Parks Canada

Assessment of Parks Canada’s 2017 Advertisement Campaign

Methodology Report

Prepared for Parks Canada Agency

30 Victoria Street, Gatineau QC, J8X 0B3

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


Parks Canada protects and presents nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage and fosters public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment to ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.

Parks Canada's advertising campaign has been marketed to an extensive demographic. PCA has undertaken small national advertising campaigns each year over the last few years, prior to summer vacation planning. In December 2016 and throughout 2017 PCA is undertaking a national campaign related to Canada's 150 celebrations in 2017, involving free admissions to Parks Canada locations. The campaign is designed to increase awareness among Canadians, inspire visitation to Parks Canada locations, and increase use of PCA trip planning tools, as well as create positive media engagement and buzz among Canadians.

As the campaign will exceed $1,000,000, public opinion research is required by Treasury Board Secretariat using the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool, with additional validating and benchmarking questions following the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool instrument. Data collection to evaluate the 2017 Advertising Campaign supports the Government of Canada's goal of effectively gauging Canadians awareness and knowledge of this initiative, and determining the effectiveness of these campaign tools in influencing Canadians' knowledge and participation in commemorative activities. Information gathered from this process provides Parks Canada with concrete data to assist in developing/adjusting future media strategies.

Research Purpose

Specifically, the purpose of the quantitative post-testing is to evaluate Parks Canada's 2017 Advertising Campaign and to gauge:

Information obtained through this public opinion research can be extrapolated to the wider population of Canadians and allows Parks Canada to determine the impact of its advertising campaign and provide direction on areas where the campaign can be adjusted to reach a broader Canadian public. The findings provide useful information to improve future campaigns which are better targeted, more informative and better geared to the target population and Canadians at large.

Sample design

Two bilingual, national online surveys were conducted: one as a baseline, in advance of the campaign, and one following the height of the campaign to measure change in awareness and intent to visit over time, to assess impact of the campaign. The baseline included of 2,098 Canadians 18 years of age or older, while the post campaign sample included 2,007 Canadians, also 18 years of age or older. Each survey instrument included the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool questions used by the Government of Canada in all of its advertising evaluation research, along with additional questions testing impact on perceptions and behaviour targeted though the campaign. Each sample included randomly selected respondents from all provinces and territories. In addition to a minimum number of cases to be completed with residents in each region, a minimum number of completed cases was also established for each of the three largest Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) in each of the two surveys: Toronto (250), Montreal (250) and Vancouver (125 to 150). Beyond these three CMA's, each sample was also intended to include minimum numbers in the following CMAs: Calgary (75 to 100); Edmonton (75 to 100); Winnipeg (50 to 75); Ottawa-Gatineau (50 to 75); and Halifax (50).

Each survey sample relied on Ekos' Probit panel, which is assembled using a random digit dial process for sampling from a blended land-line cell-phone frame, and provides full coverage of Canadians with telephone access. The distribution of the recruitment process is meant to mirror the actual population in Canada (as defined by Statistics Canada). As such, our more than 85,000 member panel can be considered representative of the general public in Canada (meaning that the incidence of a given target population within our panel very closely resembles the public at large) and margins of error can be applied.

In each survey a subset of 310 to 359 panel members were sampled from among those who typically prefer to be reached by telephone. These panelists were contacted by telephone and the survey was described to them. They were subsequently asked if they would be willing to provide their email address to receive a copy of the invitation to the survey with unique link to the secure survey website, given that participation in this particular survey must be conducted online. 112 of these panel members are included among the 2,098 who completed the baseline survey, and 142 completed the survey online among the 2,007 completing the post-campaign survey.

