2022-23 OSFI Employee Survey (ES)
Final Report

Prepared for Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

Supplier Name: Environics Research
Contract Number: CW2237517
Contract Value: $79,468.38 (including HST)
Award Date: 2022-08-11
Delivery Date: 2023-05-17

Registration Number: POR 027-22

For more information on this report, please contact OSFI at: information@osfi-bsif.gc.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.


2022-23 Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) Employee Survey (ES)

Final Report

Prepared for Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)
Supplier: Environics Research
Registration: POR 027-22

May 2023

Permission to reproduce

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from OSFI. For more information on this report, please contact OSFI at: information@osfi-bsif.gc.ca

Communications Engagement and Stakeholder Affairs
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
255 Albert St.
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0H2

Catalogue Number:


International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

ISBN 978-0-660-49049-6

Related publications (registration number: POR 027-22)

Catalogue Number: IN4-29/2023F-PDF (Final Report, French)

ISBN 978-0-660-49050-2

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as presented by the Minister of Finance, 2023

Table of contents

Executive summary

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) Canada is the federal regulator and supervisor of approximately 1,800 financial institutions, including deposit-taking institutions, insurance companies and federally regulated private pensions plans. OSFI regularly conducts a survey of all eligible employees at four locations across Canada. The employee survey seeks to assess employee levels of satisfaction and to identify potential areas for improvement. This report presents the 2023 findings and provides a discussion of these results in comparison to the 2020 OSFI employee survey.

The survey was made available in both official languages and was completed online by OSFI employees between January 16th to February 24th, 2023. The questionnaire explored various themes of employee satisfaction. Survey results are explored overall, in comparison to the previous years' results and by OSFI sector. An overall response rate of 73% was achieved. Since the survey attempted to include all employees (i.e., was conducted as a census), it is unnecessary to apply a margin of error to the survey results and the results are considered representative of the population of OSFI employees.

Summary of Findings

The results of this research will be used to help identify areas of improvement for OSFI going forward.

Cost of Research

The contract value was $79,468.38 (including HST)

Political neutrality statement and contact information

I hereby certify as senior officer of Environics that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity, and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Stephanie Coulter
Senior Research Associate, Corporate and Public Affairs

Supplier name: Environics Research Group
Contract number: CW2237517
Original contract date: 2022-08-11

For more information, contact OSFI at: information@osfi-bsif.gc.ca


OSFI employs over 900 people in four different locations (Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver) to meet its mandate as the federal regulator and supervisor of approximately 1,800 financial institutions, including deposit-taking institutions (e.g., banks), insurance companies (life and property & casualty), and federally regulated private pensions plans.

As per OSFI’s 2022-23 Departmental Plan, one of OSFI’s key priorities is related to Culture Initiatives: OSFI is a workplace where curious, diverse, high integrity colleagues are safe to bring their true and best selves to work every day and are safe to fail and then adapt. This research and survey support the gathering of information that will help develop and execute an updated Human Capital Strategy, embed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) within OSFI, implement ongoing monitoring of OSFI’s cultural promises and commitments, review competency models and performance assessment methods, and implement training and/or supports to nurture the fulfilment of OSFI’s promises and commitments. This research collects the feedback of OSFI employees about various aspects of their working environment including (but not limited to): overall employee satisfaction, internal communication, performance management, career development, work-life balance, leadership, use of official languages, culture, as well as diversity and inclusion. The results will be used to assess and address specific organizational matters.

The survey is designed to measure key areas that impact employee retention and engagement, e.g., my organization, immediate supervisor, senior management, my job/career, official languages, and wellbeing.

Other objectives include:


The OSFI Employee Survey is an ongoing research project going back to 2005. The 2023 iteration of the survey was available for employee participation from January 16th to February 24th, 2023.

The survey used a census approach. All OSFI employees who have been with the organization for at least three months (by the launch date) were invited to complete the survey. Following the initial email invitation from Environics to each employee’s OSFI email address, four reminders were sent to non-responders. As well, internal communications support was provided within OSFI. In communications, employees were informed that their privacy would be respected throughout the research process.

The survey was available to all employees in English and French; 93% of respondents completed the survey in English and 7% in French. The survey took an average of 20 minutes to complete.

Environics worked in consultation with OSFI to develop the 2023 survey, which consisted of tracking metrics as well as new questions to reflect current OSFI priorities. The survey contained a total of 87 closed-ended questions (ten of which are demographic questions) and one open ended (comment) question organized into six thematic sections (plus a section for demographics). In total, 72 questions (out of 87) can be compared directly to the 2020 results (37 questions with 5-point scales and 35 other questions).

Response Rates

In total, 984 employees were invited to participate with 721 employees completing the survey for an overall response rate of 73%. This is a decrease of seven percentage points since 2020, when the participation rate was 80% (672/841). This is a steeper decline than noted in previous years; the participation rate was 81% in 2019, 85% in 2018 and 87% in 2017.

The response rate differed among sectors; those in the Strategy, Risk and Governance (55%) and the Corporate Services and Transformation (55%) sectors were the least likely to respond and those in the Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs (69%) sector were the most likely to. Among employees who responded, 16% chose not to identify their work unit (compared with 23% in 2020), effectively reducing the response rate in various sectors/groups. Most identified their sector/group, with 14% not identifying any affiliation at all (compared to 10% in 2020).

The response rate was calculated for each sector by dividing the total number of responses for a sector by the total number of employees for that sector. Since some employees did not identify their sector, they are only included in the overall calculation where the total number of responses (721) is divided by the total number of OSFI employees (984). As a result, the response rate for any given sector may be higher than reported in Table 1 as the 102 employees who did not report their sector would otherwise be included in their response rate.

Since the survey attempted to include all employees (i.e., was conducted as a census) it is unnecessary to apply a margin of error to the survey results. There is limited potential for non-response bias where 73% of the population is included.

Table 1 - Response rate
Sector Number of Employees Response Rate

Superintendent’s Office and Internal Audit

24 63%

Supervision Sector

351 68%

Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs Sector

205 69%

Strategy, Risk and Governance Sector

100 55%

Corporate Services and Transformation Sector

251 55%

Office of the Chief Actuary

53 58%

Prefer not to say

- no data - no data
Total 984 73%

Quality Control

The survey instrument was programmed on a secure server over the Internet. Individuals were provided with a hypertext link with a unique PIN embedded ensuring that only invited OSFI employees had access to the questionnaire. It also allowed them to go back into the survey to complete or change information and be automatically returned to the last question they responded to. Once the survey was completed, it was locked, which ensured that questionnaires could not be completed more than once.

The draft questionnaire was pre-tested online with 17 employees at OSFI, including 14 in English and 3 in French.

Qualitative Analysis of Comments

A qualitative review highlights themes for each subject area of the survey. Each respondent had one opportunity to provide an open-ended response. Of the 721 completed surveys, 173 (24% of respondents) provided a valid open-ended comment to be shared with the executive committee. The proportion of respondents who provided comments has increased since 2020, where 19% left an open-ended comment to be shared with the executive committee.

The table below indicates the general subject areas respondents flagged with their comments; however, employee comments often related to more than one subject and are reported qualitatively in appropriate themes through the report.

Please note that there is a tendency for participants to comment in those areas where they feel more negative. As a result, these reviews serve to illustrate commonalities between comments and should not be seen to represent all employees.

Table 2 - Number of comments by thematic area
Thematic area Number of comments

Executive Committee


Senior management




My job/My career




My immediate supervisor


Official languages






How to Interpret the Results

The tables in this document include percentages for each response but they exclude “Don’t know” and “Prefer not to say” in the calculation of the percentages. All questions were asked to all employees unless otherwise noted (sample sizes are provided).

The analytical text descriptions of results typically combine “strongly” and “somewhat” agree/disagree into overall agreement/disagreement.

Any average listed in a table that is followed by the letter “n” inside brackets, “(n)” indicates that it is notably higher or lower than the comparable question in 2020.

Percentages in tables may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

The 2022/2023 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) results had not yet been released at the time of the analysis therefore comparison to the 2022-2023 PSES results is not included.

Key Findings

Survey results were explored overall, in comparison to previous years’ results, and by sector/group of OSFI. Of the six sectors/groups, the highest concentration of employees who responded comes from Supervision Sector at 33%. In terms of location, the concentration is largely split between Toronto (47%) and Ottawa (41%) with two per cent of respondents working in Montreal and fewer in Vancouver (1%), leaving a portion of survey respondents who chose not to indicate their location (8%).

There was an even split among employees responding by gender (41% male, 41% female) with 17% who chose not to specify. Employees with between two and 15 years of experience with OSFI make up the majority of the respondents at 56%, leaving 19% responses coming from newer employees (with less than two years at OSFI) and 13% who have been with OSFI for more than 15 years. A large majority of those who responded are RE employees (70%) with the balance being REX (16%) or undisclosed (14% prefer not to say). More than nine in ten (93%) chose to complete the survey in English (compared to 7% who chose to respond in French).

Table 3.1 - Sample distribution by sector/group
Sector/Group Percent

Supervision Sector


Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs Sector


Corporate Services and Transformation Sector


Strategy, Risk and Governance Sector


Office of the Chief Actuary


Superintendent’s Office and Internal Audit


Prefer not to say

Table 3.2 – Sample distribution by city of work
In which city do you work? Percent









Prefer not to say

Table 3.3 – Sample distribution by gender
Are you: Percent







Prefer not to say

Table 3.4 – Sample distribution by 2SLGBTQIA+ identification
Do you identify as 2SLGBTQIA+? Percent





Prefer not to say

Table 3.5 – Sample distribution by tenure
How long have you worked at OSFI? Percent

Less than 2 years


Between 2 to 15 years


More than 15 years


Prefer not to say

Table 3.6 – Sample distribution by classification
Are you: Percent





Prefer not to say

Table 3.7 – Sample distribution by language of completion
Survey completion language: Percent





Across the 41 closed-ended scale questions in the survey, the average index score is 4.13. Those in Superintendent's Office and Internal Audit have the highest index score overall (4.39), followed by those in the Office of the Chief Actuary (4.33), and Corporate Services and Transformation Sector (4.30). The index scores in Supervision Sector (4.06) and those who preferred not to say their sector/group (3.81) are below 2023’s OSFI-wide average.

Table 4 - Overall mean* by group
Sector/Group 2023

Superintendent’s Office and Internal Audit


Office of the Chief Actuary


Corporate Services and Transformation Sector


Strategy, Risk and Governance Sector


Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs Sector


Supervision Sector


Prefer not to say

OSFI Overall 4.13

Overall Mean* (41 five-point scale questions)

Note: The 2022-23 index scores provide means using the 5-point scale questions in 2022-23. This does not include the questions “I have intentions of looking for a job outside of OSFI within the next 12 months” and “Systemic barriers to exclusion exist at OSFI.”

Please note: Results at the Sector level cannot be compared against 2020 because of reorganization that took place April 2022.

Table 5 provides an overall view of the results in each thematic section for each sector/group. The most positive results are in the Immediate Supervisor theme. Results in My Job/My Career and Wellbeing are also comparably more positive than other themes.

Table 5 - Overall results by group and thematic area
Thematic area Supervision Sector Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs Sector Strategy, Risk and Governance Sector Corporate Services and Transformation Sector Office of the Chief Actuary Superintendent's Office & Internal Audit OSFI Overall

My organization

3.91 3.81 4.11 4.14 4.15 4.55 3.98

My immediate supervisor

4.42 4.44 4.56 4.65 4.63 4.48 4.46

Senior management

3.72 4.04 4.12 4.11 4.29 4.24 3.87

My job/ My career

4.21 4.28 4.33 4.41 4.25 4.68 4.23

Official languages

4.67 4.68 4.80 4.61 4.52 4.83 4.66


3.95 4.08 4.21 4.25 4.33 4.40 4.03

Detailed Findings

A. My Organization


Table 6 - Level of agreement with each statement: My Organization
My Organization Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree

OSFI implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace.

