ce sondage au nom du BSIF. Le questionnaire ne devrait prendre qu'environ 15 minutes à remplir et vos réponses seront traitées en toute confidentialité. Les réponses recueillies seront transmises au BSIF sous forme abrégée, sans mention du nom des répondants ou des organismes qu'ils représentent.

Veuillez suivre ce lien pour compléter le sondage : [Insert link]

Nous vous prions de bien vouloir répondre au sondage au plus tard le 15 avril 2021.

Si vous avez des questions à propos de ce sondage, veuillez communiquer avec Donna Nixon, partenaire, The Strategic Counsel au 613-863-5350 ou ( ou Laura Buckland, gestionnaire des Services de communication du BSIF, au 613-853-5791 ou (

Le BSIF apprécie votre participation et attend avec impatience vos commentaires.

Je vous remercie.

The Strategic Counsel

En cas de difficulté pour accéder au sondage en ligne prière d'écrire à The Strategic Counsel : <>

Si vous ne souhaitez plus qu'on communique avec vous au sujet de ce sondage, veuillez cliquer ici pour vous retirer de la liste d'envoi.

Ce courriel vous est envoyé par The Strategic Counsel au nom du BSIF. The Strategic Counsel s'applique à respecter l'ensemble des dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (LPRPDE) et de la Loi canadienne anti-pourriel (LCAP) visant les courriels commerciaux. The Strategic Counsel a ses bureaux au 15, avenue Delisle, 3e étage, Toronto, ON M4V 1S8.

3. Survey Reminders

Extension 1

Subject: REMINDER: Online survey commissioned by OSFI / RAPPEL: Sondage en ligne commandé par le BSIF


(Le texte français suit l'anglais)

This is a reminder concerning OSFI's Financial Institutions Survey. A short while ago, you received via email a letter of invitation from Jeremy Rudin, Superintendent of OSFI, requesting your participation in this survey. If you have not received the letter, please contact us and we will share a copy with you.

The purpose of the survey is to obtain your assessment of OSFI's effectiveness as a regulator and supervisor. The Strategic Counsel, an independent research firm, is conducting this survey on behalf of OSFI. The survey will take no more than 15 minutes to complete and your responses will be treated in confidence.

To proceed to the survey, please click on the following link: [Insert link]

We kindly ask that you complete the survey by April 22, 2021.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Donna Nixon, Partner, The Strategic Counsel at (613) 863-5350 ( or Laura Buckland, Manager of OSFI Communication Services, at (613) 853-5791 (

OSFI appreciates your participation and looks forward to your feedback.

Thank you,

The Strategic Counsel

Having trouble accessing the survey online? Please email The Strategic Counsel at <>.

If you do not wish to be contacted again about this survey, please click here to opt out of further emails.

This e-mail is being sent to you by The Strategic Counsel on behalf of OSFI. The Strategic Counsel attempts to comply with all the provisions of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Canada Anti-Spam legislation Act (CASL) for commercial e-mail. The Strategic Counsel is located at 15 Delisle Avenue, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1S8.

La présente est un rappel concernant le sondage du BSIF auprès des institutions financières. Il y a quelque temps, vous avez reçu par courriel une lettre de M. Jeremy Rudin, le surintendant du BSIF, vous invitant à participer à ce sondage. Si vous ne l'avez pas reçue, veuillez nous en informer et nous vous en ferons parvenir une copie.

Le sondage vise à obtenir votre appréciation de l'efficacité du BSIF en tant qu'organisme de réglementation et de surveillance. The Strategic Counsel, un cabinet de recherche indépendant, réalise ce sondage au nom du BSIF. Le questionnaire ne devrait prendre qu'environ 15 minutes à remplir et vos réponses seront traitées en toute confidentialité.

Veuillez suivre ce lien pour compléter le sondage : [Insert link]

Nous vous prions de bien vouloir répondre au sondage au plus tard le 22 avril 2021.

Si vous avez des questions à propos de ce sondage, veuillez communiquer avec Donna Nixon, partenaire, The Strategic Counsel au 613-863-5350 ou ( ou Laura Buckland, gestionnaire des Services de communication du BSIF, au 613-853-5791 ou (

Le BSIF apprécie votre participation et attend avec impatience vos commentaires.

Je vous remercie.

The Strategic Counsel

En cas de difficulté pour accéder au sondage en ligne prière d'écrire à The Strategic Counsel : <>.