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of EKOS Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed by: Susan Galley (Vice President)

Appendix A: Methodology

Each survey instrument consisted of the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool questions used by the Government of Canada in all of its advertising evaluation research. The post-campaign survey added questions testing recall of two videos key to the campaign, along with questions testing the impact of the videos on perceptions and behaviour. The average time it took respondents to complete the questionnaire was 9.5 minutes for the baseline, and 14 minutes for the post-campaign survey. Testing was conducted on November 21, 2016 (baseline) and March 13, 2017 (post-campaign) to ensure each questionnaire was working well. This entailed completing interviews with 34 French and 26 English (baseline) and 34 English and 27 French (post-campaign) with a suite of questions appended to the end to establish comprehension, relevance, and technical issues, as well as reviewing the results of the test cases for programming (i.e., skip logic) errors.

In each case, respondents to the online survey were 18 years of age and older, and were randomly selected. The sample included all provinces and territories, and the survey was administered in English and French, as well as with an accessible link for those using a mobile phone or screen reading technology. The survey sample relied on an Ekos' Probit panel, which is assembled using a random digit dial process for sampling from a blended land-line cell-phone frame, and provides full coverage of Canadians with telephone access. The distribution of the recruitment process is meant to mirror the actual population in Canada (as defined by Statistics Canada). As such, our more than 85,000 member panel can be considered representative of the general public in Canada (meaning that the incidence of a given target population within our panel very closely resembles the public at large) and margins of error can be applied. All households/individuals in the Probit panel are contacted by telephone and the nature of the panel is explained in greater detail (as are our privacy policies) and demographic information is collected. At this time the online/off-line as well as landline/cell phone status is ascertained in order to determine the method of completing surveys (i.e., online, telephone, or mail). This variable of "type of telephone service" (cell phone only, landline only or both) collected at the time of screening is used to determine cell phone only sample. As with any random digit dialing sample, Probit panel cases are considered to be a probability- based sample.

In the baseline survey, the number of total completed in the sample is 2,098, with an associated margin of error of up to plus or minus 2.1%, at a .05 confidence interval (i.e., 19 times out of 20). This included 112 respondents Canadians in the Probit panel who typically prefer to complete surveys by telephone to increase the representativeness of the sample 1.  This sub-sample was completed on the basis of 1,411 who were contacted by telephone and asked to participate in the survey online for this particular assignment. The 310 who agreed were sent an email invitation with a secure link to the online survey. The baseline survey was collected between November 24 and December 2, 2016.

In the post-campaign survey, the number of total completed in the sample is 2,078, with an associated margin of error of up to plus or minus 2.2%, at a .05 confidence interval (i.e., 19 times out of 20). In the post-campaign survey 1,407 Probit panel members were sampled and called, of which 359 agreed to complete the survey online. The final sample of 2007, includes the 142 who actually completed the survey online. The post-campaign survey was collected between March 15 and 21, 2017.

The final baseline sample also includes minimum numbers of respondents who reside in selected Census Metropolitan Areas, including Toronto (286 respondents), Montreal (243), Vancouver (218), Calgary (78), Edmonton (97), Winnipeg (77), Ottawa-Gatineau (113), and Halifax (55). The post- campaign survey includes Toronto (336 respondents), Montreal (203), Vancouver (186), Calgary (78), Edmonton (59), Winnipeg (54), Ottawa-Gatineau (132), and Halifax (37).

The regional distribution of the sample is as follows:

Regional distribution of the sample
Province/Region Baseline Post-Campaign
British Columbia 351 328
Alberta 236 196
Manitoba and Saskatchewan 173 132
Ontario 716 766
Quebec 449 404
Atlantic 164 169
Territories 9 12
Total 2,098 2,007

Each survey was registered with the National Survey Registration System. Survey data collection adhered to Government of Canada standard for public opinion research as well as all applicable industry standards as set out by the Market Research Intelligence Agency, of which EKOS is a Gold Seal member. EKOS informed respondents of their rights under the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, and ensured that those rights were protected throughout the research process. This included: informing respondents of the purpose of the research; identifying both the sponsoring department and the research supplier; informing respondents that their participation in the study is voluntary, and that the information provided would be administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act.