2% 3% 8% 33% 53%

Learning opportunities offered by OSFI have increased my capacity to be inclusive in the workplace.*

2% 5% 14% 32% 46%

OSFI works hard to create a workplace that prevents discrimination.

3% 5% 11% 32% 49%

I get the support that I need to manage my career.

7% 8% 13% 31% 42%

I feel I contribute to the success of our organization.

2% 4% 7% 33% 55%

Communications from members of the Executive Committee keep me informed about issues that matter to me.**

5% 14% 13% 42% 27%

Communication is effective between teams within my Sector/group.

6% 19% 13% 35% 27%

I am kept informed about issues affecting my team.

4% 12% 11% 31% 41%

*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23.

**Note: In order to ensure a sound methodological transition to a revised wording of this question, half of participants saw wording consistent with the 2020 survey while the other half saw the question with new wording. Since results for both variations of the questions were very similar, the data was merged for analysis. Question shown reflect the new wording; old wording was “Communications from OSFI’s Executive Committee keep me informed about issues that matter to me.”

Table 7 - Comparison results for My Organization
My Organization 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020

OSFI implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace.

53% 44% 4.32 (n) 4.13

Learning opportunities offered by OSFI have increased my capacity to be inclusive in the workplace.*

46% - no data 4.16 - no data

OSFI works hard to create a workplace that prevents discrimination.

49% 38% 4.19 (n) 3.96

I get the support that I need to manage my career.

42% 38% 3.94 3.93

I feel I contribute to the success of our organization.

55% 58% 4.35 4.41

Communications from members of the Executive Committee keep me informed about issues that matter to me.

27% 30% 3.71 (n) 3.91

Communication is effective between teams within my Sector/group.

27% 27% 3.60 (n) 3.80

I am kept informed about issues affecting my team.

41% 46% 3.93 (n) 4.15

*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23.

Table 8 - Intentions of looking for a job outside OSFI
I have intentions of looking for a job outside of OSFI within the next 12 months.* 2023 2020

Strongly agree

15% 8%

Somewhat agree

13% 12%

Neither disagree nor agree

20% 15%

Somewhat disagree

14% 15%

Strongly disagree

38% 49%


2.53 (n) 2.15

*Note: This is a reverse scale question where a lower mean signifies a positive result

Table 9 - Reasons looking for a job outside of OSFI
Which of the following apply to you looking for a job outside of OSFI: 2023

No growth opportunities

45% 65%

Feeling undervalued

45% 45%

OSFI’s culture/workplace

40% 29%

Poor leadership at senior levels

37% 35%

Compensation and benefits

35% 31%

Feeling overworked

34% 25%

Lack of employee recognition

29% 34%

Feeling disengaged

27% 30%

Time for a change

20% 34%

Seeking a different experience

20% 32%

Job not meeting expectations

13% 11%

Dissatisfied with relationship with immediate supervisor

11% 20%

Other, please specify: (Return to office mandate**, lack of promotional opportunities, etc.)

27% 12%

Prefer not to say

4% 2%

* Note: Respondents could choose more than one option; therefore, percentages do not add up to 100%.

** Note: Not an option in 2020.

Table 10 - Ability to attend available training opportunities
How often are you able to attend training opportunities that are available at OSFI?* 2023 2020


48% 46%


41% 41%


11% 12%


1% <1%


3.36 3.34

*Note: 4-points scale question mean.

Table 11 - Barriers to ability to attend training
Which of the following barriers apply to your inability to attend training at OSFI: 2023


87% 84%

Relevant training is not available

29% 34%

Training in a relevant/appropriate format not available (e.g., online or in-person)

7% 12%

Manager’s approval not received

2% 4%

Other, please specify: (schedule conflicts, cost, etc.)

8% 11%

Don’t know

3% 2%

Prefer not to say

1% 1%

*Note: Respondents could choose more than one option; therefore, percentages do not add up to 100%

Table 12 - Agreement with Systemic Barriers
Systemic barriers to inclusion exists at OSFI. 2023 2020

Strongly agree

14% 16%

Somewhat agree

22% 26%

Neither disagree nor agree

24% 20%

Somewhat disagree

17% 19%

Strongly disagree

23% 18%


2.87 (n) 3.02

*Note: This is a reverse scale question where a lower mean signifies a positive result

Table 13 - Barriers observed or experienced
Which of the following barriers have you observed or experienced at OSFI in the past year?* 2023 (n=209)**

Organizational (policies, procedures, or practices that prevent individuals from participating fully in a situation)


Attitudinal (behaviours, perceptions, and assumptions that discriminate against persons with disabilities)


Technological (when a device or technological platform is not accessible and cannot be used with an assistive device)


Informational (when sensory disabilities, such as hearing, seeing, or learning disabilities, have not been considered)


Physical (buildings or outdoor spaces that create barriers to persons with disabilities)


*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23

**Note: Respondents could choose more than one option; therefore, percentages do not add up to 100%

Comment Analysis

A total of 9 open-ended comments involved training. 

A total of 24 open-ended comments involved communications. 

B. Leadership - Immediate Supervisor


Table 14 - Level of agreement with each statement: Leadership: Immediate Supervisor
Leadership: Immediate Supervisor Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree

Is a good leader.

4% 5% 6% 22% 63%

Is open to the suggestions of their employees.

3% 4% 4% 15% 75%

Appreciates my work.

3% 3% 4% 14% 76%

Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected and valued).

3% 4% 4% 14% 75%

Treats employees with respect.

3% 3% 3% 13% 78%

Leads by example, e.g., walks the talk.

4% 4% 7% 14% 71%

I am confident approaching my immediate supervisor about concerns without fear of reprisal.

4% 4% 4% 15% 72%

The feedback from my immediate supervisor helps me improve my work performance.

3% 7% 11% 25% 53%
Table 15 - Comparison results for Leadership: Immediate Supervisor
Leadership: Immediate Supervisor 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020

Is a good leader.

63% 58% 4.35 4.27

Is open to the suggestions of their employees.

75% 69% 4.54 4.49

Appreciates my work.

76% 69% 4.58 4.49

Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected and valued).

75% 69% 4.54 4.45

Treats employees with respect.

78% 74% 4.60 4.54

Leads by example, e.g., walks the talk.

71% 60% 4.45 4.31

I am confident approaching my immediate supervisor about concerns without fear of reprisal.

72% 59% 4.48 (n) 4.24

The feedback from my immediate supervisor helps me improve my work performance.

53% 56% 4.19 4.23
Table 16.1 - Direct reports
Do you currently have any employees who report to you directly?
(i.e., direct reports)
2023 2020


36% 34%


56% 57%

Prefer not to say

8% 8%
Table 16.2 - Support received - Performance issues
I receive the support I need to address unsatisfactory performance issues.
(among those who have direct reports)


56% 67%


10% 8%

Not applicable

34% 26%
Table 16.3 Support received - Access to resources
I have access to resources to support employees on my team who are experiencing personal challenges.
(among those who have direct reports)


73% 77%


6% 7%

Not applicable

22% 17%

Comment Analysis

A total of 19 open-ended comments involved My Immediate Supervisor.

C. Leadership - Senior Management


Table 17 - Level of agreement with each statement: Leadership: Executive Committee
Leadership: Executive Committee Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree

Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected, and valued).*

6% 11% 11% 31% 37%

Treats employees with respect.

5% 10% 12% 28% 45%

Leads by example, e.g., walks the walk.

8% 14% 12% 36% 31%

I have confidence in the Executive Committee to lead OSFI.

7% 12% 12% 35% 35%

*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23.

Table 18 - Comparison results for Leadership: Executive Committee
Leadership: Executive Committee 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020

Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected, and valued).*

38% - no data 3.85 - no data

Treats employees with respect.

45% 51% 4.00 (n) 4.30

Leads by example, e.g., walks the walk.

31% 37% 3.69 (n) 3.96

I have confidence in the Executive Committee to lead OSFI.

35% 52% 3.80 (n) 4.29

*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23.

Table 19 - Level of agreement with each statement: Leadership: Senior Management Team
Leadership: Senior Management Team Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree

Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected, and valued).*

5% 12% 9% 31% 44%

Treats employees with respect.

5% 10% 9% 30% 46%

Leads by example, e.g., walks the walk.

6% 13% 13% 33% 35%

I have confidence in the Senior Management Team to lead OSFI.

5% 12% 13% 33% 38%

*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23.

Table 20 - Comparison results for Leadership: Senior Management Team
Leadership: Senior Management Team 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020

Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected, and valued).*

44% - no data 3.96 - no data

Treats employees with respect.

46% 44% 4.02 (n) 4.16

Leads by example, e.g., walks the walk.

35% 31% 3.79 3.81

I have confidence in the Senior Management Team to lead OSFI.

38% 43% 3.87 (n) 4.11

*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23.

Comment Analysis

A total of 105 open-ended comments involved Senior Management.

A total of 134 open-ended comments involved Executive Committee.

D. My Job/My Career


Table 21 - Level of agreement with each statement: My job/My career
My job/My career Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree

I am proud of the contributions my work makes to OSFI.

1% 2% 7% 28% 62%

I am encouraged to be innovative or take initiative in my work.

3% 6% 7% 30% 54%

My position makes good use of my personal strengths.

4% 10% 5% 34% 47%

I get the coaching I need to do my job well.

4% 9% 13% 32% 43%

I understand the Leadership Competency Model and the behaviours I am expected to model.*

1% 4% 9% 31% 54%

*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23.

Table 22 - Comparison results My job/My career
My job/My career 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020

I am proud of the contributions my work makes to OSFI.

62% 64% 4.47 4.49

I am encouraged to be innovative or take initiative in my work.

54% 53% 4.28 4.21

My position makes good use of my personal strengths.

47% 49% 4.10 4.17

I get the coaching I need to do my job well.

43% 37% 4.00 3.87

I understand the Leadership Competency Model and the behaviours I am expected to model.*

54% - no data 4.32 - no data

*Note: This is a new question in 2022-23.

Comment Analysis

A total of 29 open-ended comments involved My job/My career.

E. Official Languages


Table 23.1 – Level of agreement with each statement: Official Languages – Written material
When I prepare written material for internal purposes, including electronic mail, I feel free to use the official language of my choice. Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree


4% 5% 3% 10% 79%

Unilingual regions (Toronto/Vancouver)

2% 2% 1% 8% 87%

Bilingual regions (Ottawa/Montreal)

5% 7% 4% 13% 72%
Table 23.2 – Level of agreement with each statement: Official Languages – Training
The training offered by OSFI is available in the official language of my choice. Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree


1% 2% 3% 10% 85%

Unilingual regions (Toronto/Vancouver)

1% 1% 2% 9% 88%

Bilingual regions (Ottawa/Montreal)

1% 4% 4% 9% 83%
Table 23.3 – Level of agreement with each statement: Official Languages - Communication with immediate supervisor
When I communicate with my immediate supervisor, I feel free to use the official language of my choice. Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree


2% 1% 2% 5% 90%

Unilingual regions (Toronto/Vancouver)

2% 1% 2% 4% 91%

Bilingual regions (Ottawa/Montreal)

2% 1% 3% 5% 89%
Table 23.4 – Level of agreement with each statement: Official Languages – Team meetings
During meetings with my team, I feel free to use the official language of my choice. Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree


4% 3% 4% 9% 79%

Unilingual regions (Toronto/Vancouver)

2% 1% 2% 6% 90%

Bilingual regions (Ottawa/Montreal)

5% 6% 7% 14% 68%
Table 24.1 - Comparison results for Official Languages - Written material
When I prepare written material for internal purposes, including electronic mail, I feel free to use the official language of my choice. 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020


79% 81% 4.56 4.55

Unilingual regions (Toronto/Vancouver)

87% 92% 4.77 4.84

Bilingual regions (Ottawa/Montreal)

72% 71% 4.39 4.26
Table 24.2 - Comparison results for Official Languages - Training
The training offered by OSFI is available in the official language of my choice. 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020


85% 86% 4.76 4.76

Unilingual regions (Toronto/Vancouver)

88% 91% 4.83 4.84

Bilingual regions (Ottawa/Montreal)

83% 83% 4.70 4.70
Table 24.3 - Comparison results for Official Languages - Communication with immediate supervisor
When I communicate with my immediate supervisor, I feel free to use the official language of my choice. 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020


90% 88% 4.79 4.76

Unilingual regions (Toronto/Vancouver)

91% 92% 4.82 4.84

Bilingual regions (Ottawa/Montreal)

89% 84% 4.78 4.68
Table 24.4 – Comparison results for Official Languages - Team meetings
During meetings with my team, I feel free to use the official language of my choice. 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020


79% 80% 4.56 4.54

Unilingual regions (Toronto/Vancouver)

90% 92% 4.81 4.83

Bilingual regions (Ottawa/Montreal)

68% 68% 4.34 4.23

Comment Analysis

A total of 9 open-ended comments involved Official Languages.