Si vous ne souhaitez plus qu'on communique avec vous au sujet de ce sondage, veuillez cliquer ici pour vous retirer de la liste d'envoi.

Ce courriel vous est envoyé par The Strategic Counsel au nom du BSIF. The Strategic Counsel s'applique à respecter l'ensemble des dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (LPRPDE) et de la Loi canadienne anti-pourriel (LCAP) visant les courriels commerciaux. The Strategic Counsel a ses bureaux au 15, avenue Delisle, 3e étage, Toronto, ON M4V 1S8.

Extension 2

Subject : OSFI Survey – Extension: Closes April 27, 2021 / Sondage du BSIF – Prolongation : La date limite est le 27 avril 2021


(Le texte français suit l'anglais)

This is a reminder concerning OSFI's Financial Institutions Survey – the survey will now be closing at midnight on April 27, 2021. Your input is very important to the success of this study. If you have not yet had a chance to complete the survey, we would appreciate your participation.

The Strategic Counsel, an independent research firm, is conducting the survey on behalf of OSFI. The survey will take no more than 15 minutes to complete and your responses will be treated in confidence.

To proceed to the survey, please click on the following link: [Insert link]

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Donna Nixon, Partner, The Strategic Counsel at (613) 863-5350 ( or Laura Buckland, Manager of OSFI Communication Services, at (613) 853-5791 (

OSFI appreciates your participation and looks forward to your feedback.

Thank you,

The Strategic Counsel

Having trouble accessing the survey online? Please email The Strategic Counsel at <>.

If you do not wish to be contacted again about this survey, please click here to opt out of further emails.

This e-mail is being sent to you by The Strategic Counsel on behalf of OSFI. The Strategic Counsel attempts to comply with all the provisions of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Canada Anti-Spam legislation Act (CASL) for commercial e-mail. The Strategic Counsel is located at 15 Delisle Avenue, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1S8.

La présente a pour but de vous rappeler de remplir le sondage du BSIF auprès des institutions financières. La date limite du sondage est repoussée au 27 avril 2021 à minuit. Vos commentaires contribuent largement à la réussite de ce sondage. Si vous n'avez pas encore eu l'occasion de remplir le questionnaire, nous vous saurions gré de bien vouloir le faire.

The Strategic Counsel, un cabinet de recherche indépendant, réalise ce sondage au nom du BSIF. Le questionnaire ne devrait prendre qu'environ 15 minutes à remplir et vos réponses seront traitées en toute confidentialité.

Veuillez suivre ce lien pour compléter le sondage : [Insert link]

Si vous avez des questions à propos de ce sondage, veuillez communiquer avec Donna Nixon, partenaire, The Strategic Counsel au 613-863-5350 ou ( ou Laura Buckland, gestionnaire des Services de communication du BSIF, au 613-853-5791 ou (

Le BSIF apprécie votre participation et attend avec impatience vos commentaires.

Je vous remercie.

The Strategic Counsel

En cas de difficulté pour accéder au sondage en ligne prière d'écrire à The Strategic Counsel : <>.

Si vous ne souhaitez plus qu'on communique avec vous au sujet de ce sondage, veuillez cliquer ici pour vous retirer de la liste d'envoi.

Ce courriel vous est envoyé par The Strategic Counsel au nom du BSIF. The Strategic Counsel s'applique à respecter l'ensemble des dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (LPRPDE) et de la Loi canadienne anti-pourriel (LCAP) visant les courriels commerciaux. The Strategic Counsel a ses bureaux au 15, avenue Delisle, 3e étage, Toronto, ON M4V 1S8.

4. Thank-You Note


SUBJECT: Thank You – OSFI Survey/Remerciements – Sondage du BSIF


(Le texte français suit l'anglais)

The Strategic Counsel, on behalf of OSFI, would like to thank you for taking part in OSFI's 2021 Financial Institutions Survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated and your input will be valuable to OSFI as it works towards improving its performance as a regulator and supervisor.

In the interests of transparency and accountability, the results will be posted on OSFI's website in the fall of 2021. OSFI is committed to a confidential research process and the report will present responses in summary form only, and without attribution.

Thank you again.

The Strategic Counsel

If you do not wish to be contacted again about this survey, please click here to opt out of further emails.