Once the survey data was collected, each database was reviewed for data quality. Coding was also completed. Survey results were weighted based on Statistics Canada data according to age, gender and region to ensure the sample was representative of the general public aged 18 years and older.

Data tables were created for each survey to isolate results for major subgroups to be used in the analysis (e.g., results for each age segment, gender, education segment, employment, income segment, region, CMA, as well as among households with children under 18, those born outside of Canada, by mother tongue, seen Government advertisements, seen Parks Canada advertisements, interest in nature or parks, interest in historic sites, awareness of Parks Canada, and frequency of travel decision-making).

Response rates and non-response bias

The response rate for the online baseline survey was 14.1%. This is calculated using the formula developed by the Marketing Research Intelligence Agency in conjunction with the Government of Canada.  What is MRIA? A total of 17,567 email invitations were sent, of which 147 were returned as undeliverable. A total of 2,098 valid cases were completed, and combined with another 355 respondents who were screened out of the survey due to their responses as the numerator in the calculation of the response rate.

For the post-campaign online survey, the response rate was 15.7%, using the same formula. This includes 17,895 email invitations sent, of which 2,958 were returned as undeliverable. The 2,007 valid cases completed are combined with another 342 respondents who were screened out of the survey due to their responses to form the numerator in the calculation.

A comparison of each unweighted sample with 2011 Census figures from Statistics Canada suggests that there are similar sources of systematic sample bias in each survey, following patterns typically found in most general public surveys. These include a slight under representation of young adults under 35 (21% in the base line and 23% in the post-campaign versus 28% in the population, and over representation of older Canadians (41% over 55 compared with 35% in the population in the baseline). There is a more educated sample in each survey than found in the population with 41% reporting university degrees in the baseline and 46% in the post-campaign compared with 23% in the population. Each sample under represents Canadians with a college level of education (24% in the baseline compared with 36% in the population as per 2011 Census figures). Households with children under the age of 18 are also under represented in each sample (27% in the baseline and 30% in the post-campaign compared with 38% in the population). There is also an under representation of Canadians born outside of Canada in each survey (12% in the baseline and 14% in the post-campaign versus 25%). As previously described, each sample was weighted by age, gender, and region.

Footnote 1: Current Statistics Canada estimates are that 21% of Canadians do not have a telephone landline and are considered to be cell phone only.

Appendix B: Pre-ad Questionnaire (English and French)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey dealing with current issues of interest to Canadians. Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur français.

The survey is being conducted by Ekos and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept entirely confidential. This survey is registered with the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA). Click here if you wish to verify the authenticity of this survey. To view our privacy policy, click here. If you require any technical assistance, please contact

D1A [1,7]: Do you, or does anyone in your household, work in any of the following areas?

D1B: Could you please enter your gender?

D1C:  In what year were you born?

D1D: In which of the following age categories do you belong?

D1E: In which province or territory do you live?

D1F: What is the postal code of your permanent residence?

Q1: Over the past few weeks or so, have you seen, heard or read any advertising from the Government of Canada?

Q2: Please describe everything you can remember about the ads you saw or heard, anything that comes to mind? If you have seen or heard more than one ad, please describe each one.

Q3: How were you able to identify the advertising being from the Government of Canada?

T1A: Over the past few weeks or so, have you seen, heard or read any Government of Canada advertising inviting Canadians to visit national parks and national historic sites, which will have free admission in 2017?

T1B: Where have you seen, read or heard this Government of Canada ad inviting Canadians to visit national parks and national historic sites, which will have free admission in 2017?

T1C: What can you remember about this advertising?

T1D: To the best of your knowledge, what is the name of the organization or government department that operates officially designated national parks and national historic sites of Canada?

T1E: Have you ever heard of Parks Canada, which is a federal government agency?

T1FA: Next year in 2017, how likely are you to make a day trip, weekend getaway or weeklong vacation?

T1FB: Next year in 2017, how likely are you to participate in events or activities next year related to Canada's 150th birthday?