F. Wellbeing


Table 25 - Level of agreement with each statement: Wellbeing
Wellbeing Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither Somewhat agree Strongly agree

I feel I can initiate a formal recourse process (e.g., grievance, complaint) without fear of reprisal.

12% 16% 20% 17% 35%

I have flexibility to prioritize tasks and responsibilities when facing multiple demands at work.

3% 8% 6% 40% 43%

My work unit offers an environment where I feel confident to speak up and express my opinions.

3% 6% 5% 29% 57%

OSFI provides appropriate resources to assist me in managing challenges in balancing my work, family and personal life (e.g., Employee and Family Assistance Program and wellness initiatives).

3% 10% 14% 31% 42%

OSFI does a good job of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.

2% 8% 12% 30% 48%

I feel I am able to bring my whole self to work.

6% 8% 11% 30% 44%
Table 26 - Comparison results for Wellbeing
Wellbeing 2023
% Strongly Agree
% Strongly Agree
2023 2020

I feel I can initiate a formal recourse process (e.g., grievance, complaint) without fear of reprisal.

35% 18% 3.47 (n) 3.03

I have flexibility to prioritize tasks and responsibilities when facing multiple demands at work.

43% 58% 4.11 (n) 4.34

My work unit offers an environment where I feel confident to speak up and express my opinions.

57% 51% 4.32 (n) 4.17

OSFI provides appropriate resources to assist me in managing challenges in balancing my work, family and personal life (e.g., Employee and Family Assistance Program and wellness initiatives).

42% 45% 3.99 (n) 4.12

OSFI does a good job of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.

48% 37% 4.13 (n) 3.98

I feel I am able to bring my whole self to work.

44% 48% 3.97 4.02

Comment Analysis - Wellbeing

A total of 49 open-ended comments involved Wellbeing.

Experience with Discrimination

Table 27 - Been the victim of discrimination
Have you been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past year? 2023 2020


7% 7%


93% 93%
Table 28.1 - Experience with discrimination - Source
From whom did you experience discrimination on the job?
(those who experienced discrimination)**

Senior manager* [This includes all Managing Directors, Senior Directors and Executive Directors (e.g., REX-08 - REX-10)]

41% - no data

Senior Management*

- no data 40%


25% 21%

My immediate supervisor (The person whom you report to directly)

22% 32%

My Director (REX-07)

18% 30%

Executive Committee member*

14% - no data

Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent*

- no data 6%

Individuals from other departments or agencies

10% 9%

Individuals from the institutions that we regulate

2% 0%


12% 11%

Prefer not to say

22% 15%

*Note: Response option was revised in 2022-23.

**Note: Table includes response categories that employees selected. Source of discrimination, reasons, and actions taken that were not selected in 2020 or 2023 have not been included in this table.

Table 28.2 - Experience with discrimination - Reason
Did you experience discrimination because of your:
(those who experienced discrimination)***


33% 23%

National or ethnic origin

31% 23%


29% 32%


24% 23%


18% 15%

Family status

12% 17%

Marital status

10% 9%


10% - no data

Disability or illness*

- no data 11%


6% 4%

Sexual orientation

6% 4%

Genetic characteristics**

6% - no data

Gender identity or expression

2% 2%

Prefer not to say

29% 13%

*Note: Response option was revised in 2022-23.

**Note: This is a new response option in 2022-23.

***Note: Table includes response categories that employees selected. Source of discrimination, reasons, and actions taken that were not selected in 2020 or 2023 have not been included in this table.

Table 28.3 – Experience with discrimination - Assistance
Did you know where to go for assistance?
(among those who experienced discrimination)


59% 66%


41% 34%
Table 28.4 – Experience with discrimination - Actions taken
What action(s) did you take to address the discrimination you experienced?
(among those who experienced discrimination)**

Discussed the matter with my immediate supervisor or a senior manager

18% 13%

Discussed the matter with my director

10% 15%

Discussed the matter with the person(s) from whom I experienced the discrimination

8% 15%

Contacted a human resource professional

8% 6%

Discussed the matter with my union representative

8% 15%

Resolved the matter informally on my own

8% 2%

Used an informal conflict resolution process

6% 4%

Filed a grievance*

2% - no data

Other, please specify

12% 9%

I took no action

35% 43%

Prefer not to say

39% 19%

*Note: This is a new response option in 2022-23.

**Note: Table includes response categories that employees selected. Source of discrimination, reasons, and actions taken that were not selected in 2020 or 2023 have not been included in this table.

Experience with Micro-Aggressions

Table 29 - Been the victim of Micro-Aggressions
Have you been the victim of micro-aggressions on the job in the past year? 2023 2020


16% 15%


84% 85%
Table 30.1 – Experience with micro-aggressions – Source
From whom did you experience micro-aggressions on the job?
(those who have been the victim of micro-aggressions)


34% 40%

Senior manager* [This includes all Managing Directors, Senior Directors and Executive Directors (e.g., REX-08 - REX-10)]

29% - no data

Senior Management*

- no data 31%

My immediate supervisor (The person whom you report to directly)

19% 26%

My Director (REX-07)

10% 17%

Executive Committee member*

10% - no data

Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent*

- no data 7%

Individuals from other departments or agencies

8% 6%

My direct reports

3% 3%

Individuals from the institutions that we regulate

2% 1%


10% 2%

Prefer not to say

25% 21%

* Note: Response option was revised in 2022-23.

Table 30.2 – Experience with micro-aggressions - Assistance
Did you know where to go for assistance?
(among those who experienced micro-aggressions)


66% 61%


34% 39%
Table 30.3 – Experience with micro-aggressions - Actions taken
What action(s) did you take to address the micro-aggressions you experienced?
(those who have been the victim of micro-aggressions)

Discussed the matter with my immediate supervisor or a senior manager

20% 21%

Resolved the matter informally on my own

13% 6%

Discussed the matter with the person(s) from whom I experienced the micro-aggression(s)

12% 9%

Discussed the matter with my director

9% 7%

Contacted a human resources professional

3% 3%

Used an informal conflict resolution process

3% 3%

Discussed the matter with my union representative

1% 3%

Filed a grievance/complaint

0% 1%

Other, please specify

5% 5%

I took no action

35% 48%

Prefer not to say

37% 16%

Experience with Harassment and/or Violence

Table 31 - Been the victim of Harassment and/or Violence
Have you been the victim of harassment and/or violence on the job in the past year?* 2023 2020


4% 5%


96% 95%

*Note: This year, the question about harassment on the job was revised to include “and/or violence.” Interpret comparative data with caution.

Table 32.1 – Experience with harassment - Source
From whom did you experience harassment and/or violence on the job?
(those who have been the victim of harassment)**

Senior manager* [This includes all Managing Directors, Senior Directors and Executive Directors (e.g., REX-08 - REX-10)]

35% - no data

Senior Management*

- no data 27%


29% 27%

My immediate supervisor (The person whom you report to directly)

29% 33%

My Director (REX-07)

19% 24%

Individuals from other departments or agencies

13% 3%

Executive Committee member*

10% - no data

Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent*

- no data 6%

Individuals from the institutions that we regulate

3% 0%

My direct reports

0% 3%


6% 0%

Prefer not to say

16% 9%

*Note: Response option was revised in 2022-23.

**Note: Table includes response categories that employees selected. Source of harassment/violence, nature and actions taken that were not selected in 2020 or 2023 have not been included in this table.

Table 32.2 – Experience with harassment - Nature
Please indicate the nature of the harassment and/or violence you experienced.*
(those who have been the victim of harassment)

Being excluded or being ignored

58% 52%

Unfair treatment

58% 48%

Aggressive behaviour

32% 48%

Interference with work or withholding resources

32% 21%

Excessive control

29% 42%


29% 33%

Offensive remark

26% 36%

Personal attack

23% 33%


16% 15%

Yelling or shouting

16% 6%

Sexual comment or gesture

6% 9%


16% 12%

Prefer not to say

6% 3%

*Note: Table includes response categories that employees selected. Source of harassment/violence, nature and actions taken that were not selected in 2020 or 2023 have not been included in this table.

Table 32.3 – Experience with harassment - Assistance
Did you know where to go for assistance?
(among those who experienced harassment)


65% 64%


35% 36%
Table 32.4 – Experience with harassment or violence - Actions taken
What action did you take to address the harassment and/or violence?*
(those who have been the victim of harassment)

Discussed the matter with my immediate supervisor or a senior manager

29% 42%

Discussed the matter with the person(s) from whom I experienced the harassment

10% 12%

Resolved the matter informally on my own

10% 6%

Discussed the matter with my director

6% 12%

Discussed the matter with my union representative

6% 6%

Contacted a human resources professional

3% 6%

Used an informal conflict resolution process

0% 6%

Other, please specify

13% 18%

I took no action

32% 21%

Prefer not to say

32% 15%

*Note: Table includes response categories that employees selected. Source of harassment/violence, nature and actions taken that were not selected in 2020 or 2023 have not been included in this table.

Comment Analysis - Discrimination/ Micro-aggressions/ Harassment and Violence

“Please tell us if there was anything specific that held you back from taking action to address the discrimination/micro-aggressions/harassment/violence you experienced.”

A total of 36 responses. The main reasons for not taking action are:

Table 33.1 - Flexible work arrangements
Do you currently use any of the following flexible working arrangements (FWA)?** 2023 2020
I do not use FWA 63% 60%
Employees who use any FWA 24% 28%

Flexible Work Schedule (variable start and end times)

18% 20%

Compressed Work Week

6% 6%

Banked Time

2% 4%

Part-time Employment*

1% - no data

Leave with Income Averaging

<1% 1%

Pre-retirement Transition Leave

0% <1%

Prefer not to say

13% 11%

*Note: This is a new response option in 2022-23.

**Note: Table includes response categories that employees selected. Reasons for not using FWAs that were not selected have not been included in this table.

Table 33.2 – Flexible work arrangements – Reasons for not using
I do not use FWA because:
(among those who do not use FWA)

I am not interested in any FWA

44% 62%

I do not feel that it would be supported

22% 18%

My request for an FWA was denied

1% 1%

Other, please specify:* (Unawareness, not in need of it, etc.)

19% - no data

Prefer not to say

15% 19%

*Note: This is a new response option in 2022-23.

Appendix A: Respondent Profile

Profil des répondants
Are you: Percent





Prefer not to say


How long have you worked at OSFI? Percent

Less than 2 years


Between 2 to 15 years


More than 15 years


Prefer not to say


Age group
What is your age group? Percent

24 or younger


25 to 29 years


30 to 34 years


35 to 39 years


40 to 44 years


45 to 49 years


50 to 54 years


55 to 59 years


60+ years


Prefer not to say


Location of work
In which city is your designated OSFI office located? Percent









Prefer not to say


Survey language completion
Survey completed in: Percent





What is your gender? Percent





Another gender (optional to specify):


Prefer not to say


Racial identity
Which racial group do you identify with?* Percent



East / Southeast Asian


South Asian




Middle Eastern


Latino / Latina / Latinx




Prefer not to say


*Note: Respondents could choose more than one option; therefore, percentages do not add up to 100%.