This e-mail is being sent to you by The Strategic Counsel on behalf of OSFI. The Strategic Counsel attempts to comply with all the provisions of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Canada Anti-Spam legislation Act (CASL) for commercial e-mail. The Strategic Counsel is located at 15 Delisle Avenue, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1S8.

Au nom du BSIF, The Strategic Counsel tient à vous remercier d'avoir pris part au sondage de 2021 auprès des institutions financières. Vos appréciations seront d'une grande aide au BSIF pour améliorer sa performance à titre d'organisme de réglementation et de surveillance.

Par souci de transparence et de responsabilité, les résultats du sondage seront communiqués sur le site Web du BSIF à l'automne de 2021. Le BSIF s'est engagé à préserver la confidentialité du sondage; aussi le rapport présentera-t-il les résultats sous forme de synthèse, sans mention du nom des répondants.

Merci encore de votre participation.

Meilleures salutations,
The Strategic Counsel

Si vous ne souhaitez pas recevoir d'autres courriels au sujet de ce sondage, il suffit de cliquer ici pour vous désinscrire de la liste d'envoi.

Ce courriel vous est envoyé par The Strategic Counsel au nom du BSIF. The Strategic Counsel s'applique à respecter l'ensemble des dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (LPRPDE) et de la Loi canadienne anti-pourriel (LCAP) visant les courriels commerciaux. The Strategic Counsel a ses bureaux au 15, avenue Delisle, 3e étage, Toronto, ON M4V 1S8.

C. Questionnaires

1. English Questionnaire

Financial Institutions Survey (FIS)

Official Language Active Offer

Please select your preferred language / Veuillez sélectionner la langue de votre choix :


The Strategic Counsel has been retained by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) to conduct the 2021 edition of its biennial survey with Chief Executive Officers of Federally Regulated Financial Institutions.

You are invited to provide your assessment of OSFI's effectiveness as a supervisor and regulator. Your feedback is critical for OSFI to understand how well it is achieving its strategic objectives, in order to be accountable to stakeholders like yourself and to improve its effectiveness. Participation in the survey is voluntary and will take about 15 minutes.

You can be assured that The Strategic Counsel, as an independent third party, will hold your responses in strict confidence. OSFI will not know who participated in the research or what specific institutions have said about it.

As a standard industry practice, The Strategic Counsel has put in place secure procedures to ensure that confidentiality is maintained at all times. Please click here to view their privacy policy. The Strategic Counsel will provide OSFI with a report aggregating the findings from this survey. The results of the research will be posted on OSFI's website.

To begin the survey, please click on the [>>] button below.
Please only use the [<<] or [>>] buttons to navigate through the survey.

Overall Impressions

1. Overall, how satisfied are you with OSFI as the principal prudential regulator and supervisor of Canada's financial services industry?

2. How would you rate OSFI with respect to how proactive it is in responding to emerging issues pertaining to the (insurance / deposit-taking) sector?

3. How would you rate OSFI on the extent to which it focuses on the appropriate areas of risk in the (insurance/deposit-taking) sector?

4. What one or two risk areas do you believe should be priorities for OSFI in the next couple of years pertaining to (institutions in the insurance sector/institutions in the deposit-taking sector)?


With the onset of COVID‑19 in March 2020, OSFI put in place a series of measures in order to provide guidance and/or support to its regulated entities. Among the measures put in place for federally regulated financial institutions were the following:

CV1. Were you aware of these measures put in place for financial institutions?

Thinking about the measures put in place by OSFI to address COVID‑19, do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

CV2. OSFI identified the right measures to put in place

CV3. OSFI's response to COVID-19 was timely

CV4. OSFI's expectations of institutions regarding measures to address COVID‑19 circumstances were clear

CV5. [If CV2, CV3, or CV4 = Strongly Disagree or Somewhat Disagree]. Please elaborate on why you disagree that:

CV6. OSFI offered a series of technical briefings on COVID‑19 related regulatory measures (e.g. adjustments to regulatory capital; DSB levels; reporting requirements). Did you attend any of these technical briefings?

To what extent do you agree or disagree that the technical briefings offered by OSFI were:

CV7. Timely

CV8. Comprehensive

CV9. Useful

CV10. [If No at CV6] What is the main reason why you did not attend any of the technical briefings?

CV11. To keep stakeholders informed throughout the pandemic, OSFI has been issuing a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to measures taken as a result of COVID-19. Have you consulted any of these FAQs?