T1FC: Next year in 2017, how likely are you to visit a Parks Canada national park, national historic site and/or national waterway, which will have free admission next year?

T1FD: Next year in 2017, how likely are you to order your Parks Canada free discovery pass that gives free entry to national parks, national historic sites and/or national waterways?

T1FE: Next year in 2017, how likely are you to Visit Parks Canada Website for more information?

T1FF: Next year in 2017, how likely are you to make camping/accommodation reservation in Parks Canada locations for 2017?

T1G: When going on vacations, do you usually make the decision on the travel destination? You would say...

T1HA: How interested are you in... Nature parks or outdoors?

T1HB: How interested are you in... Historic sites or other cultural settings?

Finally, we'd like to ask you some questions for statistical purposes. We would like to remind you that all your answers are completely confidential.

D1: Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...?

D2: What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

D3: Are there any children under the age of 18 currently living in your household?

D4: Which of the following categories best describes your total household income in 2015? That is, the total income of all persons in your household, before taxes in 2015?

D5: Where were you born?

D6: In what year did you immigrate to Canada?

D7 [1,2]: What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?


That concludes the survey. This survey was conducted on behalf of Parks Canada. We thank you very much for taking the time to participate, it is greatly appreciated.

Thank 2

We regret but your responses have shown that you are ineligible to participate in this survey. Thank you for your time.

Merci de remplir le présent sondage portant sur des enjeux qui intéressent actuellement les Canadiens.

If you wish to complete the survey in English, please click English.

Le sondage est mené par les Associés de recherche EKOS et prend environ 10 minutes pour  y  répondre.   Votre   participation  est   volontaire  et   toutes   vos   réponses demeureront confidentielles. Ce sondage est enregistré auprès de l'Association de la recherche et de l'intelligence marketing (ARIM). Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez vérifier l'authenticité du présent sondage et cliquez ici pour lire notre politique de confidentialité. Veuillez  communiquer  avec(855)  1-855-288-4932  pour  obtenir  de  l'aide  d'ordre technique.

D1A [1,7] : Vous-même ou quelqu'un au sein de votre foyer travaille-t-il pour l'une ou l'autre des organisations suivantes?

DIB : Êtes-vous...

D1C: Quelle est votre année de naissance?

D1D : À quelle catégorie d'âge appartenez-vous?

D1E : Dans quelle province ou quel territoire habitez-vous?

D1F : Quel est votre code postal?

Q1 : Au cours des trois dernières semaines avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu des annonces du gouvernement du Canada?

Q2 : De quoi vous souvenez-vous à propos de cette annonce?

Q3 : Comment avez-vous su qu'il s'agissait d'une annonce du gouvernement du Canada?

T1A : Au cours des dernières semaines, avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu une annonce du gouvernement du Canada invitant les Canadiens à visiter les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux, dont l'entrée sera gratuite en 2017?

T1B : Où avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu cette annonce du gouvernement du Canada invitant les Canadiens à visiter les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux, dont l'entrée sera gratuite en 2017?

T1C : De quoi vous souvenez-vous à propos de cette annonce?

T1D : À votre connaissance, quel est le nom de l'organisme ou du ministère gouvernemental qui gère officiellement les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux du Canada désignés ?

T1E : Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Parcs Canada, qui est une agence du gouvernement fédéral ?

T1FA : En 2017, l'an prochain, dans quelle mesure est-il probable que… vous fassiez une excursion d'une journée, une escapade d'une fin de semaine, un voyage d'une semaine?

T1FB : En 2017, l'an prochain, dans quelle mesure est-il probable que… vous participiez aux activités ou événements liés au 150e anniversaire du Canada?

T1FC : En 2017, l'an prochain, dans quelle mesure est-il probable que… vous visitiez un parc national, un lieu historique national ou une voie navigable nationale de Parcs Canada, dont l'entrée sera gratuite l'an prochain?