Ethnic identity
Which ethnic origins do you identify with?* Percent

Northern Europe


Eastern Asia


Western Europe


Southern Asia


Eastern Europe


Southern Europe


Western Asia


South-eastern Asia




Western Africa


Central America


Northern Africa


Eastern Africa


South America


Southern Africa


Central Asia


Middle Africa




I don't know


Prefer not to say


*Note: Respondents could choose more than one option; therefore, percentages do not add up to 100%.

Are you a person with a disability? Percent





Prefer not to say


Nature of disability
Please indicate the nature of your disability*:
(among those with a disability)

A mental health disability


A cognitive disability


A chronic health condition or pain


A hearing disability


A sensory / environmental disability


A seeing disability


Challenges with flexibility or dexterity


A mobility issue


An intellectual disability


A speech disability




Prefer not to say


*Note: Respondents could choose more than one option; therefore, percentages do not add up to 100%.

Indigenous Person
Do you identify as an Indigenous Person Percent





Prefer not to say


Indigenous Person: Self-Identification
If you wish to provide further details, please specify the group(s) to which you belong.
(among those who identify as an Indigenous person who wish to provide further details)*

North American Indian/First Nation




Inuk (Inuit)


Prefer not to say


*Note: Caution: Small sample size.

Do you identify as 2SLGBTQIA+? Percent





Prefer not to say


2SLGBTQIA+: Self identification
If you wish to provide further details, please specify how you self-identify*.
(among the 2SLGBTQIA+ who wish to provide further details)



















Prefer not to say


*Note: Respondents could choose more than one option; therefore, percentages do not add up to 100%.

Appendix B: Email invitation

Subject: 2022-23 Biennial OSFI Employee Survey / Sondage biennal auprès des employés du BSIF – Édition 2022-2023

Dear Employee,

Environics has been commissioned by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) to conduct its 2022-23 Biennial Employee Survey.

This survey is designed to gather the feedback of OSFI employees about various aspects of their working environment.

Your participation is voluntary and any responses provided will be kept strictly confidential. OSFI, through Environics, will be collecting and using your personal survey responses for the purposes of operational planning and to guide decision making by the Executive Committee and Senior Management (REX-08 and above). Aggregated survey results may be disclosed to OSFI’s Executive Committee and Senior Management to assess and address specific organizational matters in a use consistent with subsection 8(2) Privacy Act.

The survey will take about 20 minutes of your time and you can complete it at your convenience. You are able to leave and re-enter the survey re-commencing at the place in the questionnaire where you last left off.

Please complete the survey by February 22.

Results of the survey will be shared with OSFI employees in the spring.

To begin the survey, click on the link below. If the link does not work please copy the URL into your browser.


Note: This link is unique to your email address, therefore please DO NOT FORWARD this message or your link to anyone else.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact me at Stephanie.Coulter@environics.ca. All contacts will be held in confidence.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Senior Research Associate
Environics Research


Le Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières (BSIF) a confié l'administration de l'édition 2022-2023 de son sondage biennal auprès des employés au cabinet Environics.

Ce sondage a pour but de recueillir le point de vue des employés du BSIF au sujet de divers aspects de leur travail.

Votre participation au sondage est volontaire et vos réponses demeureront strictement confidentielles. Le BSIF, par l'entremise d'Environics, recueillera et utilisera vos réponses aux sondages, lesquelles serviront de fondement à la planification opérationnelle et à la prise de décision par le Comité de direction et la haute direction du BSIF (niveaux REX-08 et supérieurs). En conséquence, les résultats agrégés du sondage pourraient être communiqués au Comité de direction et à la haute direction du BSIF afin d’évaluer des questions organisationnelles particulières et d’y donner suite. Dans un tel cas, l’utilisation respecterait le paragraphe 8 (2) de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels.

Il ne vous faudra qu'une vingtaine de minutes pour remplir le sondage au moment qui vous conviendra. Vous pourrez quitter le sondage pour y revenir plus tard, et reprendre à l'endroit même où vous étiez en le quittant.

Veuillez répondre au sondage d’ici le 22 février.

Les résultats du sondage seront communiqués aux employés du BSIF au printemps.

Pour commencer le sondage, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous. Si le lien ne fonctionne pas, veuillez copier l’adresse URL dans votre navigateur.


Note : Ce lien unique est associé à votre courriel. Veuillez donc NE PAS FAIRE PARVENIR ce message ou ce lien à quelqu'un d'autre.

Si vous avez des questions sur le sondage, veuillez communiquer avec ma collègue Clémentine Blanchard à l’adresse clementine.blanchard@environics.ca. Tout contact sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Nous vous remercions à l'avance de votre participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Associée de recherche principale
Environics Research

Appendix C: Email Reminders

Subject: Reminder: 2022-23 Biennial OSFI Employee Survey / Rappel : Sondage biennal auprès des employés du BSIF – Édition 2022-2023

Dear Employee,

On January 23, you received an email from Environics, the firm commissioned by OSFI to conduct the 2022-23 Biennial Employee Survey.

Your input is important. This survey is designed to gather the feedback of OSFI employees about various aspects of their working environment.

Your participation is voluntary and any responses provided will be kept strictly confidential. OSFI, through Environics, will be collecting and using your personal survey responses for the purposes of operational planning and to guide decision making by the Executive Committee and Senior Management (REX-08 and above). Aggregated survey results may be disclosed to OSFI’s Executive Committee and Senior Management to assess and address specific organizational matters in a use consistent with subsection 8(2) Privacy Act.

The survey will take about 20 minutes of your time and you can complete it at your convenience. You are able to leave and re-enter the survey re-commencing at the place in the questionnaire where you last left off.

This is a reminder to please complete the survey by February 22.

Results of the survey will be shared with OSFI employees in the spring.

To begin the survey, click on the link below. If the link does not work, please copy the URL directly into your browser.


Note: This link is unique to your email address, therefore please DO NOT FORWARD this message or your link to anyone else.

If you have any questions about the survey, or experience any technical issues during its completion, please contact me at Stephanie.Coulter@environics.ca. All contacts will be held in confidence.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Senior Research Associate
Environics Research


Le 23 janvier, vous avez reçu un courriel d’Environics, le cabinet auquel le BSIF a confié l'administration de l'édition 2022-2023 de son sondage biennal auprès des employés.

Votre opinion est importante. Ce sondage a pour but de recueillir le point de vue des employés du BSIF au sujet de divers aspects de leur travail.

Votre participation au sondage est volontaire et vos réponses demeureront strictement confidentielles. Le BSIF, par l'entremise d'Environics, recueillera et utilisera vos réponses aux sondages, lesquelles serviront de fondement à la planification opérationnelle et à la prise de décision par le Comité de direction et la haute direction du BSIF (niveaux REX-08 et supérieurs). En conséquence, les résultats agrégés du sondage pourraient être communiqués au Comité de direction et à la haute direction du BSIF afin d’évaluer des questions organisationnelles particulières et d’y donner suite. Dans un tel cas, l’utilisation respecterait le paragraphe 8 (2) de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels.

Il ne vous faudra qu'une vingtaine de minutes pour remplir le sondage au moment qui vous conviendra. Vous pourrez quitter le sondage pour y revenir plus tard, et reprendre à l'endroit même où vous étiez en le quittant.

Nous vous rappelons de bien vouloir répondre au sondage d’ici le 22 février.

Les résultats du sondage seront communiqués aux employés du BSIF au printemps.

Pour commencer le sondage, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous. Si le lien ne fonctionne pas, veuillez copier l’adresse URL directement dans votre navigateur.


Note : Ce lien unique est associé à votre courriel. Veuillez donc NE PAS FAIRE PARVENIR ce message ou ce lien à quelqu'un d'autre.

Si vous avez des questions sur le sondage, ou si vous rencontrez des problèmes technique durant celui-ci, veuillez communiquer avec ma collègue Clémentine Blanchard à l’adresse clementine.blanchard@environics.ca. Tout contact sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Nous vous remercions à l'avance de votre participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Associée de recherche principale
Environics Research

Subject: Last Chance: 2022-23 Biennial OSFI Employee Survey / Dernière chance: Sondage biennal auprès des employés du BSIF - Édition 2022-2023

Dear Employee,

On January 23, you received an email from Environics, the firm commissioned by OSFI to conduct the 2023 Employee Survey.

Your input is important. This survey is designed to gather the feedback of OSFI employees about various aspects of their working environment.

Your participation is voluntary and any responses provided will be kept strictly confidential. OSFI, through Environics, will be collecting and using your personal survey responses for the purposes of operational planning and to guide decision making by the Executive Committee and Senior Management (REX-08 and above). Aggregated survey results may be disclosed to OSFI’s Executive Committee and Senior Management to assess and address specific organizational matters in a use consistent with subsection 8(2) Privacy Act.

The survey will take about 20 minutes of your time and you can complete it at your convenience. You are able to leave and re-enter the survey re-commencing at the place in the questionnaire where you last left off.

This is a reminder to please complete the survey by February 22.

Results of the survey will be shared with OSFI employees in the spring.

To begin the survey, click on the link below. If the link does not work, please copy the URL directly into your browser.


Note: This link is unique to your email address, therefore please DO NOT FORWARD this message or your link to anyone else.

If you have any questions about the survey, or experience any technical issues during its completion, please contact me at stephanie.coulter@environics.ca. All contacts will be held in confidence.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Senior Research Associate
Environics Research


Le 23 janvier, vous avez reçu un courriel d’Environics, le cabinet auquel le BSIF a confié l'administration de l'édition 2022-2023 de son sondage biennal auprès des employés.

Votre opinion est importante. Ce sondage a pour but de recueillir le point de vue des employés du BSIF au sujet de divers aspects de leur travail.

Votre participation au sondage est volontaire et vos réponses demeureront strictement confidentielles. Le BSIF, par l'entremise d'Environics, recueillera et utilisera vos réponses aux sondages, lesquelles serviront de fondement à la planification opérationnelle et à la prise de décision par le Comité de direction et la haute direction du BSIF (niveaux REX-08 et supérieurs). En conséquence, les résultats agrégés du sondage pourraient être communiqués au Comité de direction et à la haute direction du BSIF afin d’évaluer des questions organisationnelles particulières et d’y donner suite. Dans un tel cas, l’utilisation respecterait le paragraphe 8 (2) de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels.

Il ne vous faudra qu'une vingtaine de minutes pour remplir le sondage au moment qui vous conviendra. Vous pourrez quitter le sondage pour y revenir plus tard, et reprendre à l'endroit même où vous étiez en le quittant.

Nous vous rappelons de bien vouloir répondre au sondage d’ici le 22 février.

Les résultats du sondage seront communiqués aux employés du BSIF au printemps.

Pour commencer le sondage, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous. Si le lien ne fonctionne pas, veuillez copier l’adresse URL directement dans votre navigateur.


Note : Ce lien unique est associé à votre courriel. Veuillez donc NE PAS FAIRE PARVENIR ce message ou ce lien à quelqu'un d'autre.

Si vous avez des questions sur le sondage, ou si vous rencontrez des problèmes technique durant celui-ci, veuillez communiquer avec ma collègue Clémentine Blanchard à l’adresse clementine.blanchard@environics.ca. Tout contact sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Nous vous remercions à l'avance de votre participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Associée de recherche principale
Environics Research

Appendix D: Deadline Extension Email

Subject: DEADLINE EXTENDED: 2022-23 Biennial OSFI Employee Survey / DATE LIMITE REPORTÉE : Sondage biennal auprès des employés du BSIF - Édition 2022-2023

Dear Employee,

The deadline for the 2022-23 Biennial Employee Survey has been extended because your input is important. Please complete the survey by February 24.