Thinking about the FAQs, to what extent do you agree or disagree that they were:

CV12. Timely

CV13. Comprehensive

CV14. Useful

CV15. Throughout the pandemic period, the overall frequency of OSFI's communications/updates to stakeholders has been:


As needed, OSFI develops Guidance (which may include guidelines and advisories) for (institutions in the insurance sector/institutions in the deposit-taking sector).

How would you rate OSFI with respect to:

5. Responding in a timely manner to market developments or to industry suggestions that guidance needs updating

6. Consulting with the financial services industry when developing guidance

7. Providing your institution with the opportunity to comment on revised or proposed guidance

8. The transparency of the consultation process OSFI follows when developing guidance (e.g., the means by which industry members may provide feedback, the timing for feedback, the timing of OSFI's response)

9. Communicating its response, including rationale, to feedback provided by your industry sector during consultations related to guidance development

10. Were you aware that OSFI includes with the final version of all revised or new guidelines a summary of stakeholder comments and an explanation of how OSFI dealt with the issues raised through the consultation process?

11. How would you rate OSFI with respect to developing guidance that strikes an appropriate balance between prudential considerations and the need for institutions to compete?

12. [Programming instruction: Only ask of small and mid-sized Institutions] How would you rate OSFI's guidance on the extent to which it considers the nature, size and complexity of financial institutions?

13. Overall, how effective do you think OSFI's guidance is in providing a clear indication of its expectations?


As you know, OSFI's Superintendent, and in some cases the Minister of Finance, must approve certain business transactions or initiatives (institutions in the insurance sector/institutions in the deposit-taking sector) wish to take.

The following question(s) pertain to OSFI's approvals process as it relates to your institution.

14. Has your institution made a request for a regulatory approval in the last two years?

15. What is your institution's overall level of satisfaction with OSFI in processing regulatory approval applications?

16. How well does your institution understand the basis on which OSFI makes decisions about your applications?


The following questions pertain to OSFI's supervision as it relates to your institution.

How would you rate OSFI with respect to:

18. [Programming instruction: Only ask of small and mid-sized Institutions] The extent to which its supervisory activities (e.g. ongoing monitoring, onsite reviews, reporting requirements) are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity and risk profile of your institution.

18a. [Programming instruction: Only ask of small and mid-sized Institutions] The extent to which its supervisory recommendations balance expectations of financial institutions' controls with the risks, and are scaled to reflect the nature, size and complexity of your institution?

19. Providing an opportunity for your institution to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion.

20. The clarity of OSFI's written correspondence (e.g., Management Reports and Supervisory Letters) in outlining issues of concern.

21. The consistency between OSFI's written and oral communications.

Overall, how effective do you think OSFI is in supervising (e.g. ongoing monitoring, on‑site reviews including supervisory recommendations, reporting requirements, etc.) your institution?

22. Under normal circumstances (i.e., outside of the current pandemic)

22b. Under the current COVID-19 circumstances


23. Thinking about your dealings with OSFI's staff on any supervisory or regulatory matter, how satisfied are you with OSFI's capacity to interact with you in the official language of your choice (i.e., English or French)?

24. [If Q23=1-2] Which of the following are areas in which you are dissatisfied? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Final Comments

25. What one or two issues pertaining to (insurance institutions / deposit-taking institutions) do you believe OSFI should make priorities in the next year or so?

26. Are there any other comments you would like to make concerning the issues raised in this questionnaire?


Thank you. The survey is now complete. Please click on the "submit" button below to submit your results.

The Strategic Counsel would like to thank you for your participation on behalf of OSFI.

2. French Questionnaire

Sondage auprès des institutions financières (SIF)

Official Language Active Offer

Please select your preferred language / Veuillez sélectionner la langue de votre choix :


Le Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières a chargé le cabinet The Strategic Counsel de mener l'édition 2021 du sondage biennal auprès des chefs de la direction d'institutions financières fédérales.

Nous vous invitons à évaluer l'efficacité du BSIF à titre d'organisme de surveillance et de réglementation. C'est grâce à vos commentaires que le BSIF saura dans quelle mesure il atteint ses objectifs stratégiques afin de rendre des comptes à des interlocuteurs comme vous et d'accroître son efficacité. La participation au sondage est laissée à votre discrétion et ne prend que 15 minutes environ.