T1FD : En 2017, l'an prochain, dans quelle mesure est-il probable que… vous commandiez votre carte d'entrée Découverte de Parcs Canada vous donnant l'entrée gratuite aux parcs nationaux, aux lieux historiques nationaux et/ou aux voies navigables nationales?

T1FE : En 2017, l'an prochain, dans quelle mesure est-il probable que… vous visitiez le site Web de Parcs Canada pour obtenir plus d'information?

T1FF : En 2017, l'an prochain, dans quelle mesure est-il probable que… vous fassiez une réservation de camping/hébergement aux emplacements de Parcs Canada en 2017?

T1G : Lorsque vous partez en vacances, de manière générale, à quelle fréquence vous arrive-t-il d'être la personne qui décide de la destination de voyage?

T1HA : Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous intéressé(e) …aux parcs naturels ou au plein air?

T1HA : Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous intéressé(e) …aux lieux historiques ou autres endroits culturels?

Finalement, nous aimerions vous poser quelques questions à des fins statistiques exclusivement. Soyez assuré(e) que toutes vos réponses demeureront entièrement confidentielles.

D1 : Laquelle  des  catégories  suivantes  correspond  le  mieux  à  votre  situation  d'emploi actuelle? Êtes-vous...

D2 : Quel est le plus haut niveau de scolarité que vous avez atteint?

D3 : Des enfants de 18 ans et moins habitent-ils actuellement dans votre foyer?

D4 : Laquelle des catégories suivantes décrit le mieux la somme des revenus de votre foyer en 2015? Ce qui veut dire la somme totale des revenus combinés de toutes les personnes de votre foyer avant impôts en 2015?

D5 : Où êtes-vous né(e)?

D6 : En quelle année avez-vous immigré au Canada?

D7 : Quelle est la première langue que vous avez apprise lorsque vous étiez enfant et que vous comprenez toujours?

Appendix C: Post-ad Questionnaire (English and French)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey dealing with current issues of interest to Canadians.

Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur français

The survey is being conducted by  EKOS Research Associates and will take approximately 12 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept entirely confidential. 

This survey is registered with the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA).

Click here if you wish to verify the authenticity of this survey. To view our privacy policy, click here.

If you require any technical assistance, please contact 1-855-288-4932.

QINTRO [1,7]: Do you, or does anyone in your household work for any of the following areas?

QGENDR: Could you please enter your gender?

QAGE: In what year were you born?

QAGEY: In which of the following age categories to you belong?

QPROV: In which province or territory do you live?

QPOSTC: What is the postal code of your permanent residence?

Q1: Over the past three weeks, have you seen, read or heard any advertising from the Government of Canada?

Q2 [1,14]:  Think about the most recent ad from the Government of Canada that comes to mind. Where have you seen, read or heard this ad?

Q3: What do you remember about this ad?

Q4: How did you know that it was an ad from the Government of Canada?

T1A: Over the past three weeks, have you seen, read or heard any Government of Canada advertising about inviting Canadians to visit national parks and national historic sites, which have free admission this year in 2017?

T1B [1,23]: Where have you seen, read or heard this ad about inviting Canadians to visit national parks and national historic sites, which have free admission this year in 2017?

T1C: What do you remember about this advertising?

T1D: To the best of your knowledge, what is the name of the organization or government department that operates officially designated national parks and national historic sites of Canada?

T1E: Have you ever heard of Parks Canada, which is a federal government agency?

T1F: This year in 2017, how likely are you to order your Parks Canada Discovery Pass that gives you free entry to national parks, national historic sites and/or national waterways?

PT1G: This year in 2017, how likely are you to...

T1GA  : Make a day trip, weekend getaway or weeklong vacation?

T1GB: Participate in events or activities next year related to Canada's 150th birthday?

T1GC: Visit a Parks Canada national park, national historic site and/or national waterway, which have free admission this year?

T1GD: Visit Parks Canada Website for more information?

T1GE: Make camping/accommodation reservation in Parks Canada locations this year?