This survey is designed to gather the feedback of OSFI employees about various aspects of their working environment.

Your participation is voluntary and any responses provided will be kept strictly confidential. OSFI, through Environics, will be collecting and using your personal survey responses for the purposes of operational planning and to guide decision making by the Executive Committee and Senior Management (REX-08 and above). Aggregated survey results may be disclosed to OSFI’s Executive Committee and Senior Management to assess and address specific organizational matters in a use consistent with subsection 8(2) Privacy Act.

The survey will take about 20 minutes of your time and you can complete it at your convenience. You are able to leave and re-enter the survey re-commencing at the place in the questionnaire where you last left off.

Results of the survey will be shared with OSFI employees in the spring.

To begin the survey, click on the link below. If the link does not work, please copy the URL directly into your browser.


Note : This link is unique to your email address, therefore please DO NOT FORWARD this message or your link to anyone else.

If you have any questions about the survey, or experience any technical issues during its completion, please contact me at Stephanie.Coulter@environics.ca. All contacts will be held in confidence.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Senior Research Associate
Environics Research


La date limite pour répondre au questionnaire de l’édition 2022-2023 du sondage biennal auprès des employés est remise de quelques jours parce que votre opinion compte. Nous vous demandons de bien vouloir nous transmettre vos réponses d’ici le 24 février.

Ce sondage a pour but de recueillir le point de vue des employés du BSIF au sujet de divers aspects de leur travail.

Votre participation au sondage est volontaire et vos réponses demeureront strictement confidentielles. Le BSIF, par l'entremise d'Environics, recueillera et utilisera vos réponses aux sondages, lesquelles serviront de fondement à la planification opérationnelle et à la prise de décision par le Comité de direction et la haute direction du BSIF (niveaux REX-08 et supérieurs). En conséquence, les résultats agrégés du sondage pourraient être communiqués au Comité de direction et à la haute direction du BSIF afin d’évaluer des questions organisationnelles particulières et d’y donner suite. Dans un tel cas, l’utilisation respecterait le paragraphe 8 (2) de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels.

Il ne vous faudra qu'une vingtaine de minutes pour remplir le sondage au moment qui vous conviendra. Vous pourrez quitter le sondage pour y revenir plus tard, et reprendre à l'endroit même où vous étiez en le quittant.

Les résultats du sondage seront communiqués aux employés du BSIF au printemps.

Pour commencer le sondage, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous. Si le lien ne fonctionne pas, veuillez copier l’adresse URL directement dans votre navigateur.


Note : Ce lien unique est associé à votre courriel. Veuillez donc NE PAS FAIRE PARVENIR ce message ou ce lien à quelqu'un d'autre.

Si vous avez des questions sur le sondage, ou si vous rencontrez des problèmes technique durant celui-ci, veuillez communiquer avec ma collègue Clémentine Blanchard à l’adresse clementine.blanchard@environics.ca. Tout contact sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Nous vous remercions à l'avance de votre participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Associée de recherche principale
Environics Research

Appendix E: Last Day Reminder

Subject: Last Chance: 2022-23 Biennial OSFI Employee Survey / Dernière chance: Sondage biennal auprès des employés du BSIF - Édition 2022-2023

Dear Employee,

The last day to complete the 2022-23 Biennial Employee Survey is tomorrow, February 24. Please complete the survey to have your say.

This survey is designed to gather the feedback of OSFI employees about various aspects of their working environment.

Your participation is voluntary and any responses provided will be kept strictly confidential. OSFI, through Environics, will be collecting and using your personal survey responses for the purposes of operational planning and to guide decision making by the Executive Committee and Senior Management (REX-08 and above). Aggregated survey results may be disclosed to OSFI’s Executive Committee and Senior Management to assess and address specific organizational matters in a use consistent with subsection 8(2) Privacy Act.

The survey will take about 20 minutes of your time.

Results of the survey will be shared with OSFI employees in the spring.

To begin the survey, click on the link below. If the link does not work, please copy the URL directly into your browser.


Note : This link is unique to your email address, therefore please DO NOT FORWARD this message or your link to anyone else.

If you have any questions about the survey, or experience any technical issues during its completion, please contact me at Stephanie.Coulter@environics.ca. All contacts will be held in confidence.

Thank you for your participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Senior Research Associate
Environics Research


La dernière journée pour participer au sondage biennal auprès des employés, édition 2022-2023 est demain, le 24 février Veuillez y répondre pour avoir voix au chapitre.

Ce sondage a pour but de recueillir le point de vue des employés du BSIF au sujet de divers aspects de leur travail.

Votre participation au sondage est volontaire et vos réponses demeureront strictement confidentielles. Le BSIF, par l'entremise d'Environics, recueillera et utilisera vos réponses aux sondages, lesquelles serviront de fondement à la planification opérationnelle et à la prise de décision par le Comité de direction et la haute direction du BSIF (niveaux REX-08 et supérieurs). En conséquence, les résultats agrégés du sondage pourraient être communiqués au Comité de direction et à la haute direction du BSIF afin d’évaluer des questions organisationnelles particulières et d’y donner suite. Dans un tel cas, l’utilisation respecterait le paragraphe 8 (2) de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels.

Il ne vous faudra qu'une vingtaine de minutes pour remplir le sondage.

Les résultats du sondage seront communiqués aux employés du BSIF au printemps.

Pour commencer le sondage, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous. Si le lien ne fonctionne pas, veuillez copier l’adresse URL directement dans votre navigateur.


Note : Ce lien unique est associé à votre courriel. Veuillez donc NE PAS FAIRE PARVENIR ce message ou ce lien à quelqu'un d'autre.

Si vous avez des questions sur le sondage, ou si vous rencontrez des problèmes technique durant celui-ci, veuillez communiquer avec ma collègue Clémentine Blanchard à l’adresse clementine.blanchard@environics.ca. Tout contact sera traité de manière confidentielle.

Nous vous remercions de votre participation.

Stephanie Coulter
Associée de recherche principale
Environics Research

Appendix F: Survey Instrument - English

Welcome to the 2022-23 Biennial OSFI Employee Survey/Bienvenue au sondage biennal auprès des employés du BSIF - édition 2022-23

Please select your preferred language/Veuillez cocher la langue de votre choix:

Your views are important!

This survey is designed to gather the feedback of OSFI employees about various aspects of their working environment. The Executive Committee at OSFI wants to know what is going well and what improvements can be made and is committed to acting on your input and ideas.

Please note that the link within the email invitation you received is unique to you; please do not share your link with others.

Participation in this survey is voluntary, however, the value of this survey relies entirely on the candid participation of employees like yourself.

The deadline to complete the survey is February 22.

OSFI, through Environics, is collecting and using your survey responses for the purposes of operational planning and to guide decision making by the Executive Committee and Senior Management (REX-08 and above). As such, aggregated survey results may be disclosed to OSFI’s Executive Committee and Senior Management to assess and address specific organizational matters in a use consistent with subsection 8(2) Privacy Act.

Your privacy will be respected. The collection of survey information is done in accordance with s. 13 of the OSFI Act. Any personal information collected will only be used and disclosed in accordance with the provisions of the federal Privacy Act. In accordance with the Privacy Act, you have the right of access to and protection of your individual responses and the right to file a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the handling of this information.

Additionally, in accordance with industry and government research standards, Environics WILL NOT divulge individual survey responses to anyone at OSFI and, at no time will OSFI have access to responses in such a manner that an OSFI employee could be identified; only summary reports of aggregate data and verbatim comments rolled up at the OSFI level will be provided. Please click here (insert LINK) to view the Environics privacy statement.

How to complete the survey

Your participation in this survey is voluntary and will take about 20 minutes of your time.

You can complete the survey all at once, or you may do it in sections, as your answers will be saved and you will be brought to your last screen when you return.

All questions have a "Don't know / Not applicable" response option. Please select this option if you feel you do not have enough information to answer the question, or if you feel the question does not apply to your situation.

Use the navigation buttons found at the bottom of your screen to move ahead or back in the survey. Using your browser's "Back" button may result in your responses not being saved.

How to contact us

If you have any questions on how to complete the survey or about the survey content (i.e., its purpose, timing, reasons for specific questions), please contact Stephanie Coulter at stephanie.coulter@environics.ca.

Executive Committee

OSFI’s Executive Committee includes the Superintendent, Chief Actuary, Deputy Superintendent of Supervision, as well as Assistant Superintendents of Corporate Services and Transformation Sector, Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs Sector, and Strategy, Risk and Governance Sector.

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
OSFI's Executive Committee Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q1. Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected, and valued).

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q2. Treats employees with respect.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q3. Leads by example, e.g., walks the talk.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q4. I have confidence in the Executive Committee to lead OSFI.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Senior Management

OSFI's Senior Management includes all of the following: Executive Directors, Senior Directors, Managing Directors, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Transformation Officer (CTO), Chief Audit Executive (CAE), and Chief Data Officer (CDO), (e.g., REX-08 – REX-10).

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
OSFI's Senior Management Team Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q5. Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected, and valued).

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q6. Treats employees with respect.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q7. Leads by example, e.g., walks the talk.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q8. I have confidence in the Senior Management Team to lead OSFI.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Immediate Supervisor

Your immediate supervisor is the person whom you report to directly.

Q9. What level is the person to whom you report to directly (i.e., your immediate supervisor)?

Q10. How long have you been under the supervision of your current immediate supervisor?

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
My immediate supervisor (the person whom you report to directly): Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q11. Is a good leader.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q12. Is open to the suggestions of their employees.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q13. Appreciates my work.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q14. Creates an inclusive workplace (e.g., where I feel heard, respected and valued).

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q15. Treats employees with respect.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q16. Leads by example, e.g., walks the talk.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q17. I am confident approaching my immediate supervisor about issues or concerns without fear of reprisal.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank


Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q18A. Communications from OSFI’s Executive Committee keep me informed about issues that matter to me.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q18B. Communications from members of the Executive Committee keep me informed about issues that matter to me.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q19. Communication is effective between teams within my Sector/group.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q20. I am kept informed about issues affecting my team.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

The Executive Committee includes the Superintendent, Chief Actuary, Deputy Superintendent of Supervision, as well as Assistant Superintendents of Corporate Services and Transformation Sector, Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs Sector, and Strategy, Risk and Governance Sector.

The sectors/groups within OSFI are Supervision Sector, Corporate Services and Transformation Sector, Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs Sector, Strategy, Risk and Governance Sector, the Office of the Superintendent (including Internal Audit), and the Office of the Chief Actuary.

Official Languages

Q21. In which city is your designated OSFI office located?

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q22. When I prepare written material for internal purposes, including electronic mail, I feel free to use the official language (English or French) of my choice. (Note this does not refer to material for use external to OSFI.)

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q23. During meetings with my team, I feel free to use the official language of my choice (English or French).

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q24. When I communicate with my immediate supervisor, I feel free to use the official language of my choice (English or French).

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q25. The training offered by OSFI is available in the official language of my choice (English or French).

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Immediate supervisor is the person whom you report to directly.


Q26. How often are you able to attend training opportunities that are available at OSFI?

Q26B (IF Q26 = Any response other than regularly or not applicable)
Which of the following barriers apply to your inability to attend training at OSFI (select all that apply):

My job/Career

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q27. My position makes good use of my personal strengths.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q28. I get the coaching I need to do my job well.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q29. The feedback from my immediate supervisor helps me improve my work performance.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q30. I understand the Leadership Competency Model and the behaviours I am expected to model.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank
Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q31. I am encouraged to be innovative or take initiative in my work.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q32. I get the support that I need to manage my career.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q33. I feel I contribute to the success of our organization.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q34. I am proud of the contributions my work makes to OSFI.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q35. I have intentions of looking for a job outside of OSFI within the next 12 months.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Support comes in many forms and can be given in words or actions. Support includes tools, resources and support from management.