Soyez assuré que The Strategic Counsel, à titre de tiers indépendant, protégera la confidentialité de vos réponses. Le BSIF ne saura pas qui a participé au sondage ni quelles observations ont été faites par une institution ou une société en particulier.

Conformément aux normes respectées généralement dans le secteur des sondages d'opinion, The Strategic Counsel a établi des procédures visant à préserver la confidentialité de l'information en tout temps. Pour consulter sa politique en matière de confidentialité, cliquer ici (faire défiler vers le bas pour le français). The Strategic Counsel remettra au BSIF un rapport sur les résultats du sondage. Les résultats du sondage seront présentés sur le site Web du BSIF.

Pour commencer le sondage, appuyer sur la touche [ >>] ci-dessous.
Veuillez utiliser les boutons [<<] et [>>] pour naviguer tout au long du sondage.

Impressions globales

1. Dans l'ensemble, dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait du BSIF dans son rôle de principal organisme de réglementation et de surveillance prudentielles du secteur des services financiers du Canada?

2. Quelle cote donneriez-vous à la proactivité dont le BSIF fait preuve face aux nouveaux enjeux dans le secteur (des assurances / des institutions de dépôts)?

3. Quelle cote donneriez-vous au BSIF pour ce qui est de concentrer ses efforts sur les domaines à risque pertinents du secteur des (assurances / institutions de dépôts)?

4. Veuillez indiquer un ou deux domaines à risque qui, selon vous, devraient constituer une priorité pour le BSIF ces prochaines années en ce qui a trait aux (sociétés du secteur des assurances / institutions du secteur des ID).


Depuis le début de la pandémie en mars 2020, le BSIF a instauré une série de mesures afin d'encadrer les entités réglementées. Voici plusieurs mesures mises en place visant les institutions financières fédérales :

CV1. Étiez-vous au courant de la mise en place de ces mesures visant les institutions financières?

Veuillez indiquer votre niveau d'accord ou de désaccord avec les énoncés suivants concernant les mesures instaurées par le BSIF pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 :

CV2. Le BSIF a choisi les bonnes mesures à mettre en place.

CV3. Le BSIF a réagi rapidement à la pandémie.

CV4. Les attentes du BSIF à l'égard des institutions en ce qui concerne les mesures en réponse à la COVID-19 étaient claires.

CV5. [Si une réponse aux questions CV2, CV3, ou CV4 était « Fortement en désaccord » ou « Plutôt en désaccord »] Veuillez expliquer votre désaccord :

CV6. Le BSIF a présenté une série de séances d'information techniques à l'intention du secteur sur les mesures réglementaires liées à COVID 19 (p. ex., rajustements des fonds propres réglementaires, niveaux de la réserve pour stabilité intérieure, exigences de production des rapports). Avez-vous assisté à l'une de ces séances?

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d'accord ou en désaccord avec le fait que les séances d'information techniques organisées par le BSIF étaient :

CV7. présentées en temps voulu

CV8. exhaustives

CV9. utiles

CV10. [Si la réponse à la question CV6 était « Non »] Quelle est la principale raison pour laquelle vous n'avez assisté à aucune séance d'information technique?

CV11. Pour informer les institutions pendant la pandémie, le BSIF publie une série de foires aux questions (FAQ) sur les mesures prises durant la pandémie de COVID-19. Avez-vous consulté l'une de ces FAQ?

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants sur les FAQ?

CV12. Elles ont été publiées en temps voulu.

CV13. Elles sont exhaustives.

CV14. Elles sont utiles.

CV15. Que pensez-vous de la fréquence des communications du BSIF avec les institutions pendant la pandémie?


Au besoin, le BSIF établit des consignes (y compris des lignes directrices et des préavis) à l'intention des (sociétés du secteur des assurances / institutions du secteur des ID).

Quelle cote donneriez-vous au BSIF pour ce qui est …

5. de réagir en temps opportun à l'évolution des marchés ou aux suggestions de ses interlocuteurs selon lesquelles les consignes ont besoin d'être mises à jour?

6. de consulter le secteur des services financiers au sujet de l'élaboration de consignes?

7. de donner l'occasion à votre institution de commenter les consignes modifiées ou proposées?