PT1H: How interested are you in...

T1HA: Nature parks or outdoors?

T1HA: Nature parks or outdoors?

T1HB: Historic sites or other cultural settings?



Here are ads that were recently broadcasted on various media. Click below to watch.

T1I: Over the past three weeks, have you seen these ads?

T1J [1,12]: Where have you seen these ads? Select all that apply

T1K: What do you think is the main point these ads are trying to get across?


Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about this video ad? Click below to watch again if you prefer.

T1LA: This video ad catches my attention

T1LB: This video ad is relevant to me

T1LC: This video ad is difficult to follow

T1LD: This video ad talks about an important topic

T1LE: This video ad provides new information

T1LF: This video ad clearly conveys that the Government of Canada is inviting Canadians to visit national parks and national historic sites, which have free admission this year in 2017.

T1LG: The information in this ad is objective

PT1M: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about this video ad? Click below to view again if you prefer.

T1MA: This video ad catches my attention

T1MB: This video ad is relevant to me.

T1MC: This video ad is difficult to follow

T1MD: This video ad talks about an important topic.

T1ME: This video ad provides new information.

T1MF: This video ad clearly conveys that the Government of Canada is inviting Canadians to visit national parks and national historic sites, which have free admission this year in 2017.

T1MG: The information in this ad is objective.

DEMO: Now, I would like to get some information to help us group your answers with others who have taken this survey

D1: Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...

D2: What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

D3: Are there any children under the age of 18 currently living in your household?

D4: Which of the following categories best describes your total household income in 2016? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes in 2016?

D5: Where were you born?

D6: In what year did you immigrate to Canada?

D7: What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?


That concludes the survey. This survey was conducted on behalf of Parks Canada. We thank you very much for taking the time to answer this survey, it is greatly appreciated.

Merci de remplir le présent sondage portant sur des enjeux qui intéressent actuellement les Canadiens.

If you wish to complete the survey in English, please click English.

Le sondage est mené par les Associés de recherche EKOS et prend environ 12 minutes pour  y répondre.   Votre   participation  est   volontaire  et   toutes   vos   réponses demeureront confidentielles. Ce sondage est enregistré auprès de l'Association de la recherche et de l'intelligence marketing (ARIM). Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez vérifier l'authenticité du présent sondage et cliquez ici pour lire notre politique de confidentialité. Veuillez  communiquer  avec(855)  1-855-288-4932  pour obtenir de l'aide  d'ordre technique.

QINTRO [1,7] : Vous-même ou quelqu'un au sein de votre foyer travaille-t-il pour l'une ou l'autre des organisations suivantes?

QGENDR : Êtes-vous...

QAGE : Quelle est votre année de naissance?

QAGEY : À quelle catégorie d'âge appartenez-vous?

QPROV: Dans quelle province ou quel territoire habitez-vous?

QPOSTC: Quel est votre code postal?

Q1 : Au cours des trois dernières semaines, avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu des annonces du gouvernement du Canada?

Q2 [1,14] : Pensez à la plus récente annonce du gouvernement du Canada qui vous revient à l'esprit. Où avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu cette annonce?

Q3 : De quoi vous souvenez-vous à propos de cette annonce?

Q4 : Comment avez-vous su qu'il s'agissait d'une annonce du gouvernement du Canada?

T1A : Au cours des trois dernières semaines, avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu une annonce du gouvernement du Canada invitant les Canadiens à visiter les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux, dont l'entrée est gratuite cette année en 2017?

T1B [1,23] : Où avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu cette publicité invitant les Canadiens à visiter les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux, dont l'entrée est gratuite cette année en 2017?

T1C : De quoi vous souvenez-vous à propos de cette annonce?

T1D : À votre connaissance, quel est le nom de l'organisme ou du ministère gouvernemental qui gère officiellement les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux du Canada désignés?

T1E : Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Parcs Canada, qui est une agence du gouvernement fédéral?