Q35B (IF Q35 = Somewhat or Strongly Agree)
Which of the following apply to you looking for a job outside of OSFI (select all that apply):

Direct reports

Q36. Do you currently have any employees who report to you directly (i.e., direct reports)?

In this survey, employees are defined as people employed directly by OSFI, regardless of level or position within the organization, e.g., indeterminate, term and part time. It does not include short-term staff such as casual employees, co-op and summer students, and contracted staff such as consultants.

Q36B. (IF Q36 = Yes)
I receive the support I need to address unsatisfactory performance issues.

Q36C. (IF Q36 = Yes)
I have access to resources to support employees on my team who are experiencing personal challenges.


Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q37. I have flexibility to prioritize tasks and responsibilities when facing multiple demands at work.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q38. My work unit offers an environment where I feel I can speak up and express my opinions.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q39. I feel I can initiate a formal recourse process (e.g., grievance, complaint) without fear of reprisal.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q40. I feel I am able to bring my whole self to work.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q41. OSFI provides appropriate resources to assist me in managing challenges in balancing my work, family and personal life (e.g., Employee and Family Assistance Program and wellness initiatives).

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q42. OSFI does a good job of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Bringing our whole self to work is premised on a workplace where employees can be themselves and not feel they have to check part of who they are “at the door”. Employees feel they can express themselves freely, show up authentically, lead with humility, ask for help, connect with others in a genuine way, and allow themselves to be truly seen if this is their wish.

Mental health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional wellbeing. Wellbeing is when an individual realizes their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community.

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
blank Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither disagree nor agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Don’t know Not applicable

Q43. OSFI implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q44. Learning opportunities offered by OSFI have increased my capacity to be inclusive in the workplace.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q45. OSFI works hard to create a workplace that prevents discrimination.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

Q46. Systemic barriers to inclusion exists at OSFI.

blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

A diverse workplace includes everyone, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status or family status, religion, age, language, cultural background, interests, views or other dimensions. It encompasses all the differences between colleagues’ personal and professional identities.

Systemic barriers are defined as systems, policies or practices that result in some individuals from equity-seeking groups receiving unequal access to or being excluded from participation in employment, services or programs. These barriers are systemic in nature, meaning that they result from institutional level practices, policies, traditions and/or values that may be “unintended” or “unseen” but that have serious and long-lasting impacts on the lives of those affected (e.g., on their career trajectories).

Q46B. [IF Q46=Strongly or Somewhat Agree] Which of the following barriers have you observed or experienced at OSFI in the past year? (select all that apply)

Q47. Have you been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past year?

Discrimination means treating someone differently or unfairly because of a personal characteristic or distinction, which, whether intentional or not, has an effect that imposes disadvantages not imposed on others or that withholds or limits access that is given to others. There are 13 prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act: race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability, or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.

Q47B. [If Q47 =Yes]
Did you experience discrimination because of your: (select all that apply)

Q47C. [if Q47=Yes]
From whom did you experience discrimination on the job? (select all that apply)

Q47D. [if Q47=Yes]
What action(s) did you take to address the discrimination you experienced? (select all that apply)

Q47D.i. [If “I took no action” selected in Q47D]

Please tell us if there was anything specific that held you back from taking action to address the discrimination you experienced:

Q47E. [if Q47=Yes]
Did you know where to go for assistance?

Q48. Have you been the victim of micro-aggressions on the job in the past year?

Micro-aggressions are everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.

Q48B. [if Q48=Yes]
From whom did you experience micro-aggressions on the job? (select all that apply)

Q48C. [if Q48=Yes]
What action(s) did you take to address the micro-aggressions you experienced? (select all that apply)

Q48C.i. [If “I took no action” selected in Q48C]

Please tell us if there was anything specific that held you back from taking action to address the micro-aggressions you experienced:

Q48D. [if Q48=Yes]
Did you know where to go for assistance?

Q49. Have you been the victim of harassment and/or violence on the job in the past year?

As per OSFI’s Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy, work place harassment and violence means any action, conduct or comment, including of a sexual nature, that can reasonably be expected to cause offence, humiliation or other physical or psychological injury or illness to an employee, including any prescribed action, conduct or comment.

Q49B. [If Q49 =Yes]
From whom did you experience harassment and/or violence on the job? (select all that apply)

Q49C. [If Q49 =Yes]
Please indicate the nature of the harassment and/or violence you experienced. (select all that apply)

Q49D. [If Q49 =Yes]
What action did you take to address the harassment and/or violence? (select all that apply)

Q49D.i. [If “I took no action” selected in Q49D]

Please tell us if there was anything specific that held you back from taking action to address the harassment you experienced:

Q49E. [if Q49=Yes]
Did you know where to go for assistance?


Q50. Do you wish to provide feedback to the Executive Committee about any of the topics that have been addressed in this survey?

Privacy Notice

OSFI, through Environics, is collecting and using your personal survey responses for the purposes of operational planning and to guide decision making by the Executive Committee and Senior Management (REX-08 and above). The collection of survey information is done in accordance with s. 13 of the OSFI Act. Any personal information collected will only be used and disclosed in accordance with the provisions of the federal Privacy Act.

Participation in this survey is voluntary. By participating in the survey, you are providing explicit consent for OSFI to access, use and disclose your comments and responses for the purpose of planning, management and administration, including investigative and research/statistical purposes.

Your privacy will be respected and your responses will be kept strictly confidential. Comments will only be provided to the Executive Committee as a roll up at the OSFI level.

Q50B. [if Q50=Yes]
Comments will be provided as a roll up at the OSFI level and providedfor review by the Executive Committee only.
Names will be redacted by Environics and HR before the comments are shared. A thematic, aggregated summary analysis of comments received will also be prepared and made available to all OSFI employees as part of the overall survey results.

Please be as specific as possible however do not include any personal or confidential information, particularly as it relates to matters that are best addressed through appropriate HR mechanisms.

Comment box for comments

Q50C. [if Q50=Yes]
Which of the following area(s) are your comments related to (select all that apply):

General information

OSFI is committed to creating an environment that expressly values the individual, where employees feel safe, involved, connected, and able to bring their whole self to work.

The following questions are for survey analysis purposes only and will help OSFI better understand the perceptions of employees so that we can continue our work toward a workplace that is diverse and more inclusive. Any personal information collected will only be used and disclosed in accordance with the provisions of the federal Privacy Act.

We guarantee that this information will be kept completely confidential. Results will be reported by Environics in subgroups of no less than 10 completed surveys across any demographic factor. Responses from smaller groups will be combined with another group to protect the anonymity of respondents, or rolled-up at the Sector level, as applicable.

Thank you for completing these important questions.

Q51. What is your gender:

Race is a term used to classify people into groups based principally on physical traits such as skin colour. Racial categories are not based on science or biology but on differences society has created, with significant consequences for people’s lives. Racial categories may vary over time and place and can overlap with ethnic, cultural or religious groupings. (The definition of Race is from the Data Standards for the Identification and Monitoring of Systemic Racism (2019) produced by the Government of Ontario Anti-Racism Directorate.)

Q52. Which racial group do you identify with? (select all that apply)

Ethnic groups refer to a person’s ethnic or cultural origins. Ethnic groups have a common identity, heritage ancestry, or historical past, often with identifiable cultural, linguistic, and/or religious characteristics. (The definition of Ethnic Groups is from the Data Standards for the Identification and Monitoring of Systemic Racism (2019) produced by the Government of Ontario Anti-Racism Directorate.)

Q52B. Which ethnic origins do you identify with? (select all that apply)

An Indigenous Person is a North American Indian or a member of a First Nation, a Métis or Inuk (Inuit). North American Indians or members of a First Nation include status, treaty or registered Indians, as well as non-status and non-registered Indians.

Q53. Do you identify as an Indigenous Person?

Q53B. [if Q53 = Yes]
If you wish to provide further details, please specify the group(s) to which you belong: (select all that apply)

A person with a disability is a person with any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, sensory, learning or communication impairment, or a functional limitation, whether apparent or not, and permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, that hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society when they face a barrier.

A barrier refers to a physical, structural, technological, socioeconomic or cultural obstruction, or one that is related to information, communications, attitudes or mindsets, that hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.

Q54. Are you a person with a disability?
For the purposes of this questionnaire, please only identify disabilities that have lasted or are expected to last 6 months or more.

Q54B. [if Q54 = Yes]
Please indicate the nature of your disability: (select all that apply)

The collection of information relating to the representation of employees belonging to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community will contribute to the Government of Canada's work to improve equality for this community. Through the promotion of human rights and the development of inclusive policies and programs, OSFI continues its work toward a workplace that is diverse and more inclusive.

Q55. Do you identify as 2SLGBTQIA+?

Responses to this question will not be used for obligations under the Employment Equity Act, as 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual) are not formally identified as designated groups in the Act. OSFI is committed to equal participation of these groups in the workforce and is requesting this data to better understand representation in the workforce.

Q 55B. [if Q55 = Yes]
If you wish to provide further details, please specify how you self-identify. (select all that apply)

Q56. What is your age group?

Q57. Do you currently use any of the following flexible working arrangements (FWA)? (select all that apply)

NOTE: While “telework” constitutes a flexible work arrangement under OSFI’s Guidelines on flexible work arrangements and special leave, this option is now an integral part of OSFI’s hybrid work model and is used, if not by all, then by a majority of employees. As such, it has not been included on the list.

Q57B. [if Q57 = I do not use FWA]
I do not use FWA because:

Q58. How long have you worked at OSFI?

Q59. Are you:

Q60. What is your Sector/group?

Q61. In which organizational work unit are you currently working?

Again, we guarantee that this information will be kept completely confidential. Results will be reported in subgroups of no less than 10 completed surveys per work unit. Responses from smaller work units will be combined with another work unit to protect the anonymity of respondents, or rolled-up at the Sector level, as applicable.

Superintendent’ Office and Internal Audit

Supervision Sector

Policy, Innovation and Stakeholder Affairs Sector

Strategy, Risk and Governance Sector

Corporate Services and Transformation Sector

Office of the Chief Actuary

Please take a moment and decide if you wish to revisit your answers before proceeding to the next screen.

Once you move to the next screen and complete the survey you will not be able to change your answers.

Thank you for taking our survey. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!

Appendix G: Survey Instrument - French

Bienvenue au sondage biennal auprès des employés du BSIF - édition 2022-23 / Welcome to the 2022-23 Biennial OSFI Employee Survey

Veuillez cocher la langue de votre choix / Please select your preferred language:

Votre opinion compte!

Ce sondage a pour but de recueillir le point de vue des employés du BSIF au sujet de divers aspects de leur travail. Le Comité de direction du BSIF veut savoir ce qui va bien et quelles améliorations peuvent être apportées et s’engage à donner suite à vos commentaires et idées.

Le lien qui se trouve dans l’invitation que vous avez reçue ne s’adresse qu’à vous; vous ne devez pas le transférer à une autre personne.

La participation à ce sondage est volontaire, cependant, la valeur de ce sondage repose entièrement sur les réponses franches des employés comme vous.

Vous avez jusqu’au 22 février pour remplir le questionnaire.

Le BSIF, par l'entremise d'Environics, recueillera et utilisera vos réponses au sondage, lesquelles serviront de fondement à la planification opérationnelle et à la prise de décision par le Comité de direction et la haute direction du BSIF (niveaux REX-08 et supérieurs). En conséquence, les résultats agrégés du sondage pourraient être communiqués au Comité de direction et à la haute direction du BSIF afin d’évaluer des questions organisationnelles particulières et d’y donner suite. Dans un tel cas, l’utilisation respecterait le paragraphe 8 (2) de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels.

La confidentialité de vos renseignements sera respectée. La collecte de renseignements pour le sondage est effectuée conformément à l’article 13 de la Loi sur le BSIF. L’utilisation et la communication de tout renseignement personnel recueilli se feront uniquement d’une manière conforme aux dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels de compétence fédérale. Conformément à la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, vous avez le droit d'accéder à vos réponses individuelles et de les protéger, ainsi que le droit de déposer une plainte auprès du Commissaire à la protection de la vie privée du Canada concernant le traitement de ces informations.