8. de respecter un processus de consultation transparent lorsqu'il établit des consignes (processus signifie les moyens offerts aux participants du secteur pour formuler leurs commentaires, les délais fixés à cette fin et le temps mis par le BSIF à répondre aux commentaires)?

9. de répondre aux commentaires des participants du secteur pendant les consultations sur l'établissement de consignes en fournissant des justifications?

10. Saviez-vous que le BSIF publie toujours la version définitive de ses nouvelles lignes directrices ou de celles révisées en les accompagnant d'un condensé des commentaires reçus des interlocuteurs et d'une explication de la façon dont le BSIF en a tenu compte?

11. Quelle cote donneriez-vous au BSIF pour ce qui est d'établir des consignes qui représentent un juste équilibre entre les préoccupations d'ordre prudentiel et la nécessité pour les institutions de faire face à la concurrence?

12. [Instruction de programme : Demander seulement aux petites et moyennes institutions] Quelle cote donneriez-vous aux consignes du BSIF en ce qu'elles tiennent compte de la nature, de la taille et de la complexité des institutions financières?

13. Dans l'ensemble, dans quelle mesure estimez-vous que les consignes du BSIF sont un moyen efficace de communiquer clairement ses attentes?


Comme vous le savez, le surintendant des institutions financières et, dans certains cas, le ministre des Finances, doit approuver certaines opérations ou mesures que les (sociétés du secteur des assurances / institutions du secteur des institutions de dépôts) souhaitent réaliser.

La ou les questions qui suivent portent sur le processus d'agrément du BSIF à l'égard de votre institution.

14. Votre institution a-t-elle présenté une demande d'agrément réglementaire au cours des deux dernières années?

15. Dans l'ensemble, dans quelle mesure votre institution est-elle satisfaite de la façon dont le BSIF traite les demandes d'agrément?

16. Dans quelle mesure votre institution comprend-elle le fondement des décisions du BSIF au sujet des demandes d'agrément que vous avez soumises?


Les questions qui suivent portent sur la surveillance du BSIF exerce à l'égard de votre institution.

Quelle cote donneriez-vous au BSIF pour ce qui est …

18. [Instruction de programme : Demander seulement aux institutions de taille petite ou moyenne] de la portée adaptée de ses activités de surveillance (p. ex., surveillance continue, examens sur place, exigences de production des rapports) à la nature, à la taille, à la complexité et au profil de risque de votre institution.

18a. [Instruction de programme : Demander seulement aux institutions de taille petite ou moyenne] de l'équilibre atteint avec ses recommandations de surveillance entre les attentes en matière de contrôles des institutions financières fédérales et les risques, et de leur portée adaptée à la nature, à la taille et à la complexité de votre institution?

19. d'offrir à votre institution la possibilité de discuter de ses préoccupations avec lui avant qu'il tire une conclusion?

20. de la clarté de la correspondance écrite (p. ex., les rapports de gestion et les lettres de surveillance) dans laquelle le BSIF décrit ses préoccupations?

21. de la cohérence entre ses communications orales et écrites?

Dans l'ensemble, dans quelle mesure estimez-vous que la surveillance (p. ex., suivi régulier, examens sur place y compris recommandations des surveillants et informations exigées) que le BSIF exerce à l'égard de votre institution est efficace?

22. En temps normal (c'est-à-dire en dehors de la pandémie actuelle)

22b. Pendant la pandémie de COVID-19


23. Réfléchissez aux rapports que vous avez eus avec le personnel du BSIF au sujet de quelque question de surveillance ou de réglementation. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait d'avoir pu traiter le BSIF dans la langue officielle de votre choix (c'est-à-dire, en anglais ou en français)?

24. [Si Q23=1 ou 2] Plus précisément, êtes-vous insatisfait de la capacité du BSIF … (CHOISIR TOUTES LES RÉPONSES PERTINENTES)

Dernières observations

25. Veuillez indiquer une ou deux questions se rapportant aux (sociétés d'assurances/institutions de dépôts) qui, selon vous, devraient constituer une priorité du BSIF au cours de l'année qui vient.

Avez-vous d'autres remarques à faire au sujet des points abordés dans le présent questionnaire?


Nous vous remercions de votre collaboration. Vous avez atteint la fin du questionnaire. Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton « Soumettre » ci-dessous.

The Strategic Counsel vous remercie, au nom du BSIF, de votre participation.

D. Tabulated Data

The full set of tabulated data is submitted under separate cover.