T1F : En 2017, dans quelle mesure est-il probable que vous commandez une carte d'entrée Découverte de Parcs Canada vous donnant l'entrée gratuite aux parcs nationaux, aux lieux historiques nationaux et/ou aux voies navigables nationales?

PT1G : Cette année en 2017, dans quelle mesure est-il probable que...

T1GA : Vous fassiez une excursion d'une journée, une escapade d'une fin de semaine, un voyage d'une semaine?

T1GB : Vous participiez aux activités ou événements liés au 150e anniversaire du Canada?

T1GC : Vous visitiez un parc national, un lieu historique national ou une voie navigable nationale de Parcs Canada, dont l'entrée est gratuite cette année?

T1GD : Vous visitiez le site Web de Parcs Canada pour obtenir plus d'information?

T1GE : Vous fassiez une réservation de camping/hébergement aux emplacements de Parcs
Canada cette année?

PT1H : Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous intéressé(e)...

T1HA : aux parcs naturels ou au plein air?

T1HB : aux lieux historiques ou autres endroits culturels?


T1IINTRO : Voici les annonces qui ont été diffusée récemment sur les différents canaux de médias, Cliquer ici pour voir.

T1I Au cours des trois dernières semaines, avez-vous vu ces annonces?

T1J [1,12] : Où avez-vous vu ces annonces?

T1K : Quel est, selon vous, le message principal que ces annonces tentent de véhiculer?

PT1L : Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d'accord ou non avec les énoncés suivants au sujet de l'annonce vidéo? Cliquer ici pour la revoir, si vous préférez.

T1LA : Cette annonce vidéo attire mon attention

T1LB : Cette annonce vidéo est importante pour moi

T1LC : Cette annonce vidéo est difficile à suivre

T1LD : Cette annonce vidéo traite d'un sujet important

T1LE : Cette annonce vidéo fournit de l'information nouvelle

T1LF : Cette annonce vidéo indique clairement que le gouvernement du Canada invite les Canadiens à visiter les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux, dont l'entrée est gratuite cette année, en 2017

T1LG : Les informations contenues dans cette annonce sont objectif

PT1M : Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d'accord ou non avec les énoncés suivants au sujet de l'annonce imprimée? Cliquer ici pour la revoir, si vous préférez.

T1MA : Cette annonce vidéo attire mon attention

T1MB : Cette annonce vidéo est importante pour moi

T1MC : Cette annonce vidéo est difficile à suivre

T1MD : Cette annonce vidéo traite d'un sujet important

T1ME : Cette annonce vidéo fournit de l'information nouvelle

T1MF : Cette annonce vidéo indique clairement que le gouvernement du Canada invite les Canadiens à visiter les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux, dont l'entrée est gratuite cette année, en 2017

T1MG : Les informations contenues dans cette annonce sont objectif

DEMO : Je vais maintenant vous demander certains renseignements qui vont nous aider à grouper vos réponses avec celles des autres participants au présent sondage.

D1 : Laquelle  des  catégories  suivantes  correspond  le  mieux  à  votre  situation  d'emploi actuelle? Êtes-vous...

D2 : Quel est le plus haut niveau de scolarité que vous avez atteint?

D3 : Des enfants de 18 ans et moins habitent-ils actuellement dans votre foyer?

D4 : Laquelle des catégories suivantes décrit le mieux la somme des revenus de votre foyer en 2016?
Ce qui veut dire la somme totale des revenus combinés de toutes les personnes de votre foyer avant impôts en 2016?

D5 : Où êtes-vous né(e)?

D6 : En quelle année avez-vous immigré au Canada?

D7 : Quelle est la première langue que vous avez apprise lorsque vous étiez enfant et que vous comprenez toujours?


Voilà qui met fin au sondage que nous avons effectué pour le compte de Parcs Canada. Nous  vous  remercions beaucoup  d'avoir  pris  le  temps  d'y  participer,  nous  vous  en sommes reconnaissants.