De plus, conformément aux normes de recherche de l’industrie et du gouvernement, Environics ne divulguera pas les réponses individuelles au sondage à qui que ce soit au BSIF et le BSIF n’aura jamais accès aux réponses d’une façon qui lui permettrait de faire correspondre celles-ci à un employé du BSIF; seuls des rapports sommaires de données agrégées seront fournis, ainsi qu’une compilation de commentaires textuels au niveau du BSIF. Veuillez cliquer ici (insérer le lien) pour accéder à l’énoncé de confidentialité d’Environics.

Comment remplir le questionnaire

Votre participation à ce sondage est facultative et il vous faudra une vingtaine de minutes pour y répondre.

Vous pouvez répondre à toutes les questions d’un seul trait ou par section. Si vous fermez le questionnaire avant d’avoir terminé, vos réponses seront enregistrées et, lorsque vous l’ouvrirez de nouveau, il s’affichera à l’endroit où vous étiez rendu.

Toutes les questions offrent une option de réponse « Ne sais pas / Sans objet ». Veuillez choisir cette réponse si vous estimez ne pas posséder les connaissances nécessaires pour répondre à la question ou si elle ne cadre pas avec votre situation.

N'utilisez que les boutons de navigation situés au bas de votre écran pour avancer ou reculer dans le sondage. L'utilisation du bouton "Précédent" de votre navigateur pourrait entraîner la perte de vos réponses.

Pour nous joindre

Si vous avez des questions au sujet de la façon de remplir le questionnaire ou de son contenu (p. ex., les objectifs, l’échéancier ou les motifs de questions précises), veuillez écrire à Stephanie Coulter à l’adresse stephanie.coulter@environics.ca.

Comité de direction

Le Comité de direction du BSIF comprend le surintendant, l’actuaire en chef, le surintendant adjoint du Secteur de la surveillance, ainsi que les surintendants auxiliaires du Secteur des services intégrés et de la transformation, du Secteur de l’innovation stratégique et des relations avec les intervenants, et du Secteur de la stratégie, du risque et de la gouvernance.

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
Le Comité de direction du BSIF Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q1. Crée un milieu de travail inclusif (c.-à-d. où je me sens entendu, respecté et valorisé).

vide vide vide vide vide vide vide

Q2. Traite les employés avec respect.

vide vide vide vide vide vide vide

Q3. Dirige en montrant l’exemple (joint le geste à la parole).

vide vide vide vide vide vide vide
vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q4. J’ai confiance en la capacité du Comité de direction à diriger le BSIF.

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Haute direction

La haute direction du BSIF comprend tous les directeurs administratifs, directeurs principaux et directeurs généraux, ainsi que le dirigeant principal des ressources humaines (DPRH), le dirigeant principal de l’information (DPI), le dirigeant principal des finances (DPF), le dirigeant principal de la transformation (DPT), le dirigeant principal de l’audit (DPA) et le dirigeant principal des données (DPD) (c.-à-d. les postes de groupe et niveau REX-08 à REX-10).

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
L’équipe de la haute direction du BSIF Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q5. Crée un milieu de travail inclusif (c.‑à‑d. où je me sens entendu, respecté et valorisé).

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Q6. Traite les employés avec respect.

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Q7. Dirige en montrant l’exemple (joint le geste à la parole).

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vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q8. J’ai confiance en la capacité de l’équipe de la haute direction à diriger le BSIF.

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Supérieur immédiat

Le supérieur immédiat est la personne dont vous relevez directement.

Q9. À quel niveau se situe la personne dont vous relevez directement (c.-à-d. votre supérieur immédiat)?

Q10. Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous sous la supervision de votre supérieur immédiat actuel?

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
Mon supérieur immédiat (la personne de qui vous relevez directement) : Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q11. Est un bon dirigeant.

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Q12. Est ouvert aux suggestions de ses employés.

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Q13. Apprécie mon travail.

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Q14. Crée un milieu de travail inclusif (c.-à-d. où je me sens entendu, respecté et valorisé).

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Q15. Traite les employés avec respect.

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Q16. Dirige en montrant l’exemple (joint le geste à la parole).

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vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q17. Je sais que je peux confier mes inquiétudes à mon supérieur immédiat sans crainte de représailles.

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Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q18A. Les communications du Comité de direction du BSIF me tiennent au courant des questions qui m’importent.

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Q18B. Les communications provenant des membres du Comité de direction me tiennent au courant des questions qui m’importent.

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Q19. La communication est efficace entre les équipes de mon secteur/groupe.

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Q20. On me tient au courant des questions qui ont une incidence sur mon équipe.

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Le Comité de direction comprend le surintendant, l’actuaire en chef, le surintendant adjoint du Secteur de la surveillance, ainsi que les surintendants auxiliaires du Secteur des services intégrés et de la transformation, du Secteur de l’innovation stratégique et des relations avec les intervenants, et du Secteur de la stratégie, du risque et de la gouvernance.

Les secteurs/groupes du BSIF sont le Secteur de la surveillance, le Secteur des services intégrés et de la transformation, le Secteur de l’innovation stratégique et des relations avec les intervenants, le Secteur de la stratégie, du risque et de la gouvernance, le Bureau du surintendant (y compris l’Audit interne) et le Bureau de l’actuaire en chef.

Langues officielles

Q21. Dans quelle ville se situe votre bureau désigné du BSIF?

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q22. Lorsque je rédige des documents à usage interne, y compris des courriels, je me sens libre de le faire dans la langue officielle de mon choix (français ou anglais). (Cet énoncé ne s’applique pas aux documents diffusés à l’extérieur du BSIF.)

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Q23. Lorsque j’assiste à une réunion de service, je me sens libre de m’exprimer dans la langue officielle de mon choix (français ou anglais).

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Q24. Lorsque je communique avec mon supérieur immédiat, je me sens libre de m’exprimer dans la langue officielle de mon choix (français ou anglais).

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Q25. Le BSIF offre de la formation dans la langue officielle de mon choix (français ou anglais).

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Le supérieur immédiat est la personne dont vous relevez directement.


Q26. À quelle fréquence êtes-vous en mesure d’assister aux séances de formation offertes au BSIF?

Q26B (SI Q26 = Toute réponse autre que « Régulièrement » ou « Sans objet »)
Lesquels des obstacles suivants vous empêchent de suivre une formation au BSIF? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Mon emploi/Ma carrière

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q27. Mes forces personnelles sont bien exploitées dans le poste que j’occupe.

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Q28. Je reçois l’encadrement dont j’ai besoin pour bien faire mon travail.

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Q29. Lorsque mon supérieur immédiat fait le point avec moi sur mon travail, cela m’aide à améliorer mon rendement.

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Q30. Je comprends le Modèle de compétences en leadership et les comportements que je dois adopter.

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Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q31. On m’encourage à innover ou à faire preuve d’initiative dans mon travail.

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Q32. Je reçois le soutien dont j’ai besoin pour gérer ma carrière.

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Q33. J’ai l’impression de contribuer au succès de notre organisation.

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Q34. Je suis fier de la contribution de mon travail au BSIF.

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Q35. J’ai l’intention de chercher du travail à l’extérieur du BSIF au cours des 12 prochains mois.

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Le soutien prend de nombreuses formes et peut être donné en paroles ou en actions. Le soutien comprend les outils, les ressources et le soutien de la direction.

Q35B (si Q35 = Quelque peu d’accord ou Tout à fait d’accord)
Lesquels des énoncés suivants s’appliquent à votre recherche d’emploi à l’extérieur du BSIF? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Subordonnés directs

Q36. Avez-vous présentement des employés qui relèvent de vous (c.-à-d. des subalternes directs)?

Aux fins du présent sondage, les employés sont des personnes employées directement par le BSIF, quel que soit leur niveau ou leur poste au sein de l’organisation, p. ex., employés nommés pour une période indéterminée, employés nommés pour une période déterminée et employés à temps partiel. Cela ne comprend pas le personnel à court terme comme les employés occasionnels, les étudiants stagiaires et le personnel contractuel comme les experts-conseils.

Q36B. (Si Q36 = Oui)
Je reçois le soutien dont j'ai besoin pour chercher à résoudre les problèmes de rendement insatisfaisant.

Q36C. (Si Q36 = Oui)
J’ai accès à des ressources pour soutenir les employés de mon équipe qui font face à des défis personnels.


Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q37. J’ai la latitude voulue pour classer en priorité les tâches et les fonctions quand je suis aux prises avec de multiples exigences au travail.

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Q38. Mon unité de travail offre un environnement où je peux m’exprimer sans hésitation et faire valoir mes opinions.

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Q39. J’ai le sentiment de pouvoir entamer un processus de recours officiel (p. ex., grief, plainte) sans crainte de faire l’objet de représailles.

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Q40. Je me sens capable d’être entièrement moi‑même au travail.

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Q41. Le BSIF offre les ressources appropriées qui m’aident à surmonter les difficultés que présente la conciliation de ma vie professionnelle, de ma vie familiale et de ma vie personnelle (p. ex. le Programme d’aide aux employés et des initiatives de bien-être).

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Q42. Le BSIF réussit bien à sensibiliser les gens à la santé mentale en milieu de travail.

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Être entièrement soi‑même au travail signifie que les employés n’ont pas l’impression de devoir laisser de côté une part d’eux‑mêmes « à la porte » du bureau. Ils sentent qu’ils peuvent s’exprimer librement, être authentiques, diriger avec humilité, demander de l’aide, avoir des liens sincères avec les autres, et se permettre d’être vus réellement comme ils sont, s’ils le souhaitent.

La santé mentale est l’état d’une personne par rapport à son bien-être psychologique et émotionnel. Le bien-être est une situation où une personne réalise son potentiel, peut faire face aux tensions normales de la vie, peut travailler de façon productive et fructueuse et peut apporter une contribution à sa collectivité.

Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?
vide Tout à fait en désaccord Quelque peu en désaccord Ni en désaccord ni d’accord Quelque peu d’accord Tout à fait d’accord Ne sais pas Sans objet

Q43. Le BSIF met en place des activités et des pratiques qui favorisent un milieu de travail diversifié.

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Q44. Les possibilités d’apprentissage offertes par le BSIF m’ont permis d’être plus inclusif en milieu de travail.

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Q45. Le BSIF met tout en œuvre pour créer un milieu de travail qui prévient la discrimination.

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Q46. Il y a des obstacles systémiques qui nuisent à l’inclusion au BSIF.

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Dans un milieu de travail diversifié, tout le monde est accepté, sans égard à la race, à l’origine nationale ou ethnique, à la couleur, à la déficience, au sexe, à l’orientation sexuelle, à l’identité ou l’expression de genre, à l’état matrimonial ou à la situation familiale, à la religion, à l’âge, à la langue, aux antécédents culturels, aux intérêts, aux points de vue ou à d’autres dimensions. Toutes les différences entre l’identité personnelle et professionnelle des collègues sont admises.

On définit les obstacles comme des systèmes, politiques ou pratiques qui font que certaines personnes de groupes en quête d’équité ne bénéficient pas d’un accès égal à des emplois, des services ou des programmes, ou en systémiques sont exclus. Ces obstacles sont de nature systémique, ce qui signifie qu’ils résultent de pratiques, de politiques, de traditions ou de valeurs institutionnelles qui peuvent être « involontaires » ou « invisibles », mais qui ont des répercussions sérieuses et durables sur la vie des personnes touchées (p. ex. sur leur cheminement professionnel).

Q46B. [SI Q45=Tout à fait ou quelque peu d’accord]
Parmi les obstacles suivants, lesquels avez-vous observés ou rencontrés au BSIF au cours de la dernière année? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Q47. Estimez-vous avoir été victime de discrimination au travail au cours de la dernière année?

