Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Reports = Rapports de recherche sur l'opinion publique publiés par le gouvernement du Canada
Parks Canada = Parcs Canada - 2008
POR 238-06 - 2007-2008 Mountain parks visitors online panel survey
POR 528-06 - Evaluation of Wickaninnish Interpretive Centre at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve: focus group research
POR 108-07 - Evaluation of Wickaninnish Interpretive Centre at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve: Intercept Whale Festival Survey with visitors and online survey with locals
POR 108-07 - Évaluation du Centre d'interprétation Wickaninnish, dans la réserve de parc national Pacific Rim : interrogation au passage de participants au Festival de la baleine et sondage en ligne auprès des résidents des environs
POR 115-07 - Chignecto sites product-market match, final report
POR 118-07 - Public evaluation of a handheld locative trail guide created by the ART Mobile Lab for Banff National Park
119-07 - Fort Langley national historic site school research with teachers in the lower mainland area: teacher focus groups summary report
119-07 - Fort Langley national historic site school research with teachers in the lower mainland area: teacher survey summary report
POR 267-07 - Survey of owners of non-federal national historic sites 2008, final report
POR 267-07 - Sondage auprès des propriétaires de lieux historiques nationaux non administrés par le gouvernement fédéral 2008, rapport final
POR 310-07 - The Banff east gate : park pass purchase and pass-through lane usage study : final report
POR 317-07 -2007-2008 Nahanni NPR visitor survey report
POR 353-07 - Evaluation of Parks Canada sites at Churchill, Manitoba, final report
POR 405-07 - Stanley Park, national historic site of Canada, 2008 telephone survey of Metro Vancouver residents, final report
POR 436-07 - The Banff east gate : park pass purchase and pass-through lane usage study : final report
POR 449-07 - Senior management perspective on achieving the Parks Canada mandate through an integrated approach
POR 460-07 - Qualitative research to support visitor experience planning for Prince Albert National park, final report
POR 470-07 - Brand positioning focus groups, final report