La discrimination est le fait de traiter une personne différemment ou de façon inéquitable en raison d’une caractéristique qui lui est propre ou la distingue et qui, intentionnellement ou non, la désavantage par rapport à d’autres ou lui refuse ou limite un accès dont bénéficient d’autres personnes. La Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne a établi 13 motifs de distinction illicite, lesquels sont fondés sur la race, l’origine nationale ou ethnique, la couleur, la religion, l’âge, le sexe, l’orientation sexuelle, l’identité ou l’expression de genre, l’état matrimonial, la situation familiale, les caractéristiques génétiques, la déficience et l’état de personne graciée.

Q47B. [Si Q47 = Oui]
Sur quel motif avez-vous été victime de discrimination? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Q47C. [Si Q47 = Oui]
De la part de qui avez-vous été victime de discrimination au travail? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Q47D. [si Q47= Oui]
Quelle(s) mesure(s) avez-vous prise(s) pour remédier à la discrimination dont vous avez été victime? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Q47D.i. [Si la réponse « Je n’ai rien fait » a été choisie à Q47D]

Veuillez nous dire si une raison précise vous a retenu d’agir pour faire face à la discrimination dont vous avez été l’objet :

Q47E. [Si Q47 = Oui]
Saviez-vous où aller pour obtenir de l’aide?

Q48. Avez‑vous vécu des microagressions au travail au cours de la dernière année?

Les microagressions sont des affronts, des insultes ou des signes de mépris (verbaux, non verbaux ou véhiculés par le milieu, intentionnels ou non) communiquant au quotidien des messages hostiles, désobligeants ou négatifs à des personnes ciblées uniquement en raison de leur appartenance à un groupe marginalisé.

Q48B. [Si Q48= Oui]
De la part de qui avez-vous été victime de microagressions au travail? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Q48C. [si Q48= Oui]
Quelle(s) mesure(s) avez‑vous prise(s) pour faire face aux microagressions que vous avez vécues? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent)

Q48C.i. [Si la réponse « Je n’ai rien fait » a été choisie à Q48C]

Veuillez nous dire si une raison précise vous a retenu d’agir pour faire face aux microagressions que vous avez vécues :

Q48D. [Si Q48 = Oui]
Saviez-vous où aller pour obtenir de l’aide?

Q49. Avez-vous été victime de harcèlement ou de violence au travail au cours de la dernière année?

Selon la Politique sur la prévention du harcèlement et de la violence en milieu de travail du BSIF, le harcèlement et la violence en milieu de travail se définit comme suit : tout acte, comportement ou propos, notamment de nature sexuelle, qui pourrait vraisemblablement offenser ou humilier un employé ou lui causer toute autre blessure ou maladie, physique ou psychologique, y compris tout acte, comportement ou propos réglementaire.

Q49B. [Si Q49 =Oui]
De la part de qui avez-vous été victime de harcèlement ou de violence au travail? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Q49C. [si Q49 = Oui]
Veuillez indiquer la nature du harcèlement ou de la violence dont vous avez été victime.

Q49D. [Si Q49 = Oui]
Quelles mesures avez-vous prises pour remédier au harcèlement ou à la violence? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Q49D.i. [Si la réponse « Je n’ai rien fait » a été choisie à Q49D]

Veuillez nous dire si une raison précise vous a retenu d’agir pour faire face au harcèlement dont vous avez été l’objet :

Q49E. [Si Q49 = Oui]
Saviez-vous où aller pour obtenir de l’aide?


Q50. Souhaitez-vous formuler des commentaires à l’intention du Comité de direction sur les sujets abordés dans ce sondage?

Avis de confidentialité

Le BSIF, par l'entremise d'Environics, recueillera et utilisera vos réponses au sondage, lesquelles serviront de fondement à la planification opérationnelle et à la prise de décision par le Comité de direction et la haute direction du BSIF (niveaux REX-08 et supérieurs). La collecte de renseignements pour le sondage est effectuée conformément à l’article 13 de la Loi sur le BSIF. Toute information personnelle recueillie ne sera utilisée et divulguée que conformément aux dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels.

La participation à ce sondage est volontaire. En y participant, vous consentez explicitement à ce que le BSIF reçoive, utilise et communique vos commentaires et réponses à des fins de planification, de gestion et d'administration, y compris à des fins d'enquête, de recherche et de statistique.

La confidentialité de vos renseignements sera respectée et vos réponses demeureront strictement confidentielles. Les commentaires seront transmis uniquement au Comité de direction, dans une compilation, au niveau du BSIF.

Q50B. [Si Q50 = Oui]
Les commentaires seront présentés sous forme de compilation au niveau du BSIF et seront transmis uniquement au Comité de direction.
Tous les renseignements personnels, dont les noms, seront retirés des commentaires par Environics et les RH avant leur transmission. Une analyse sommaire des commentaires regroupés sera préparée par thème et pourra être consultée par tous les employés du BSIF dans le cadre des résultats généraux du sondage.

Veuillez être aussi précis que possible tout en prenant soin de ne pas inclure de renseignements personnels ou confidentiels, particulièrement sur des points qu’il est préférable d’aborder à l’aide des mécanismes appropriés des RH.

Case pour commentaires

Q50C. [si Q50= Oui]
Auxquels des thèmes suivants vos commentaires se rapportent-ils? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Renseignements généraux

Le BSIF s’engage à créer un environnement qui valorise expressément la personne, où l’employé se sent en sécurité, engagé, connecté et capable d’être lui-même au travail.

Les questions suivantes ne sont posées qu’à des fins d’analyse du sondage et aideront le BSIF à mieux comprendre les perceptions des employés afin que nous puissions poursuivre la création d’un milieu de travail diversifié et plus inclusif.

Nous vous donnons l’assurance que vos réponses seront traitées de façon confidentielle. Les réponses présentées dans le rapport établi par Environics seront tirées d’au moins dix questionnaires remplis par des employés ayant au moins une caractéristique démographique en commun. Les réponses des plus petites unités seront groupées avec celles d’une autre unité afin d’assurer l’anonymat des répondants ou regroupées au niveau du secteur, le cas échéant.

Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir répondre aux questions suivantes.

Q51. Quel est votre genre?

Le terme race est utilisé pour catégoriser les personnes dans des groupes qui se différencient principalement des autres par un ensemble de caractères physiques héréditaires comme la couleur de la peau. Les groupes raciaux n’ont aucun fondement scientifique ou biologique, mais sont déterminés par les différences que la société a choisi de mettre en avant, avec d’importantes conséquences sur la vie des personnes. Cette classification peut évoluer au fil du temps ou varier selon les régions, et coïncider avec certains groupes ethniques, culturels ou religieux. (La définition des groupes raciaux provient des Normes relatives aux données en vue de repérer et de surveiller le racisme systémique (2019) émises par la Direction générale de l’action contre le racisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario.)

Q52. À quel groupe racial vous identifiez-vous? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.) 

Les groupes ethniques désignent l’origine ethnique ou culturelle d’une personne. Les membres d’un groupe ethnique ont en commun une identité, un patrimoine, une ascendance ou une histoire qui comportent souvent des caractéristiques culturelles, linguistiques ou religieuses identifiables. (La définition des groupes ethniques provient des Normes relatives aux données en vue de repérer et de surveiller le racisme systémique (2019) émises par la Direction générale de l’action contre le racisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario.)

Q52B.À quelles origines ethniques vous identifiez-vous? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Une personne autochtone est un Indien de l’Amérique du Nord ou un membre d’une Première Nation, un Métis ou un Inuk (Inuit). Les termes « Indien de l’Amérique du Nord » et « membres d’une Première Nation » désignent les Indiens de plein droit, des traités ou inscrits aussi bien que les Indiens n’ayant pas statut légal ou non inscrits.

Q53. Vous identifiez-vous comme une personne autochtone?

Q53B. [si Q53 = Oui]
Si vous souhaitez fournir plus de détails, veuillez préciser le ou les groupes auxquels vous appartenez. (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Une personne en situation de handicap est une personne atteinte d’une déficience notamment physique, intellectuelle, cognitive, mentale ou sensorielle, d’un trouble d’apprentissage ou de la communication ou une limitation fonctionnelle, de nature permanente, temporaire ou épisodique, manifeste ou non et dont l’interaction avec un obstacle nuit à la participation pleine et égale de la personne dans la société

Dans ce contexte, un obstacle est un élément – de nature physique, structurelle, technologique, socioéconomique ou culturelle, ou lié à l’information, aux communications, aux attitudes ou aux mentalités – qui nuit à la participation pleine et égale d’une personne dans la société.

Q54. Êtes-vous une personne en situation de handicap?
Aux fins de ce questionnaire, veuillez indiquer uniquement les conditions qui durent depuis six mois ou qui pourraient durer six mois ou plus.

Q54B. [si Q54 = Oui]
Veuillez indiquer la nature de votre handicap (cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent) :

La collecte de données sur la représentation des employés qui appartiennent à la communauté 2ELGBTQIA+ contribuera au travail que fait le gouvernement du Canada pour améliorer l’égalité pour ses membres. Par le biais de la promotion des droits de la personne et le développement de politiques et programmes inclusifs, le BSIF poursuit ses efforts en vue d’offrir un milieu de travail diversifié et plus inclusif.

Q55. Vous identifiez-vous comme une personne 2ELGBTQIA+?

Les réponses à cette question ne seront pas utilisées pour les obligations prévues dans la Loi sur l’équité en matière d’emploi, puisque les personnes 2ELGBTQIA+ (deux esprits, lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles, transgenres, queers, en questionnement, intersexuées et asexuelles) ne sont pas officiellement identifiées comme groupes désignés dans la Loi. Le BSIF s’est engagé à assurer une participation égale de ces groupes dans son effectif et demande ces données dans le but de mieux comprendre la représentation dans son effectif.

Q55B. [si Q55 = oui]
Si vous souhaitez fournir plus de détails, veuillez préciser comment vous vous auto-identifiez. (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Q56. À quel groupe d’âge appartenez-vous?

Q57. Profitez-vous présentement de l’une des modalités de travail flexibles (MTF) suivantes? (Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

Remarques : Bien que le "télétravail" constitue une modalité de travail flexible selon les lignes directrices du BSIF sur les modalités de travail flexibles et les congés spéciaux, cette option fait désormais partie intégrante du modèle de travail hybride du BSIF et est utilisée, sinon par tous, du moins par une majorité d'employés. C'est pourquoi elle n'a pas été incluse dans la liste.

Q57B. [si Q57 = Je ne profite pas de MTF]
Je ne profite d’aucune des modalités de travail flexibles (MTF) parce que :

Q58. Depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous au BSIF?

Q59. À quelle catégorie d’employés appartenez-vous?

Q60. Quel est votre secteur / groupe?

Q61. Dans quelle unité de l’organisation travaillez-vous à l’heure actuelle?

Encore une fois, nous vous donnons l’assurance que vos réponses seront traitées de façon confidentielle. Les réponses présentées dans le rapport seront tirées d’au moins dix questionnaires remplis par des employés d’une unité de travail donnée. Les réponses des plus petites unités seront groupées avec celles d’une autre unité de travail afin d’assurer l’anonymat des répondants ou regroupées au niveau du secteur, le cas échéant.

Bureau du surintendant et Audit interne

Secteur de la surveillance

Secteur de l’innovation stratégique et des relations avec les intervenants

Secteur de la stratégie, du risque et de la gouvernance

Secteur des services intégrés et de la transformation

Bureau de l’actuaire en chef

Veuillez prendre un instant pour décider si vous souhaitez revoir vos réponses avant de passer à l’écran suivant.

Si vous passez à l’écran suivant pour terminer le sondage, vous ne pourrez plus modifier vos réponses.

Merci d'avoir participé à notre sondage. Nous apprécions grandement vos efforts.

Appendix H: Full Set of Tabulated Data

The full set of tabulated data is submitted in a separate document.